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Born Wild all ways wild *Spritz* 'Mature'

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Born Wild all ways wild  *Spritz* 'Mature' Empty Born Wild all ways wild *Spritz* 'Mature'

Post by Guest Tue Sep 13, 2011 7:55 pm

I am who I am you are who you are, we do not belong together no madder the longing we may feel.
(Wearied space filler, lol)

"So mom what are we doing to day?" Abigail's voice ringed though the air, soft and sweet as the two walked though the thin woods leaving it to go in a meadow. "Stop." Blossom warned her daughter smelling something close by. They stood, see-able shining like gold mainly Abigail. "I smell a stud, stay close this might get dangerous and penned you tail." She was still teaching her young two year old daughter about stallions and forces and such. Taking a careful step forward Blossom looked around for danger, with her ears pricked she led her daughter out and to a tree in the middle of the meadow. Abbey lied down to rest while her mother stood grazing alert and with her tail penned. Keeping the smell of an heat mare in. Her short tail wanted to swish about at the flies bugging her so badly. The sun beat down at the two till Blossom could take no more, she galloped off to a stream and quickly cooled off then returned to her daughter, thankfully still sleeping in peace.......

Last edited by wild one on Tue Sep 13, 2011 8:13 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Born Wild all ways wild  *Spritz* 'Mature' Empty Re: Born Wild all ways wild *Spritz* 'Mature'

Post by Spritz Tue Sep 13, 2011 8:06 pm

(give me a sec and I will post.)
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Born Wild all ways wild  *Spritz* 'Mature' Empty Re: Born Wild all ways wild *Spritz* 'Mature'

Post by Guest Tue Sep 13, 2011 8:09 pm

[Mind if I reply to this?]


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Born Wild all ways wild  *Spritz* 'Mature' Empty Re: Born Wild all ways wild *Spritz* 'Mature'

Post by Guest Tue Sep 13, 2011 8:11 pm

(Spritz: K...I'm putting in knew title since I came up with one. Wink Very Happy Cool
TheCagedInsanity: Sorry I would let you but it's a one on one topic, aging sorry.)


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Born Wild all ways wild  *Spritz* 'Mature' Empty Re: Born Wild all ways wild *Spritz* 'Mature'

Post by Spritz Wed Sep 14, 2011 12:57 pm

Pushing the mares limp body into the river, the huge stallion turned to his frightened daughter, who stood frozen in fear and shock. Her mother's dead body drifted away down in the water, her blood tinting the river around her a slight pink before it was washed away. Sundrop stepped backwards in fear, eyeing her huge father, starting from his bloody hooves all the way up to his face, which towered above her. She swallowed once, and her father, Barron, smiled. "You're uncle will be around soon..." He said in an informal manner, and sundrop nodded, her frightened eyes falling from his face.

(Im going to pretend sundrop is actually a young mare)
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Born Wild all ways wild  *Spritz* 'Mature' Empty Re: Born Wild all ways wild *Spritz* 'Mature'

Post by Guest Wed Sep 14, 2011 1:22 pm

(ok, how old then?)

Blossom looked around wearily. Her eyes wide as she could smell a stallion, mare, and what smelt like a dead mare. She nudged Abbey to get up and she did, "What?" Abigail asked sleepy in a silent voice. "Shhh" She warned her daughter and started walking to the smell of dead mare but made sure her 2 year old was hidden. She walked out to a river and saw a dead mare floating in it. A loud shrieking scream left her maw and she turned sharply on her heals, knowing the killer was close, very close, but unsee-able . "Run" She said and took off past her young daughter at full speed. Abbey turned as fast as she could and took off with out a word of question tho she wanted to know why. Her tail was bannered leaving behind her fresh 1st heat sent. She galloped past her mom, though the woods, and into a shoulder high meadow of grass. For her mom of course it was chest high since she was much taller then her growing daughter. They ran as fast as they could, silent steps. The sun reflected on their coats making them stand out well in the green grass. Abbey way a head of her mother took off into a thick forest ahead. Her mother's bad nee started to case her to limp, slowing down a bit she still galloped, but choppy and un-neatly. Sweet dripped of the six year old as she slowed to a walk, painting hard while her daughter stood with out a single beam of sweat. She smiled, "Now we split for a little while. You'll hide some wear and not make a noise, don't talk to any one just keep you tail penned and you'll be safe." And with that Abbey took off.

Blossom: She went back out into the field and decided if they where going to be fallowed the one who would get hurt would be her. She went out into the grass field eating as if she was a foolish young mare never bred before and not knowing about forces. Her tail swishing about at flies, letting her sent out.

