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Look Out, There Be Storms [Unicorn_Fluff Only] [T-M]

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Look Out, There Be Storms [Unicorn_Fluff Only] [T-M] Empty Look Out, There Be Storms [Unicorn_Fluff Only] [T-M]

Post by Blackberry Fri Jan 25, 2013 9:41 am


Tarjack sat on the cliff, his pelt bushed out as the spray gently splashed aganst his mixture of brown-and-grey coat. He flicked a ear and glanced at the beach to see humans gathering up their things and accomanies as the struggled to leave. A storm was coming. Dark gray clouds covered the sky, blocking out warm sunlight. An icy wind sliced through the air, causing Tarjack to shuder ever so slightly. He flicked his tail as the humans tripped over their own skinny paws to get to their metal beasts. Being young, you would thing Tarjack was young and foolish. And he was, sitting on a cliff, the middle of a storm, not even a tiny bit of fear in his soul. He let a sigh escape from his throat.

Humans. Humans were the cause of the storm. The dog spirits were angry, and now they were going to destroy everything. The ocean was now roaring with rage, white foam covering the aqua surface. Angry waves rose up, crashing into the now black waters. Tarjack licked a paw as he watched the storm. He knew why the storm was here, and that was all that mattered. The cliff beneath him was rough and bumpy, and he stood. "Bring all you have, dog spirits!" he howled. "I am just as displeased as you are! The filthy humans are destroying everything you have created! Do your worst, spirits of the sky!"

[The post thingy is being a butt right now, and so is my keyboard. I would've made it longer, but all the mistakes I'm making are making me want to smack myself with a brick. Anyway, basically, it's the end of the world, yadayadayada. If you don't like it, then we can change it. xD]
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Look Out, There Be Storms [Unicorn_Fluff Only] [T-M] Empty Re: Look Out, There Be Storms [Unicorn_Fluff Only] [T-M]

Post by Unicorn_Fluff Fri Jan 25, 2013 9:59 am

(It's fine, I didn't notice any mistakes. And I love the plot!)

Nanuk watched the tiny dogs smugly, chuckling as they shivered in their master's arms. "Petty." She muttered, shifting her paws on the wet pavement. The weather was finally perking up around here. The rain and icy cold wind was welcome as it bit into her face and hardly penetrated her thick coat. The husky mix stood, glancing around before trotting away from her rapidly packing owner. She didn't care about him, and she knew that he didn't care about her. Nanuk was just money to him, and that love was the last thing they shared. He watched her go, but didn't object. With a smirk on her face, Nanuk ran towards the beach, relishing the cold fingers running through her fur as she stretched out her long legs in front of her.

The wet sand clung to her coat, stuck between her paws and generally irritated her. It was worth it to jump into the rising tide, to be pulled under and pushed back up. It was exhilarating. A soaking wet dog emerged, chocolate brown eyes wide open and a grin on her face. Nanuk resumed her mad dash around the beach, kicking up sand and water. A howl caught her attention, and she slowed to a stop. Nanuk tilted her head at the dog, wondering why he was sitting up there when he could be enjoying this wonderful weather. "Spirits of the sky?" She had never heard of such things. With a little reluctance, Nanuk lifted her own maw into the air, and returned his howl.
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Look Out, There Be Storms [Unicorn_Fluff Only] [T-M] Empty Re: Look Out, There Be Storms [Unicorn_Fluff Only] [T-M]

Post by Blackberry Fri Jan 25, 2013 10:09 am

(Yay :'D)


Tarjak chanted, "May the spirits spread their wrath on these pitiful souls!" he cried. "May they send their bodie tumbling-" He was interrupted by a howl. He angled his ear towards the noise and spotted a dog standing near the tide. "Fool," he hissed, climbing down the cliff. "You have ruined my chant." His brown eyes darkened as he spotted the color wrapped around her neck. "Figures," he said with a sneer. "You're a housepet. May the spirits curse your horid soul. You do not belong here. Go back to your humans, weak dog." He bared his teeth at her.

Stupid housepets, coming along like little fools, acting as if their mothers hadn't told them about the spirits of the stars.

