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The Little Good Boy{Glass Prison}[PG-13]

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The Little Good Boy{Glass Prison}[PG-13] Empty The Little Good Boy{Glass Prison}[PG-13]

Post by Emoticon Wed Nov 21, 2012 12:23 pm

(I didn't know what the rating should be, but I can change it if you want)

His shift had just begun, but Vlade already felt the familiar sense of boredom. His arms were growing tingly from the package he was holding, placing inventory into the back for tonight. "Put it right this time, Felix." He said like a snarl, grabbing another box and placing it next to it. He felt like toppling the box over him and killing him, but then they would know it was him. Still he needed to get back at him somehow, so he dropped it on the side of a box laying down, spilling the candy out and crushing the plastic lids. "Oops." He said and disappeared, hearing his co-worker scream.
"Dammit Vlade, I said I was sorry!" Felix yelled, putting the candy in its right place. He felt the pleasure of revenge, and smiled. He stepped behind the counter, and sat down outside. He worked at a big movie theater, and they projected that tonight might be a big night. Another movie reveal, which meant more angry people and lines. The first people began to line up outside, and he smiled as he felt his paycheck coming closer and closer every minute.

He ran his last shift as he punched in the numbers on the machine, feeling it become slower and slower with each transaction. "Cmon Cmon!" He said under his breath as the machine froze, almost stopping the check from printing. He tapped the side, feeling it come back again. "I'm sorry Ma'm, system is being overloaded." he said, which was true since it froze 5 times already. 6 other cashiers were down the aisle, feeling the pain of slow technology. One of them went down and took out the plug on one of the machines and put it back in.
Vlade hurried to put more kernels into the popcorn machine, which was running low every 5 minutes. He filled up two drinks at a time, spilling some soda on his fingers. He wiped it on his apron and put it the plastic cap on the cup. After they added more people, the line seemed to be manged. "Vlade, your time is up." Said someone behind him, taking his spot as he ran out of the aisle, walking quickly outside the door. He felt the soft breeze on him, feeling the need to get away from others. He needed to transform, which made the day and his job worthwhile.
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The Little Good Boy{Glass Prison}[PG-13] Empty Re: The Little Good Boy{Glass Prison}[PG-13]

Post by Glass Prison Mon Dec 10, 2012 6:02 pm

(sorry for not responding, i was waiting for a private message...and R might be a better rating lol depends how graphic you want to get)

"Just where do you think your going?" growled a voice from behind.
Sage spun on her heel and faced her nosy boss, a middle aged woman who could really use a new look, and beamed at her. "Leaving."
The woman looked her up and down before speaking again, "Have you closed up shop? Done all of your nightly duties and let Mags out?"
The young woman grumbled under her breath as she stalked away towards the back of the small shop to let out the half blind dog the old woman cherished. Mags greeted her with a half hearted whine and scratched at the door. She swiftly opened it, booted him out, and shut it back behind her. Slipping off her apron and tossing it onto an empty hook, she scurried out the back door and into the night air.

Standing before her bedroom mirror, Sage admired how pretty she looked in the new dress she bought with her hard earned money. It wasn't the one she really wanted, but it would do for now. Turn side to side and spinning around, Sage took note at how well it hugged her curvy figure in the right places and how much it accentuated her full bust. The dark, olive green shade complimented her rich auburn hair that fell past her shoulder blades and made her sparkling blue eyes even brighter. "Perfect.." she whispered as she found a pair of tan suede heels to match. Taking nothing but her ID, Sage headed out the door and down the street to the nearest night club, unaware of the things lurking within the shadows and the dangers of the night.
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The Little Good Boy{Glass Prison}[PG-13] Empty Re: The Little Good Boy{Glass Prison}[PG-13]

Post by Emoticon Tue Dec 11, 2012 5:05 pm

While in his human form, he couldn't smell anything but the smell of exhaust fumes from the cars leaving the parking lot, but in his wolf form it was even worse. Breathing in through his mouth helped, but the smell wafted up his nose and he felt like he was about to throw up. He jumped into his car and drove off from the movie theater, sinking bank into his seat as he tried to control his urge.
It clawed at him like an itch that he couldn't scratch, annoying and at most times making it impossible to do anything else before he would have to turn. He had no slip ups, which was good because he couldn't have any. As he got off the interstate he made a few turns and parked outside his apartment, he ran inside his home, jamming the key as he shut the door behind him. He quickly locked it, then started to undress himself out of his work clothes. With the moon out tonight, the urge could overwhelm him and throw him into a rage. He put on a t-shirt and some shorts and ran outside behind the building, feeling himself change as he quickly tied the clothes around his arm. The change happened almost instantly once he let go, falling on all fours. He flexed his paws, feeling the urge and the stress fade away instantly.

