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The Seeker (Thunderstruck)

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The Seeker (Thunderstruck) Empty The Seeker (Thunderstruck)

Post by Spritz Thu Aug 18, 2011 8:22 pm

The Seeker (Thunderstruck) Fantasy,art,drawing,elf,female,femme-f3fa5cdaf2616ae97b7c8e50b9801f5d_h
The Seeker (Thunderstruck) Gold%20dragon

Her hair blew back, off of her tanned face, eyes sparkling. The huge wings beat rythmacly around her, and she ventured to look downward, seeing the ground far, far below. She sighed happily. The clouds, the sky, everything was so beautiful. Her dragon shimmered in the sunlight, casting rays of gold on her face. She leaned forward, hugging the dragons neck. He grunted in annoyance. "What?" She sat back up, raising her hands to the sky, a pure expression of joy on her face.
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The Seeker (Thunderstruck) Empty Re: The Seeker (Thunderstruck)

Post by Guest Thu Aug 18, 2011 8:31 pm

The Seeker (Thunderstruck) Myro10

Myro watched, intruiged, from his spot downwind of the two. He stared at the golden-scaled serpent, mostly, his palm on the arch of his bow. He didn't usually see elves around dragons, and it was a bit awkward for him. Of course, he didn't know if this was normal or not, seeing as he was raised in secrecy due to his identity. He had to be kept safe, and away from potential threats.
Now that he was old enough to defend himself, he was allowed out, within 10 miles of his home in the deep forest that most elf-kind called 'haunted,' although none of them knew what the heart of that forest was like -- the heart of the forest, where he lived.
Myro stared for another moment, wondering what the she-elf was doing with a dragon, of all creatures...


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The Seeker (Thunderstruck) Empty Re: The Seeker (Thunderstruck)

Post by Spritz Thu Aug 18, 2011 8:35 pm

She sang, her voice sounding like music, dancing in the breeze, and carrying to the ground, though she did not know it. The dragon suddenly swooped downward, and she caught hold of him, as they dropped, then rose like an arrow, straight into the sky. Her silver hair blew from her tanned face, her bright blue eyes, and soft lips.
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The Seeker (Thunderstruck) Empty Re: The Seeker (Thunderstruck)

Post by Guest Thu Aug 18, 2011 8:38 pm

Myro was about to turn around and leave when he heard singing. He turned around to see the she-elf singing; and boy, was her singing incredible. Myro turned around completely, only to see the dragon take off, and what seemed to be dragging the female along with him. He couldn't tell if it was willingly or not, so he strung his bow and let loose an arrow, making sure it only whizzed by the dragon's head, in case the dragon wasn't a threat after all.
Just in case he angered the beast, he hid in the bushy leaves of a tree, nimbly climbing to the top with skill and ease.


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The Seeker (Thunderstruck) Empty Re: The Seeker (Thunderstruck)

Post by Spritz Thu Aug 18, 2011 8:42 pm

The dragon snorted, then roared, fire erupting from his mouth. "Whoa, calm down!" I frowned, and directed him to land, in a clearing not far below. As we landed, I caught sight of a male elf high in the trees, bow strung. I would have to give him a mouthful.
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The Seeker (Thunderstruck) Empty Re: The Seeker (Thunderstruck)

Post by Guest Thu Aug 18, 2011 8:46 pm

Myro's eyes met the she-elf's as the dragon landed, and he wondered what she was thinking. In case she was pissed, Myro swung out of the trees, not wanting to upset her anymore, if she, indeed, was upset. The last thing Myro needed was an angry woman. His father had often cautioned him against she-elves. Some of them could have nasty tempers, while others sweet dispositions, yet hid their darker side.
Apparently, all she-elves were... well.. tempermental.


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The Seeker (Thunderstruck) Empty Re: The Seeker (Thunderstruck)

Post by Spritz Thu Aug 18, 2011 8:48 pm

"Excuse me!?" I placed my hands on my slim waist. "Why were you shooting at my beast?" The dragon growled, as in agreement. I strode up to him, and then noticed how.... good looking he was. I shook my head, focusing on the task at hand. "You could of killed him!" I cried indgnantly, poking him in the. well muscled chest.
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The Seeker (Thunderstruck) Empty Re: The Seeker (Thunderstruck)

Post by Guest Thu Aug 18, 2011 8:52 pm

Myro's eyes momentarily glanced down at her hands which she placed on her waist, part of her near-perfect hourglass figure. He quickly looked back up, though, and flinched at her words. Yeesh, he thought to himself, She-elves are tempermental..
"I didn't know he was your beast!" Myro countered, not even flinching when she poked him (admittedly with more force than he'd expected) in the chest, and continued, "And my aim is better than you may think, miss. I didn't hit it, now did I? I did that on purpose. I was just making sure it wasn't going to carry you off and eat you." Myro let a smug look on his face, obviously pleased with himself.


