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Deadly Girl.... (Forcer, stallions, whatever you wanna be, your welcome)

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Deadly Girl....   (Forcer, stallions, whatever you wanna be, your welcome) Empty Deadly Girl.... (Forcer, stallions, whatever you wanna be, your welcome)

Post by Guest Tue Dec 20, 2011 1:12 am

(I almost died because it wouldnt let me upload this picture... After my 7 *noob* days Ill finally upload-.-'' )

Solo was.. not an ordinary mare. Was was violent, she was known
to fight stallions and defeat them. Yet, it seemed almost impossible
for her young age.. It is said she was abandoned by her parents as
elders told she was a sign of the devil. She was left near a western town,
almost hunted yet some considered her a beauty. She eyes flash as
if they are an orange red color of death. She didnt care what others
called her, or what they did to her. Because her saying is. "Mess with me I mess with your head"
and she was pretty good with it.



Solo gritted her teeth, and galloped, her pure black hooves
smashing upon the stone ground as she leapt over a wet
ledge of the mountain. She skidded almost falling over the
edge but she swiftly recovered herself and twisted to her side
baring her teeth at the stallion that dared call her names and
chuckle with his friends about how stupid and weak she was.
Yes, this, it pissed her off. If she could snarl/ growl, she would.
She bared her teeth and reared towering over the stallion
rain pattering her pelt, and she slashed her hooves down on the
stallions side, drawing much blood. She saw the pink and red
insides through the cuts and smirked. "Not only to I mess with your head, I tear you appart"
she whispered in the stallions ear and shoved a sharp hoof
down the side of his leg. The stallion shreeked in pain and the
group of stallions on the other side of the cliff watched horrified,
jaws dropped and scrambled away, leaving one there calling towards
the stallion she has just ripped appart. The 2 stallions ran away,
leaving the heaviest blood trail she has ever seen. She snorted stomping
her hoof, splattering the rain water everywhere around her. She lowered
her head, letting her black mane lay over her eyes once again, and made
her way walking about the mountain. What she does up there? No one
really knows, and neither does she. She has killed several stallions
this year, defeated only twice, left with little scars but decided to no longer
fight a war that would tie forever. She placed her hooves carefully, looking
at the soft beautiful valley on the other side, and glanced to her right,
the deadly, scary dark side. She glanced to the lighter side, seeing
forcers rape mares, and yet mares and stallions becoming a couple.
She sighed bringing out her softer side. She liked being this way at times,
but sometimes not. She would never get a mate, and never get a herd
as her father had said before slashing her across the face and leaving her
for death. She sighed staring at all the couples...

(too long? Please reply! Ill take anyone Wink )


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Deadly Girl....   (Forcer, stallions, whatever you wanna be, your welcome) Empty Re: Deadly Girl.... (Forcer, stallions, whatever you wanna be, your welcome)

Post by JayzPF Tue Dec 20, 2011 9:42 am

Can I join(Yeah it's me again)
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Deadly Girl....   (Forcer, stallions, whatever you wanna be, your welcome) Empty Re: Deadly Girl.... (Forcer, stallions, whatever you wanna be, your welcome)

Post by JayzPF Tue Dec 20, 2011 9:58 am

Canyon lay quietly in his cave, black and marble chest heaving. He gasped for breath, crimson blood trickling off of his sides and on to the damp cavern floor. He used to have a herd, but a younger, stronger stallion had overthrown him and left him like this. Canyon's silver eyes scanned the world outside, his cave opening facing the valley of which he lived, or used to live. His eyes rested on the image of his former herd being beaten by the cruel new male. "I have to save them!" he grunted, attempting to rise to his trembling legs. He collapsed like a newborn foal, strength draining away, eyes still glued to the horrifying image. All of a sudden, a dark form obstructed his view, sending the dying horse back to it's senses. He looked up and let out a small gasp, seeing the killer mare. Rumor told that there was a black filly with eyes like the devil roaming around, killing off stallions. No one could beat her. Of course, that was a rumor, but Canyon wasn't about to test it.
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Deadly Girl....   (Forcer, stallions, whatever you wanna be, your welcome) Empty Re: Deadly Girl.... (Forcer, stallions, whatever you wanna be, your welcome)

Post by Guest Tue Dec 20, 2011 12:32 pm

(Of course you can join Smile Did you forget about our other topic? haha alien )


She continued to walk along the ridged hard, cold stone path upon
the mountain. Her shadowy figure getting some stallions below a
glare. She rolled her eyes and carefully, placing her hooves continued.
She turned her head, realising she had probably just entered a stallion's
'territory'. She peered into the cave from her standing view near the edge,
seeing the stallion lay there, alert. Her orange/red eyes glowed as
she looked with interest.