Abbey(1st person): I left on mom's splitting up commanded and took off running though the woods for at least several miles, I soon felt weak and tired. Seeing a cave I cantered to it and went inside checking for others. Theirs no one. I walk in and go to a huge rock and lay down behind it. It hid me from those looking into the cave so I was safe to rest. My eyes fluttered close and my breathing slowed but there was on thing I forgot. Keep your tail penned.

Blossom: I stood in the field before trotting around like a clueless in heat filly, I knew if the stallion came, he'd meet me 1st and I had one hell of a kick. I swished my main around making my look beautiful but prissy like...


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Born Wild all ways wild  *Spritz* 'Mature' Empty Re: Born Wild all ways wild *Spritz* 'Mature'

Post by Spritz Wed Sep 14, 2011 1:36 pm

(She is just barley coming into her first heat)

Sundrop was grabbed roughly by her long golden mane, dragged alongside her large father, his teeth gripping the flesh of her neck. She had to force herself to walk forward, each small step taking her farther and farther into danger and disaster. Suddenly, her father arched his neck, muscles rippling as he started to walk faster, his nostrils widening and his eyes rolling back in thier socketts. Sundrop knew what he was thinking, and imedietly dragged her hooves, getting a sharp crack on her back leg with his large hoof. She squeeled in pain and grimaced at the pain, her fathers head already turned and his muzzle in the air. "No, please no!" She pleaded, whinnying her frantic alarm to the mare. With a sharp motion, her father swung his head roughly, swinging sundrop around and picking the small mare off of her feet, letting go, the mare fell onto the ground, her injured leg sprattled outward. With obedience only made by terrible fear of her father, she got to her feet and followed her father quietly, limping as she tried to keep up with his quickning strides. She hoped that the mare had heard her, that she would run away. Sundrop was soon pushed into the meadow, her father giving her a glare, meaning she was to stay where she was as he left.
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Born Wild all ways wild  *Spritz* 'Mature' Empty Re: Born Wild all ways wild *Spritz* 'Mature'

Post by Guest Wed Sep 14, 2011 1:54 pm


Her ears pricked at the sound of a young mare in trouble *He's near.* She thought and with a change of mined she stomped her hoof and laced her ears back and penned her short tail. She nickered to the mare, "I'm coming! I can help." Her voice clearly of a strong adult mare. She started to charge to wear the sound had came as fast as her nee would let her. She soon saw a stud and stood, pawing the ground angrily. It was obvious she had foaled before do to the veins on her belly. Her nee ached badly but she looked forward, "Back off, leave the youngster alone." With her tail penned she approached only a little bit and reared up showing her powerful body and strong limbs. "I may be a mare but-" She was interrupted, "Mother!" She turned and with a 'Oh no face she looked to the stallion then turned kicking dirt in his face and cantering over, "Go!" She yelled loudly, "Run and don't look back." She said ears laced back at her, looking down. The scolding look on her face convened her shy daughter to turn and run. Blossom looked back at the stallion, ready to charge and attack if he fallowed Abbey. The killing look of a mother.

I could hear them off in the distance and got worried running back to where mom was, "Mother!" I yelled looking at the forming fight. I looked scardly into her eyes but she ran me off and I kept running, though the woods, past the cave, into a for ever like screaching meadow and into a thicker woods laying down for rest, tail penned and ears pricked. I knew mom wouldn't let anything happen to me.

(Ok so two year old? Or a late starter, three?)


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Born Wild all ways wild  *Spritz* 'Mature' Empty Re: Born Wild all ways wild *Spritz* 'Mature'

Post by Spritz Wed Sep 14, 2011 2:14 pm

(Two and a half)

As the mare pounded into sight, Sundrop gave a shrill whinny of warning, as her fathers ears imedietly pricked up. Slamming his daughter once again into a tree, he arched his neck and pranced forward. When the mare reached him, Barron gave a quick smile. "Hello there." He said, about to continue on, when a young mare was seen nearing them, her heat scent leaking quickly into the air. Now ignoring the older mare, Barron had his eyes on the youngster, the older mare wouldnt be as much fun. Barron broke into a gallop after the little mare, pushing the older one to the side roughly, thowing her off balance. Barron was especially fast for his great size, and his muscles rippled under his glisting coat, legs pumping faster and faster benieth him. Following the youngster, he was soon led into the seperate meadow. Into his trap. Hidden in the woods, were many other stallions, all fearing the wrath of barron. He allowed them to stay there and in his territory for one purpose, to catch his prey. Turning on his heel, he knew the little mare would be stuck right where she was, and galloped back to his daughter and the new mare. During that time, Sundrop had picked herself off of the ground, her wide, fright filled eyes flitting to the mares. "GO!" She screamed as her father came back into sight.

