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kaylee's surprise

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kaylee's surprise Empty kaylee's surprise

Post by aphrodite Fri Jan 08, 2010 7:35 pm

kaydn: i walk into the garden holden kaylee's hand gently in mine " ok open you can open them now" i smile as she gasp at the beauty

kaylee: i smile and open my eyes. i throw my arms around him " its just like you promised!" i say excitedly " thsnk you" i say before kissing him on the cheek i sit on the gruond in the feild of beautiful roses

kaydn: i sit ly next to her on the ground and look up at the clouds

kaylee: i lean back and rest my head on his chest listening to his heart

kaydn: " it still belongs to you" i say as i watch her

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kaylee's surprise Empty Re: kaylee's surprise

Post by Guest Sun Jan 10, 2010 11:07 am

(hey! I'll type up a reply right now!)


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kaylee's surprise Empty Re: kaylee's surprise

Post by Guest Sun Jan 10, 2010 12:32 pm

{Morning Dove and her pack}
I came bursting through the trees, my pack soon following behind. I went straight towards the people. Diego went towards their heads, Milo went towards the boy, Grace went towards the girl, and Kira, Hunter, Blue, and Dollar stayed around the edge of the meadow, we had them surrounded. In my human voice I yelled, "Why are you shapeshifters here." I knew they were shapeshifters by their smell, utterly disgusting. I stared impatiently at them, Diefo fidgeted, wanting so badly to rip out their necks. I growling a warning towards him and turned my attention back to the shapeshifters. Grace stared at the girl, holding hands with the boy, she wanted so badly to have someone to love.

Grace was by far the prettiest of the pack, but she didn't seem to like any of the males in the pack. Hunter paced, waiting for the signal to attack, he was the one who Grace seemed to most interested in, but he liked Blue. Blue loved Dollar, who loved Kira, who loved Diego, who loved me. I had no time for a mate so I payed no attention to the males and females love issues, but thinking about it now I was going to have to tell everyone the sad cycle of who liked who. Then they would figure it out.

I turned my attention back to the shapeshifters and waited impatiently, my white coat, the color of a dove's feathers, gleamed in the moonlight. My brown eyes glancing all around at ever member of my pack.


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kaylee's surprise Empty Re: kaylee's surprise

Post by aphrodite Sun Jan 10, 2010 6:50 pm

kaydn: i stand protectively infront of kaylee muscles flex and hands in a fist " who are you and what do you want" i yell angrily

kaylee: i stand behind kaydn not knowing what to do

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kaylee's surprise Empty Re: kaylee's surprise

Post by Guest Sun Jan 10, 2010 8:30 pm

(sorry her name is actually Chasing Dreams)
I snarled, "I am Chasing Dreams and this is my pack." I nodded back towards all the other wolves around me. The boy stepped in front of the girl, protecting her from harm. I glanced over once again and saw Grace staring in envy. I sighed and turned my attention back to the boy. "Who are you?" I said to him, looking at Diego who stood directly behind the girl, ready to attack, and fidgeting. He was having trouble controlling himself. I ran around to him and tackled him to the ground, just as he leaned forward and tried to take a snap at the girl. I growled at him warningly and turned towards Hunter, I nodded at him to come over, he ran over and led Diego over to the place he was before. Hunter whispered somehing to him and returned to the spot where Diego had been.


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kaylee's surprise Empty Re: kaylee's surprise

Post by aphrodite Sun Jan 10, 2010 8:41 pm

kaydn: " i am kaydn amd this is kaylee. now what do you want from us"' i say bravly. i was not going to let them get her

kaylee: scared i take kaydn's strong but tender hand

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kaylee's surprise Empty Re: kaylee's surprise

Post by Guest Sun Jan 10, 2010 9:38 pm

I flash a smile, "Well shapeshifter you're acting pretty brave." My eyes narrowed in on him, "Are you doing it to impress her?" I was trying to get into his head, it seemed to be working. My smile grew wider and I then replied, "This is our territory." I looked around nodding at everyone in my pack.

Diego stared at the couple, angry filled his eyes, he turned and looked at me, and his eyes changed. They were no longer filled with anger and hate, instead with love and forgiveness. I looked back at "Kaydn" and "Kaylee," they stood together, holding hands and filled with mixed emotions. I turned back to Diego and smiled.

My expression quickly changed as I said to Kaydn, "What do you two shape into?" I had a feeling, but that was because I was also a shapeshifter, so was the rest of my pack. Although we told no one, we felt like we were the only ones of our kind who changed into wolves. This is why I wanted to know what Kaydn and Kaylee shaped into, and if it was wolves, perhaps they could join our pack.


