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Don't Even Know What I'm Searching For... {open ; stallion }

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Don't Even Know What I'm Searching For... {open ; stallion } Empty Don't Even Know What I'm Searching For... {open ; stallion }

Post by Sammi Thu Nov 24, 2011 11:49 am

Don't Even Know What I'm Searching For... {open ; stallion } Dakotarunning

The 3 year old mare had been walking for miles on end. She had no idea what she was searchng for, she had no idea where to go. Ever since the humans had relocated her here, in this strange place, Ciente had nowhere to go. She didnt know any other horses, and when she tried to make friends with a young human, her father ended up shooting at the poor mustang.

All the filly wanted was a family, which she never really had. Being born in a Mustang refuge wasnt good luck. You always got stomped on and separated, and eventually put out into a place that you didnt know where to go, or who to know. The grulla paint trudged along a thin forest, the sunlight beaming through in little clumps, making her body appear to glow in certain places.

She hung her head low, and walked out into a sun lught clearing, the grass was green and luscious, and a timy creek flowed around the outside. The mare lifted her head and looked around, her ears acting like little satellites. "Where am I...?" she mumbled to herself.

Butterflies flew out of the grass as she continued to walk, and eventually she stopped in the middle of the field. She gazed around, her grey eyes scanning for signs of other horses, which were impossible to miss. She flicked her tail and took in a deep breath. "Can anybody hear me?!" She called, her voice rang through her surroundings. Ciente hoped she didnt have to be alone much longer.

{ Go ahead and join if you want! I need a kind stallion who can how her around and possibly fall in love . Thanksss Very Happy }
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Don't Even Know What I'm Searching For... {open ; stallion } Empty Re: Don't Even Know What I'm Searching For... {open ; stallion }

Post by Spritz Sat Nov 26, 2011 7:06 pm

(Is this the topic?)
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Don't Even Know What I'm Searching For... {open ; stallion } Empty Re: Don't Even Know What I'm Searching For... {open ; stallion }

Post by Sammi Sat Nov 26, 2011 8:15 pm

{ yuss Razz }
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Don't Even Know What I'm Searching For... {open ; stallion } Empty Re: Don't Even Know What I'm Searching For... {open ; stallion }

Post by Spritz Sat Nov 26, 2011 8:32 pm

(Oh kay, lemme type up a reply.)
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Don't Even Know What I'm Searching For... {open ; stallion } Empty Re: Don't Even Know What I'm Searching For... {open ; stallion }

Post by Sammi Sun Nov 27, 2011 3:47 pm

( kayy ! )
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Don't Even Know What I'm Searching For... {open ; stallion } Empty Re: Don't Even Know What I'm Searching For... {open ; stallion }

Post by Spritz Sun Nov 27, 2011 4:04 pm

(Where is your bio for this mare? I can post my stally's bio on there?)
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Don't Even Know What I'm Searching For... {open ; stallion } Empty Re: Don't Even Know What I'm Searching For... {open ; stallion }

Post by Sammi Sun Nov 27, 2011 4:12 pm

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Don't Even Know What I'm Searching For... {open ; stallion } Empty Re: Don't Even Know What I'm Searching For... {open ; stallion }

Post by Spritz Mon Nov 28, 2011 10:57 am

Ace's head was lowered to the earth, his muzzle running across the tips of the green grass. Snorting softly, he flared his nostrils and snatched a mouthful of the clover, before raising his head. His mane cascaded down over his strong neck, the breeze gently playing with the silky strands of hair.
Tossing his head into the air, Ace swished his tail happily, all the while listening for sounds of other horses. His ears were pricked atop his head, listening intently.
The direction of the breeze suddenly shifted, making Ace snort in exitment. Ears pricked upright, he raised a large black hoof and pawed the ground, exposing the dark black dirt under the lush cover of green grass.
His eyes held a familiar glimmer of intrest, and he raised his muzzle high into the air. Opening his nostrils, he took in a deep breath, finding the scent of a mare in its grasp. His muscles imedietly tensed, and he shook his head back and forth, the smell of the mare clinging to his nasal passage.
He let out a gutteral whinny, low and deep, before moving forward. His strong legs carried his body over the ground with ease and grace, heavy hooves falling with soft thumping noises onto the ground. Tail raised, he carried it as a banner as he trotted through the forest, out of the small clearing he had been grazing in.