(Got a little braindead near the end.)
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Look Out, There Be Storms [Unicorn_Fluff Only] [T-M] Empty Re: Look Out, There Be Storms [Unicorn_Fluff Only] [T-M]

Post by Unicorn_Fluff Fri Jan 25, 2013 10:19 am

Nanuk was taken back by his tone, and decided to not try to control her temper. "Chant? To what? Only pups believe in those foolish fairytales!" She snarled, stepping forward. "I am no house pet. I've been places where you would die within dies! Here, you can just eat what humans leave behind and live a cushy life, even as a pitiful stray!" Her hackles rose, and she stood as tall as she could, and looked down at him. "Come on down to Alaska with me, we'll see who doesn't belong." Nanuk lunged, aiming to knock him over and pin him.

She couldn't believe this dog. He worshiped things that didn't exist and thought chanting to the clouds would help anything.

(Lol same.)
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Look Out, There Be Storms [Unicorn_Fluff Only] [T-M] Empty Re: Look Out, There Be Storms [Unicorn_Fluff Only] [T-M]

Post by Blackberry Fri Jan 25, 2013 10:27 am


Tarjak snarled at her, barely scrambling out of the way when she lunged at him. He yelped as he felt a cut on his leg, and stumbled away. "Do you hear that?" he hissed, pricking one ear. The wind howled loudly. It sounded almost canine. When the wind blew, the storm grew larger, crashing down firmly and throwing spray everywhere. "It is the dog spirits. They are displeased with the human for destroying everything they created." His hackles rose. "I chant to please them. I surely do not want to end up as a human, slayed and dismembered."
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Look Out, There Be Storms [Unicorn_Fluff Only] [T-M] Empty Re: Look Out, There Be Storms [Unicorn_Fluff Only] [T-M]

Post by Unicorn_Fluff Fri Jan 25, 2013 10:37 am

Nanuk whirled around to face him, snarling. "If your beloved dog spirits do exist, then they wouldn't murder the innocents, like infants. But it seems they are intent on doing that. Do you follow that law? To murder those who have done nothing to deserve it?" She stepped forward, eyes trained on him menacingly. "There are no dog spirits, only nature and the things it intends." Nanuk felt herself float from the cloud of anger, and lowered her hackles. "I suggest you get your mind back into reality. Believing in that crap won't help you." A wave washed over her back, surprising her slightly, but she kept her ground. "Now go get shelter before this hurricane kills you." Nanuk wanted to believe it was a hurricane, but it smelled different, much worse. "Or whatever it is. Just don't sit out in the open like an idiot."
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Look Out, There Be Storms [Unicorn_Fluff Only] [T-M] Empty Re: Look Out, There Be Storms [Unicorn_Fluff Only] [T-M]

Post by Blackberry Fri Jan 25, 2013 10:57 am


[color=grey]Tarjak glared at her, then sighed, shaking his head. "Your living with humans has driven the belief of dog spirits out of your mind," he said sadly. Then he nodded. "Very well, then. If you wish to doubt the power of the dog spiris, then I will leave you to do that. May the dog spirits be with you." With the flick of his tail, he climbed back onto the cliff and sat on the perch, stiffening his body and perking his ears, staring intently at the black swirling water.

(I'd better head to bed.... .-. I'll be back in a few hours, it's almost 3 AM xD G'night!)
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Look Out, There Be Storms [Unicorn_Fluff Only] [T-M] Empty Re: Look Out, There Be Storms [Unicorn_Fluff Only] [T-M]

Post by Unicorn_Fluff Fri Jan 25, 2013 11:02 am

Nanuk rolled her eyes. "Living with humans has let me see what is really there." She muttered, turning and trotting towards an abandoned food stand. She sniffed a hot dog, grimacing at the scent. "Blegh, how do humans eat this crap?" Nanuk turned away, wishing there was a forest around. A rabbit would taste good. She looked back at the dog, sneering. "Idiot. He'll be dead within hours." The husky hopped up into an abandoned store, cutting her pads on the broken glass. There wasn't much, sine it had been empty for a while, but it still held a dusty old cellar that would make good shelter. Leaving red paw prints, Nanuk trotted down the steps, curling up in a corner and sighing.
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Look Out, There Be Storms [Unicorn_Fluff Only] [T-M] Empty Re: Look Out, There Be Storms [Unicorn_Fluff Only] [T-M]

