Call of the Wild
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And love caught her by surprise (M)

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And love caught her by surprise (M) Empty And love caught her by surprise (M)

Post by Guest Sat Apr 06, 2013 8:39 pm

A black slender frame stood at a fork in a dusty path...she wasn't sure which way was for her, and she was probably over thinking it. This complication was very common for her...being unsure of a way. One could lead her to danger the other food, one could lead her to death and the other a pack, and so on. Taking a stressed breath the female paced in a circle for a little bit. Rose, as she was called, then headed down the left. She moved rapidly hunger raging in her stumoach, as a fresh wanted smell hit her and her ears picked up the sound of rushing water she broke out into a run. Dashing on the windy path to the water she halted. She dipped her head down and began lapping, her eyes looking forward as her ears swivled about alert.


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And love caught her by surprise (M) Empty Re: And love caught her by surprise (M)

Post by SeteDiSangue Sat Apr 06, 2013 9:56 pm

The large chocolate colored male made his way to his favorite spot down by the river dragging a fresh deer carcass with him. He was a large and muscular male but he probably wouldnt end up eating this whole buck alone. The fact he had managed to catch such a large beast being a loner was lucky to say the least. You could imagine he was in a good mood as he tugged on the deer's rough hide walking backwards not expecting anyone to be there. DeSoto turned out to be quite wrong though as he backed right up into the little fae his hind paw merely tapping her as he went to take a step backwards. He let out a surprised growl and turned to face her. "Uh sorry...." He said apologizing for backing into her she was quite pretty but looked hungry, maybe he should offer her some deer? Well if she wasn't hostile that is, if she was he'd have to chase her off. Technically it wasnt really his territory but when it came to other loners he liked to defend it.
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And love caught her by surprise (M) Empty Re: And love caught her by surprise (M)

Post by Guest Sun Apr 07, 2013 7:25 am

Rose suddenly felt her noise go into the water as something hit her from behind. Her head poped up as she went into a sneezing frenzy while rushing behind a tree. There she sneezed it out before poking her head out to see the handsome male before her, she felt like her heart stopped for a minute or two...skipping beats. Walking out she looked the utmost embarrassed, "I-it's fine, I just thought I was being atta-" her eyes landed on the deer and she whinned tail swooshing a bit. She remembered some pack eating information so she decided to use it instead of simply asking him. Lowering herself down submissively, but not rolling over, she scooted a little closer to his prey while wagging her tail. It was a common way of a less ranked wolf to get some food, though I don't think like Rose any waged their tails.

(Ugh, bad post.)


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And love caught her by surprise (M) Empty Re: And love caught her by surprise (M)

Post by SeteDiSangue Sun Apr 07, 2013 8:25 am

DeSoto chuckled as she seemed transfixed with his deer. "You can have some, there's no way I'm going to eat it all." He said padding over and rippin a peice off. He lives most of his life without a pack an honestly he wasn't a fan of them. He snapped at the meat swallowing it before tearin off another strip his maw bloodied. "Names DeSoto by the way...." He said his deep voice friendly. He didnt get many other wolves out in these parts but there was a new day for everything he guessed. He wondered what had brought this cute petite little fae out this way but he was content with eating and waiting for her name first.
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And love caught her by surprise (M) Empty Re: And love caught her by surprise (M)

Post by Guest Sun Apr 07, 2013 8:46 am

Rose got up quickly and came over, she bit in lustfuly. Blood splattered onto her muzzle as she ripped chunks of meat up and chewed. She was swallowing when he spoke his name, "Does it mean anything?" She asked curiously before adding, "Black Rose, please call me Rose though." She said before taking one last bite and laying down, she ate very fast compared to most wolves. When most met her they'd be afraid she'd eat everything when she started munching so quickly but she barley ate anything in the end. With a content sigh she said, "Thank you DeSoto." While wagging her tail.


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And love caught her by surprise (M) Empty Re: And love caught her by surprise (M)

Post by SeteDiSangue Sun Apr 07, 2013 8:53 am

DeSoto smiled eating happily. "Not that I know of..." He chuckled in response to her question. He ate a few more strips of meat before sitting down an licking the blood off of his maw. "Don't mention it. It's not everyday I get company around here." He said honestly, he looked her over for a momet her shiny ebony pelt was rather beautiful. "So Rose what brings you out this way?" He asked raising an eyebrow curiously and trying to make conversation.
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And love caught her by surprise (M) Empty Re: And love caught her by surprise (M)

Post by Guest Sun Apr 07, 2013 9:03 am

Rose listened to his response giving a curt nod while she watched him go back to eating. When he finished she raised up to sit with him. She was at least a good four inches smaller then this muscled brute before her. Her ears sprung forward to listen as he spoke, "Oh, lonely sounding. I dislike not having company greatly." She replied frowning a bit. When questioned she took a moment to think, "Oh just wondering about, no real destination. Though I am looking for a pack. I just left mine about a month ago....I'm only two." She explained starring at a large patch blood he missed. Like most females this bugged her and eventually she just leaned up and licked the blood off his cheek. "Sorry, you had blood under your eye." She said sheepishly, eyes moving to the ground.