(Sorry, I'm not all that great at horses. I'm doing homework right now so I didn't post a great post.)
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Don't Even Know What I'm Searching For... {open ; stallion } Empty Re: Don't Even Know What I'm Searching For... {open ; stallion }

Post by Sammi Mon Nov 28, 2011 6:44 pm

{pshh, that post was terrific !}

the young mare lifted her head, her ears perked forward, and her tail lifted. Her body tensed; and she paused, one foot held in mid air. She rose her dark brown muzzle to the sky, her nostrils twitching as she inhaled the scent of another horse. It was a distance from her, but by the almost desperate gruffling neigh the stallion had shown, she knew he wouldnt take long to reach her.

She pondered about sprinting away like a scared deer, but she knew he might iust come after her. She looked around, her silvery eyes scanning the horizon from where the neigh had come from, before she cautiously lowered her head, flicking her black tail over her back as she nibbled on grass rather lazily, not really bothering to swallow, as she waited for the stallion to show himself.
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Don't Even Know What I'm Searching For... {open ; stallion } Empty Re: Don't Even Know What I'm Searching For... {open ; stallion }

Post by Spritz Mon Nov 28, 2011 6:56 pm

Ace raised his head into the air, opening his nostrils and taking in the scent of the mare once again. His mane blew over his strong neck, and he pawed the ground as he came to a soft halt. The breeze gently played in the strands of his tail, and he lowered his head as he moved forward once again.
A few moments went by, and Ace followed the scent of the mare easilly. Each step drew him closer to her, and he soon reached a large clover meadow. Bees buzzed about in the purple flowers, and Ace snorted softly. His nostrils flared, his brilliant white hide glinting softly in the sunlight. Then, he spotted her. A lone pinto mare standing on the edge of the meadow. Giving a low whinny, he raised a mighty hoof, pawing the ground elegantly while watching her with his dark, intelegant eyes.

(Sorry I'm failing tonight. I lost my imagination in the mud.)
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Don't Even Know What I'm Searching For... {open ; stallion } Empty Re: Don't Even Know What I'm Searching For... {open ; stallion }

Post by Sammi Mon Nov 28, 2011 7:48 pm

(you're fine (: )

Ciente's ears pricked toward the appearence of the stud, and she lifted her head, her silver eyes staring at the stallion with interest, twinkling in the afternoon sun. Her lip twitched as she rolled her tongue around in her mouth. She straightened herself, her dark brown and red tinted mane flowing freely in the soft spring breeze, her black tailflowing as a banner behind her as well.

Her grullo and white colored coat flinched when a fly landed on her hip, and she raised and flicked her tail to whil it away. After eyeing the stud, she smirked a little, and opened her mouth, bobbing her head at the white stallion, he was quite handsome. "Hi there." she smiled kindly.
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Don't Even Know What I'm Searching For... {open ; stallion } Empty Re: Don't Even Know What I'm Searching For... {open ; stallion }

Post by Spritz Thu Dec 01, 2011 9:22 am

Ace eyed the mare with growing intrest, his muscles taught and tight. Raising his tail, the strands fell to one side and cascaded over his hind legs, the breeze playing in their midst. He snorted suddenly, raising his majestic head. His nostrils flared, showing the pink inside, and he raised a hoof, tentetivley stepping forward, closer to the mare. His movments were graceful, yet somewhat rigid as he tried to desipher what to do next. Being a young stud, he still didn't know how to act around mares, and decided now was a better time than ever to go with his instincts. They screamed at him to go closer, and so he did. One step after another, until he was standing near the mare. As he was near her, he could smell the sweat on her hide, and he shook his head slightly, lowering his head to nip halfheartedly at the grass below them. His ears pricked upright as he heard her speak, his head automaticly swinging up so he could gaze at the mare. His dark eyes were gentle and soft, and he flicked his tail over his rump.
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Don't Even Know What I'm Searching For... {open ; stallion } Empty Re: Don't Even Know What I'm Searching For... {open ; stallion }