As he ran around blindly in the woods, he felt free, the feeling that no one was watching you, or that you had to do anything. Of course he had to change back eventually, but the wind in his ears felt pleasant. As he let himself go, he smelled the scent of a human. He stopped dead in his tracks, putting his ears up and sniffing the air. The scent smelled distance, but he couldn't help but follow it. He fought his inner wolf every step of the way, until he reached the part in the woods where it thinned. The moonlight shined on himself, showing his dark grey pelt and striped ears. His eyes looked up to the moon, and he howled long. He felt his strength fade as he melted into the moon, which was full. Feeling like he was floating in a pool of warm water, he let his mind relax as his inner wolf took over.
Almost instantly he was at the side of the road, the road silent with cars miles away. He breathed in, catching the scent of a human girl, walking down the street. Almost at once he began to stalk her, while his mind feebly attempted to resist. He snarled at her, hoping that he could at least not rip off her limbs or avoid a killing blow when he attacked. He howled again, letting out a throaty laugh, or what sounded like it. He was 6 feet talk and wide, so the jump was smooth.
He jumped the distance to her, letting his jaws open wide, ready to snap his jaws on the humans neck. He felt the dread building up inside him, trying to take back his mind from the inner wolf. As he jumped, he tried to twist a little, which was all he could manege, to ruin the jump. As he twisted, he felt the relief that it would work, but soon turned into terror as his jaws hit her shoulder, his fangs closing in on the bone. He pulled free of his inner wolf, seeing the blood and tasting it in his mouth. He quickly pricked his ears up when he noticed a car, and ran back into the woods.

He felt terror inside him, that she had saw him, and that he had let it go that far. She could have seen him, or recognize him. "Fuck Fuck Fuck..." He said as he turned back into himself, untying the clothes around his wrist and putting them on. He slowly walked out of the woods, trying to do it as silently as he could. He maneged ti make it to the door and open the lock quickly, which he almost always had trouble with. Once he was inside he plopped himself on his green leather couch, but stayed up thinking about what he done, then he decided that he needed to find her, but he didn't know how or what to do with her if he did.
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The Little Good Boy{Glass Prison}[PG-13] Empty Re: The Little Good Boy{Glass Prison}[PG-13]

Post by Emoticon Tue Dec 11, 2012 5:07 pm

Is it just me or did that post weird? O_o
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The Little Good Boy{Glass Prison}[PG-13] Empty Re: The Little Good Boy{Glass Prison}[PG-13]

Post by Glass Prison Tue Dec 11, 2012 5:20 pm

(lol it was good, but all done very fast!)

Sage was walking along side a thick forest. Living near the mountains made life much more difficult since the forests surrounding the massive rocks were like a sanctuary to anyone or anything dangerous. But, feeling confident and this being the only way to her favorite club, Sage strut down the pavement as if nothing could touch her. The sounds of her heels clicking along were eerie and awkward, repeatedly breaking the silence of the night and adding an ominous heart beat that seemed to irregular and defying. She stopped a moment to adjust her heel. As she stooped to tug at the strap, a chilling howl from a wolf in the woods sent shivers down and spin and caused goosebumps to rise over her skin. "Damn it, i just shaved!" she growled as she got up and started walking faster.

Within moments, the sounds of deep and threatening growls sounded to close for comfort. She stopped dead in her tracks and stared into the trees, trying to decipher the constant moving shadows and find the maker of the sounds. Within an instant, a wolf launched itself from the treeline and pounced on her, making a dive for her throat. Instinctively, her slender hand flew up to guard her jugular, but knew that wouldn't save her. Ready for the impact, Sage was surprised to find the wolf missed and instead, sank its teeth into her shoulder. She cried out in horror and pain, her hands trembling over the gash and she toppled to the cement. The wolf was gone. The passing car never stopped and she began to cry.
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The Little Good Boy{Glass Prison}[PG-13] Empty Re: The Little Good Boy{Glass Prison}[PG-13]

Post by Emoticon Tue Dec 11, 2012 8:41 pm

(I ment that my post is messed up, profile pic is on the bottom, and siggy is to the side. Lol my computer was acting up and kept deleting the last 3 paragraphs, so I tried to finish it before it could act up again :L)

