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White Rose's Kingdom

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White Rose's Kingdom Empty White Rose's Kingdom

Post by Nicoco177 Fri Nov 11, 2011 1:36 pm

5000 years ago, In the land of Pax interioris (Pax-in-tor-ee-us), The queen White Rose stands over her kingdom, She the villagers are all cursed with a curse of good luck there... 5000 years later, A new set of Guardians are introduced, These are going to be called 'The custodes', these are going to keep the peace settled in Pax interioris for thousands of years...

If you are interested in joining, The bios consist of one angel/winged human and a fantasy animal (Fish tailed horse, winged wolf, a dragon or any animal)
Youcan have as many bio's as you want.
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Name: Tyler
Angel age: 150 (young adult in human years)
Information: Persia is a experienced and talented swimmer just like his companion Persia who is a Fish tailed horse and is quite independant, he likes to have his usual peace and personal space. He loves to swim and is practising tricks with his Companion Persia.
Rank: Leader Guardian's apprentice
Apperance: Handsome Black feathered wings with a wing span of 20 feet (quite big) Black spikedhair that leans over to the side with un normal Electric blue eyes which stand out from his black Sleeveless T-shirt and black bagy jeans with black trainers with a bright orange Nike symbol on them.

His Companion~

Name: Persia
Fantasy animal age: 8
Species: Fish Tailed horse
Information: Persia, is the son of Sthenios, one of the eight horses that pulled Poseidon's water chariot, he Has a personality much like his Guardian Tyler, young and experienced and loves to swim, he likes his own space and calmness at a certain level like Tyler
Rank: Same as Tylers (Lead guardian's apprentice)

Name: Blue
Angel age: 155
Information: Is a experienced flyer and is a show off sometimes, she is rather attractive and is looking for a male to love her, when the rain falls, she can stand in it for around 3 minutes before it starts to burn her skin horribly bad, so her guardian, Athena, uses her wing to protect her. Her tears are made from rose water that can be found from the white, flurishing roses that surround the kingdom.
Rank: Experienced Guardian
Appearence: Cream coloured wings with neon green tipped feathers, she has light blonde hair cut ia bob and with golden brown tips and streaks, Fiery yellow eyes with a knee high White dress with red/pink roses coming up from the bottom and under her chest, she has a white pair on shoes that match her dress with a small diamond on the left side of the shoe, when in battle, her clothes change, she wears a brownish coloured skirt with a dagger belt running around her side, te belt contains; One 17 inch Dagger, One 10 inch dagger and two 7 inch razor blade daggers which are the most deadliest, she also has a small pouch on the side of her belt which she uses to Carry bits of meat for Athena. She carries a long, sharp-pointed sword, and it is always found in her right hand, she has a pure silver armour tope which ha a picture of a white rose engraved on it.

Name: Athena
Fantasy animal age: 9
Spieces: Winged wolf
Information: Exactly, exactly like Blue's, Except, when it comes to protecting Blue, She is very fiesty and will do anything to protect her, whether its from Vicious predators, to the rain which daamages her skin.
Rank: Experienced guardian

Lead guardian
Apprentice Guardian
Guardian hunter male(needed
Guardian Hunter female (needed)
Experienced Guardian
Experienced guardian
Experienced Guardian
Advanced guardian
Advanced Guardian
beginer guardian (Infinite number of places for this slot. Numbers taken: 2)

Last edited by Nicoco177 on Sat Nov 12, 2011 1:08 pm; edited 4 times in total
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White Rose's Kingdom Empty Re: White Rose's Kingdom

Post by BubblesLegacy Fri Nov 11, 2011 3:39 pm

Coolie,ill join!^-^

Angel age:140(young adult in human years)
Info:She loves flying and hunting.Her companion Dante,is alwas by her side protecting her.Since she rasied him since he was an egg.Sarah often thinks of him as her son.
Rank:Guardian hunter
Looks:White Rose's Kingdom Angel1