Post by Blackberry Sat Jan 26, 2013 10:46 pm


Tarjak watched he go and shook his head. Dogs these days were loyal to their humans and followed them around as if they were attached by a thread, which they were. They had lost their belief in the dog spirits, and any dog who did believe was ridiculed and looked down apon. The sky grew darker, and the sun was hidden behind the dark grey clouds. The ocean grew more angry, throwing up more waves then before, spraying Tarjak with spray. Realizing that he wouldn't be safe on the cliff, he scrambled down and bounded to an abandoned food stand. The scent of the female wafted into his nostrils, and he looked at the bloody paw prints she had left behind. He followed them into a cellar, and a raw, musty scent made him curl his lips. He descended down the steps and spotted the female curled up in a corner. "Mind if I stay here?" It wasn't exactly a question, more like a statement. "The dog spirits are more angry then ever, and I want to make sure I'm out of the way while they unleash their wrath."
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Look Out, There Be Storms [Unicorn_Fluff Only] [T-M] Empty Re: Look Out, There Be Storms [Unicorn_Fluff Only] [T-M]

Post by Unicorn_Fluff Sun Jan 27, 2013 2:49 pm

Nanuk had just begun to doze off when she heard the sound of paws. Groaning in displeasure, the dog lifted her head to look at him. "So they don't spare even those who worship them? Better change your beliefs, 'cause your current ones are gonna get you killed." She stated, watching him with her chocolate brown eyes. "Do you deserve to stay here, is the question. It is not my territory, I have no claim over it. It's just a matter on what you think." Nanuk licked her paw, grimacing at the metallic taste of her own blood. "I won't turn away a dog who has done me no wrong."
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Look Out, There Be Storms [Unicorn_Fluff Only] [T-M] Empty Re: Look Out, There Be Storms [Unicorn_Fluff Only] [T-M]

Post by Blackberry Sun Jan 27, 2013 3:03 pm


"I would much rather believe in them now, since if I continue to believe, they may spare the ones who still listen to them," Tarjak responded. He shook his head slightly at her words before padding to a corner in the cellar and curling up. He let out a tiny yawn and murmured a prayer to the dog spirits before closing his eyes. He fell into a dreamless slumber.

[Sorry, very braindead xD Time skip?]
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Look Out, There Be Storms [Unicorn_Fluff Only] [T-M] Empty Re: Look Out, There Be Storms [Unicorn_Fluff Only] [T-M]

Post by Unicorn_Fluff Sun Jan 27, 2013 4:36 pm

"I don't think they would spare you, since you called me a weak dog because I lived with humans." She muttered, curling back up and glaring over at him. Nanuk has believed once. She had prayed and prayed to them when her father had been taken out with the team to hunt. She prayed for his safe return. He never did. Her father's body was never found. He had been a healthy dog, only 5 years old, who had never done anybody wrong. They still took his life. Shaking the sad thoughts from her head, Nanuk slept.

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Look Out, There Be Storms [Unicorn_Fluff Only] [T-M] Empty Re: Look Out, There Be Storms [Unicorn_Fluff Only] [T-M]

Post by Blackberry Wed Jan 30, 2013 3:22 pm

Tarjak woke up and yawned. He forgot where he was, and looked around wildly. He relaxed his shoulders as he remembered that he was in the cellar with the cranky dog. He stretched his tired muscles and moved towards the stairs. He scrambled up the stone stairs and peered out of the metal door. Sand and water covered everything, and sea creatures that had been tossed out of the sea were scrambling on land. Crabs waddled back into the sea, and sea stars clung to rocks. Tarjak climbed over the wood stand and walked across the sand, making sure that he went around the stranded sea creatures. He climbed up the rocks that led to the parking lot. The great palm trees that grew on the grass near the lot were blown back, and a few of them had fallen on top of the cars that had been left behind. The great, towering, smelly buildings that fogged the sky looked broken and old. The windows were cracked, and the metal looked rusted. Pipes leaked smelly green liquid and broken fire hydrants sent water streaming into the air. Truly, this place was a wasteland. But Tarjak felt strangely comforted and proud that the dog spirits had destroyed the evil humans that had turned their earth into their own disgusting paradise. Humans that hadn't reached shelter in time were either impaled on sharp objects or lay bleeding underneath fallen signs and structures. The first thought that struck Tarjak, other then the destruction, was hunger. The female had eaten the stand food, so there was clearly nothing there. Tarjak had no choice but to go to the broken stores and see if any food had survived the savage storm.

