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storms making a heard !

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storms making a heard ! - Page 30 Empty Re: storms making a heard !

Post by Guest Sun Feb 21, 2010 10:51 am

Storm- He scoffed whipping his forlock out of his wild eyes he looked down at the mare his mucels flexing looking her deep in the eyes and obviousley fightening her he broke his firm lock on her and she stuttred in a breath "I dont mid Smart-asses, but dont go barking up the wrong tree.. mare". he almost hissed. She was welcome to join his heard but she better keep in her place... or else.


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storms making a heard ! - Page 30 Empty Re: storms making a heard !

Post by Guest Sun Feb 21, 2010 9:34 pm

Selene: My old quiet self slowly started to ease over me as the suns rays start to shine on my white sparkling coat. I flash a glance over to Amanda, my ears going to nuetral as I sigh and walk behind the others.


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storms making a heard ! - Page 30 Empty Re: storms making a heard !

Post by Guest Mon Feb 22, 2010 5:23 pm

~ I pick up my pace trotting swiftley we were alomost at are destination.


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storms making a heard ! - Page 30 Empty Re: storms making a heard !

Post by Guest Mon Feb 22, 2010 9:46 pm

Hooves pounded the ground making it sound as if thunder was crashing through the air, shadows whiped all around as the pounding hooves get louder and louder...


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storms making a heard ! - Page 30 Empty Re: storms making a heard !

Post by Saviour Tue Feb 23, 2010 4:59 pm

I snort and pin my ears at his response "Whatever, stallion" I grin and bow when he leaves, then look over at the new horse and snort, I didn't care to be around others, just didn't like other horses who are annoying. I wonder how I will do here with all of these horses, and lower my head to graze, swiveling my ears around to every sound.
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storms making a heard ! - Page 30 Empty Re: storms making a heard !

Post by Guest Tue Feb 23, 2010 10:01 pm

a Black horse trotted in. her muscles were strongly built, the only thing wrong with her was she was short and LOOKED shy


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storms making a heard ! - Page 30 Empty Re: storms making a heard !

Post by Guest Thu Feb 25, 2010 10:21 pm

the mare stoped and looked around her eyes bloody red, they flickered like a wild fire, her shorter body stood tall her mane and tail flowing behind her, she looked from horse to horse making it look like she was ``scared`` but she was really studying them seeing what she was dealing with. she pinned her ears back alittle and looked to the stallion her eyes looked like they were driping with blood, her fangs hidden. she was not normal... that was her problem in life, she was diffrent


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storms making a heard ! - Page 30 Empty Re: storms making a heard !

Post by Guest Fri Feb 26, 2010 6:11 am

~Storm- I whip around quickley and snarl at the mares remark my sharp hoove cutting close to her skull barley missing it my eyes drip with venom and they glow the color of fresh cut blood she had no idea I could kill her with my mind i did not even have to blink to triggor my venom to send her wrething in pain on the ground and every bone in her body broken I hiss stupid mare " I really dont think you know who you are calling stallion you worthless mare you dont even come close to evil only the best are here and I am the leader of this heard you could be dead in a spilt secound if you dont whatch who your talking to theres one thing as being a smart ass but when you say it to me and you could die for it then it is not so much being a smart ass its just being plain stupid." He spat his mane whipping in his face as he turned once again with his heard and trotted to a new spot for them to continue their journey kicking dirt in her face as he went-

(Sorry hes really mean lol no offense to anybody sometimes I think that some of the other players think that it is the actual player that is being mean but its just role playing someone asked me about that lol so just to clear that up we are all nice people just some of are horses are not lol)


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storms making a heard ! - Page 30 Empty Re: storms making a heard !

Post by Guest Fri Feb 26, 2010 12:01 pm

The mare looked to the other horses her fangs were showing slightly, her mane whiped around her, her tail flowed in the wind


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storms making a heard ! - Page 30 Empty RE: storms makin a heard

Post by Artemis Sinfeather Sat Feb 27, 2010 3:59 pm

I appear from the bushes tossing my fiery mane '' I hear you're making a new herd?'' I trotted closer to them giving the stallion my scent
Artemis Sinfeather
Artemis Sinfeather
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storms making a heard ! - Page 30 Empty Re: storms making a heard !

Post by Guest Sat Feb 27, 2010 5:09 pm

I rolled my eyes and mumbled something crude under my breath and walked ahead of Storm soon coming to a new clearing and stopped


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storms making a heard ! - Page 30 Empty Re: storms making a heard !

