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The Three Amigos place.....good luck

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The Three Amigos place.....good luck Empty The Three Amigos place.....good luck

Post by LoveOnHerArms Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:28 pm

if you happened to walk into the rich part of town and managed to sneak past the gates and walked around and not just looked though the fence, if you happened to take a left and walk to the last house on the street, you would find a big house with a yard that need to get mowed, flowers grew but more wild. this is where the Three Amigos lived or thats what they called themselves............

Terra yelled jogging down the stairs "JD Im going to kill you!" hitting the floor she stormed into the living room her wavy red hair falling out of the ponytail she put it in. Andy and JD were playing video games on the huge cream colored couch eyes glued to the huge flat screen tv , stopping they looked at each other "what the hell did oyu do this time?" Andy asked, JD shrugged "not sure but we find out in, three..two...and cue pissed Little Red" on cue Terra stormed in holding her fried ipod "you killed my ipod!" she yelled a deadly glint in her eyes. Andy snorted back a laugh and put the game controller down "your on your own JD" he mumbled getting a glare from JD "I didn't mean too, I was downloading something and forgot your ipod was still hooked up" "you killed my ipod!" Terra screamed again and chucked it at him, hitting him in the chest "ow hey! I said I was sorry!" JD rubbed his chest with a complain "that hurt" eyes flashing Terra glared at him "good!" with that she stormed into the dining room, or well it used to be the dinning room. now it was a nerd hang out, computer screens hung from the looked straight out of all the spy movies. a bang sound came from in there, both boys jumped to there feet "Little Red what are you doing?" Andy called as both boys held there breath. "killing JD's laptop!" "what?!" JD yelled as both of them bolt into the dinning room to find Terra stomping on a little laptop, Andy ran over and grabbed Terra, "stop it Little Red" JD dropped to his knees and looked at the smashed up laptop, gritting his teeth he picked it up then let out a breath in relief "oh thank god it was just the fake one" he said then glared at a very smug looking Terra still being held back by Andy "you scared the shit out of me!" with a smug grin Terra nodded "oh I know that was the point, your buying me a new ipod" she said as Andy let her go trying his hardest not to laugh, JD's face got red "oh your gonna die Little Red" he jumped at her,Terra screamed and took of into the kitchen laughing hard. JD ran after her. Andy sighed and shook his head smiling "you two are something else" he mumbled as the door bell rang, walking over tot the door he ran a hand through his shaggy black hair "Im coming!" he called as shrieks of laughter echos through the house along with a "your slow Nerd! ow! Hey! no throwing stuff!" Little Red's voice cried out. as Andy opened the door and leaned against the frame "yeah?"
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The Three Amigos place.....good luck Empty Re: The Three Amigos place.....good luck

Post by redhead14 Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:20 pm

i had been drving for along time trying to escape my past, i was an assasin by birth a killer by choice, i wasnt running away from anything, my old home was growing to small for me, i wanted to start new, find jobs that would pay higher, i had enough money in the trunk of my car to live off of the rest of my life. i has been driving for almost two days straight and a rich nieghbor hood was coming into view * there must be something in there * i think as my tracking gear with a heat scener goes off, i look in my rear view mirror and see a black suv following me i push the gas on my 2011 challenger and head into the nieghbor as i go in my starts getting shot at " oh no you dont your not hurting my baby" i scream as i pull out my gun and start firing at the suv, as we head to the ending of the nieghborhood i swing my car so that it does a 180 spin and watch as the suv crashes head on into the wall the explossion is so loud, as i get out of my car i got hit in the am with astray bullet, i wince my icey green blue eyes and push my long dark auburn hair with natural golden highlights with layers out of my face as i head the door of the house that kindof looks out of places i knock on thedoor and hear some yell their coming, i was wearing a white v neck, adviater sunglasses, short cut off jeans and brown leather boots, as i the aswers the door i smile and say "" uhm sorry about the noise" i say as i quickly tuck my gun into the back of my shorts "" hi im bambi could i come in"" i say as i see the guy look around me at the suv and the 6 dead bodys in it that was now on fire and smoking, he lookd like he was think how could someone so petit do something that big, i try to smile as i hold my arm trying not to wince

her car
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The Three Amigos place.....good luck Empty Re: The Three Amigos place.....good luck