Vlade was unable to sleep, the guilt keeping him awake, constatly nudging him about what happened. Accidents happen, but he couldn't afford to make them. What if the girl turned from the bite, or what if she was exposed? As the question raked his mind, he decided that he couldn't just lie on his couch, waiting for something to happen. He got up quickly, sittng back down quickly as his head throbbed. The transformation took its toll, so he couldn't just shift when he wanted to. As he sat back down he slowly got up this time and grabbed his keys off his kitchen counter. If he remembered the road and scent correctly he could pick up the girl, if she was still there.
The car engine revved as he backed out of the driveway, his head still throbbing and his limbs heavy. As he struggled to remember, he missed his turn at a intersection. "Damn." He said, turning on his wide headlights in case a deer decided to give his SUV a try. He slowed down slightly, noticing something on the road, which he ignored until a big lump came across his path. He jumped out of his car, recognizing the girl, than seeing the gash on her shoulder. "Are you alright?" He asked, knowing the answer. The skin around the bite was discolored and wrinkled. He knew what he had done, or what his inner wolf dd, but he decided she would know when the they parted ways. He hoped that wouldn't be soon, since he was not ready to tell her. "Do you want to go to the hospital?" He asked, pulling the women up by her food shoulder.

(Couldn't type too muxh since I'm going to bed)
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The Little Good Boy{Glass Prison}[PG-13] Empty Re: The Little Good Boy{Glass Prison}[PG-13]

Post by Glass Prison Thu Dec 13, 2012 12:59 pm

Sage lay there on the sidewalk, writhing in pain and agony. She lay on her side, holding onto her bitten shoulder and rocking as tears fall freely from her eyes and stained the cement. Cars drove past and didn't stop, they didn't even slow down curiously, just kept on driving. She tried to wave them down and scream at them, but it was like she was invisible.
Everything around her was beginning to grow hazy. The street lights and the moon were like floating orbs and Sage assumed it was because of the loss of blood. Her head felt light and her insides tingled every time she tried to move. With a squeal of pain, she struggled into a sitting position and gripped her head. She looked about her and started to sob even harder, surely she would die out here.
Toppling back over, Sage heard another vehicle heading down the road and this time, it stopped. She attempted to look up at the truck and find the person driving it, but her vision had gone to bad from the pain in her head, all she could do was listen. The man stopped above her and started to pick her up. She cried out as he accidentally jostled her hurt shoulder and begged him to take her to a doctor or something before passing out in his arms.
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The Little Good Boy{Glass Prison}[PG-13] Empty Re: The Little Good Boy{Glass Prison}[PG-13]

Post by Emoticon Sun Dec 16, 2012 4:07 pm

Vlade felt more guilt for what he had done, and not even knowing if she would survive the bite or not. As she passed out, he tried to haul her up into the seat. He saw the blood spill out of her shoulder, the blood turning almost black when the moonlight shone thought the window. "All my god damn fault." He beat himself up over it as he put the car in gear, and quickly drove out onto the highway. He couldn't take her to the hospital, not that he knew that she had passed the first stage of transformation. He would have to take care of her in his apartment, but as he slowly parked he realized that it wouldn't be so easy.
As all the lights were on and there was noise above his level. He got out of his side and turned his car off, quickly going to the passenger side and opening the door. He tried to cover up the blood with her shirt, but It already stained most of her shirt in black blood. He carefully picked up the girl, careful not to brush her injured shoulder, he quickly shut the door and locked it, hoping not to draw too much attention. As quietly as he could, he opened the door. He heard people walking by, and shut the door as fast as he could, hoping that they didn't notice him. He carried the girl as far as he could, until his arms felt like rubber and leaned the girl to the wall, gritting his teeth as he softly laid her to the bathtub. The blood began to slowly make its way to the drain, and soaked the rest of her clothes.

He rolled down the clothing from her shoulder, and saw a wide gash across it. He patted it down with a wet paper towel, pressing softly so he didn't wake the girl up. He then got a piece of cloth and pressed on it hard, hoping that he hadn't woken the girl up. The would began to stop bleeding, but then the skin started to turn black around the cut, and he quickly rolled some cloth around it. He stood up, realizing that he was on his knees, leaning over the bathtub. He knew that the girl couldn't wear the dress, but he didn't want to undress her. He didn't want to pick her up, since his arms were feeling like jelly already, but he did anyway, carefully putting a towel on the couch in case anymore blood spilled out.
He decide to tell her when she woke up, so he could watch over her in case it got bad. He knew that he would have to go to work in a few days, but hopefully by then it would be better. He put a blanket over her, getting a thermometer and checking her temperature, making sure she wasn't running a fever or anything. He felt sleepy, but he watched her all knight, waiting for the time she would wake up.
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The Little Good Boy{Glass Prison}[PG-13] Empty Re: The Little Good Boy{Glass Prison}[PG-13]