Post by Guest Sun Feb 28, 2010 8:44 am

Storm- I snalr and keep walking but slow my pace stupid mares think stallions are so weak that they can seduce them with their scent "Yes I am"


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storms making a heard ! - Page 30 Empty Re: storms making a heard !

Post by Guest Sun Feb 28, 2010 1:35 pm

Roxy~ I shook my body once again changing it's coloring to a white coat with black and gold celtic knots and my liquidy gold mane fell down my elegant neck and I swished my long tail, my eyes were now a emerald green with gold lining the edge of the iris and spreading slightly into the green and sparkled.


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storms making a heard ! - Page 30 Empty Re: storms making a heard !

Post by Guest Tue Mar 02, 2010 11:01 pm

Selene: Feeling a bit oddly bold, I pin my ears and toss my head at Roxy while swishing my tail. It must be the anxiousness to get moving I had become more and more irritated.


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storms making a heard ! - Page 30 Empty Re: storms making a heard !

Post by Guest Wed Mar 03, 2010 5:13 am

~I strode in next to Roxy and nuzzeld her softly as we walked into the clearing off in the distance weird noises were comeing, that would be our next challande-


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storms making a heard ! - Page 30 Empty Re: storms making a heard !

Post by Saviour Fri Mar 05, 2010 6:52 pm

I snarl when he "attacks" me and then ignore his actions afterwards, I would odds are leave soon, he didn't understand me, just like every one else, they never would, I grinned, thinking about how nomadic I could be. I shrug and turn around and leave, this stallion was annoying,stupid, and didn't understand the meaning of evil.
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storms making a heard ! - Page 30 Empty Re: storms making a heard !

Post by Guest Sat Mar 06, 2010 6:45 am

Storm- I ignore the stupid mares anoyying thoughts as I strife in powerfully she could be dead and I did not even have to blink to make it happen, she knew nothing, just a stuck up mare who is full of herself and has probley never killed anything in her life. He hissed menicingly as she left blood and venom dripping from his sharp fangs-


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storms making a heard ! - Page 30 Empty Re: storms making a heard !

Post by Guest Sat Mar 06, 2010 9:17 am

Selene: I snarl to myself and arch my neck, ears pinned flat back against my head. I turn and nip Roxy's shoulder then turn my rump to her and buck, but I don't kick her. I must be getting spring fever, all I wanted was to get where we were suppost to be. Though my actions could cost a painful blow, I could deal with it. All I was doing was trying to inspire them to keep moving.


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storms making a heard ! - Page 30 Empty Re: storms making a heard !

Post by Guest Sun Mar 14, 2010 4:20 pm

I turned my head slightley takeing powerful lunge like steps forward and snorted at Selene pinning my eas for a secound and then turning away, He knew Roxy could handle herself, though he would protect her if she needed it. He glared sharpey back at Selene, a smple warning nipping her flank softly not enough to draw blood but enough to let her know to stop messing around. I turn back to my path, and pick up my speed as it is now midnight, and the cretures of the land we are entering are now at play, the secound test awaits.


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storms making a heard ! - Page 30 Empty Re: storms making a heard !

Post by Guest Mon Mar 15, 2010 1:20 pm

Selene: I squeal slightly and unpin my ears. Licking my lips I follow, ears now pricked. Eyes bright with excitement, I lift my feet high as I prance behind them.


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storms making a heard ! - Page 30 Empty Re: storms making a heard !

Post by Guest Mon Mar 15, 2010 3:18 pm

Storm- I walk on powerfully my hooves scarping the ground my powerful strides keeping me a few feet ahead of the others. I looked over at Roxy nuzzeling her slighlentley leting out a sharp peircing cry, if we stopped now they would surely die.

(Where is Roxy and Yamika Nike Scarlett and like everyone else did they just stop RPing ??? )


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storms making a heard ! - Page 30 Empty Re: storms making a heard !

Post by Guest Tue Mar 16, 2010 10:13 pm

Selene: I prick my ears now and nicker in antisipation (sp), flagging my tail. My steps are high and true now, my muscles bunched in eagerness. Eyes bright with excitement I follow our leaders readily.

(I have no clue. But I do know that roxy girls dad just got back from bagdad, or something like that. And also they have been having problems with their internet so she might have enough minutes or something like that for it.)


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storms making a heard ! - Page 30 Empty Re: storms making a heard !

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