Call of the Wild
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Just My Luck! [Wild One]

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Just My Luck! [Wild One] Empty Just My Luck! [Wild One]

Post by Man O' War Lover Tue Jul 19, 2011 10:34 pm

Riley Ford was galloping Storm Stride a rare opertunity for him. The colt had just won the Kentucky Derby and now Ronny homes his trainer was getting him ready for the Preakness. They where at Pomlico and all Riley could do was exsersize race horses. But this workout was atracting more trainers to ask him to ride there horses. He was great with young horses.

Ronny Homes stood near the rail clocking the gray colt as he galloped down the far turn into the home stretch. He was in perfect form and his timing was good. Ronny pressed the stem of his stop watch as horse and rider passed under the wire. Riley pulled the colt to a stop and let him trot for another furlong.

Sammy came over on Seb the lead pony and lead Storm stride off the track. Riley dismounted and waited for the next horse. Sammy untacked the colt back at the main barn and started to wash him down as Ronny checked for heat in the colt's leg's. None was found, Sammy walked the colt around shed row to cool him out then was leading him into his stall fo fead time.

Cathy another exsercise rider stood next to Ronny waiting to ride Hummingbird Dancer. As they lead the filly over Ronny gave her a boost onto the saddle. She lead the filly onto the track for her brisk workout.

Sammy watched from the rail as he heald the riens of Seb who was pulling at some patches of grass. He was looking for more help around the stbale. Even the 30 stable hands where not enough for River bend Racing Stables. They had over 50 horses in Kentucky race tracks most where stationed here.

Ronny let Sammy the lead groom pick out the stable hands and make sure they where right to take care of the horses and he was still looking for help.

(sorry it's so short I just wrote a chapter for my story on FanFiction. Net and it was over a 1000 words.)

Man O' War Lover
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Just My Luck! [Wild One] Empty Re: Just My Luck! [Wild One]

Post by Guest Wed Jul 20, 2011 5:57 am

The filly stood there ready to go panting hard and havly. Foam coming out of her mouth, she was a bit worked up today. Her legs lifted up and stopmed down aging. Her eye showed that fire-y look ing them all wide and exited. Her rains being pooled back by the rider Ron De Mike, yes he had a weried name but every one called him Mike or Ron. He turned her into a cricle and sharply she pivited around. Finally there were ready. He loosed up on the rains and the young mare darted to the right barle and around, while she was racing to the other one the 1st on shook as if it would fall down. The filly went down low and sort of spiped around the next one and had to buck just to get balence. The right berle stoped and stood. The left barle didn't move at all. The young rider new she could do better then that and at a top speed canter they mad a very sharp tunr around the barle. The fillies hair brushed agenst the barle. They passed like a rocket, going at top speed. The small mare went into a gallop and the boy erged her on as so the crowed. He gave the mare her hole head and they went flying out of there. The mare ran so fast you could say she ran them to 1st place.

A little while later~

Ron had went into his boss's office all exited but now there was yelling to be heard, "Your fired!" "But!" "Fired" "Fine! I quite!" (Lol how can you quite if your fired?) Ron walked out of there and got his filly and since he had no trailer they walked side by side on the right side of the road. The filly reached down for the grass as a car passed but Ron just pulled her head up. He seem pi**ed. He finally made it to a calm place to get food and tied his mare to the fancy fence and put a note on her saddle~

Look I just been fired deal with the horse she won't do damage unless you try to do some thing with her!

Ron a fired stable hand!

Yep he was sure Pi**ed all right. He stomped off into the building, ordered his stuff and sat down eating and drinking. His face a bit red from the anger. He mumbled stuff under his breath, cuss words and about his stupid boss.

The filly stood there doing nothing, half asleep half awake. She was all most squared up but one foot was resting.....

(It's ok...I could not come up with a descent name with out stealing.)


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Just My Luck! [Wild One] Empty Re: Just My Luck! [Wild One]

Post by Man O' War Lover Wed Jul 20, 2011 2:02 pm

(It's ok I'm sorry if you ted to use that name beafore Embarassed Ronny some times goes by Mathew though)


He rode the lead pony with Hummingbird Dncer beside him and Cathy sitting perched in the saddle. The bay filly was sired by Hummingbird Knight one of River Bend Stables most przide stallions. Ronny stood close by watching as the filly was let loose on the track, she snapped into action with Cathy crouched low in the saddle. With his watch on her Ronny waited for them to round the first turn and come into the stretch.