Post by LoveOnHerArms Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:44 pm

leaning against the door frame, not looking at the girl but around her at the on fire smoking SUV, eyebrows raised I look at the chick in front of me, she was trying to look normal, yeah right, she tucked a gun in the back waist of her jeans "uh huh Hi Bambi" eying her bleeding arm I sighed, then a light pop! pop! came from in the house along with a yell "one sec" I turn around to find Little Red racing to me a hand gun paintball shooter in her hand, along with a big smug grin on her face "you two are something else" I said just as JD comes running out to us too, a couple paintball splatters on his shirt. "your gonna die Little Red" he growled then stopped short seeing a chick at the door and smoke coming from a SUV that crashed "What the hell?" Red slid to a stop beside me and smiled brightly at the girl not caring about the dead guys and SUV " Hi! can we hep you? cause you look to old to be selling girl scoot cookies" she said looking her over "and last I checked they didn't carry gun or have bullet wounds" I shook my head and ruffled Reds hair "chill out she's the chick were been watching, come on in Bambi" I said and move Red out of the way so she could walk in, closing the door I turn to look at them "JD go get the kit," JD nodded and walked off muttering about still killing Red
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Post by redhead14 Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:33 pm

I Sigh with relief as they were friendly "thanks " I say as I follow andy into the house, I I take my glances off and hang then from my shirt I smile at red she had the look like she wouldn't hurt anyone to a normal person but being the way I was trained I knew better, I wince as. I remove my hand from the bullet wound " this is the first and last time I will ever get shot again" I try to laugh it of but I could feel the bullet moving, getting deeper everytime that I would move my arm, I tryd to keep my arm as still as possible to reduce the pain and to stop the bullet from going deeper into my arm and causing even more blood starts to flow more quickly now that the pressure was off my arm. As I sit down in a chair I look at andy and say " so you've been watching me have you?" I smile then say " so you must know what those stupid idots want from me then cause they've been after me even back at my old place" I then puch back the layerd bangs that hun just close to the middle of my eye. I feel safe here so I put my gun on the table and sigh
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The Three Amigos place.....good luck Empty Re: The Three Amigos place.....good luck

Post by LoveOnHerArms Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:49 pm

I watched her sit down then looked over at Little Red "go get something to numb her so we can get the bullet out K?" she nodded and walked off leaving the paintball gun on the coffee table. I chuckled lightly and nodded "yeah tell me about it, no hold still alright" taking her arm gently in my hand I looked at the hole "not to bad" I commented then give a small nod "you were been watching you and nope have no clue what they want" JD comes back shirtless with the kit "here ya go" he set it on the table and eyed the paintball gun, I gave him a look "don't think about it right now Nerd and help me get the out of her arm" with a huff he opened the kit, just as Terra walked back out with a bottle of Scotch, she opened it and handed it over to Bambi "here ya go this should help with the pain" she looked at the hole "hey this wont take long, just hold still" she said moving us both out of the way and taking the tweezers and very carefully pulling out the bullet "hold her arm guys, and keep drinking chick"
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The Three Amigos place.....good luck Empty Re: The Three Amigos place.....good luck

Post by redhead14 Sat Jan 01, 2011 12:07 am

I watch as terra leaves to get me something to help me not feel the pain " what have you been watching me for" I asked. As I breath slowly as he takes my arm in his hands gently to look at it. I relax when he say that is not too bad and should take long to get the dang bullet out of my arm " they been after me for a while every assignment I've had in the last six months its like that black suv has been following. That one out side" I say pointing to it " is the seventh one I've taken down" I finsih saying just as jd walks in shirtless with the med kit, I see him look down at the paintball gun and I couldn't help but laugh at what andy said it was true though, as little red returns with the bottle of scotch and hands it to me " thanks" I say as I take a few drinks of it, I smile then say " I don't think they'll have to hold my arms red I'm a tough kitten" I say as I take another drink of scotch and watch her start to pull the bullet out from my arm
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The Three Amigos place.....good luck Empty Re: The Three Amigos place.....good luck

Post by LoveOnHerArms Sat Jan 01, 2011 12:14 am

I glance at her, hair falling out of my ponytail as I work "there still gonna hold your arm for me" I mumbled working on getting the bullet out slowly, it was going to need stitches too. Andy looked at her gently holding her arm so Red could work "eh cause it gave us something to do, besides your the only one whos come close to how good we are so we started watching you" JD pips in as he wiped away blood from her arm "but I gotta say you can be really sloppy at times, and your computer skills need work" I rolled my eyes "not everyone can hack a computer in five seconds Nerd" "almost got it..." I trail off and slowly pull it out "got it!" dropping the bullet on the table I looked at her "numb enough to stitch your arm back up or do you wanna wait five minutes?" I asked as JD applies pressure to stop the bleeding
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The Three Amigos place.....good luck Empty Re: The Three Amigos place.....good luck

