Call of the Wild
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My Kingdom Is Also My Prison(WIP)

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My Kingdom Is Also My Prison(WIP) Empty My Kingdom Is Also My Prison(WIP)

Post by Emoticon Thu Mar 21, 2013 5:20 pm

Rali was sliding slips of paper across her polished wood desk, enjoying how they slid without effort. "Uh..." One of her servants said, not knowing whether to correct her or to tell someone. He chose the latter, walking off quickly. She giggled like a girl her age would, waiting for her so-called-aunt to tell her to get to work. The thought of her brought her mood down quite a bit. The chair was comfortable, so she leaned back. She pushed off and rocked on it, staring at the paper. It was a request for some banquet to be held for her. Two days, she thought. She sat up quickly, grabbing the paper and setting it aside on her desk. Pushing herself up out of the chair, she looked behind her, eyeing her sparkly orange robe. It seemed like something she would wear, but now she wasn't so sure. She grabbed a bit of it gently, not wanting to tear any of the soft parts. She didn't want to look disgusting when she went. Walking past the desk and to the lounge area, she laid out on a couch. She was aware that many people were staring at her, mostly visitors. Some of them were important visitors, she reminded herself. She straightened her hair, though that was about the only thing she did for her looks. Stretching out, she put her feet up on the couch, eyeing those who were looking. Many of them were looking away, others shaking there heads. A few of them were still staring, despite her staring back. She could see something in a few of there eyes, maybe jealousy, maybe anger, or just disgust. She gritted her teeth in annoyance.

The roses are blooming, she thought dully. Her feet teased the petals of one that was closest to her. Her robe, that was trailing behind her, made small noises on the grass. She let her shoulders relax, enjoying the sensation of grass on her feet. Sooner or later one of her servants was going to tell her what to do, in the most polite way. She glared at the one next to her, a girl no older then 15. Her stance never changed, though uncertainty crossed her face. "You shall tell me I need to go to meet the next noble, since I am approaching my sensitive deadline." She thought out loud, narrowing her eyes. She smirked as the servant allowed her feet to step back. She opened her mouth to speak, but she pulled her trailing robe to her. She delicately poked the rose with one of her toes, then stepped on it. "The noble shall bow and say he appreciates my time. We shall discuss about his apparent greediness, while he kisses my hand." She continued to speak, smothering the rose under her feet. The servant closed her mouth. She was glad that she didn't attempt to respond to her mindless talk. She slid her foot on the grass, leaving a slight red streak and petals. She looked at the now ugly rose. Walking towards the girl, she looked down at her. She chuckled as the little girl shivered. "You are too young to serve me, little girl." She said, bringing her hand up to touch her cheek. She had to give this girl some credit, she didn't talk. Most of them talked too much, while she just said nothing. However, she was used to stronger male servants, none of them shivering when she started to talk coldly. "Go." She hissed, expecting an answer. "But ma-" The servant started, before she grabbed her chin with her hand. She was secretly pleased that she acted the way she expected. The girl's face was a pleading one. She held her chin tighter, then released it. The young girl then ran down the concrete path; she thought that she heard her sobbing. Shaking her head, she walked down the path.

The roses looked horrible now that her mood was ruined. "Madam Rali." A voice spoke once she walked through the grand doors. She was now in the main entrance hall where several people were milling about, mostly servants. She turned towards the speaker, a dark-haired man was on his knee, bowing. Her servants were bowing as well, but not as formal. "Stand." She ordered, though her voice was lighter. She had to deal with her land's nobles, which all of them were male. She had a slight suspicion that they only allowed males, and even they questioned her leadership since she was female. She gave a fake smile and the man grabbed her hand, kissing her fingers. She rolled her eyes, but allowed him. A few seconds passed before she jerked her hand away, not bothering to be quiet about it. "I believe we have a discussion madam?" He asked, showing a slight smile. She looked at his eyes, surprised that they were ice blue. He didn't look too bad. She bit the inside of her cheek, reminding herself who she was dealing with. She couldn't act like the teenager she was, being only 16. She sometimes envied being able to chase after boys and gossip about them to friends. "Yes." She said, turning her head to force her eyes off of him. Probably the best looker she'd seen, though she had plenty others to look at. She walked down the hallway, almost shivering because of the cold marble on her bare feet. The servants walked on either side of them, leading them towards a room. "What do you wish to talk about?" She asked, taking a seat on a dark red chair. He sat across from her, leaning back on the same colored chair. She put her hand on her chest, seeing that her heart was fluttering fast. "I know that you've made some changes in place, some of them dealing with the things that me and the Nobles do." She nodded, acknowledging that he was speaking. She avoided looking at his face, and took a deep breath.