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kaylee's surprise Empty Re: kaylee's surprise

Post by aphrodite Mon Jan 11, 2010 4:30 am

kaylee: i speak up for the first time "anything,... everything" i say shifting to a small blue macaw. i flew to a small branch just over the wolfkaylee's surprise Exotic_birds_links

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kaylee's surprise Empty Re: kaylee's surprise

Post by Guest Mon Jan 11, 2010 9:56 pm

Diego lost it then, he leaped up, his claws and razor sharp teeth just missing one of the blue macaw's wings. I ran over to him, trying to stop him from tearing up the tree. He had his paws up on the tree, his neck outstretched towards the branches. I knocked him over, which was fairly hard seeing as he was the strongest in our pack, but somehow managed. Once he was calm, I looked up at the bird and smiled, "That's cool!" I turned back to Kaydn, "You too?" My smile grew wider and I turned into human form, my pack soon did the same. I looked back up at Kaylee, "Can you shape into a wolf? Because we are open for new members!" I looked back at Kaydn, lucky for us, shapeshifters when turned back into human form, have on the clothes they were last wearing.


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kaylee's surprise Empty Re: kaylee's surprise

Post by aphrodite Tue Jan 12, 2010 7:18 pm

kaydn: " sure. like she said any and every thing. we just have to study the object for a second" i turn to my wolf form. my hair was sleek and black my eyes blue and determind a looked at kaylee " when'd you get the bird down?" i ask not remebering ever seeing one

kaylee: i shift back to human and jump out of the tree " just before they came. it landed in a treee about a mile back"

kaydn: " oh, " i say then add " change to wolf so they can see

kaylee: i do as he said shifting to my wolf form my hair was a mix between blonde and brown my blue eyes darted aruond vividly looking as i listend carefuly to kaydn's thuaghts. he was thinking about how pretty i looked. i blushed

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kaylee's surprise Empty Re: kaylee's surprise

Post by Guest Fri Jan 15, 2010 10:01 pm

I looked at each member of my pack nodding. They trotted to my side, Diego directly beside me. Ours tails lingered beside each other, then with a flick of his tail, it layed over mine gently. I smiled and looked at Kaydn, "Well, would you two like to join our pack then?" I smiled, I wouldn't have to worry about their love issue seeing as they were obviously together. I started to walk back towards our den, Diego on my right and Grace on my left. The rest followed close behind.

Once we were back everyone headed in, I called out everyone except Kaydn and Kaylee. I wanted to ask everyone if they thought it was a good idea to let them join. Diego stepped up and said, "I'm with either way, whatever you want us to do." I smiled and turned to Grace, she relpied a little too quickly, "I'l love for them to stay." She obviously wanted to add, so I can learn why he loves her so passionately. I turned to Kira, "No," I sighed and didn't ask, "Hunter?" He turned, and sighed, "Sure." I smiled, but he cut it short, "But Diego and I are going to be keeping a close eye on them and all of you." He was mostly talking about the shewolves, but I nodded knowing what he meant. "Blue?" She nodded, she was the shy type. "Dollar?" He nodded and smiled, "Yes, and I'm with Diego and Hunter on this one." I sighed and smiled, "Okay."

After I finished every turned back to paying attention to the one they loved, I sighed and in frustration bubbled over, "You all need to open your eyes." They all turned to me, question marks on their faces. "You all are in a sad love circle." Their eyes all filled with shock and horror. I sighed, "Hunter." He turned his attention straight at me, "Why can't you see Grace loves you?" He turned, in shock towards Grace, who had started to blush. "Dollar." He looked straight at me, "Why can't you see Kira loves you?" He looked at her and she also blushed, I turned to Milo, "Milo." He knew I was going to say someone loved him, but he wasn't sure who, "Why can't you see that Blue loves you?" He turned towards Blue, she turned away and smiled, blushing.

I sighed and walked back into the den. "Okay, well, it has been decided that you two may stay and join our pack!" Enthusiasm in my voice, although it was fake.


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kaylee's surprise Empty Re: kaylee's surprise

Post by aphrodite Sat Jan 16, 2010 8:01 pm

kaydn: i smiled my clasic boyish grin " cool" was all i said shifting to my human form

kaylee: i smiled nervosly looking at the guy who had tried to get me and turn human runnign my fingures thruogh my long blonde hair

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kaylee's surprise Empty Re: kaylee's surprise

Post by Guest Sat Jan 16, 2010 11:58 pm

As a pack we preferred to be on wolf form, so when Kaydn and Kaylee changed back we stayed as our wolfish selves. I turned to Diego and smiled, I looked past him out into the woods and saw the sun start to descend behind them. "Well I'm going to go to bed, and I'm guessing so is the rest of the pack?" I smile at Kaydn and Kaylee, I then told them, "Each wolf has a partner who theyshare a den with, we have about 10 so some are vacant if you two would like to go claim one..?"