Post by redhead14 Sat Jan 01, 2011 12:30 am

"That's fine with me" I say as the guys start to hold my arms " thanks" I say as I smile at andy then I look over at jd " I'm only sloppy when I start to play with my assignment thank and just because I was gifted with shooting guns and throwing knives doesn't mean I can't hack a computer but it does take more time maybe 10 seconds " I say was a laugh I feel myself start to relax talking to people I could trust always helped me relax, but once I hear terra start to mumble I sit extra still until she gets the bullet out " that feels a lot better" I say then I take a drink of the sctotch " let's rock and roll and get this thing stitched up " I say with a smile since I coul bearly feel my arm right about now. I sigh and relax " ok boys hold me down" I say in a joking tone as terra goes back to work on my arm
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The Three Amigos place.....good luck Empty Re: The Three Amigos place.....good luck

Post by LoveOnHerArms Sat Jan 01, 2011 12:49 am

I rolled my eyes getting the needle and floss ready, never use string, floss worked so mush better and it didn't get infected as bad, Andy give a small nod and looked at her "uh no you can be really sloppy and I think Red and I still have you beat on both accounts" he said, Andy couldn't help but tell the truth most the time but now if we were under cover that boy can lie like a dig and you'd believe every word of it. I bit my lip concentrating and after she said she was cool I start stitching her back up slowly as JD looked over my shoulder and wiped blood away and Andy held her arm for me
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The Three Amigos place.....good luck Empty Re: The Three Amigos place.....good luck

Post by redhead14 Sat Jan 01, 2011 1:01 am

I shake my head a sigh I wait patently for terra to finish stitching up my arm before I say " thanks " then I turn to andy " its pretty easy to see that your the leader no offence " ii say as I look at the other two with a smile then looking back at andy " I know I can get and be really sloppy at times and that I need not to play around but I'm tired of always listening to people telling me that, I was born an assassin I know what I'm doing and I know what I have todo but after a while of being perfect sometimes I just find myself waiting for something to go wrong just so that I can find the thrill in making it go right" I finish saying I look out the window at my baby " after this I have to go work on my car then ill be out of. Your hair" I say as I waiit to terra to finish
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The Three Amigos place.....good luck Empty Re: The Three Amigos place.....good luck

Post by LoveOnHerArms Sat Jan 01, 2011 1:13 am

I snorted listening to her little speech about blah blah blah. yeah I wasn't really listening and I wasn't warming up to this chick very well. Andy gave a small nod "yeah I am" he listened to the little speech "welcome to the club kid and yeah I get it but there are was of having fun and not making it easy for someone to fallow you and try to kill you" he pointed out and I rolled my eyes again. "almost done" I mumbled as JD's breath was on my neck "Nerd back up a little please" I said trying really hard not to laugh as his hot breath tickled my neck. "finished" I said snipping the floss and smiled small at my work "and I don't want you using that are so it looks like your stuck with us for a couple days" I said cleaning up
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The Three Amigos place.....good luck Empty Re: The Three Amigos place.....good luck

Post by redhead14 Sat Jan 01, 2011 1:25 am

" thanks" I say to terra as I feel my arm, I knew she really didn't care for me at the point " yah yah" I say as I head out to my car I stop in the door way just as I was about to go out and work on a car I turn around and say " I didn't mean to give a stupid speech on stuff you already know" I look at terra " maybe if your willing we could try this again and you could halp my learn how not to get hit" I say with a smile before heading out the door. As I reach my car, i pop the hood, I check to make sure that everything is good then I check around my car making sure no bullets had left holes anywhere. I start to wash my car acting as if nothing had happen at
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The Three Amigos place.....good luck Empty Re: The Three Amigos place.....good luck

Post by LoveOnHerArms Sat Jan 01, 2011 1:31 am

I watched her do trowing stuff in the trash and putting everything back in the kit, stopping myself from rolling my eyes I give a small nod and a faint smile "yeah sure" I said then after she walks out I flop onto the couch and looked at the boys "shes gonna rip those stitches if she uses that arm to much and Im not going to stitch her up again" I said and Andy rolled his eyes "you could be a little nicer ya know" he said and I shrugged "I fixed her arm and didn't kill her, I was nice" JD laughed and grabbed a shirt out of a basket of clean clothes "shes go a point Andy" I smirked at Andy "see?" he just rolled his eyes and shook his head smiling "you are something else Little Red"
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The Three Amigos place.....good luck Empty Re: The Three Amigos place.....good luck

Post by redhead14 Sat Jan 01, 2011 1:40 am

I didn't use my bad arm too much at all the least I could do was listen to what she said todo, * the sooner you get better the sooner you can leave* I think to myself as I finish my car I. Bringing a small dark blue bookbag in with me. As I come back into the house I catch what terra says. I just shake it off its not the first time I had my life threaten I calmly walkin and ask " uhm is there a bathroom I can clean myself up in" I stand in the door way to the living room waiting for one of them to answer
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