Post by Glass Prison Thu Dec 20, 2012 4:43 pm


The waves of unconsciousness tumbled and rolled violently over Sage. She felt distant pain like someone was poking her with needles while she felt numb and limp. The blackness was like a soothing blanket, but it did little to mask the over powering sensation of ripple vibrations through out her being. When the numbness fades, tingles and vibrations dance up and down her arms, legs, abdomen, all over. She whimpered within her mind, but no sounds came out of her mouth. Behind her eyelids, images flashed. Images of her getting bitten, the wolf that did it, and a beautiful rust colored wolf standing against the snow. The images were so vibrant and clear, Sage swore she actually there and could touch everything.
Sudden, the dopiness began to wear off. Feeling was coming back into her body as the blanket of darkness and numbness slowly faded away. Along with the feeling returning, along came the pain. She tried to move and jostled her shoulder, forgetting that it was wounded, and cried out in pain. "For God's sake!" she spat between clenched teeth. She fell back against the couch and stared up at the ceiling. For some reason, the ceiling looked funny, clearer in fact. A spider in the corner caught her attention and she turned to study it. How could she see such a tiny thing from this far? Turning her head farther she saw a young man sitting on a chair, watching her. She blinked once, then twice, and whimpered. "What happened?" She felt all wet and sticky like something spilled all over her and then dried.
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The Little Good Boy{Glass Prison}[PG-13] Empty Re: The Little Good Boy{Glass Prison}[PG-13]

Post by Emoticon Thu Dec 20, 2012 5:41 pm

Vlade was caught off guard by her suddenly waking up, and leaned back in his chair. He slowly mumbled to himself what he was going to tell her, and looked at her face. The blood was dried and started to crack, a few flakes half-way out. The skin under the blood was beginning to change color, as it was turning a almost dead color. He shifted his gaze, hoping she wouldn't notice. "Well, you got bitten by a werewolf, the werewolf being me." He took a breath, and paused for a moment. He wanted for her to react, but he couldn't bring himself to look at her face, so he continued. "Managed not to kill you, came back to the road, picked you up, got you back here." He said in a choppy flow, then got up from his chair. He stretched his arms out a bit, then moved the chair back to the wooden dining room table. "Or, this is all a dream, wish it was anyway." He added, looking around for something to do. He caught the cabinet, and pulled out a box of Cheerios. "If your hungry you can get some cereal, but you probably wouldn't want to move since the transformation is still taking effect. So by biting you I now have to babysit you, so you don't kill anyone like I manged to almost do to you." He added, shaking the box and seeing how much was left. The box sounded half empty, and he checked inside of it. He took a sniff, and inhaled plenty of sugar and tiny powder from the cereal. He coughed, then put the box on the counter. He wheezed for a few moments, then looked for his keys. "But if you want, I can take you out shopping if we can clean you up." He noted, looking at the dried blood continuing to crack.
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The Little Good Boy{Glass Prison}[PG-13] Empty Re: The Little Good Boy{Glass Prison}[PG-13]

Post by Glass Prison Thu Dec 20, 2012 6:08 pm

Sage refrained from moving to much but each time she took a breath, she could feel the dried blood beginning to crack on her skin. She turned to gaze at it and used her good hand to lift away the makeshift bandage he placed on there. "Oh!" she exclaimed, looking at blackness around the wrinkled gash. "Wait.." she said slowly, watching him walk towards the kitchen and pull out a box of cheerios. "Your a werewolf? Your the thing that attacked me?" she asked, half lifting herself up to peer over the back of the couch at him. "No, im not hungry and i would like to clean up."
Sage was a strong girl and could handle the most awkward things, but this was unbelievable! Werewolves actually existed? Her full lips crept into a slight smirk but fell into a grimace when a sharp pain shot through her head. "Ouch!" she growled as she gripped her head and fell back down.
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The Little Good Boy{Glass Prison}[PG-13] Empty Re: The Little Good Boy{Glass Prison}[PG-13]