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The Seeker (Thunderstruck) Empty Re: The Seeker (Thunderstruck)

Post by Spritz Thu Aug 18, 2011 8:57 pm

Eat me!? I quickly turn and motion for the creature to come, and he did, resting his massive head on my shoulder. Or at least half of it. "He is far from a elf eater!" I pat his nose. "You, just wanted to show off! What if you had hit him!" I lean forward, my shirt falling a bit lower than I was expecting. But I hadnt noticed. "Anyway, keep those Damned arrows to yourself."
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The Seeker (Thunderstruck) Empty Re: The Seeker (Thunderstruck)

Post by Guest Thu Aug 18, 2011 9:01 pm

Myro grimaced inwardly. If this is how all she-elves were, he was never going to get married. And at this point, he wasn't minding it that much. "I didn't know," Myro snapped back at her, noticing her shirt had fallen a bit low, revealing more of her cleavage. Myro did his best to keep his eyes on her face. "And I wouldn't have hit that big lumbering beast. I wouldn't waste a perfectly good arrow on the likes of him." He sneered, nodding towards the dragon.
Myro decided if he was going to argue with a she-elf, he may as well fight fire with fire.


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The Seeker (Thunderstruck) Empty Re: The Seeker (Thunderstruck)

Post by Spritz Thu Aug 18, 2011 9:06 pm

The dragon opened his mouth, showing his huge, white fangs, that were longer than my hand. A orange glow built up in the back of his throat, as he threatened to sear this little brat. "Fine, whatever!" I throw up my hands and turn, shaking my head, silver hair shining. I swung onto the dragons back, leaning low, petting him softly.
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The Seeker (Thunderstruck) Empty Re: The Seeker (Thunderstruck)

Post by Guest Thu Aug 18, 2011 9:12 pm

Myro grimaced, this time, not inwardly, as she turned and hopped back onto the dragon. He kept a wary eye on the dragon's maw, in case it decided to burn him to a crisp. Just for fun, Myro notched another arrow and let it whiz past the female's shoulder, then onto the dragon's back, where it bounced harmlessly off of his protective scales.
He chuckled and went deeper into his "haunted" forest, called Shi'ringu. If the she-elf wanted to follow him now, she'd have to do it by herself. The trees were too close together for the dragon to fit.


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The Seeker (Thunderstruck) Empty Re: The Seeker (Thunderstruck)

Post by Spritz Thu Aug 18, 2011 9:16 pm

"Gahh!" I leaped off of the dragon, running after the incompitant Elf, tackling him, and trying to pin him to the ground. I pulled out a long, very thin razor sharp sword, aiming it at his throat. I cocked my head, squinting my eyes. It was his fault he was in this situation.
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The Seeker (Thunderstruck) Empty Re: The Seeker (Thunderstruck)

Post by Guest Thu Aug 18, 2011 9:23 pm

Myro played weak for a moment before seeing the knife in her hand. He couldn't help but laugh. "Tempermental and pathetic!" He cried, half laughing, and easily rolled over so he was on top, pinning her down, on hand clutching at her wrist with the dagger in it. "I wouldn't do that if I were you." He commented, and nodded towards one side of the forest were a rather strange-looking creature came slithering out. It had the head and body of a snake, although it had wings. "Nysha wouldn't be pleased if you hurt me." Myro smirked and let her go, getting to his feet.


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The Seeker (Thunderstruck) Empty Re: The Seeker (Thunderstruck)

Post by Spritz Thu Aug 18, 2011 9:28 pm

"Get off me!" I cried, rolling out from underneath him, taking his hand and putting him in a wristlock, not caring about the sepent. " You're pathetic! Shooting at me for the fun of it!?"

(Maybe he like kidnaps her? And I cant be on much longer, will you be on 2marrow night? I might be on in the afternoon too)
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The Seeker (Thunderstruck) Empty Re: The Seeker (Thunderstruck)

Post by Guest Thu Aug 18, 2011 9:35 pm

Myro yanked his wrist away from her, although it was rather painful. He didn't let the emotion show across his face. "Would you just hold still!" He said angrily as he practically sat on her stomach, glaring angrily down at her. "Come, Nysha," he told the snake, and the snake came, fluttering it's wings and examining her before nodding.
"All right, Nysha likes you. Looks like you're coming with us. Grab her for me, will you, Nysha? Careful, she's rather fiesty." Myro smirked at the girl before Nysha wrapped himself around the female's waist and wrists.