I turned around to face the rest of the pack, "After our discussion I'm guessing most of you would like to switch partners?" Grace was my partner, but she wanted to be with Hunter. Hunter's old partner was Diego, so now Diego and I were partners. I nodded in approval to everyone who came up with the people I had told them liked each other. I then got up and walked to my den, my paws making no sound as the hit the ground.

Diego followed close behind, catching up to me easily. I walked beside him, he walked faster and cut me off, "You seem like you may like me, but I cannot tell." I looked at him in shock, dodging the question I replied, "A lot has been going on around here Diego and you of all wolves should know that." I veered around him and headed towards the den once more. Diego chased after me, he stopped directly in front of me again, "You didn't answer my question." I stared at him, then veered around him once again. Only this time, just as I was passing him he knocked me over and stood above me, holding me down, " Chasing Dream answer the question." Diego never would call me by my full name, ever. I stared at him and turned away, I didn't want to answer his question, I didn't even know the answer.

He growled in frustration and moved off of me, I stood up and tried to run away, but he bit onto my tail and dragged me into the den. I yelled at him to let me go, he just pulled and pulled. We made it to the den and I freaked, "What was that about?" He stared at me, "You know what." I stared at him and shook my head, "Diego, I don't even know the answer." I turned away and walked farther into the den. Away from my new partner.


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kaylee's surprise Empty Re: kaylee's surprise

Post by aphrodite Mon Jan 18, 2010 10:25 am

kaydn: i nod and take kaylee's hand leading her for a liitle while the stop and shift to a wolf and enter a den

kaylee: i smile and shift my feet not making a sound on the floor of the den i curl up nexxt to kaydn who was already lightly snoring i smile and lay my head on my paws

kaydn: i drape my head oner kaylee's slender back and drift to sleep

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kaylee's surprise Empty Re: kaylee's surprise

Post by Guest Mon Jan 18, 2010 11:20 pm

Everyone settled with their new partners and probably, or soo to be, mates. Well everyone except for me and Diego.

I layed down and sighed. A few tears escaping my eyes. Diego walked over and layed beside me. He whispered, "I'm sorry Dream." He waited to see if I wanted to answer then continued, "You're just very hard to read, I can't tell your emotions, I can't tell anything. You're completely sealed off to me." I stared at him and. Rested my head on him, "Diego I'm sorry, I do have feelings for you, I'm just not sure what they are." He chuckled, "Lets hope they're good feelings." I smiled and layed my head back onto my paws. Diego sat there for a second, thinking. I looked out into the woods, the moon was behind thick clouds, it was going to be a dark night. I whispered, "Its going to be a dark one tonight." he nodded and layed his head over my small, slender back, whispering, "Be safe now Chasing Dreams." Shivers went through me, the way he had said those few words. So smooth, so seductive. So, so, sexy! I smiled and whispered back, "Keep me safe Diego." I could feel his grin spread across his face,"Sleep tight." I nodded and drifted into a much needed, and much appreciated sleep.


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kaylee's surprise Empty Re: kaylee's surprise

Post by aphrodite Tue Jan 19, 2010 4:29 am

kaydn: for a while i didnt sleep but instsead watched over keylee. i listened to her rythmic breath and the faint sound of her heart beating next to mine.i could see images in her head witch were just snipetts of her dream. i let out a small sigh and walked tothe entrance of the cave once again checking the dark for danger. my eyes scanned the night vividly but saw nothing of a threat. silently i lay back down next to kaylee without waking her and finaly fall alseep

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kaylee's surprise Empty Re: kaylee's surprise

Post by Guest Tue Jan 19, 2010 10:15 pm

All the females of the pack had fallen asleep. The males were too worried to rest, seeing as the darkness was thick and menacing.

Diego: I lifted my head off of Dream's back, looking out at the swaying trees. Their branches moving rhymically with the soft summers breeze. I sat up, still close to Dream, I wanted nothing to harm her. I heard a twig snap. I stepped over Dream, front feet infront of her and back feet behind her. I crouched, baring my teeth. A low ferocious growl rumbled from my pulled back lips. My teeth like razors were in clear view, ready to defend. Nothing happened and a small bunny hopped ou of the bushes, caught one look of me, an ran. I chuckled and layed back down, my head resting on Dream's small, slender, yet muscular back. My muscles were still slightly tensed, my feet ready to get back into position, in case the bunny wasn't the cause of the sound.

The sun started to rise after about 3 hours and I figured it was the bunny. Dream stirred, waking up slowly. I closed my eyes and managed to look as though I had slept the whole night. She woke up and I lifted my head, making my expression look groggy. I stiffled a smile and said, "Morning, love." She smiled an looked out of our den, "Well we better go wake up the others." Yawning part way through. She stood up and tried to walk a few steps forward. She headed for a wall and I stood up chuckling. I walked over to her in half as many strides as sh had to and let her lean against me as I lead her put of the den. I howled at the mouth of the cave, telling the others to come and meet to decide what was going to happen today.