Her Companion~

Fantasy animal age: 8
Species:Hell vasing dragon
Information:He's EXTERAMELY protective of Sarah.Since he was a baby dragon he has alwas been at Sarah's side.
Rank: Same as Sarah
Looks:White Rose's Kingdom 19239red_dragon_1
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White Rose's Kingdom Empty Re: White Rose's Kingdom

Post by °∞ßlûē•ßãbÿ•Døll∞° Fri Nov 11, 2011 5:24 pm

Name: Luka
Gender: Female
Angel Age: 150
Imformation: Luka is strong, and level-headed. She can be very serious about things that involve planning to kill someone. She is very smart, so don't try to slip anything by her she'll find out. Luka is VERY timid with Sarah. She can get extremely angry, and hot-headed if you threaten her. When around Tyler she her heart flutters and she can't speak. Calm, sweet, funny. Most of all that is important to know about her is her fierceness. She has the heart of a lion, but the strength of a dragon. When battles she does not no the meaning of mercy, she will bring pain to you. I advise you to stay clear of her when a battle has begun. First off Luka has the right to remain violent, anything you say or do will result in you getting maimed or killed. But she still has a kinder side to her. Her companion, Devil is her world. She loves him like her own brother, but more like a pet/companion type deal. She will do anything to protect him.
Rank: Advanced guardian
Appearance: Luka has gorgeous black feathered wings that stretch their 30 feet of wing spand. When the feathers fall off they turn to ash as soon as they hit the ground, wish making her wings deadly. Luka is a gorgeous tan skinned colored burnet, with crescent shaped moon with swirling gold in it on her shoulder blade. She has a scar that starts from her neck, to her rib cage. Luka is a very beautiful living thing of nature. She has electrifying blue orbs, with molten amber, scarlet and amethyst swirls making them look memorizing. Luka is tall and slender, her slim frame makes her the way she is now. Straight as ever can black hair with layered blonde, through her hair stopping at her chest line. She wears warrior/hunter clothing(Very beautiful clothing).

Her Companion~

Name: Devil
Gender: Male
Wolf age: 10
Speices: Winged wolf
Important: He is EXTREMELY prtoective over Luka. She is his life, and the remaining of him if visious, and fearless. He is very timid with all, he is strong and never back downs in a fight. Unlike Luka and Sarah Dante is his nig-ga(best friend xD) He shows no mercy in battles to the death, so never get into it with Devil. OF course thats where he gets his name from.
Rank: Same as Luka
Appearance: He is EXTREMELY tall, stands almost as tall as Dante, only reason is why becuase he is the son of Satan(Wolf Satan). He is what you call him, huge muscular black wolf, with scarlet blood eyes. Long sharp daggers that are 7 inches long. His fangs stick out to be 10 inches shapened at the points. Scars mask his lift side.
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White Rose's Kingdom Empty Re: White Rose's Kingdom

Post by Nicoco177 Sat Nov 12, 2011 12:06 am

accepted! they are both very nice bios!
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White Rose's Kingdom Empty Re: White Rose's Kingdom

Post by Tayssi Sat Nov 12, 2011 12:30 am

are there any other creatures that I could be/make? What i mean by creatures is like the fish taile horse, winged wolf, dragon and whatnot.
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White Rose's Kingdom Empty Re: White Rose's Kingdom

Post by Nicoco177 Sat Nov 12, 2011 12:57 am

yeah sure, you can be anything! I should change that part.
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White Rose's Kingdom Empty Re: White Rose's Kingdom