Post by Sammi Thu Dec 01, 2011 4:54 pm

She smirked a bit, flicking her tail back and forth, the dark brown locks of hair buffering between her legs. Her mane flowed luciously on one side, and she pricked her ears toward the stud. Her eyes shimmered as she caught his gaze, and her forelock fell into her face and draped itself over her left eye.

"I'm afraid we've never met. I'm Ciente," she stood proudly next to the stud, though she was a bit shorter than him, acting proud didnt quite help, but she smirked at her trying. She lowered her neck, nibbling at the grass, her lips simply running over the soft green blades.
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Don't Even Know What I'm Searching For... {open ; stallion } Empty Re: Don't Even Know What I'm Searching For... {open ; stallion }

Post by Spritz Sun Dec 04, 2011 4:27 pm

Ace lifted his head, his long flowing mane settling over back over his neck. His ears were pricked upwards, dark chocolate eyes looking at the mare, who was standing in front of him. Lifting a heavy hoof up off of the ground, he cocked his head to the side and looked intently at the mare. Flaring his wide nostrils, he gently stepped forward and a bit closer to the mare. "Hello~" He started, his voice warry. Flicking his ears, he gingerly tossed his head, the breeze playing in the sea of his white mane.
The small meadow consisted in a plain of green grass, long and lush around the stallions ankles. A few trees were dotted around the place, seemingly placed by chance and growing away from the others. Small purple violets sprouted up around the gnarled roots, tinting the air with a fragrent scent that clung to the stallion's tender nostrils.
Watching the mare intently, he bowed his head, relaxing his stance to show her that he meant no harm. Swishing his tail casually over his rump and hind legs, he whickered softly, moving his head forward.
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Don't Even Know What I'm Searching For... {open ; stallion } Empty Re: Don't Even Know What I'm Searching For... {open ; stallion }

Post by Sammi Mon Dec 05, 2011 6:29 pm

She smiled at him, her grey eyes batting at him. She swished her tail in a relaxed manner, and took a single step forward. She lifted her head to examine her pursuer, and slowly she tentatively extended her muzzle toward his. She brushed her velvet nose against his, and took in a deep breath, taking in the stallions scent.

She looked at him blankly, not knowing what to say, and she figured that with him being the male, he'd start something if he wanted to. She lowered her head back down to the grass and resumed lipping lazily at the greenery.

{ ;-; fail }
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Don't Even Know What I'm Searching For... {open ; stallion } Empty Re: Don't Even Know What I'm Searching For... {open ; stallion }

Post by Spritz Thu Dec 08, 2011 12:40 pm

(Sometimes, at least for me, horse posts get a bit shorter. It's just that I dont have as much experience rping them. Now worries hun! (:)

The mare's deep grey eyes beckoned to the large stud, his muscles tense under his pure white hide. The breeze gently tossed his forlock between his tall, pricked ears, and he reached forward gently, gazing deeply into her eyes. The meadow was quiet, thin fog settling over the ground as the morning dew coated the horse's hooves. Shaking his massive head, he happily swished his tail over his rump. Ace wasn't used to dealing with mares, and he gently nickered to her, his voice low and gutteral. The mare slowly turned to him, taking a tentitive step forward and brushing her velvet mug against his own. The single, gentle touch sent shivers down Ace's body, ears gently flickering atop his head. The mare was very close to him, and the sweet, musky scent of her body clung to the tender insides of his nostrils, making him snort suddenly and draw his head up, shaking it back and forth in an agitated manner. It wasn't that he disliked her company; nor her touch, but he was having a hard time fighting his stallion instincts verses his common sense. He took a small step forward, raising his head and letting his muzzle brush against the tips of her ears, in a friendly and comforting manner.
When the mare turned away, he followed her, swishing his long tail over his rump. His head bobbed lightly as he walked forward, before he nosed her withers and gently lowered his head so it was near hers, his eyes darting to the side and watching the mare intently, a familiar gleam in their deep brown depths. "I'm sorry..." he mumbled around the grass, before continuing. "I'm rather new at this myself."
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Don't Even Know What I'm Searching For... {open ; stallion } Empty Re: Don't Even Know What I'm Searching For... {open ; stallion }