Post by Emoticon Fri Dec 21, 2012 1:58 pm

Vlade let out a light hmph and put the cereal back on top of the garbage can. "Okay then." He said, then walked into the bathroom and got out a towel. "Feel free to take a shower or a bath, let me know if you need anything. He said, falling back into his usual rhythm. As he put the towel on her, he checked the clock. It was a little past 7. but he only had to be to work by two. He had some time on his hands, so he would use it for her. He laid on his char and rolled it out, spreading his feet out and closing his eyes mind-way, getting comfortable on the chair. He stretched a little and let out a deep breath, then closed his eyes. "If you need clothes, I can give you some of mine or we could maybe go out to your place and get some." His eyes flickered under his eyelids. "You'll probably be staying a while, weather you want to or not." He added, while feeling the keys in his hand. He put them beside him and stretched once more. "Oh and wake me up when your ready to go, since I'll be showing you something after we go." He said in a rather forceful tone, making sure she knew quickly what it was like and what was coming for her. He had never had this information, and he would feel like she would want to know. He drifted off lazily, while staying just conscious enough to process the sounds of her breathing and movement. He dazed in and out, his ears alert until he drifted off to sleep.
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The Little Good Boy{Glass Prison}[PG-13] Empty Re: The Little Good Boy{Glass Prison}[PG-13]

Post by Glass Prison Fri Dec 21, 2012 2:15 pm

Sage didn't like the idea of him telling her what to do and it stirred something deep within her, a hidden anger she never knew existed. But something silenced it, something placed an invisible blanket over it and shut it off just as quickly as it came on. With a grunt and an eye roll, she struggled to sit up. She leaned against the back of the couch, not caring if her dried blood stained the nice upholstery, he deserved it. Ignoring the shooting pain in her arm, Sage lifted herself up off the couch, took hold of the towel, and stalked awkwardly into the bathroom, slamming the door behind her. It took her awhile to ease her way into the hot shower since the scalding water pierced her wounded shoulder like daggers. She rinsed away the black blood, massaged the soreness out of the gash, and managed to wash her hair although lifting her hurt arm was a task in itself.

Once out, she wrapped the towel around her slender body, tossed her clothes away, and stood in the mirror. She looked ragged. Sage took a deep breath and dug around through his cabinets, searching for some peroxide or sterilization cream. She found of cream for cuts and applied generous amount before putting it back and exiting the bathroom, steam billowing out behind her. She walked over to his share on silent feet and kicked at his leg, "I need some clothes now." she said sternly, her red hair dripping down her back and soaking the towel wrapped around her.
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The Little Good Boy{Glass Prison}[PG-13] Empty Re: The Little Good Boy{Glass Prison}[PG-13]

Post by Emoticon Sat Dec 22, 2012 6:11 am

Vlade was having a dreamless sleep, but was troubled with concerns of what to do with the girl. As his leg was kicked his eyes shot wide open, and he smirked. He looked her up and down, then got up. He put a finger to her wound, and jerked back as soon as he touched it to avoid getting hit, as he probably was going to. "Of course you put cream on it." He said under his breath, and he got looked her in the eye, backing up a bit and looking at the wound. It looked better, but red circles started to develop around the cut, and he turned around briskly. "I'll get something that fits." He said, opening his bedroom door and looking in his dresser. He found a black sweatshirt and a hoodie, with some baggy jeans that looked feminine. He turned the jeans around and looked at them, surprised to find girl jeans in his dresser. "Lemme know if it doesn't fit." He said, putting the clothes on the couch. "Don't take too long, and don't put sterilizing stuff on the wound or you'll die." He said with a normal voice, then he looked in the mirror. He straighten his hair, then put on a light, brown jacket. He zipped it up and put on his shoes, which were black sneakers. He patted down his hair a bit, then yawned. It was still early, but he was hungry, so he wanted to go soon.
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The Little Good Boy{Glass Prison}[PG-13] Empty Re: The Little Good Boy{Glass Prison}[PG-13]

Post by Glass Prison Sat Dec 22, 2012 3:52 pm

Sage debated whether or not to hit him when he glanced over and touched her gash, but refrained and just smirked at him, locking her emerald eyes on his face. He turned away and walked into the bedroom to find her some clothes, "Of course." She hissed at his comment about the cream. Using a corner of her towel, she gently dabbed it away, wincing at the tiny spurts of pain.

Sage picked up the clothes and walked back into the bathroom to get dressed. She decided she would have to go commando and braless since both were ruined by the blood. Sighing, she pulled on the jeans and looked at them in the mirror. They must have been girl's jeans because they fit her perfectly. Leaving the sweatshirt on the toilet lid, she pulled on the hoodie and decided it felt warm and snug. She ran her fingers through her hair and gargled some water to get the nasty metallic taste out of her mouth.