[Sorry for the wall of text and late post D:]
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Look Out, There Be Storms [Unicorn_Fluff Only] [T-M] Empty Re: Look Out, There Be Storms [Unicorn_Fluff Only] [T-M]

Post by Unicorn_Fluff Thu Jan 31, 2013 9:22 pm

Nanuk listened to him depart, and grunted. What had she expected? Company and a companion to explore hurricane wreckage with? No. She could never get along with a dog who believed in the entities that had let her down. She lifted her head, and twisted her front paw to glance at it. The blood had dried over. She had suffered through worse; biting cold, sharp ice, and a little frost bite on her left back paw. Small cuts were easily dealt with. Her stomach rumbled. The few things she had salvaged from the food stand had been icky and she had barely kept it down. Frozen fish that had been buried in the snow for many winter months was better than the pig entrails that humans put in their food. Grumbling with annoyance, Nanuk got to her paws, feeling the tender spots in her pads against the cold floor. She trotted out into the daylight, and gasped. The storm had been no hurricane. Her nose stung with the scents that came from underground, and the scent of dead humans. Tears threatened to prick her eyes, but the hardened dog inside of her kept them at bay. Nanuk swore, that if she ever saw that brute again, that she would tell hi everything she thought about his so called 'dog spirits'. Stepping gingerly over a suspiciously green puddle, she headed over to a downed billboard, closing her eyes as she passed a dead woman. "Monsters." Nanuk growled at the dog spirits she no longer believed in. Continuing on her way, the dog tried to ignore the several bodies she passed. A stray caught her attention, and Nanuk watched the mutt as he hunted around, sniffing one of the few bodies she had come upon. With a snarl of rage, Nanuk lunged forward, pinning the dog on his side. "You'd better leave them well alone! I don't care if they can't fight back, because you sure are as good as dead to me, at the moment. After all, you're a rookie at this sort of thing. Full blooded huskies aren't." A little lie never hurt anybody. Her blood lines made no difference to her, but she had heard tiny dogs talking about the dogs who came from Alaska, and had always grinned smugly as they portrayed her in a picture of power.She stepped off of him, baring her teeth to send him running. Nanuk sneered in disgust, and hopped into an old convenience store, sniffing around for something to fill her belly.

(Woah, got bit by the muse bug there. And sorry about the late reply.)
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Look Out, There Be Storms [Unicorn_Fluff Only] [T-M] Empty Re: Look Out, There Be Storms [Unicorn_Fluff Only] [T-M]

Post by Blackberry Fri Feb 01, 2013 8:28 am

(Holy crap, the body thing gave me an idea.)

Tarjak decided not to go to the stores - there's no telling what kind of sea monster had ended up in the rubble of stores. He sniffed around, and a warm, yet deathly, scent filled his nostrils. He followed the scent and found a child, around eleven, with its legs and head crushed by what looked like bricks from a stone building. For a moment, he felt sad and angry at the dog spirits. But, he knew that they had killed the humans for a reason. He used his shoulder to push the bricks away before ripping away the child's clothes, revealing the bloody and torn body below. His mouth watered and he eagerly dug into the legs, tearing at the tough skin. A human was much more difficult to eat then normal everyday prey.

