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The New Lead Arrives

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The New Lead Arrives Empty The New Lead Arrives

Post by ××Eris×× Mon Jul 20, 2009 12:11 pm

The New Lead Arrives Brimst11

i walk into the terra slowly, my hooves ripping savagely at the ground, leaving fire burning in the inprints. my mane shimmers, not reflecting the light but absorbing it, taking it and killing it. my tail billows out behind me, whipping in the wind. my coat glows with the dim light cast by the fiery coals embedded in my skin and a dark sense of malice fills the air around me. my eyes flash angrily and my muscles ripple under my shining coat as i walk towards the center of the garden. 'in this world of light, others are the smallest pinpoint of darkness. but i...' i smirked at the thought 'i am a black hole. and abyss that swallows up the light and destroys it. i am a void in the middle of the universe that takes the little pinpoints like the others and massacres them. tears them to shreds.... ' i bared my teeth and my hooves glowed with fire.

my legs carry me swiftly to the crest of a small grassy hill nestled between a pond and the peak. i stop atop it and raise myself upon my back legs. my front hooves thrash and strike powerfully out at the air as i rear. screaming, i advertise my presence. my mane billows out behind me magnificently and gleams like it was made out of microscopic crystals. i land lightly upon the soft earth, barely making a sound. my scarlet eyes flash and gleam in the pure sunlight that catches them. my nostrils flare, catching the musky scent of other animals, the moist, comforting smell of earth, and the pungent perfume of flowers. i swivel my ears, searching for any other sounds. but all that is heard is merely nature. unchanging.

i am the leader of this land. forever and on. i refuse to be ran out and i will not move. i wont back down, i know that i can do this with or without the help of a mare.
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The New Lead Arrives Empty Re: The New Lead Arrives

Post by Guest Mon Jul 20, 2009 12:32 pm

*I look from where I stand in the shadows, knowing he knew I was there. I hiss baring my teeth at the poisonous creatures that where around me, instantly they left leaving me alone. I knew of Reaver's past, and I knew of the worthless mare's that threw themselves at him. I am not one of those, i would rather kill the mares then make friends of them. Like my bio says, I do anything I wish*



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The New Lead Arrives Empty Re: The New Lead Arrives

Post by ××Eris×× Mon Jul 20, 2009 12:37 pm

i growled as i felt the presence of another mare near me. i pinned my ears ahainst my skull
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The New Lead Arrives Empty Re: The New Lead Arrives

Post by Guest Mon Jul 20, 2009 12:41 pm

*I snarl and toss my head upward, showing no one was the boss of me* "I'm not like the rest Reaver" *i hiss* "Those others are as worthless as dirt. They don't deserve you" *remains in the dark shadows*


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The New Lead Arrives Empty Re: The New Lead Arrives

Post by ××Eris×× Mon Jul 20, 2009 1:17 pm

i hiss through clenched teeth "and what makes you think you deserve me?"
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The New Lead Arrives Empty Re: The New Lead Arrives

Post by Guest Mon Jul 20, 2009 1:22 pm

*a wicked grin spreads across my face, and I laugh harshly* "Because I'm diffrent from everyone else. And I don't know if your worth it. I'm here to find the most evil stallion around. Is it true you are?" *I ask a lil challengingly*


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The New Lead Arrives Empty Re: The New Lead Arrives

Post by ××Eris×× Mon Jul 20, 2009 2:02 pm

i smirk "of course i am. "
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The New Lead Arrives Empty Re: The New Lead Arrives

Post by Guest Mon Jul 20, 2009 3:42 pm

*I look at him quizically, with a sly look on my face I watch him* "really"


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The New Lead Arrives Empty Re: The New Lead Arrives

Post by ××Eris×× Mon Jul 20, 2009 3:45 pm

i grimaced and bared my teeth. i sent a jet of fire at her, catching her mane on fire. "dont question me, you idiotic mule"
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The New Lead Arrives Empty Re: The New Lead Arrives

Post by Guest Mon Jul 20, 2009 3:47 pm

*I smile as the fire turns to nothing, not harming me at all* "I all to well know fire, it is nothing to me"


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The New Lead Arrives Empty Re: The New Lead Arrives

Post by ××Eris×× Mon Jul 20, 2009 4:13 pm

my ears laid flat against my skull and my eyes flashed scarlet.
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The New Lead Arrives Empty Re: The New Lead Arrives

Post by Guest Mon Jul 20, 2009 4:17 pm

*I study him my ears remaining nuetral, my face showing no emotion* "Don't show your emotions, it gives you away"


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The New Lead Arrives Empty Re: The New Lead Arrives

Post by ××Eris×× Mon Jul 20, 2009 6:14 pm

i roll my eyes "dont live, it annoys others"
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The New Lead Arrives Empty Re: The New Lead Arrives

Post by Guest Mon Jul 20, 2009 7:14 pm

*I watch him and finally step out of the shadows, but I remain a good ways away* "I'm sorry, but I do not understand" *I debated whether or not he was the one. He must not be. The Dark Lord's son beared a red spider marking on the bottom of his left ear and is covered by his mane. I squint my eyes in thought, deciding*


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The New Lead Arrives Empty Re: The New Lead Arrives