Post by Sammi Thu Dec 15, 2011 5:50 pm

She flicked her ears toward the ruffling sound of the stallion's huffing breath, and her eyes shot to stare into his when she found his head side by side with hers. She smirked, lifting her head and shaking her long brown-highlighted mane out, nudging her muzzle toward the stallion. "I've noticed. Why don't we start out easy.." She suggested, her long banner flicking softly to the side behind her.

She curved her neck and bobbed her heavy head. "What's your business here?" Ciente cocked her head at the stud, a clever shimmer in her pupil. She let out a relaxed sigh, her eyes locking onto his.
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Don't Even Know What I'm Searching For... {open ; stallion } Empty Re: Don't Even Know What I'm Searching For... {open ; stallion }

Post by Spritz Fri Dec 16, 2011 9:04 am

When the mare raised her own head, Ace felt the need to do the same. He followed her movements precicley, more of a distraction than anything else. When she thrust her elegant muzzle towards his, he felt the want to touch it with his own, but seemed to hold back for a few seconds. His neck was arched, white mane cascading down his strong, thick neck in shining waves. Slowly, very slowly he inched his muzzle towards hers, nearly jumping when it brushed against hers. He pulled away in a matter of seconds however, his ears lacing back on his head and getting lost in the sea of his thick mane.
"This is my homeland. There is no where else for me to go- so this is where I stay. My father has already passed on, thus I am the caretaker of this land." He dipped his head in a noble fashion, his dark eyes shining.
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Don't Even Know What I'm Searching For... {open ; stallion } Empty Re: Don't Even Know What I'm Searching For... {open ; stallion }

Post by Sammi Sat Dec 17, 2011 12:24 pm

She looked around, her grey eyes scanning the sea of green grass before the two equines. The trees that lined the meadow made this the seemingly perfect area for a stallion and his herd to call their own. Her soft eyes fell back onto the studs muscled body, and she blinked softly. "I see...shouldn't you have a herd to look after, though?" She cocked her head, her long forelock falling into view of her grey colored eyes. She flicked her tail and moved her lips around as she roled her tongue around in her mouth, removing anything stuck to her teeth.
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Don't Even Know What I'm Searching For... {open ; stallion } Empty Re: Don't Even Know What I'm Searching For... {open ; stallion }

Post by Spritz Sat Dec 17, 2011 3:54 pm

Ace also cocked his head, his deep brown eyes looking into Ciente's grey ones. When she asked him why he wasn't taking care of his own herd, he raised his tail and flicked it to one side. His long white forelock obscured his vision slightly, as he thrust his muzzle forward and brushing it against hers, his eyes holding a glint of gentle pleasure at the touch.
"I dont have a herd yet. Only a certain few mares have ventured into these woods since the old herd dispursed, but now I am ready to make my own."
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Don't Even Know What I'm Searching For... {open ; stallion } Empty Re: Don't Even Know What I'm Searching For... {open ; stallion }

Post by Sammi Mon Jan 16, 2012 10:05 am

She could not help but to nicker ever so softly, feeling the sudden vibration of the touch of his soft muzzle. Her eyes gazed into his, and she fluttered her long eyelashes. "I see...Is that why you have come to my acquaintance today?"
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