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And love caught her by surprise (M) Empty Re: And love caught her by surprise (M)

Post by SeteDiSangue Sun Apr 07, 2013 9:11 am

DeSoto nodded as she explained her situation a cocky smirk coming onto his face as she licked the blood from his cheek. Although this only appeared after his initial shocked expression. "Thanks." He said with a chuckle smiling down at her as she avoided his gaze. He nudged her head up with his muzzle not liking how she stared at the ground so nervously. "Don't be so self conscious there Rose, I don't bite." He said seriously his voice soft at first but turning humorous towards the end.
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And love caught her by surprise (M) Empty Re: And love caught her by surprise (M)

Post by Guest Sun Apr 07, 2013 9:21 am

Rose's ears perked when he said thanks and she could feel the cocky smirk on him...this confused her a little. Most males she had met didn't like it when a fea cleaned them unless told to. Her puzzled look was replaced by a surprised expression as he lifted up her dark muzzle...she looked into his friendly eyes feeling like she couldn't pull away. Realizing he spoke she snapped out of it, "Sorry, what?" She asked with the sheepish gleam in her soft chocolatly brown eyes returning itself.


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And love caught her by surprise (M) Empty Re: And love caught her by surprise (M)

Post by SeteDiSangue Sun Apr 07, 2013 9:28 am

DeSoto chuckled softly at her. "I said don't be so nervous I don't bite." He repeated with a smile. She really was a beautiful young fae he gave her cheek a soft lick smiling and waiting for her reaction. If she didnt like it he wouldn't do it again, he was a respectful and friendly male something that tended to be rare. So many wolves were fine with just forcing themselves on faes but he wasn't like that.
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And love caught her by surprise (M) Empty Re: And love caught her by surprise (M)

Post by Guest Sun Apr 07, 2013 9:37 am

(I just realized I made her give him the wrong reason of being there. Lol it was some what right but I forgot her mother abandoned her so it was incorrect. Ugh lol)

"Oh" Rose said, "'s a habit. Also I-I lied earlier... My mother abandoned me at one so I've been in search of a pack ever since...roaming about" She atmited looking ashamed. When he licked her she was taken back and starred at him, she wasn't sure how to react to this sudden show of affection. Thinking for a moment she stood and shly approached him sitting down, she leaned in slightly...unsure if he'd mind her full weight or not. She looked him in the eyes waiting for his reaction.


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And love caught her by surprise (M) Empty Re: And love caught her by surprise (M)

Post by SeteDiSangue Sun Apr 07, 2013 9:54 am

DeSoto smiled as she leaned against him and he gave her another brief lick before he let out a low growl. Why would anyone abandon her? He couldn't even imagine leaving a young fae like herself all alone! He decided to watch what he said though deciding she might not take kindly to him calling her mother horrible... "So you've been alone all this time?" He asked his tone a little upset a mixture of concern and frustration with how she ended up all alone.
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And love caught her by surprise (M) Empty Re: And love caught her by surprise (M)

Post by Guest Sun Apr 07, 2013 10:01 am

Rose's tail thumped when he licked her muzzle again. She Nuzzled her shoulder before catching his words and sighing sadly. "Yes, my mother was a stubron wolf not willing to leave her mates death spot for anyone. Prey had gone scarce and she was too weak to feed more then herself...she needed to eat what she caught and not share. So she abandoned me at the boarder of the territory hell bent on staying and told me to fallow the elk. I did but of course a lone wolf can't take one down, they led me to a plentiful land. I staid there for awhile but it was too lonely so I began searching for a pack...some one to love me and accept me." When she finished she got up to get a drink real quick before laying at his paws. "What's your story? If I may know." She asked rolling over and playfully pawing him.


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And love caught her by surprise (M) Empty Re: And love caught her by surprise (M)

Post by SeteDiSangue Sun Apr 07, 2013 10:07 am

DeSoto nodded he supposed that wasn't so horrible as he had thought. He lay down and pawed back at her smiling. "We'll there isn't really much to tell. I grew up in a pack and when I was old enough I decided I wanted to go see what else the world had to offer. Been a loner ever since." He said with a smile. Nothing tragic had happened to him he was just off in search of something what he wasn't quite sure he had just known whatever it was it wasn't in his pack.
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And love caught her by surprise (M) Empty Re: And love caught her by surprise (M)

Post by Guest Sun Apr 07, 2013 10:10 am

"Oooh, an adventure? Must be a brave fellow huh?" Rose spoke playfully and aimed to nip him gently. With a sudden jolt she rolled over and got into the play stance. She barked at him, her tail wagging. "Well then let's go explore." She said turning and trotting into the woods. She stopped waiting for him to fallow her if he would.