Sammy went back to the barn real quick leaving Chris to take the filly back. Passing the out side gate he saw a sacurity guard standing by a horse waiting for it's owner of that was just left there. "Hey Sammy this a pony horse you know?" The gaurd asked. Shaking his head he said "Dont know." The gaurd looked slightly anoyyed "Stable hands...could you ask around though while your at it?" Sammy waved and continued to walk, it was none of his bussnies some one was bound to show up to pick the horse up.

As he walked into the Star Stricken Racing shed row and spotted Ronny getting ready to ride agian. Then he looked into the tack room. No one there, he was looking for miss Marshal. As he walked out he relized the tied up horse was still there. She was tied to one of those poles where most pony horses where left to wait but he had a feelign the filly would be there a while.

He walked over to her and looked at her for a moment. She looked fine and her saddle was not english in any way but a race saddle was just a race saddle and she looked to have been wearing a westearn type. Hmm...she looked Thoroughbred. He looked over at the two other pony horses who where standing close togaether. Some of Big Oak Racing Stable horses he had seen bafore. But the filly did not belonge to just a stable. She looked like she might belong to a trainer that needed to ride a little on the track, Ronny rode the gelding paint Tom Tom. But who did she belong to?

Man O' War Lover
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Just My Luck! [Wild One] Empty Re: Just My Luck! [Wild One]

Post by Guest Wed Jul 20, 2011 2:57 pm

I saw a unkown humand come and went into a unease stance. I then heard a shout and turned my head, letting out a soft whinny.

Once done he talked to his old bud who owned the place, they talked for an offal long time. "So yea I won't be able to come here any more...lost my job, no money no restraint food." He said while walking out. He's eyes scanned around to see a man near his horse and he started to run over, "Hey hey hey! What are you doing to my horse?!" He then slowed down, "Ease girl." He said approaching her face....he turned to look at the man, "Name's Ron no you can't know my middle name Mike....and I would like to know what your doing around my horse sir." His voice was strong but calm, powerful but kind.

(Oh so sorry Embarassed .)


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Just My Luck! [Wild One] Empty Re: Just My Luck! [Wild One]

Post by Man O' War Lover Wed Jul 20, 2011 7:19 pm


The filly pranced in place so I backed up a little. Working with horses all my life could come in handy but not knowing this horse at all I was about to walk off to get back to the main barn when I heard someone say something. Turning I looed a a young man who introduced himself as Ron. I smiled "I'm Sammy." I simply say. "Sorry about that but the guard get's pretty upset with the horses just standing there and he is left alone to battle it out." Not literly but a horse you don't know could be a problem in some ways for him. She must have been his horse and she let him aproach her. I walked up to him and stretched out a hand. "My full name is Sammy Mario." I said giving a small smile. "I'm the head groom for River Bend Stable's." I exsplaned.

(Oh it's ok you can stick with Ron I meant my trainer can go with Mathew it's his middle name but people he does not know very well call him that instead. But he will go with Mathew so we don't get all confused.) Cool It's all good-

Man O' War Lover
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Just My Luck! [Wild One] Empty Re: Just My Luck! [Wild One]

Post by Guest Wed Jul 20, 2011 7:26 pm

I smiled back, "I was a Stable Hand at a ranch but they Fired me." I said then patted my horse, "Yea you can't trust a horse you don't know.....She thinks she can't trust a human she does not know." I said with a small chuckle.



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Just My Luck! [Wild One] Empty Re: Just My Luck! [Wild One]

Post by Man O' War Lover Wed Jul 20, 2011 10:09 pm

Fired? I looked over at the track, Mathew (Ronny) was probably still there. Hmm..."Well if you want you can follw me and I can introduce you to someone." I said turning. I could see Chris in the distance with Cathy aboard Hummingbird Dancer. I looked at Ron "I can see if I can get you a spot with us?" I asked-

Man O' War Lover
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Just My Luck! [Wild One] Empty Re: Just My Luck! [Wild One]

Post by Guest Wed Jul 20, 2011 10:20 pm

"Ok" I said untieing the mare, "By the way this is Vand's gold star but I call her Trixie." I said while fallowing him. My mare nibbled on my jaket and I gently tapped her noise making her stop.


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Just My Luck! [Wild One] Empty Re: Just My Luck! [Wild One]

Post by Man O' War Lover Wed Jul 20, 2011 10:30 pm

I smiled "She's a nice looking horse." I said. We went throught the gate after showing my pass and walked down shedrow. "Now before I show you around Mathew is going to likely ask you some questions, but don't get davensive." I said shaking my head. "There just to insure your no threat for Mr. Archer and Mr. Kelly's horses safty." I said. "Now Mr. Kelly is a new owner of most of River Bend's Racing Stalk, but Mr. Archer is the big boss." I said.