Post by Tayssi Sat Nov 12, 2011 4:05 am

Raina Aranami
Angel age:
Raina, though she has her own wings, prefers not to fly. She can be rather headstrong and stubborn if she really wants something or believes in something strongly enough. Raina is often seen as an outcast, as she doesn't like to socialise, except with her friend and companion, Arizona. Raina, though young is a powerful friend and ally. When she wants to, Raina is very fast in the sky. But she prefers to keep her wings hidden.
Rank: Beginner Guardian
Raina has large wings, that reach about 19feet from tip to tip. They are indeed frightening to most which is why she hides them. They are blood red with minky black tips. When angered, she can pull them out herself and they become sharp like a knife. If pulled by someone else, they stay as normal black and red feathers. Raina has skin inbetween pale and tan and is rather on the short side, but she's slender. Raina has long red hair that reaches her waist. (not actual red.. but ummm... sorry people, wranger red.. no offense. most of my friends are red heads ^^) She often ties in back into two braids. Then comes her eyes. They are the same as her wings. Blood red with black pupils and a thin black rim around them. Raina often wears camo shirt and pants with combat boots. She has a sword tied at her waist. It's sheath is red with a black dragon ensnarling it's way around it. Wear the sheath and the hilt connects, there are teeth of some sort of creature. And they lock together, keeping the sword from being drawn. Only Raina can draw the sword as of yet.

Her Companion~

Fantasy animal age:
Arizona, though young, is very intimidating. She never back s down from a fight and is often looking for trouble. She will stand by Raina through thick and thin and anyone wh messes with her friend will surely have some trouble waiting for them. Arizona is very rash and never thinks things through, so even if it seems like Raina is getting hurt, but she's not, she will rush in and help her.
Same as Raina
Arizona is a rather weird creature. She's smaller then Devil and Dante when standing normally. But when upright and straight, she'd be the same as them, if not taller.. She has the shape of a raptor bird. She has raptor legs(as in dino raptor) and arms. She has a large, bird-like tail which is 9ft in length. Then her wings. They are 50ft in length when completely spread out, but usually she keeps them in. She has the head of a Dromaeosaur but with large goat-like horns. Arizona's base colour is black, but is ribboned with colouring in orange, green, yellow and blue. What I mean by ribboned, is like it's ribbons of colouring throughout her body, not spots or flecks. Arizona has a large X scar of her chest and a scar all the way from her left shoulder, down her left leg. Both from fights. One for the hell of it, the other protecting Raina.

Angel age:
Gryphon is the strong and silent type, always staying back and only speaking when spoken to. He's always being dragged around everywhere, but he never complains. Gryphon often deals with annoying brats, so is used to screaming and whining. There isn't much that upsets or annoys him anymore. He's the calming type and the one who listens to anything you have to say. Though, don't expect much about himself as he doesn't talk about himself at all. Gryphon is usually given alot of crap for his name and the species of his companion, Avril.
Either Guardian Hunter male or lead guardian....
Gryphon is tall and slender for a male. Everyone would think that he can't fight at all, but actually, Gryphon would be one of the strongest f the guardians. He has large grey wings with a 20 ft wing span. His feathers actually have white tips, but due to being a light grey, you can't notice from a distance. Gryphon has natural white hair that reaches just above his shoulders in a sexy, wavy yet messy style. He has bright emerald green eyes which have flecks of amber inside them. All in all, Gryphon is a very good loking guy, but he has no interest in any type of relationship.
His Companion~

Avril (actually pronounce A-vrel)
Fantasy animal age:
Avril is hard head and stubborn, unlike his self proclaimed master, Gryphon(as in, Avril calls him his master). He is willing to do anything for Gryphon and shall gladly put his life on the line for him, but sometimes, Avril gets annoyed with Gryphon because he doesn't talk much nor does his yells at people...even though they don't annoy him.
same as Gryphon
Avril is an abnormally large gryphon. But he's just your run of the mill gryphon. He has the lions body and tail, the eagle neck/head, front legs and the wings. But Avril's colouring is a little weird for his species. He has no silve nor brown like a normal gryphon. He is not grey nor white like the occasional gryphon known. He's silver. Avril is a completely silver gryphon. The only exception would be his black beak and black claws/talons.. Even his eyes are silver. Avril is indeed a rare find and Gryphon had managed to find him.
the general look of a gryphon but with a lion's tail.
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White Rose's Kingdom Empty Re: White Rose's Kingdom