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And love caught her by surprise (M) Empty Re: And love caught her by surprise (M)

Post by SeteDiSangue Sun Apr 07, 2013 10:13 am

DeSoto chuckled and followed after her happily snapping playfully at her tail as he got close to her. "Lead the way." He said with a smile nudging her onward with his muzzle. Quite enjoying the view from behind her.
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And love caught her by surprise (M) Empty Re: And love caught her by surprise (M)

Post by Guest Sun Apr 07, 2013 10:19 am

Rose giggled and took off in a run, she dashed about the trees spraying up occasional leafs that singled the end of summer. She giggled as she went not stopping till she fond something neat. She stopped watching a porcupine scramble about in search of a meal. "What's that? Mr.Adventure." she said flirtly.


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And love caught her by surprise (M) Empty Re: And love caught her by surprise (M)

Post by SeteDiSangue Sun Apr 07, 2013 10:40 am

DeSoto chuckled and sniffed at it careful not to get to close to the spines. "Porcupine... nasty little things he said holding up a paw and showing a tiny scar on the bottom. "Viscious devils got me once." He said picking up a stick in his jaws and poking the strange animal with it. It turned giving him a frustrated look and scurried away slowly. DeSoto chuckled.
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And love caught her by surprise (M) Empty Re: And love caught her by surprise (M)

Post by Guest Sun Apr 07, 2013 10:52 am

Rose listened then gave a slight gasp at the scar, " What were you doing?" She asked before he picked up the stick to bug it. She giggled a little at it's facial expression then looked at the now spine covered stick. She gave a impressed look and then asked, " How bad did the porcupine get you?" Her voice holding intrest.


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And love caught her by surprise (M) Empty Re: And love caught her by surprise (M)

Post by SeteDiSangue Sun Apr 07, 2013 10:59 am

DeSoto shrugged. "There were a lot of spines in my paw for a while but you step on them enough and they come out the other side." He said with a chuckle. "You can just pull em back out they break." He said seriously it had been a rather painful experience but he learned his lesson. Now he would always watch where he was walking.
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And love caught her by surprise (M) Empty Re: And love caught her by surprise (M)

Post by Guest Sun Apr 07, 2013 11:16 am

Rose grimaced at the thought of it, "Must of been incrustating." She said then started to countie on soon finding a doe helping her bran new baby stand for the first time. Quitley she laid to watch with a silent "awe" escaping her lips. Once the blue eyed fawn was up she got up and started towards a cave. Not caring to smell the air she walked in soon running back with a yelp. She tucked her tail tightly and went behind DeSoto...her body tremembling. A loud earsplitting roar echoed out of the cave and a raged bear came out.


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And love caught her by surprise (M) Empty Re: And love caught her by surprise (M)

Post by SeteDiSangue Sun Apr 07, 2013 11:22 am

"Rose I wouldn't..... Go in there." He said a little bit late as she came running out followed by a bear. That bear had lives there for some time and he didnt take kindly to visitors. DeSoto ran forward stepping between the two and letting out a loud growl at the bear. He hoped the bear was just warning them so he backed up a bit trying to get across that they meant no harm. He would fight the bear but if he didnt have to that would be nice.
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And love caught her by surprise (M) Empty Re: And love caught her by surprise (M)

Post by Guest Sun Apr 07, 2013 11:32 am

Rose watched from behind him scared to death as the bear once again roared at them. It slashed it's massive paw through the air showing it's teeth. Charging the grizzly stopped half way roaring yet again. Rose took off getting far from the beast, he responded with a grunt and went back into his 'lovely' cave home. Looking around her for DeSoto she panted loudly hoping he was okay.


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And love caught her by surprise (M) Empty Re: And love caught her by surprise (M)

Post by SeteDiSangue Sun Apr 07, 2013 11:39 am

DeSoto turned to look for Rose finding her shortly. "Nice one." He chuckled his tone teasing but still nice as usual. "He went back into his cave. Just didnt want to be bothered by a couple of pesky wolves." He said with a smirk giving her a reassuring lick. No need to be so frightened, although he supposed it was better than thinking the bear posed no threat.
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And love caught her by surprise (M) Empty Re: And love caught her by surprise (M)

Post by Guest Sun Apr 07, 2013 11:46 am

Rose smiled licking him enthusiastically, her concern obvious. Happy he was fine she sat down wagging her tail then giggled, "Yup" she said replying to his 'nice one'. She laughed more though when he called them pesky wolves. "Guess I wouldn't either." Smiling she got up and said, "Well I guess I should be going, it was nice to meet you DeSoto." She then yawned and turned going to search for a sleeping place.


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