When she was satisfied with what she looked like, Sage left the bathroom and stood by him again. "What's your name" She sneered with a sarcastic smirk and walked towards the door, slipping on her heels since they matched and they were the only shoes she had.
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The Little Good Boy{Glass Prison}[PG-13] Empty Re: The Little Good Boy{Glass Prison}[PG-13]

Post by Emoticon Sun Dec 23, 2012 11:19 am

Vlade watched her across the room, see that the jeans fit her pretty well. "Vlade, or your mentor if you want to stay alive." He said with a smile, and opened the door. The wind hit him in the face, blowing his hair back and sending smells up his nose. "Well then, your dog mentor commands your mutt-ness to get in the car. He said, waving his hands at the passenger side. She was starting to get on his nerves, but he knew that he had no choice. As he closed the door, he jammed the keys to start the car. He was getting hungry, and he might as well get something to eat before he showed her the ropes. He backed up, honking his horn at the mass of people behind his car. They took no noticed and continued to walk around his car, when a long final beep sent them all away. "God damn." He said, then took a turn to the highway.

He took an exit and went to a big Walmart. The parking lot was empty and the employees were shuffling cart into the store, not paying attention the the cars pouring in. Taking advantage of the parking lot space, he parked right next to the store, and looked at the girl. "I don't need to hold your hand, do I?" He asked in a threatening tone. He got out of the car and slammed it shut, taking in a deep breath. His hunger was making him mad, and in turn was making him want to transform. The cold helped calm him down as he waited for the girl to get out.
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The Little Good Boy{Glass Prison}[PG-13] Empty Re: The Little Good Boy{Glass Prison}[PG-13]

Post by Glass Prison Tue Dec 25, 2012 9:46 am

Sage growled at him under her breath and stalked after him to his truck. She slipped inside and slammed the door shut, "And i am Sage. Call me by it.." she said roughly as she turned to look out the window. Her hand touched something and she looked down, seeing the dried blood on the seat. A sick feeling came over her and it started to settle in that she might actually be a werewolf.

Vlade turned into a Walmart and Sage perked up. "Wait, what are we doing here?" Her heart started to beat faster as he pulled closer to the door. " we have to go in?" she asked him as he struggled out of the cab and over around the truck. Inside worked an ex boyfriend of her's that abused her and told her that if he ever saw with another, he would hurt her and the guy.
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The Little Good Boy{Glass Prison}[PG-13] Empty Re: The Little Good Boy{Glass Prison}[PG-13]

Post by Emoticon Tue Dec 25, 2012 7:34 pm

Vlade smelled her fear, and bit his tongue with plenty of remarks running around his head. He didn't need her to make weird sounds while they were in there, and no yelling at him or pouting on the way back. "Just stay with me so we can make it out." He asked, then walked up to the entrance of the Walmart. "Just stay close to me if there's any problems, and don't wander off. Just here to get some food." Food, he thought. He was beginning to be even hungrier with each passing minute thinking of food. "Welcome to Walmart." Said a lady standing in front of some sliding doors, wearing snowflake necklaces and her hair tied back in a bun. "Oh hey." He mumbled out as he grabbed a cart, and looked back to make sure the girl was coming. "Cmon, it'll take longer the more you make it."
He said through gritted teeth, and grabbed a cart and walked through the doors. There was a blast of warm hair from above him, and it blew his hair up. He quickly patted it down before walking straight to the cereal isle, and grabbing a few boxes of Cheerios. "Hey do you have a favorite cereal or something..." He trailed off when he noticed how scares she was, and he smelled her fear. "What's wrong." He asked, looking around. He slowly moved the cart, getting a Frosted Cheerios box instead of the normal kind. He pulled out of the isle and went to the milk section, then started getting annoyed. "Will you stop please." He asked in a mild voice, showing a strained smile as they made way to the checkout. "You wanna stop for SubWay before we go?" He asked, leaning on his cart and having his mind wander off as they went to the checkout line.
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The Little Good Boy{Glass Prison}[PG-13] Empty Re: The Little Good Boy{Glass Prison}[PG-13]

Post by Glass Prison Wed Dec 26, 2012 11:40 am

Completely forgetting that she was angry and annoyed, Sage crept after Vlade and felt bad for being so nervous and scared. She ignored the greeter at the door and stuck close to his side, her eyes peeled for the devilish red hair boy she once loved. Nothing so far. She was never more than a foot behind her keeper as they moved through the big store, searching for the cereal isle. He grabbed a couple boxes of cheerios and Sage picked up her favorite box of Mini Wheats. Tossing it into the cart, she thought she saw red hair and jumped, slightly bumping into Vlade as he grabbed some milk.