Post by Artemis Sinfeather Sat Nov 12, 2011 11:23 am

Name: Rin Kagene ( she changed her name to the same last name as her adopted brother)
Angel age: 130 years
Information: Rin is the youngest of a triplet, her brothers are Len and Ren, Ren is her adoptive brother and has a special connection with. Her pureblood brother, Len, has a strong connection with her aswell but he has a strong dislike of Ren, secretely believing that Ren wants to steal Len's little princess away. Rin was raised in a flock of swans after seperation from her brothers, they're mother was shot on belief that she was a large bird, Rin was with her when she took her last breath, that made Rin conceal herself in the mask of fear and darkness, cold and mean, Rin is now merciless and mysterious. They only one she shows her true colours to now is Anansi.
Rank: Any, Rin doesn't really care.
Appearance: Rin has black hair that is as short as her two brother's. She wears clips in her hair in memory of her lost brothers, she wears a short skirt with laces and ribbons flowing gently from the upper hem line, she wears a top that is rather shredded and only veils her upper torso and shoulders. She has special sleeves that are on her elbows to her palms. She has very long wings that stretch to 26ft if fully ourstretched, she wears a long trench coat(like coat) to hide any trance of her wings, so far, nobody knows she has wings. Her feathers are as raven black as night with markings of the moon adorning them, and parts of her body, her feather tips end in a seductive amethyst colour.

Her Companion~

Name: Anansi
Fantasy animal age: 2 years
Species: Mythic Arachnid
Information: Anansi is the only surviving offspring of the legendary Anansi of the amazon, weaver of illusions and dreams. Anansi was found by as an egg, her brethren were being fed upon by her mother-Anansi(mother) was trapped and forced to eat her hatchlings and eggs to survive-. Rin escaped with the egg and was surprised to find that it held a babe of THE Anansi, the giant spider of the amazon, so Rin named the hatchling after its mother and nurtured it. Anansi will protect Rin by any means necessary and she has sprouted wings, two sets, one on her body and the other set on her abdomen, allowing sustainable flight.
Rank: Anansi has the same rank as Rin.
Pic: she has two sets of wings and one set is feathered, the other is leathery.
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White Rose's Kingdom Empty Re: White Rose's Kingdom

Post by Nicoco177 Sat Nov 12, 2011 1:05 pm

Accepted. That spider kinda looks like a wasp crossed with a spider, but I see things weirdly! and I'm making another bio, quite a detailed one too, is Rin alright to be a experienced Warrior?:

Name: Amaya (means Night Rain)
Angel Age: 19 (15-16 year old in human years)
Gender: Female
Info: Amaya isn't a pure angel, she is a winged human girl, this young girl was given a pill which made her grow wings that had a span of 30 ft, This causes her to fly wonkily in the air as they are to big for her petite body, this was flashed all over the news....bad idea.... A group of poachers had found out about this and went to chop of her wings with a sharp knife, when they got to the lab, they broke into the exibit they kept her in and cornered her. Just for fun, one of the poachers raped her and got her pregnant. She was about to be killed by the mean men when a gush of mist came and swept them of their feet, the mist then came and spireled around her, causing her to black out. The day, she awoke in a soft bed with a silken cover, people with wings, just like her surrounded her, she heard them muttering slurred comments "What is she?" "is she okay?" she flung up her head to the mist at the bottom of her bed, but the mist wasn't just mist, it was a misty looking wolf "where am I? Who and what are you? why am I in hospital?" she cried to the people around her. The Mist wolf shook his mighty head and Liked her cheeck with his misty tounge "I'm your new Companion Hiroshi, as a honured Flying mist wolf, I am Here to protect you. You are in hospital of the poachers got you....pregnant..." Hiroshi said. Amaya is now wild and free, she often forgets that she is under age and pregnant, aswell as her Companion Hiroshi protecting her, she is not afraid to protect him, This wolf means the world to her, he promised when she gives birth to the baby in 9 months time, he will be there to help look after it with her.
Rank: Beginer warrior
Appearence: She has long brunette coloured hair with a pink blossom sloted in her side fringe, she has big diamond grey coloured eyes which also sparkle like diamonds, she has redish pink coloured lips which are quite small. She wears her warrior clothing quite loose as she dosn't want her pregnancy to be noticed, she has large pearly grey coloured wings with orange tips, the wings stretch out to 30 ft wide.