(s0rry so short0
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Born Wild all ways wild  *Spritz* 'Mature' Empty Re: Born Wild all ways wild *Spritz* 'Mature'

Post by Guest Wed Sep 14, 2011 2:24 pm

As he knocked Blossom over her eye winded in fear, "No!!!" She screeched. Her bad nee popping out of place once aging and no one with the stranth to put it back was near, she screamed in agony and pain but rosed to her feet, surprisingly. She saw the stallion reappear and she desperately tried to move away but could on take a step. She started to pivot her rear away from him, twisting her leg. She clenched her teeth and looked him eye to eye, "Please leave her alone, I'll do what ever you want just don't hurt my baby." She said acting as if she was a total weakling but she was not. Her muscles went tense and she was ready to fight if had to. She flicked her short tail, acting like she was afraid.

Abbey(2nt person):She countied to sleep in peace, her rips raising and falling slowly.


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Born Wild all ways wild  *Spritz* 'Mature' Empty Re: Born Wild all ways wild *Spritz* 'Mature'

Post by Spritz Wed Sep 14, 2011 2:29 pm

In a breath of desperation, Sundrop skidded in front of the much larger mare. "No! Leave them alone father!" She snapped, a tear trickling out of her eye. "Please," She started, before her father turned on his heel, kicking his daughter squarley in the chest, the small mare flipping onto her back. She wasn't seriously hurt, as her father wanted to keep her in an ok condition, but that didn't stop him from lashing out and minorly injuring her. Looking down, her chest was bleeding, a large gash cut in her golden coat. Barron's eyes turned back to the mare above her. "I didn't do, anything." He growled, and stepped forward.
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Born Wild all ways wild  *Spritz* 'Mature' Empty Re: Born Wild all ways wild *Spritz* 'Mature'

Post by Guest Wed Sep 14, 2011 2:44 pm

The mares soft ears raised in a surprised way, trust filed her but she shook her self back into sense but deep inside that young filly she used to be wanted to trust him. It was blossom's longing for her murder mate. "Yet" She said looking him in the eyes then to the filly, she some how managed to limp to her and touch her shoulder, "You monster, she's only a young mare." She said turning to fast and falling, she quickly rosed before her could hurt her. She walked as well as she could to the stallion ears pend tight and looked him eye to eye but his hansom eyes made her ears perk and her mad face soften looking into them, tho they were cold and careless there was a look he had that made her think back to when Apollo was alive, all stallion seamed to have this look not of something bad but it was a look of well I can't explain but it was a soft like look that had charm in it. She then shook her head and stepped back but reperdoucing instincts told her to do different and she staid quite looking into his eyes but kept stepping back, seeing a horrifying look in them as well of anger and carelessness.

(Sorry it took so long I was unsure of what to type.)


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Born Wild all ways wild  *Spritz* 'Mature' Empty Re: Born Wild all ways wild *Spritz* 'Mature'

Post by Spritz Wed Sep 14, 2011 3:05 pm

(gaa give me a sec making a long post I think)
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Born Wild all ways wild  *Spritz* 'Mature' Empty Re: Born Wild all ways wild *Spritz* 'Mature'

Post by Guest Wed Sep 14, 2011 3:07 pm



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Born Wild all ways wild  *Spritz* 'Mature' Empty Re: Born Wild all ways wild *Spritz* 'Mature'

Post by Guest Thu Sep 15, 2011 2:53 pm



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Born Wild all ways wild  *Spritz* 'Mature' Empty Re: Born Wild all ways wild *Spritz* 'Mature'

Post by Spritz Thu Sep 15, 2011 2:57 pm

Barron scoffed and snorted once, shaking his massive head, his golden mane settling on his mane. Sundrop watched the scene in horror, knowing what would happen if the mare didn't run. She couldn't say anything, otherwise she would be hurt more than she was already. Barron stepped forward, large hooves landing silently on the lush grass, his eyes on the mare. Sundrop gave a quick flick of her tail, getting to her feet and scurrying in front of the mare. "LEave her alone!" She shouted in her fathers face, trembling as his eyes turned a deadly glare on hers.