"Im sorry.." she muttered, hugging her arms around myself. "Its just that an ex of mine works here and.." she started to tell him all about how he abused her and did mean things and what he would do if he saw her. She tucked a strand of wild hair behind her ear as they stood in the check out line. "Yeah, subway is fine.." she told him.
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The Little Good Boy{Glass Prison}[PG-13] Empty Re: The Little Good Boy{Glass Prison}[PG-13]

Post by Emoticon Wed Dec 26, 2012 1:42 pm

Vlade looked at her for a few seconds longer, seeing her face as she was still freaked out. He turned away slowly from her and noticed a man staring at them from the isle, moving there way. Whoever this guy was, he seemed to freak her out, so he slightly hurried his pace to the checkout line. As he was checking out the man stopped and began to idly check the candy on the lane next to him, and he stared at him. The man stared back, and broke his gaze as he moved next to a clothes isle to pick up a shirt that was on the floor. He didn't like the look of this guy, but what was annoying him more was that she was still scared. "$20.32." The man said at the checkout line, and looked his way to see what he was looking at. He gave the man a 20 and a few cents. "Thank you for shopping at Walmart." He said as he put the cereal in three bags. He grabbed both of them in one hand and made his way to the exit. He turned around to see the girl again, wondering if she was still scared, when she saw the man walking his way.
He could tell that the guy wasn't going to do anything that he should, so he grabbed the girl by her hand and walked out briskly. He put up the car, and stopped when he got to the second set of automatic doors, and turned around. The guy was chatting with her co-worker, and he tuned in to hear what he was saying. He didn't normally eavesdrop on other people, but if it was her ex he would gladly listen anyway. "Maybe tomorrow, I'm going to lunch." He said with a small smile, but his eyes were on him. He started to feel threatened, then walked next to Walmart. The Subway was a few stores down from the store, with plenty of other food stores next to it and around it. "Who is that guy and if he follows us we might as well take a few hours out of your training." He said in a calm voice, but his question was more as a demand as he walked to the store, and listened behind him.

He could hear the steady steps behind him, but didn't bother to turn around. He walked inside, and to his relief there was no line. "I would like 5 Meatball Marinaras please." "Wholewheat please, provolone cheese, baked, nothing else." He said and stepped back, then looked around. The man walked in front of the windows and gave a fake smile towards him, then he walked in. As the woman was making the subs, she was almost done and was baking the 3rd one. He stepped up and grabbed a cup. "Do you want anything, you might be hungry." He said as the man came into the line, his eyes on him and her.
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The Little Good Boy{Glass Prison}[PG-13] Empty Re: The Little Good Boy{Glass Prison}[PG-13]

Post by Glass Prison Wed Dec 26, 2012 8:06 pm

Sage did her best to ignore her ex creeping along behind them as they moved towards the check out. Inside her head she begged that the guy would go faster and they could leave. As they leaving, Vlade noticed her ex and grabbed her hand, pulling her out of the store and down the walk way leading to subway. "Ouch.." whispered, looking down at his death grip on her hand. He didn't respond so she assumed he was too busy doing some crazy wolf thing that involved her ex. She dared not peek over her shoulder, but she knew Mike was following them.
SAge stayed close to Vlade while he ordered his subs. She gawked at the amount but assumed dogs got hungry so she ignored it. Stepping up to the counter, she beamed a smile at the woman and said, "Chicken and cheese on flat bread with lettuce and chipotle sauce." As they stepped towards the register and Sage grabbed a cup for a drink, the door opened and Mike walked in.
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The Little Good Boy{Glass Prison}[PG-13] Empty Re: The Little Good Boy{Glass Prison}[PG-13]

Post by Emoticon Wed Dec 26, 2012 8:30 pm

Vlade glanced at the man, which was coming up behind him. He went to the soda dispenser and got some cherry coke, and he closely watched the ex and her behind him, now closer then they were when they first went to it. As he calmly put a cap on his bottle and a straw, he lost track of the guy until he noticed some shuffling against him, which he then realized what it was. It was the guy, and he was staring right at him. "What are you looking at?" He said as he caught his gaze full on, and he looked away. The man was starting to annoy him, and it seemed like they were never going to get to the training fields with this pace. As the woman began on the Sage's order, his wrapped up subs smelled appetizing. He smiled lightly and took a sip out of his drink.
"Could I have a a dozen chocolate chip cookies?" He asked and waited for the last sub. As the last sub was finished, the lady wrapped it up, and entered something on the machine, then the amount popped up on the screen. "$33.55." She said as he cried a little on the inside, feeling like he had spent so much money so soon. He grabbed the bag and left, feeling more annoyed at the Sage then the ex that was following them, even though it wasn't her fault. "Who is that guy." He asked, letting his anger out a bit as he said it. He couldn't wait to get to the car, and he sped walk, and almost jogged, to the car.