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Look Out, There Be Storms [Unicorn_Fluff Only] [T-M] Empty Re: Look Out, There Be Storms [Unicorn_Fluff Only] [T-M]

Post by Unicorn_Fluff Fri Feb 01, 2013 6:04 pm

Nanuk pulled a rather soft apple from the shelf, remembering her old master feeding dried slices of the sweet fruit to her when she was little. Her tail wagged a little. Closing her eyes, the dog slowly nibbled away the flesh around the core, spitting out seeds with disgust. It didn't hold the saltiness of meat, but fruit was good. Fruit was always good. Nanuk lifted her head, jumping from the broken window and landing with a humph. She glanced around, brown eyes wary. The apple had done little good to fill her belly. A ripping sound caught her attention, and Nanuk whirled around, nearly sneering when she saw the dog. The scent of fresh blood caught her attention, and she nearly roared in rage. Her powerful shoulders lurched into action, carrying her at full speed towards the dog. Nanuk felt glass and other sharp debris digging into the old wounds on her pads, but she was to focused on her 'prey' to notice. When she hit, she hit hard, aiming to send him tumbling and pin the mutt.
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Look Out, There Be Storms [Unicorn_Fluff Only] [T-M] Empty Re: Look Out, There Be Storms [Unicorn_Fluff Only] [T-M]

Post by Blackberry Fri Feb 01, 2013 6:09 pm

Tarjak had finished that leg and had moved onto the next, but something suddenly rammed into him. He yelped in surprise and pain as he hit the ground, and debris cut into his body. "What's wrong with you?" he snarled, struggling to his paws. The human he had been eating looked disgusting now with dust and debris that had been kicked up on it's half eaten legs. "I can't even do anything without you coming out of nowhere and challenging me."
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Look Out, There Be Storms [Unicorn_Fluff Only] [T-M] Empty Re: Look Out, There Be Storms [Unicorn_Fluff Only] [T-M]

Post by Unicorn_Fluff Fri Feb 01, 2013 6:24 pm

Nanuk bristled, appearing bigger than she had ever been. "Ever heard of the term, "Rest in Peace?" Everybody deserves it, even humans. There is plenty of food in this town, enough to feed you until you die! And you, you evil dog, choose to eat an innocent little girl who has done nothing to harm you? It's sick!" She snarled, stepping forward with a menacing growl. "I challenge you because you make foolish choices, and disgusting ones at that. Your dog spirits are just as evil as the humans, wiping out innocents. Because you believe in such foolish things, does it give you a right to be a monster?" Nanuk turned, gently pressing her nose into the human's bloody chest. "I'm so... so sorry. Many people deserved this, but not children. Not children like you. The dog spirits have done wrong. I am glad I no longer believe in them."
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Look Out, There Be Storms [Unicorn_Fluff Only] [T-M] Empty Re: Look Out, There Be Storms [Unicorn_Fluff Only] [T-M]

Post by Blackberry Fri Feb 01, 2013 6:35 pm

Tarjak snorted as she spoke. "So, I guess that humans are not food?" he asked coldly. "They are food to me. Do you think the dog spirits killed them just for fun? No. Humans have destroyed forests, killed dogs, and are destroying our planet. The dog spirits are only returning the favor." He licked the blood from his muzzle. Even though he had eaten the human's leg, it had only filled his belly a little. It looked so tasty, even with the layers of dust and debris covering it... Tarjak shook his head. The female would snap his throat in half if he tried to eat it as she mooned over the body. Tarjak shook the mess from his fur and turned, scenting the air. He wondered if he would be lucky enough to find another human that lay underneath easy to move objects, or maybe some human food that had spilled over.

[holy crap Tarjak is sick in the head. but he is not done with his cannibalism yet. :3
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Look Out, There Be Storms [Unicorn_Fluff Only] [T-M] Empty Re: Look Out, There Be Storms [Unicorn_Fluff Only] [T-M]

Post by Unicorn_Fluff Fri Feb 01, 2013 6:42 pm

Nanuk was in a rage, and would follow the dog until he swore to stop eating the dead. "Oh, and how many dogs do you think died in this? The small ones, and the ones trapped in houses? Your precious dog spirits killed my father!" She roared, breathing heavily as she glared at him. "You deserve to have your heart ripped out and fed to the crows. Same with your little spirits." Nanuk was trembling, and tears pricked at her eyes again. Just the mention of her father could turn her anger into sadness and depression. She put her head down, shoulders moving up and down slowly. "There is no reasoning with the likes of you. I'm not sure why I waste my time on such trash when I should be getting real food!"
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Look Out, There Be Storms [Unicorn_Fluff Only] [T-M] Empty Re: Look Out, There Be Storms [Unicorn_Fluff Only] [T-M]

