Call of the Wild
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Let's have some fun...

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Let's have some fun... Empty Let's have some fun...

Post by Roman Empire Fri Nov 04, 2011 3:56 am

She trotted with a high spirited step through the thick dark forest, her head held high and proud. Well who wouldn't be if you looked like her? She was a striking figure of blue roan and stark black and white contrasts at her legs and face. And with that half white mask she looked more like a dancer wearing an ivory porcelin disguese on part of her face. She sure acted like a dancer too, her black tail held high and mane whipping about as she twisted betwix the trees and over the fallen logs. What a glorious place this was to be in. She was surrounded by the lushest green Earth she had ever seen. If only she could stay here, if she could travel in places like this? There was something magical about the woods that she just couldn't forget or ignore. But it was the strange rushing sound that really kept her going. The mare had once more only been passing through when she heard the strange noise. So off she went. The Quarter horse moved a little quicker now, breaking the tree line as the sound grew dramatically louder. "Oh my..." She muttered, looking up at the falls in absolute surprise. She had never seen so much water! Her black eyes scanned the wall of water, trying to see past the spray to the very top. But she could not. "Well that only leaves one option," She decided, starting out for the rocks. "I'll just have to climb it." It was a fool's errand, a reckless feat indeed. But then again, this was Twilight. If it was easy she wouldn't have bothered...
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Let's have some fun... Empty Re: Let's have some fun...

Post by Tayssi Fri Nov 04, 2011 4:36 am

Tossing his forelock from his deep blue eyes, the black stallion looked at the land before him. He stood tall, his steps light and graceful. His coat was a rich, glossy black. Or simply put, raven black. It shone under the sun and it seemed to hold an almost purple tinge to it, like a raven or a crow might. The stallion seemed like a completely black horse, but if you looked at his front legs they were a different black. They weren't like the rest of him that shone. They were dull and almost lifeless. His chest sported a cross like white marking which stood out from the rest. Indeed, he was a very fine specimen. Maybe even one of the most gorgeous horses around. His features were elegant and like a peice of art, showing that black stallion was an Andalusian. The stallion's hooves clicked softly on the hard stone ground as he followed the rushing water. His tail flagged slightly, moving like calming waves under his movement and the ever so soft breeze. His black mane carressed his muscular yet almost delicate looking neck and his arched his neck, his muzzle nearly touching his white cross marking on his chest. His forelock fell over his eyes yet again and he snorted in distaste. soon after, he came to the ledge and he stopped, a few small rocks falling over the side of the cliff.
His eyes followed along the waterfall as it fell onto the ground below. Looking over the land, the black stallion nickered, happy at the sight. Looking around, he pawed the ground lightly. He wondered how long he'd be here for. Probably not long. It was nice here, very nice indeed, but he never stayed in one place for long. "Just the life of a wanderer, I guess," he said softly to himself, his voice deep and rich. Heavenly. Looking down, he finally noticed a mare trying the scale the rocks. A foolish idea indeed, but if she wanted to try it, let her be. Even if he spoke to her to tell her it was dangerous, the roaring on the waterfall would overcome his own.

(It's, um.. bad, I know...)
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Let's have some fun... Empty Re: Let's have some fun...

Post by Roman Empire Fri Nov 04, 2011 5:19 am

The blue roan Quarter horse started up, her hooves clashing with stone as a determined look came across her face. A smile pulled at her ivory mug and she giggled a little as she lept out across a small void and almost skidded herself right off the side and to the ground again. For some reason the idea of reaching the sky had so enthralled her that she could not let it go. But it was dangerous and she knew it. Twice now the mare had almost fallen on the slippery rocks. Was she crazy? Perhaps. But Twilight has been like that for a long time. Once she set her eyes on something she just had to have it. And she wouldn't give up until she achieved her goal. Which was probably why she was able to snag so many stallions. But... Well that was actually pretty easy for her to do. Climbing up rocks? Not so much. She gasped as the rock beneath her back hooves crumbled and fell beneath her. She kicked off from the rocks as they broke away to keep from falling down with them. So near the top, so close that she couldn't stop now! But how was she supposed to find a way down afterwards? Perhaps she should have thought this through. She never did, really. Twilight wasn't exactly a stupid horse, she just didn't think that far ahead. Which could be deadly. Especially since now it seemed like there was someone up there at the top. The mare hesitated before surging upward again toward the top and the strange figure.
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Let's have some fun... Empty Re: Let's have some fun...

Post by Tayssi Fri Nov 04, 2011 5:39 am

Watching as the foolish mare climged the rocky cliff to get to the top, the raven black stallion stepped back as she got closer to the top. Then as she hesitated when she finally noticed him, he snorted softly, neck still arached and his forelock covering his eyes still. Yet, his view on the roan mare was clear. Watching her with much interest, the black stallion wondered why she would be so reckless as to actually climb up the cliff. It was foolishness. Suicide basically. Yet this mare had somehow managed it. Reckless or not, it was admirable. When the mare finally managed to get up to the top, the stallion took a step to the side, allowing her more room to pull herself up on. He looked down upon the mare, studying her. She was definately a Quarter Horse. No doubt about it and she may seem to have a wild heart, but it seemed somewhere along the lines, she had come into contact with a human.
Pawing the ground softly in maybe impatience or maybe just restlessness, already wanting to be on his way. He looked at the mare for a moment more, allowing her to catch her breath before he asked, "Who are you? And may I ask why you would climb a cliff?" he watched for her reaction and awaited her answer. His deep blue eyes never wavered from her, but they held no malice. Merely suriousity and uncertainty. Hidden within them was them was the silent strength of a horse who never wanted to fight.
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Let's have some fun... Empty Re: Let's have some fun...

Post by Roman Empire Fri Nov 04, 2011 5:47 am

ooc: DX I am sorry I really need sleep now. But I should still respond before you are up, if I've got the time zones right.
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Let's have some fun... Empty Re: Let's have some fun...

Post by Roman Empire Sun Nov 06, 2011 1:25 am

What she needed was air. The mare breathed heavily for some time, staying off to the side with her head low as she waited to catch her breath. How dignified she must have looked. That, my friend, was total sarcasm. Twilight wanted to look the part of beauty, not the one that got winded while climbing up a hill. Granted this was no hill. This thing was so far from a hill that she would have needed several layered hills just to climb it with the relative ease she would have if it were a hill. In short: She was stupid for trying such a rediculous feat. Smooth Twilight, smooth... But that was what she wanted to be, what she did so seemlessly. So instead of trying to talk while still unable to breath she decided to wait until her heart had settled to a timely beat. And then she began with the same old same old. The quarter horse lifted her head, her black eyes closing slightly as a coy smile creased her maw. She took her time to let her eyes wander over his frame, not even bothering to play innocent about it. "Well aren't you a handsome boy." She said with a laugh, flipping the ebon hairs from before her half masked face. "I suppose I could tell you, but you'll have to work for it." Okay, so she wasn't even all that sure what she wanted from him yet, but everything was still a little fuzzy after that climb. But it would come to her in due time. Sometimes all she required was an equal exchange of information, while other times she required much more. But those times were usually reserved for her most loyal of admirers. "Though I suppose you may know that I climbed all the way up here just for the hell of it." And this she said with something of pride. She did things simply because she wanted to. No matter what those things happened to be.
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