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Deadly Girl....   (Forcer, stallions, whatever you wanna be, your welcome) Empty Re: Deadly Girl.... (Forcer, stallions, whatever you wanna be, your welcome)

Post by JayzPF Tue Dec 20, 2011 1:33 pm

Canyon's heart skipped a beat when the devil mare saw him. He struggled to his hooves but fell again, so he frantically tried to claw his way further back in the cave. After failing, he looked in to her glowing eyes pleadingly, hoping she wouldn't end his life. The dying stallion rested his head on a rock, watching the female out of the corner of his eye.

(sss haha my view posts since last visit button isn't working so i can't tell which posts I need to reply on Razz )
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Deadly Girl....   (Forcer, stallions, whatever you wanna be, your welcome) Empty Re: Deadly Girl.... (Forcer, stallions, whatever you wanna be, your welcome)

Post by Guest Tue Dec 20, 2011 2:32 pm

(oh lol, well, im always stuck on this site and i will more likely reply in several minutes o-o )


She blinked slightly seeing the stallion
cower to the back of the den. Some of
those rumors about her are not true.
Yes, she kills other horses, mainly stallions,
but not without a reason. She looked at
the stallion, taking small steps towards him
inside the cave. "Who are you?" she spoke,
a rather soothing voice at this point. She
glanced at the stallions wounds.

(He has wounds righ? O_O )


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Deadly Girl....   (Forcer, stallions, whatever you wanna be, your welcome) Empty Re: Deadly Girl.... (Forcer, stallions, whatever you wanna be, your welcome)

Post by JayzPF Tue Dec 20, 2011 4:27 pm

(Lol he has blood dripping off of him and you put Znip instead of Solo)

Canyon looked up at the mare warily and saw her step in to his dwelling. He went rigid, ready to kick or bite, but heard her speak, her voice oddly pleasant for a killer, so he relaxed. "I'm Canyon." The wounded stallion replied cautiously, raising his head to better see the mare. He licked a gash on his shoulder, keeping an eye on the dangerous horse standing in front of him. His silken marble tail swished on the floor nervously, disturbing the feasting flies that had settled on his injuries.
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Deadly Girl....   (Forcer, stallions, whatever you wanna be, your welcome) Empty Re: Deadly Girl.... (Forcer, stallions, whatever you wanna be, your welcome)

Post by Guest Tue Dec 20, 2011 7:28 pm

(Opps, LOL!!)


She blinked looking around the small cave for a second.
"Canyon.. Im Solo. You look freightened, and I can believe why in every way."
she spoke. "So... What beat you up?" she asked looking
upon his wounds, some very serious.


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Deadly Girl....   (Forcer, stallions, whatever you wanna be, your welcome) Empty Re: Deadly Girl.... (Forcer, stallions, whatever you wanna be, your welcome)

Post by JayzPF Wed Dec 21, 2011 2:51 pm


Canyon blinked, surprised that the mare was asking. "Well, another stallion came and kicked me out of my own herd." He sighed, slightly embarrassed. He struggled on to his side, wincing in pain. The wounded stallion still wasn't strong enough to stand up.
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Deadly Girl....   (Forcer, stallions, whatever you wanna be, your welcome) Empty Re: Deadly Girl.... (Forcer, stallions, whatever you wanna be, your welcome)

Post by Guest Wed Dec 21, 2011 2:55 pm


Solo's eyes softened and she made
a trot out of the cave, and then a gallop
down the side of the mountain carefully,
just to her perfect drinking spot. Whenever
she had wounds she would have a clump of
moss that had water in it and soak her wounds
so maybe they wouldnt get infected. She looked
around carefully, trying to find any moss, unless
she used it all. She narrowed her eyes frusterated,
and suddenly just pulled some moss out of the
clear water and brought it back up the small
mountain. It began to pour, once again. She rolled
her eyes and trotted back into the cave, looking
for the stallions worst wounds, and poured water
on them gently.