Her companion~

Name: Hiroshi
Age: 6
Gender: Male
Info: He is one of the first Sons of Shin, the great god, he is wise and noble with a normal past, his true mother was a Flame or heat wolf, and his true father was a water wolf, leaving him being a mist or steam wolf.
Rank: Advanced warrior unlike his guardian
pic: (He looks like this but is more misty looking.)
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White Rose's Kingdom Empty Re: White Rose's Kingdom

Post by Tayssi Sat Nov 12, 2011 2:49 pm

Did you make Gryphon the lead guardian or Guardian Hunter male?
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White Rose's Kingdom Empty Re: White Rose's Kingdom

Post by Nicoco177 Sat Nov 12, 2011 2:50 pm

lead guardian if thats alright :3
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White Rose's Kingdom Empty Re: White Rose's Kingdom

Post by Tayssi Sat Nov 12, 2011 2:55 pm

yeah, that's fine with me ^^ Though, would you mind pming all the details a lead guardian has to do and such?
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White Rose's Kingdom Empty Re: White Rose's Kingdom

Post by Nicoco177 Sat Nov 12, 2011 3:01 pm

yeah, I'll pm you
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White Rose's Kingdom Empty Re: White Rose's Kingdom

Post by Tayssi Sat Nov 12, 2011 7:12 pm

thank you ^^
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White Rose's Kingdom Empty Re: White Rose's Kingdom

Post by Nicoco177 Sun Nov 13, 2011 5:12 am

your welcome
There is 3 Limited spots left! We can't start until them spots have been taken!!!:

Guardian hunter male(needed

Experienced Guardian

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White Rose's Kingdom Empty Re: White Rose's Kingdom

Post by Nicoco177 Sun Nov 13, 2011 1:14 pm

Who needs them spots, please pick a colour then we can all start! I'll pick..... Olive
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White Rose's Kingdom Empty Re: White Rose's Kingdom

Post by Artemis Sinfeather Sun Nov 13, 2011 1:24 pm

Ooh, oh!! Indigo, pweasiez!!!
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White Rose's Kingdom Empty Re: White Rose's Kingdom

Post by Nicoco177 Sun Nov 13, 2011 1:40 pm

yep, I'll just Pm everyone about the colours coz I wanna start asap!
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White Rose's Kingdom Empty Re: White Rose's Kingdom

Post by Tayssi Sun Nov 13, 2011 2:37 pm

Ill use red
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White Rose's Kingdom Empty Re: White Rose's Kingdom

Post by Nicoco177 Sun Nov 13, 2011 2:50 pm

okiee dokee, now...where is Sion.....
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White Rose's Kingdom Empty Re: White Rose's Kingdom

Post by BubblesLegacy Sun Nov 13, 2011 5:03 pm

me use BLUE!Very Happy
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White Rose's Kingdom Empty Re: White Rose's Kingdom

Post by °∞ßlûē•ßãbÿ•Døll∞° Sun Nov 13, 2011 5:08 pm

fuck all yall. I LOVE THEM COLORS GOD DAMNIT!!!! UGH!!! So compilcated! Lol ummmm Dark red I guess.
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White Rose's Kingdom Empty Re: White Rose's Kingdom

Post by Nicoco177 Mon Nov 14, 2011 8:43 am

Yay! i'll make de topic.
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White Rose's Kingdom Empty Re: White Rose's Kingdom

Post by Tayssi Mon Nov 14, 2011 2:47 pm

can't wait ^^
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White Rose's Kingdom Empty Re: White Rose's Kingdom

Post by Nicoco177 Tue Nov 15, 2011 9:24 am

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