[ his snake --- ]
[ and sure, although i dunno why he'd do that XD .. same here... gtg reaaally soon. ]


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The Seeker (Thunderstruck) Empty Re: The Seeker (Thunderstruck)

Post by Spritz Thu Aug 18, 2011 9:38 pm

(Mabye cuz he wants to prove to her that he can do what he wants?"
"Get off!" I twisted in the snakes grip, clutching my shirt as it continued to fall low, due to the snakes constant movement around my torso. "What the hell!" I scream, kicking the snake. My sword falls out of my hand, and I glare at the elf through silver hair that fell into my face.
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The Seeker (Thunderstruck) Empty Re: The Seeker (Thunderstruck)

Post by Guest Thu Aug 18, 2011 9:47 pm

[ okay. but after he kidnaps her, what would he do? O__o ]

Nysha flapped his wings and was able to keep himself (and the she-elf) a few feet above the ground.
Myro didn't feel very comfortable kidnapping a girl like this, but sometimes a man needed to be a man, and he had personally gotten tired of allowing the she-elf to diss him. Another thing his father had said was: "Never let a woman get the best of you." ... Or... something like that. The thought of his father made Myro smile as he continued walking a bit a head of Nysha.


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The Seeker (Thunderstruck) Empty Re: The Seeker (Thunderstruck)

Post by Spritz Thu Aug 18, 2011 9:49 pm

(hmmm... maybe she eventually falls in love with him? But first she escapes the village?)

"Put me DOWN!" I beat on the snake with my fists, twisting and turning in his grasp. My legs flail, and kick him hard in the underbelly, only managing to hurt my foot from his strong scales.
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The Seeker (Thunderstruck) Empty Re: The Seeker (Thunderstruck)

Post by Guest Thu Aug 18, 2011 9:53 pm

[ okay, well... We'll see how it turns out.. ]

Nysha hissed angrily and coiled himself tighter around the female.
"Hush, the villagers wouldn't be pleased if you woke them up... They should be sleeping right about now..." Myro suddenly became worried she'd scream out, and he walked over to her and clamped his hand down on her mouth. "They'll tear you to shreds if you wake them..." Myro said chuckling, even though he was being completely serious about it.


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The Seeker (Thunderstruck) Empty Re: The Seeker (Thunderstruck)

Post by Spritz Fri Aug 19, 2011 11:13 am

(If you dont want to do the kidnap thing, then we can backtrack to before I suggested it, sorry!)
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The Seeker (Thunderstruck) Empty Re: The Seeker (Thunderstruck)

Post by Spritz Fri Aug 19, 2011 11:18 am

(I will be on soon again)
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The Seeker (Thunderstruck) Empty Re: The Seeker (Thunderstruck)

Post by Guest Fri Aug 19, 2011 11:38 am

[ bit late for that now.. let' just go with it(: ]


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The Seeker (Thunderstruck) Empty Re: The Seeker (Thunderstruck)

Post by Spritz Fri Aug 19, 2011 12:20 pm

(But I feel bad:/ maybe they need more female elves in the city? Lol I dont know. But it wont be like the other topic-)
I debated biting him, but I was squeezed tighter around the midsection,making my gasp as the air was forced out of my lungs. This creature could kill me, no doubt about it. My dragon flew overhead, but could not save me, as the forest was too dense for the creature. Nysha hissed, and the sound made shivers dance over my spine. I glared angrily at the Elf, but didnt say a word, believing what he had said.
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The Seeker (Thunderstruck) Empty Re: The Seeker (Thunderstruck)

Post by Guest Fri Aug 19, 2011 12:30 pm

[ *confused* ]

Once they entered the village, Myro said, "Sorry for kidnapping you... I dunno what came over me. Just wanted to show you... I'm capable, I guess. Wasn't about to let you tell me off like that. It's some dumb man-pride, thing, y'know? But now that you're here, you may as well stay. I'm going to construct Nysha to let go of you, but if you try and run, he'll come after you. Despite his size, he can easily outfly you. So I wouldn't try it." Myro nodded at Nysha, who gladly released the female elf and dropped to the ground, slithering beisde Myro, who helped the female to her feet and said. "See the castle-like building over there? That's where I live. Follow me silently." He moved forward, Nysha slithering behind the she-elf, in case she tried to run.


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The Seeker (Thunderstruck) Empty Re: The Seeker (Thunderstruck)

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