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Deadly Girl....   (Forcer, stallions, whatever you wanna be, your welcome) Empty Re: Deadly Girl.... (Forcer, stallions, whatever you wanna be, your welcome)

Post by JayzPF Wed Dec 21, 2011 7:06 pm

Canyon grimaced when Solo gently poured water on to his wounds. Not that it didn't soothe him, it did, but it also came with a slight sting. He sighed in relief. Why didn't I think of that? the stallion wondered and recalled seeing a fresh spring that he had stopped to drink at. It had moss in it, but all he had thought of at that moment was revenge. Now, in his pitiful position, he just wanted peace. After a few awkward moments, the waves of intense pain subsided and Canyon struggled to get on his knees before jerkily rising on to his bloodied legs. "Thank you" he mumbled, but cleared his voice and repeated it louder. The male nodded in appreciation at he mare.
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Deadly Girl....   (Forcer, stallions, whatever you wanna be, your welcome) Empty Re: Deadly Girl.... (Forcer, stallions, whatever you wanna be, your welcome)

Post by Guest Wed Dec 21, 2011 7:17 pm


She pulled away as Canyon slowly tried to get up.
She raised her brows, the moss still in her mouth.
She turned her head, spitting the clump out and
turning back to Canyon. She glanced at him for several
seconds, then slowly walked up to him, helping him
stand up. When he finally did she spoke "Wheres the stallion."
she said firmly, her eyes flashing red with narrowed eyes.


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Deadly Girl....   (Forcer, stallions, whatever you wanna be, your welcome) Empty Re: Deadly Girl.... (Forcer, stallions, whatever you wanna be, your welcome)

Post by JayzPF Wed Dec 21, 2011 7:45 pm

Canyon flicked his tail nervously. "Well, he's on that hill behind you." he told her, pointing his muzzle at the valley he had been staring at before. "But that guy, he's relentless. Piss him off once, and he'll hunt you down until you're dead." His patched coat twitched in agitation. "He killed my kids..." he whispered to himself, head bowed.
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Deadly Girl....   (Forcer, stallions, whatever you wanna be, your welcome) Empty Re: Deadly Girl.... (Forcer, stallions, whatever you wanna be, your welcome)

Post by Guest Wed Dec 21, 2011 7:54 pm


She raised her brow and turned her
head back to the hill she was looking
at before. She took a step out, then
looked back. "If you can, I would like you
to come with me." she spoke
looking at Canyon, hooves turned ready to make it
down the small mountain.


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Deadly Girl....   (Forcer, stallions, whatever you wanna be, your welcome) Empty Re: Deadly Girl.... (Forcer, stallions, whatever you wanna be, your welcome)

Post by JayzPF Wed Dec 21, 2011 8:04 pm

Canyon frowned. "I would love to see the look on his face, but I don't know if I'm ready. I can barely stand!" he said, legs quavering, showing that they might give out at any second. He tried taking a few steps forward, and wobbled, but managed to stay upright. "Huh, maybe I can." The stallion tentatively hobbled over to the mare, favoring his left hind leg. There was a huge gash on it tat was dripping with pus.
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Deadly Girl....   (Forcer, stallions, whatever you wanna be, your welcome) Empty Re: Deadly Girl.... (Forcer, stallions, whatever you wanna be, your welcome)

Post by Guest Wed Dec 21, 2011 8:08 pm


[color=white]"What I learned is even the worst of injuries,
you can always make it somewhere. Wether
you dont have hooves or legs, you can make it."
she spoke and walked the stallion down the mountain
and headed to the hill he pointed out.
"Tell me when you see him" she spoke, watching
his feet so she could catch him in time if he fell.[/color

(Have you replied to the forcer one? I havent checked yet)


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Deadly Girl....   (Forcer, stallions, whatever you wanna be, your welcome) Empty Re: Deadly Girl.... (Forcer, stallions, whatever you wanna be, your welcome)

Post by JayzPF Wed Dec 21, 2011 8:15 pm

(oops I keep forgetting its not showing up for me I need to go will post first thing tomorrow)
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Deadly Girl....   (Forcer, stallions, whatever you wanna be, your welcome) Empty Re: Deadly Girl.... (Forcer, stallions, whatever you wanna be, your welcome)

Post by Guest Wed Dec 21, 2011 8:25 pm

(Alright, see ya later Wink )


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Deadly Girl....   (Forcer, stallions, whatever you wanna be, your welcome) Empty Re: Deadly Girl.... (Forcer, stallions, whatever you wanna be, your welcome)

Post by JayzPF Thu Dec 22, 2011 9:19 am

(I'm back!)