Post by Blackberry Fri Feb 01, 2013 6:50 pm

Tarjak was unaffected by her crying and yelling. The dog spirits had done these things for a reason. They don't kill for fun. "Then go ahead," he said coldly. "Go and play with the non-trash dogs, then." He yawned, bored. He licked some human flesh from his whiskers and nearly purred at the taste. "Those little dogs deserved to die. They got rid of their honor when they first took food from the humans, anyway." He scratched his side again and turned to trot off. He was really hungry, and he didn't need this annoying female following him, ranting about how dog spirits were murderers.
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Look Out, There Be Storms [Unicorn_Fluff Only] [T-M] Empty Re: Look Out, There Be Storms [Unicorn_Fluff Only] [T-M]

Post by Unicorn_Fluff Fri Feb 01, 2013 6:57 pm

Nanuk felt the flame spark again, and bared her teeth. "I don't play, and there aren't any non trash dogs left. They are all dead or demons like you. "You mock them because they are to small to defend for themselves. There are eagles who could pick up babies, easily a dog that weighs less than 3 pounds. Humans were their way of survival, and the dog spirits just took that from them." She watched in disbelief as he trotted off. "You run because you see the logic in my words. You are to stupid to realize that the dog spirits are tyrants." Insulting him seemed the way to go. If he kept the attitude up, she would be tempted to take his life. "There is a price to pay for murder, and I am willing to let you pay the price." Her voice was filled with venom, a bitter hate than surprised even her. "And don't you think for one minute that I won't rip that rotten heart right from your chest."
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Look Out, There Be Storms [Unicorn_Fluff Only] [T-M] Empty Re: Look Out, There Be Storms [Unicorn_Fluff Only] [T-M]

Post by Blackberry Fri Feb 01, 2013 7:03 pm

Tarjak snarled at her. "Do you think I want to believe in them?" he snarled. "No, I do not. But I don't have a choice. I don't want to end up like those house dogs, hiding in their human's arms and whimpering at a storm. Female, this is survival! There was just a storm. Do you expect me to just whimper and cry and whine while all this food lays about to eat? I've never eaten a human before, and I've never wanted to. I don't have a choice, unless I want to starve." The fur on his neck was bristling, and his tail was fluffed up and his haunches were rising. "The dog spirits have done their wrath. I'm only trying to survive." Eyes full of bitter hatred, he stalked off.
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Look Out, There Be Storms [Unicorn_Fluff Only] [T-M] Empty Re: Look Out, There Be Storms [Unicorn_Fluff Only] [T-M]

Post by Unicorn_Fluff Fri Feb 01, 2013 7:11 pm

Nanuk bounded to his side, whipping around in front of him to block his path. "You DO have a choice. You don't care about my past, because I am just the annoying female who keeps bothering you, but I believed once. I believed when I lived with humans. And the tiny dogs were trying to survive, but they were to weak to survive on their own! Not every dog is like us!" The dog curled her tail over her back, glaring at him. "Meat is not the only thing you can eat. I just ate an apple. I found nothing wrong with it. There are various grocery stores around, with food in them. If you aren't rescourceful enough to look, then I wouldn't be surprised if you died." Nanuk turned away from him, hopping up onto the hood of a car and lifting her nose to the air. "That way." She jumped down, trotting off down the street.
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Post by Blackberry Fri Feb 01, 2013 7:17 pm

This female was really getting on his nerves. "Fruit?" he repeated and laughed coldly. "Female, I am not a bird. I live on meat, not fruit and leaves." He narrowed his eyes. "I do have a choice, and I believe in them. Yes, some of the dog spirits are evil, but, I swear, they have done this for a reason." Tarjak knew he would have to eat soon; his legs nearly buckled beneath him. He reluctantly followed the female. He kept his nose to the air to inhale the meaty scent of humans. His mouth watered, but he knew he could never get one with the female in front of him.
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