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The Empire's Horses

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The Empire's Horses Empty The Empire's Horses

Post by Roman Empire Fri Nov 04, 2011 12:05 am

Hello and welcome to my horse characters! I must first ask that you please do no post, as I may or may not be adding more in the future.
If you would like to roleplay with any of them feel free to shoot me a PM and we'll discuss it ^_^

Right now we have Caesar and Twilight Masquarade.
Both need new pictures (working on it soon hopefull)

Last edited by Roman Empire on Fri Nov 04, 2011 3:39 am; edited 4 times in total
Roman Empire
Roman Empire
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The Empire's Horses Empty Caesar

Post by Roman Empire Fri Nov 04, 2011 1:03 am

        The Empire's Horses Caesar_by_meridianwood-d3cdx3a

        If A Name Was More Than a Title
        My full name is Caesar
        Its meaning is lost to me
        But you may must call me only Caesar if you wish

        Painted Like a Portrait
        I am a very handsome stallion
        I have been on this Earth five years
        I am built like a Lusitano with a lovely roman nose
        I stand to the height of 16 hh
        My coat is of the richest bay you ever did see
        And my eyes are a deep Dark Chocolate
        My mane and tail are both the darkest of ebonies and shine like the sun
        I have a Blaze on my face and four white stockings on black legs

        Behind This Mask You'll Find
        I promise I will always be a bit of a royalist and walk with the gate of a King, as I often see myself as. There is just something about me that screams out aristocracy and pride. I suppose you could say I am the Equine world's own little Mr. Darcy. I demand to be respected and seen as the powerful ruler that I am, and will never settle for less. Because this royal stallion is more than just a pretty face; I am also an excelent fighter. I must be, of course, to protect those beneath me. Because, though I may seem brash and a pain in your behind, I am still a very good leader. I do not sit around and let others do my job. No, I protect those below me like any rightful king should. So just give it time, give this kingly figure a chance to show you how loyal I can be.

        But you see there is a reason to my rhyme. I was born, not into this royal personage that I assume today, but as a humble colt to two work horses that wanted nothing more in life than to simply be happy. It was hard to live that dream, though, because of all that stood in their way. My father was constantly being challenged for my mother and often times he would come home battered and worn. One day he didn't return at all and my mother sent me to find him. He had been left to die alone in the fields by a higher up and this infuriated me. Do not worry, my father was alive and well when I saw him last. He is fine, but on that day with him lying there half dead I made a vow that I would surpass all authority so that nothing like this would ever happen again. So I worked my way up to the Council of the herd and worked with the King personally to better conditions for the lower classes. I was even named as the son he never had and rose to the Prince's position. But I could not stay there forever. I am a stallion after all, and we must move out from our herds. So now I will wander in hopes of finding somewhere to start over.

        Blood is Thicker Than Water
        My mother is Fatalia
        And my father is Troy
        I have no siblings
        I am sorry to say, but I am taken by no one
        My dear sweet foals are totally none existant at this moment
        But I could not forget my dear friends once I get them

        Catch Me on the Fly By
        I am currently the master wanderer
        I call the wide open world my home
        You can find me Here

Roman Empire
Roman Empire
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The Empire's Horses Empty Twilight Maskarade

Post by Roman Empire Fri Nov 04, 2011 3:07 am

        If A Name Was More Than a Title
        My full name is Twilight Masquarade
        Its meaning is a dark deception of character
        But you may call meTwilight if you wish

        Painted Like a Portrait
        I am a very sexy vixen
        I have been on this Earth four glorious years
        I am built like a Andalusian
        I stand to the height of 16 hh
        My coat is of the richest alibaster you ever did see
        And my eyes are a deep onyx
        My mane and tail are both white and shine like the sun
        I have no flaws whatsoever

        Behind This Mask You'll Find
        I promise I will always be a serious flirt. I don't know what it is about men but they just turn me on like crazy. I want to get close to them, to steal them all out from under all of those silly old mares. Why can't they see that I am simply the best there is? I am a sly little thing, a definite eye turner. And who said Quarter Horses where all muscle? They forgot about our speed and grace. I suppose I could be 'tamed' just as any other mare, if someone could actually learn to control me. But some how I don't see that happening. You see, I am a wild girl that does not wish to be caught. I want to run till my heart bursts and I can no longer go on. I want to live, you see, I want to really live. I want to travel, to see the world from every angle and really enjoy myself. I love to meet all new places and start over over and over again.