"First I need to ask Mathew where to put your filly." I said almost to myself. I spotted him standing by the rail watching Pharoas Legened jog down the stretch. "Hey Mr. Mathew got a visator for you!" I called. I went to stand by him. "This kid got cut loose and now he's looking for a job." I said. "I was wondering if it is ok if I let him do some work around here." I said looking at Ron. Mathew turned to look at him "What's your name?" He asked-

Man O' War Lover
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Just My Luck! [Wild One] Empty Re: Just My Luck! [Wild One]

Post by Guest Wed Jul 20, 2011 10:44 pm

(I'm to tired to post long post so I'll reply to marrow so it doesn't get short.)


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Just My Luck! [Wild One] Empty Re: Just My Luck! [Wild One]

Post by Man O' War Lover Thu Jul 21, 2011 7:23 am

Ok- Smile

Man O' War Lover
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Just My Luck! [Wild One] Empty Re: Just My Luck! [Wild One]

Post by Guest Thu Jul 21, 2011 12:46 pm

Ron answered, "Ok" To all his questions while walking. "Thanks she is a good girl, just today we won a barrle race." He walked with him to the boss, "Hello I'm Ron De Mike." He said then tilted his hat down then back up in a respectful way greeting him.

I walked with them calmly and kindly. When we stopped I surched the boy called sam for treats. (Lol) I found nothing and nickered to the other horse, "Hello!" While my tail swat at the flies.


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Just My Luck! [Wild One] Empty Re: Just My Luck! [Wild One]

Post by Man O' War Lover Fri Jul 22, 2011 12:00 am

"It's nice to meet you I'm Ronny mathew Homes, but call me Mathew." He said. Sammy looked at him "He could help us with the chorse around here, since most of the racing stalk is here we could use the extra hand." Mathew shruged "If he is trusty enough and has the exsperiance and is good enough for you to hier I have no problem Sam." Looking at the filly Sammy said "We can stable her with the other pony horses while your here, most of us stay in the barn with the horses." He exsplaned. "If you don't min d sleeping on a cot." He added.

Pharoas Legened-

Snorting I looked at the filly. Cathy my exersize rider walked me through the gap in the track rail and I came to a stop next to my trainer Mathew. "I'm Pharoas Legened who are you?" I was golden chestnut thoroughbred stallion.

Man O' War Lover
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Just My Luck! [Wild One] Empty Re: Just My Luck! [Wild One]

Post by Guest Thu Jul 28, 2011 8:09 pm

I smile, "Hello Pharoas, call me trixie tho it's not my name", I turn my head to hear my owner say, "Trixie." And turn to walk with him. "Bye ." I said to the stud while walking to my new stall.

I smiled, "Fine with me sir...I guess I'll put her in that empty stall for now?" I said and walked my mare to it then stopped and looked back at them.


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Just My Luck! [Wild One] Empty Re: Just My Luck! [Wild One]

Post by Guest Thu Jul 28, 2011 8:11 pm

(Sorry so short.)


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Just My Luck! [Wild One] Empty Re: Just My Luck! [Wild One]

Post by Man O' War Lover Thu Jul 28, 2011 8:13 pm


I follow them and say "We need to get the horses cooled out after you get settled in but before we start work I will show you around and introduce you to the horses." I said


"Nice to meet you." I watch her go and say "Bye." As I'm walked to the washing area-

(It's ok they can be some times Smile Mine is a little short to Very Happy )

Man O' War Lover
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Just My Luck! [Wild One] Empty Re: Just My Luck! [Wild One]

Post by Guest Thu Jul 28, 2011 8:56 pm


"Ok" I said walking my mare while fallowing Sam. I walk tall and keep a good grip on my horse's lead rope just in case she spooked.

I walked along slowly, I felt exhausted. I had gave a good run today.


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Just My Luck! [Wild One] Empty Re: Just My Luck! [Wild One]

Post by Man O' War Lover Thu Jul 28, 2011 9:05 pm


As he got his mare settled in I talked "We have around 2o horses but I will introduce you to the ones you will be working with the most and the other people who will work with you and come and go." I said. "TYhere is feed in the tack and feed room." I said "And grooming utincles." I said pointing and the door way to the small room-

Man O' War Lover
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Just My Luck! [Wild One] Empty Re: Just My Luck! [Wild One]

Post by Guest Thu Jul 28, 2011 10:01 pm

(I'm a bit confused about the mare...She in stall or what?)

I walk along with him?


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Just My Luck! [Wild One] Empty Re: Just My Luck! [Wild One]

Post by Man O' War Lover Fri Jul 29, 2011 1:31 pm

I thought your character was leading the mare into the stall?)

Man O' War Lover
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Just My Luck! [Wild One] Empty Re: Just My Luck! [Wild One]

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