He checked behind him, and the guy was hesitant. As he opened the door, the guy came up to the car. Looking at Sage, he yelled at her. "Get in the car!" He yelled to her and got in, slamming the door behind him as the guy ran up. He knew this couldn't be good, and the best possible thing this guy could do was either break his window and shoot him, or stab him, which he didn't want neither of them. As he leaned over and grabbed Sage's hand, pulling her in and closing the door along with her. He pushed his pedal on and rolled out of the parking lot, feeling on edge.
They would finally be doing what they needed to do, which was to get down to the point and train Sage. As he went out to the highway, he went to a more deserted place, the cars began to thin and the forest began to thicken, until he took a dirt road off it. "That guy better not have gotten my license plate." He muttered to himself, slowing down as the bumps in the road began to get rougher.
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The Little Good Boy{Glass Prison}[PG-13] Empty Re: The Little Good Boy{Glass Prison}[PG-13]

Post by Glass Prison Wed Dec 26, 2012 9:51 pm

Sage filled her cup with coke and struggled to get the lid on since she was shaking so bad with Mike being so close. She put the straw in and quickly moved back over by Vlade who was paying. She felt bad because the bill was so high. Maybe he shouldnt of ordered so many subs and cookies. As he picked up their food, Sage looked at Vlade and then over at Mike who was staring intently at him. "Vlade.." she whispered when he spoke to Mike.
When they were headed out the door, she glanced at Mike one last time. "I already told you in walmart!" she hissed at him as they neared his truck. She heard running foot steps behind her and turned to see Mike headed right for them. "Ah!" she cried as Vlade gripped her hand yanked her into the cab. He peeled out of the parking lot, leaving Mike in his dust, cussing and waving his fist in the air.
"You need to chill out, your so on edge.." growled out Sage as she felt his annoyance radiating off himself. She looked out the window at the forest that was starting to grow around them.
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The Little Good Boy{Glass Prison}[PG-13] Empty Re: The Little Good Boy{Glass Prison}[PG-13]

Post by Emoticon Thu Dec 27, 2012 8:42 am

With Sage's comment he calmed himself down, but was still ancy for a reason. "I'll need to be, anyway we'll be staying for a few days in the forest, think of it as a camping trip." He said as he looked at his phone, noting that it was around 10. He went over some more potholes slowly, then went on grass. As the grass turned rougher, he stopped in front of a mass of thick pine trees.
"Now you can become a werewolf, in case you were holding it in." He joked lightly, and got out of his car. The pine trees stood tall above them, but the ground below was free except for a few long grass stalks and a vine or two on the ground next to it. As he got out he grabbed as sub out of the bag, made sure it wasn't Sage's, and took a bite out of it. As he chewed, he shook a little, feeling goosebumps from the cold air and excitement as he was going to transform. "Oh and one more thing, you'll need to be naked or else you'll rip your clothes off." He added as he went to take another bite.
He yawned with a mouthful of food, and leaned against his car. He didn't know what he was waiting for, until he remembered. "The transformation, depending on varying factors, can speed up or slow down. With you adding whatever you did to your wound, It may as well have sped it up, so were here." He took another bite of his sub, warming him up a little as he bit half a meatball off. "You like the outdoors?" He asked, focused on his food.
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The Little Good Boy{Glass Prison}[PG-13] Empty Re: The Little Good Boy{Glass Prison}[PG-13]

Post by Glass Prison Thu Dec 27, 2012 6:58 pm

Sage climbed out of the truck once he had pulled onto the grass and put it in park. She watched his dig into the bag for a sub and took her's out too, grabbing a cookie while they lasted. She started to eat silently, leaning against the side of the truck as he told her about transformation and such. "Naked?" she asked surprised even though he gave her a brief explanation. She thought about having to strip in front of him and blushed softly. "All of my clothes?" she asked.
She ate half her sub and sipped at her drink until all that was left were ice cubes. She kicked at the grass and dirt at her feet and decided to take off her heels. They killing her feet and the heel part kept sinking into the soft dirt. "I love the out doors,i used to go on nature hikes and go camping all the time asa kid.." she told him, wrapping her sub back up and placing it in the bag. She began to nibble on her cookie. "How do i know when im ready to morph?"
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