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kaylee's surprise Empty Re: kaylee's surprise

Post by aphrodite Wed Jan 20, 2010 6:31 pm

kaydn: i awoke with the rising sun. the pink-ish color filled our den glisening on kaylees blonde coat. i smiled as i leaned in the entreance of the cave. i waited for her to wake up and hummed softly as her eyes fluttered open

kaylee: i woke as the sun shined britter peaking its head over the tree line. i blinked my eyes open slowly; i waasnt a morning person. i shifted to my human for like kaydn had and kissed him lightly on the cheek making him blush as always. " beautiful this morning" i said looking at the growwing sun

kaydn: i took her into my strong arms " yes, you are" i say kissing the top of her forehead gently

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kaylee's surprise Empty Re: kaylee's surprise

Post by Guest Wed Jan 20, 2010 6:48 pm

Once the pack had gathered we all shifted back to human form. I looked around and saw, that all the people who were now den partners, were holding hands. Well again, everyone except me and Diego. I looked over at Grace and saw she was happy, not the fake happy she normally was, I could see it in her eyes. I looked over at the den that Kadyn and Kaylee were in and smiled. Kadyn was talking to her, making her blush. I smiled and was surprsied when Diego walked up beside me. He had a shirt on, but it wasn't buttoned. I didn't pay attention to him though, I didn't even realize it was him, all I noticed was the presence of another person beside me. My hand lingered by my side, it was sitting alone. It was soon filled with Diego's hand. His warm, soft, and gentle touch sent shivers up and down my spine. I heard whispering behind me and turned to see Grace stop whispering all of a sudden and smile sheepishly. I smiled back and turned to Kadyn, "Kadyn, we need you two to come here to discuss with us." I saw his expression, he didn't seem happy that he had to come over here and not have Kaylee alone to himself anymore. I winked at him and said, "It won't take long."


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kaylee's surprise Empty Re: kaylee's surprise

Post by aphrodite Wed Jan 20, 2010 6:54 pm

kaydn: a littler resentfuly i take kaylee's dainty hand and lead her behind my to the small gathering. my green eyes sacnning the horizon.

kaylee: i smile still a little sleepy and follow silently behind kaydn. my hand was warm inside his. my vibrant blue eyes scanned over his shirtless body stoping at his tatoos and smile remebering the story behind them

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kaylee's surprise Empty Re: kaylee's surprise

Post by Guest Wed Jan 20, 2010 7:14 pm

I smiled and looked back at my pack. None of the guys were wearing shirts, and somehow Diego's had disappeared. I looked at him, blinking to make sure I was completely awake. His shirt never reappeared. I looked around, each guy had a different tattoo with a unique, intricate tattoo. As Kadyn and Kaylee made it over, everyone moved to form a circle. They left open a spot for Kaylee and Kadyn. Once everyone was in place I turned and looked at everyone person, nodding, "Good morning, Diego, Kira, Dollar, Kadyn, Kaylee, Hunter, and Grace." I smiled warmly and said, "This will only take a few minutes, but we need to decide what we are going to do today. Such as, who will hunt, gather, guard, etc." I turned to Kadyn and Kaylee, "And if you two would like to stay permanently or temporarily. We'd love you to stay, but it is completely up to you."


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kaylee's surprise Empty Re: kaylee's surprise

Post by aphrodite Wed Jan 20, 2010 7:30 pm

kaylee: " we'd love to" i say before kaydn could speak knowing he say a bunch of stuf about my safety and other needless concerns

kaydn: i nod with a slight smile "i can guard and hunt" i offer

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kaylee's surprise Empty Re: kaylee's surprise

Post by Guest Thu Jan 21, 2010 6:12 am

I smiled at Kaylee, "Great!" I looked over at Kaydn, "Good good. So now all the males here are guards. You, Diego, and Kira are hunters. Me, Grace, and Bl-" I looked around Blue was nowhere in sight. I sighed, 'She probably left to go find someone to love.' I thought, 'Yeah that's probably where she went. "Ok me and Grace are gatherers. And Kaylee what would you like to be?" I smiled sweetly at her, we'd be happy no matter where she decided to be, job wise.


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kaylee's surprise Empty Re: kaylee's surprise

Post by Faye Thu Jan 21, 2010 6:11 pm

I walk in wolf form through the clearing in the woods gazing at the wolves gathering warily.I lowered my body slightly to tell them I meant no harm.My golden eyes darted around the place,eyeing all of the dens.
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kaylee's surprise Empty Re: kaylee's surprise

Post by aphrodite Thu Jan 21, 2010 7:47 pm

kaylee: " i dont care i can do anything i am needed to do" i say knowing that probably didnt help but i was willing to do anything

kaydn: i stand a little protectivly in front af kaylee " we're not alone" i say in a low tone so i wouldnt cuase an alarm

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