Canyon smiled at Solo. "Okay, if you say so." His attitude was completely different from a minute ago. The crippled stallion hobbled down the mountain, supported by the mare. Suddenly, his gaze hardened. "There." He glowered at the growing speck that called itself a stallion. The dark bay stallion was beating up a 7 month old colt.
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Deadly Girl....   (Forcer, stallions, whatever you wanna be, your welcome) Empty Re: Deadly Girl.... (Forcer, stallions, whatever you wanna be, your welcome)

Post by Guest Thu Dec 22, 2011 10:26 am

(yaaayyy! xD Morning!)


She looked where he had pointed to,
seeing a colt being beaten to death.
She may not seem like it, but she is
a lover for younger horses, many find
her a dangerous... disaster, fighting
and killing others, yet saving young foals.
She snorted stomping her hoof, still
supporting Canyon. "Hey you!" she shouted
feircly glaring at the stallion. She couldnt
wait to see what happened, whether she
kill the stallion, injured him badly, or she
broke something, or died. She didnt care.


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Deadly Girl....   (Forcer, stallions, whatever you wanna be, your welcome) Empty Re: Deadly Girl.... (Forcer, stallions, whatever you wanna be, your welcome)

Post by JayzPF Thu Dec 22, 2011 1:27 pm

(hehe Very Happy I don't really know what to put)

Canyon grinned at Solo's eagerness. The other stallion reared and shoved the frightened colt out of the herd. "Let's go!" he snorted, stumbling along the ragged path
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Deadly Girl....   (Forcer, stallions, whatever you wanna be, your welcome) Empty Re: Deadly Girl.... (Forcer, stallions, whatever you wanna be, your welcome)

Post by Guest Thu Dec 22, 2011 2:07 pm


Narrowed her eyes and stepped away from
Canyon, snorting glaring at the stallion. She
circled him several times, trying to see if she could
find a weak spot then out of the blu, reared up,
slashing her razor sharp hooves down his side
drawing blood. She snorted, her nostrils flaring
and her ears pinned down in anger, she swiped
her hoof across one of his legs, smirking when
she saw dribbles of blood ooze down into the


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Deadly Girl....   (Forcer, stallions, whatever you wanna be, your welcome) Empty Re: Deadly Girl.... (Forcer, stallions, whatever you wanna be, your welcome)

Post by JayzPF Thu Dec 22, 2011 3:10 pm

Canyon wobbled when Solo left her, but managed to stay standing. The dark bay stallion reared, bringing his hooves down on the mare circling him. Blood trickled down his body, wetting the grass beneath him.
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Deadly Girl....   (Forcer, stallions, whatever you wanna be, your welcome) Empty Re: Deadly Girl.... (Forcer, stallions, whatever you wanna be, your welcome)

Post by Guest Thu Dec 22, 2011 3:16 pm


The stallion reared, she flinched, fucking seeing the sun seemed to cast a shadow upon her. She twitched slightly feeling great
pain in her leg realising the stallion had struck her. She snorted, biting onto the stallions neck as hard as she could and twisted with all of her might,
managing to make the stallion almost turn over on his side. She shreeked, this always happened. She pulled her head back, the
stallion had stepped on her. She bared her teeth, bucking the stallions side, she then turned her head, looking at Canyon and
the terrified colt.


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Deadly Girl....   (Forcer, stallions, whatever you wanna be, your welcome) Empty Re: Deadly Girl.... (Forcer, stallions, whatever you wanna be, your welcome)

Post by JayzPF Thu Dec 22, 2011 5:04 pm

Canyon whinnied to Solo, watching intently as the stallion fell over on to his side. The dark bay horse fell over groaning. Canyon hobbled over to the triumphant mare and smiled at the herd. "Hi, guys!" The other stally grunted and rose to his feet, defeated. He bowed his head and stalked away, muttering "Stupid Mare." Canyon turned his head and licked his wounds. They still hurt like hell, although the moss water had helped.
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