"Yes, Hale, I've made some changes on the way you heavily tax your farmers and your now-free slaves." She narrowed her eyes. She'd heard this story many times. She was shaking the foundations of how they lived, especially the rich snobs that were trying to hang onto tradition. He was no exception, despite looking attractive. She was thinking that they might try to overthrow her, especially how sexist they were. The leader of the land was never a gender exclusive title, but they always picked male. "I can see you wish to try and convince me to change it, or yet, appeal my decision." She muttered, her eyes turning cold again. His face had no trace of the warmness that they had when she first saw him. "You northern nobles are tough like the your traditions. My words are absolute, unless you plan to ignore them, no further action will be taken." She eyed him, waiting for just a flicker of movement. He was now leaning on his knees now, obviously concentrating. He rolled his shoulder, too full of himself to know that she was watching. She knew that it was the signal for the assassination. She jumped towards him, covering the stone coffee table that was between them.

The leader of the land was usually chosen by competition, not choice. Most of the kingdoms were very bloody and had a taste for war, while hers was probably the most peaceful. The leader of the land didn't need to have anything to compete for the right to rule. The competition was usually a fight to the death in an animal form. Most of the cities' populations were of mixed decent, while there were 1 or 2 families that were pure blood; if the fighter was lucky enough, the city had no pure blooded families. Of course, this wasn't the case for her. She was the last and only pure blooded family in her land, while being the only female besides her mother. Since most of the pure bloods were male, the females had no choice other then pick a random husband. If they threatened the line by marrying someone else, things would happen. Most of the time it was death of both her and the husband, while sometimes the child was allowed to live. She didn't like it, but she knew it was necessary. Which would mean that they would have a planned wedding, political or not. She was no exception, her family was busy discussing a plan to merge both kingdoms together via marriage. Being pure blooded meant that you could shift into any animal, even the mythical ones. It was quite a sight to see one shift into a phoenix or a griffin. Depending on how diluted the person was, they could change into many shapes and sizes- but certain animals were only available to the pure bloods. Her family was one of the oldest pure blooded lines, giving her many animals and powerful mythical ones. If her ancestors managed to get enough animal DNA into them, she would have the same animal. She could transform into several extinct ones. Most of the families held great power and positions, though some were laid back and allowed the family to mingle. Some rulers were only allowed to be from the family, while they were the most powerful ones.

The man looked smart, but he was dumb. He jumped up in surprise, making her target area become deadlier. She easily shifted into a polar bear, an extinct creature, and her massive paws found his stomach. She easily claw his stomach, but she didn't want to disembowel him. The force of her push caused the couch to fly backward, while he clutched his stomach. Several animals came towards her, most of them small birds and the unlucky ones were insects. But they quickly changed, circling her either in a deadly animal form or human. Several of them dove towards her, including a tiger. Most of the animals seemed to bounce off of her, but her eyes were on the deadly feline. Twisting her body, she swiped at the lunging cat, easily deflecting the attack. The cat hit the stone table and cracked it. It fell to the ground and tried to move, and was bleeding heavily. She snarled at the increasing smell of blood in the room. The intruders seemed to be more wary now, while several of her servant's animals came. A man started to shoot at her. She gritted her teeth as the bullets were lodged deep in the skin, though they weren't lethal. She charged the man, swiping at his neck. The man went flying into a wall, hitting it with a sickening crunch. The bullets that were in her were being pushed out. She let out a throaty laugh. "Cowards, haven't you forgotten that you need to face a pure blood one on one to kill it?" She roared, killing a few more of the animals.

There was blood on her paws and muzzle, while she spotted the noble she was just talking to. He was fighting, no doubt, but the coward was desperately trying to escape. She might have laughed at it, but he was killing them as a polar bear also. Only that he was taller and heavier, and had his sights on her. She cracked the animal's neck that was in her mouth and tossed it away like trash. He charged at her, and she stood still for a moment. Launching towards the bear, she shifted in mid-air. She transformed into a griffin, feeling the uncomfortable pop that came with transforming with something mythical. Several the intruders stopped and stared. The air around her sparkled slightly, and he hesitated. Several intruders made a run for it, not many left. Others were being tied down and were struggling. She flapped upwards, rising into the air. She turned back and dove on landed on his back. He roared and tried to shake her off. She felt the blood flow in between her claws and winced, though held on. Leaning forward, she grabbed onto his neck with her beak and closed them tight, closing her eyes to keep her from gagging the blood that was flooding into her mouth.

Rali was looking at the room at the room where the bloody attack had started. Several walls were cracked and expensive furniture destroyed. Blood was splattered everywhere, and bodies were being removed. They had managed to capture a few attackers, along with the noble. He was barely alive when she got done with him. She took a step forward but stopped, realizing that she almost stepped in a puddle of blood. The attack had happened only hours ago, but her schedule kept moving on. Not many outside of her castle knew, but rumors were already spreading. "Rali." Someone said behind her and she turned around. It was her brother, Zai, was behind her. She breathed in deeply and leaned on the wall. "You okay?" He asked, coming up behind her and putting his hand on her shoulder. "No. I know what you're going to say." She jerked her shoulder away from his hand. "Oh Rali, I'm sorry that you're forced into marriage, but you're doing the right thing. Life sucks." She muttered angrily, walking past him.
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