Post by ××Eris×× Mon Jul 20, 2009 8:24 pm

i flicker my ear, hearing her thoughts. i laughed "yes, the dark lords' second son had a spider mark. but the first son had coals embedded into his skin..." i paued and grinned evilly, my pointed teeth shining with the scarlet blood of past lives taken. "a sign of the dark lords' power. he smashed them into his first born son's flesh to show he could do whatever he pleased." i swished my tail and darkness swelled around me "the first born was raised in secret by the dark lord and his second in command. he was beaten daily for no reason. he was taught to be vicious and have no mercy for others. " i laughed darkly thought my clenched teeth "but one day, he decided he had been abused enough and turned on his father. this time, he fought back against the dark lord. his burning hooves left marks of destruction in the pelt of the dark lord. " my eyes gleamed with a ferocity "but the dark lord begged for mercy, cried out in broken sobs for his first born to stop this rampage. so the son, heeding his fathers' commands, stopped. and what did he get for his mercy?" i spat at the mare "he was thrown out of his herd, outcasted from the society all because he showed enough mercy to obey his sobbing fathers' commands" a snort erupted from me that was dangerously close to a growl. i swished my tail, fanning the burning embers in my skin.
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The New Lead Arrives Empty Re: The New Lead Arrives

Post by Guest Mon Jul 20, 2009 8:32 pm

*a dark smile spreads across my face, my eyes meeting his* "You only think no one knew you where there" *I say through fierce fangs, I raise my head hautily and look at him side ways* "But it was rumored you were thrown into &*#%'s pit, after that little incident you had with your father"


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The New Lead Arrives Empty Re: The New Lead Arrives

Post by ××Eris×× Mon Jul 20, 2009 11:21 pm

i grimaced "no, i wasnt cast into hells' pit. i was exiled to the poisoned lands. there, i killed many lead stallions and combined numerous herds into one large one. we were called The Grin. i fathered many foals. most of them have most likely grown up to be famous or legendary in some way. it is likely that most of the horses on this island are related to me in some way. " i whicked my tail "but i will never know, because i truly dontcare. i bred mares to let my bloodlines carry on and after i ensured that the foal would live, i left the mare to her own business. one day, i decided to break up The Grin and i did so, i told my herd to leave in groups no bigger than four horses, and those that disobeyed were killed. " i clicked my teeth together "i then went my own way, i mastered my own dark arts and killed more stallions. then i thought i should have a mare, so i went to the garden and then came here." i pulled back my lips in a silent snalr " and here we are, my worthless little mare"
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The New Lead Arrives Empty Re: The New Lead Arrives

Post by Guest Mon Jul 20, 2009 11:25 pm

*a look of pure disgust crosses my face* "What makes you any better than me"


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The New Lead Arrives Empty Re: The New Lead Arrives

Post by ××Eris×× Mon Jul 20, 2009 11:41 pm

i chuckle, amused "i never said i wasnt worthless, did i?"
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The New Lead Arrives Empty Re: The New Lead Arrives

Post by Guest Mon Jul 20, 2009 11:43 pm

*I sigh and roll my eyes* "No, but I'm not a worthless mare either"


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The New Lead Arrives Empty Re: The New Lead Arrives

Post by ××Eris×× Mon Jul 20, 2009 11:47 pm

my grin grows "and what proof do you have to stand behind that?" i walk foreward and circle her teasingly. i was testing her, to see if she was a coward or really what she came off to be
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The New Lead Arrives Empty Re: The New Lead Arrives

Post by Guest Mon Jul 20, 2009 11:52 pm

*I flare my nostrils and raise my head, my eyes flashing. but I remain where I am instead, kicking out at a curious creature that had crept up behind me* "I don't need to show you proof."


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The New Lead Arrives Empty Re: The New Lead Arrives

Post by ××Eris×× Tue Jul 21, 2009 12:00 am

my embers flicker brightly and sparks lift off of them and land upon her pelt, sizzling a bit on her coat before vanishing. i snap my teeth in her face and stand so our noses are almost touching, i glare into her black, endless eyes and bare my teeth angrily. "what is your name?" i ask, my voice was quiet but held such a fierce power that my embers flared so bright that flames leapt up from them.
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The New Lead Arrives Empty Re: The New Lead Arrives

Post by Guest Tue Jul 21, 2009 12:04 am

*for the first time in my life i respected him. Not alot, but just a lil. I gasp a lil when the sparks hit me, it didn't hurt, but felt releaving. I stare back into his eyes and say slowly* "My name is Dull" *I hiss back at him and blow out my nose*


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The New Lead Arrives Empty Re: The New Lead Arrives

Post by ××Eris×× Tue Jul 21, 2009 12:09 am

(do you have a pic? if not i could find you one...)

when she blew out from her nose, i inhaled her breath. it was as cold as ice and chilled my body from the inside, my embers dulled a bit but leapt back to life at my command. i stayed in my position and spoke through angrily clenched teeth "I am Reaver." my voice was deep and rumbling. it held a history of darkness and hatred. more of my sparks landed upon her body and sizzled violently. well, for someone named dull, she is quite far from it... i mused in my thoughts
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