        But you see there is a reason to my rhyme. I am a pure bred, born by the clocked fastest horse in the world for the quarter mile. I was to be her successor, to show the world my speed and my strength. But I was born sickly, you see. They coddled me all the time and I was never allowed outside the stables. All I wanted to do was run and play like the other horses, but they could never get past the fact that once upon a time I was sick. Even when I reached maturity, far past when I should have began training, they still would only let me out at a slow walk. And so I escaped. Late one night when they pulled me out to stretch my legs I pulled the lead right out of their hands and ran for all I was worth. And man was I worth a LOT. Since then I just couldn't stop. I had to do everything to the extreme, everything that made me feel alive and free.

        Blood is Thicker Than Water
        My mother is The Black Fox
        And my father is unknown to me
        I have no known siblings
        I am sorry to say, but I am taken by anyone who can withstand my flirting
        My dear sweet foals are only in my dreams
        But I could not forget my dear friends if I ever obtain any

        Catch Me on the Fly By
        I am currently the master drifter
        I call the bachelor's pads my home
        You can find me here

Last edited by Roman Empire on Sun Jun 03, 2012 9:03 pm; edited 1 time in total
Roman Empire
Roman Empire
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The Empire's Horses Empty Night Whisper

Post by Roman Empire Sun Nov 06, 2011 11:17 am

        If A Name Was More Than a Title
        My full name is Night Whisper
        Its meaning is unknown to me
        But you may call meNight or Whisper if you wish

        Painted Like a Portrait
        I am a very beautiful mare
        I have been on this Earth four years
        I am built like a Friesian
        I stand to the height of 17 hh
        My coat is of the richest ebony you ever did see
        And my eyes are a deep onyx
        My mane and tail are both obsidian and shine like the sun
        I have no markings on my body but a white halter on my head

        Behind This Mask You'll Find
        I promise I will always be quiet and calm and most certainly brutally honest. I don't think I've smiled in a year and happyness? Good luck to you there because it isn't going to happen. I feel quite dead inside, like I'm not even here at all. Like I don't live, only exist. I will often do things just to stay alive, things that aren't all that rational or sane. I just want to feel more than this depression. It doesn't matter what, I just want a change from this grey existance. There are times, I suppose, when I am looking out over the water or watching the herds play and run that I feel something like comfort. I just want more of these times, more chances to feel and to live.

        But you see there is a reason to my rhyme. I am honestly a human's horse. I was born to preform dressage on a minor level for my master's young children. I excelled at it and I was treated like a beloved pet. Life was good for me. There was no lack of friends or horses to talk to and the family gave me the very best care. And I took my job seriously, always doing my very best at the dressage trials and keeping them safe when we would go for our long rides in the woods. It was on one of these rides, though, that everything changed. I was walking along with the young master on my back and we were traveling deeper than usual. He had always had a fondness for adventure and I was always obliging in his desires. But we were soon met in the road by two suspicious looking men who imediately started questioning the young boy. I didn't like it but kept still as he answered their questions with a light and trusting air. It was when one of them pulled out the gun that I acted, charging at them as they fired. But as you probably know, a horse is no match for a bullet. So down I went and the master stayed by my side. If only I could have told him to run, for they pointed that blasted metal thing at him next. It was for money. It was all for money that they killed my young master. They ran off with his bag and were never seen again. It was a few hours before they finally found us, but it was far too late for the boy or my happiness. I survived, though I wished I did not. Even after the gun wound had healed I could not be happy. The masters knew it wasn't my fault, and in a small sense so did I, but I could not help but feel like I should have died in his place. He did not deserve what he got. They often left me to wander where I pleased after that, as nothing they did could shake me from the depression I was in. I would accept no rider, even the little Miss. I never became agressive, I just wouldn't move. I would never ride someone off to their death ever again. It soon became apparent that I was useless to them, and nothing they could do would make me happy again. So they drove me for hours and hours out to where wild horses are said to have roamed. And they set me free. They were sad to see me go, and I know they were only doing it to try and lift my spirits again. I hope they are right. I hope this works. Maybe one day I can return to them. But for now I wander with the same depression, still trying to find a way to feel alive again.

        Blood is Thicker Than Water
        My mother is Guenavier
        And my father is unknown to me
        I have no siblings
        I am sorry to say, but I am taken by no one
        My dear sweet foals are not real, as I have none
        But I could not forget my dear friends that have been lost to me

        Catch Me on the Fly By
        I am currently the master drifter
        I call the open spaces my home
        You can find me here

Roman Empire
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