(srry so short)
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Born Wild all ways wild  *Spritz* 'Mature' Empty Re: Born Wild all ways wild *Spritz* 'Mature'

Post by Guest Thu Sep 15, 2011 3:08 pm

Blossom (1st person)

I tried to lunge at the stallion when he gave that glare to the filly but fell down in front of the large stallion due to my dislocated nee. I tried to get up but the nee wouldn't work, it needed to be popped back in place. *Shit!* I thought trying to get up aging but failing. My ears were laced back and tight agents my head. I thrashed my head around at the stallion in a 'Get back!' way trying to protect myself. I looked to the filly ears up, "Please don't get yourself hurt." I know though I had been foolish to try to attack alone with this bad nee. I nipped at the nee trying to place it back but no use. I looked back to the stallion and gave out a nigh that meant 'Back off' I didn't use the usual horse talk but the other one which was neighing with no words but with meaning.

(It's ok just try to get them bigger aging then I can do the same.)


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Born Wild all ways wild  *Spritz* 'Mature' Empty Re: Born Wild all ways wild *Spritz* 'Mature'

Post by Spritz Thu Sep 15, 2011 3:21 pm

As soon as the mare fell at Barron's feet, he lunged forward, bowling her backwards with his huge body. Sundrop was hit also, and fell on top of the mare's leg, hearing a sharp crack. (Her knee) Sundrop was pushed roughly backwards, and Barron grabbed the mares mane in his teeth, hauling her to her feet, starting to drag her backwards towards him. Giving a glare at Sundrop, she struggled to her feet once again, favoring her front right leg, that seemed to be a bit twisted. "No!" SHe squeeled, as Barron started to drag the mare back to where they had came from. Catching up to her father, she winced as the her weight fell onto her leg.
In the distance, the stallions surrounded the young mare, ready to bring her back to Barron,
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Born Wild all ways wild  *Spritz* 'Mature' Empty Re: Born Wild all ways wild *Spritz* 'Mature'

Post by Guest Thu Sep 15, 2011 3:30 pm


Her knee was popped back into place and she gasped in releaf. She got up willingly for the stud and spoke, "I'll let you breed me and my daughter if you breed my now and my daughter a year from now. I don't want her to be short all her life." She pleaded feeling weak. The mare was confused with her self. She was all ways strong and stuff, was it her hormones? Or what. I the six year old looked into his eyes not making it hard at all to pull her along, she walked with him.

(Bad chose blossom)

Meanwhile, Abbey awoke rising to her feat to find her self surrounded. She shivered in fear and let out a sreaching nigh for help. The young shy mare pressed her rump tightly agents the tree behind her and laced her ears back, toughing her head around at them, snapping and biting.

(Err Filly furry!)


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Born Wild all ways wild  *Spritz* 'Mature' Empty Re: Born Wild all ways wild *Spritz* 'Mature'

Post by Spritz Thu Sep 15, 2011 6:04 pm

Barron tossed his head, letting her go, but kept a close eye on her. It was all the better for him that she was obeying, unlike his daughter. She seemed to always be fighting him, but stayed with her father only because she would be killed otherwise. Barron waited anxiously for her first heat, reluctant to let her go after she was bred, if he ever did let her go. He admired her passion to be free, and thought it was damn sexy. But enough about his daughter, she wasn't mature enough yet to be enough fun for him. He had a perfectly good mare here, and a young filly that was soon to join his little group. He fell behind the mare, grabbing his daughters neck in his teeth and pushing her forward, walking behind the two mares and roughly nipping sundrop's rump as soon as she fell a bit behind, as she was very reluctant to go back. His tool ached from so many mares around him, as it did each night he saw Sundrop peacefully sleeping.
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Born Wild all ways wild  *Spritz* 'Mature' Empty Re: Born Wild all ways wild *Spritz* 'Mature'

Post by Guest Thu Sep 15, 2011 8:41 pm

Blossom listened for her daughter's sake in her mind. She walked were the stud wanted her to and didn't dare to disoabay. One thing about this whole thing was, she got to raise another foal. Blossom enjoyed doing that for you got to take some one so small and fragile about the world. She let out a yawn slowing her past and falling behind then trotting a head a bit over and over, "When all most at a resting place yet?" She asked egarly. Her tail drooped down in a relaxed way, resting but not keeping the sent in. She shook herself awake right before falling asleep. She looked to the stud then to his daughter, "Why treat her so badly, I know your a forcer but why be such a savage?" She asked, the filly inside her showing.

(Sorry it's so stupid I'm just having probs playing a charry with her personality, she's not really so weak and dumb like.)


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Born Wild all ways wild  *Spritz* 'Mature' Empty Re: Born Wild all ways wild *Spritz* 'Mature'

Post by Spritz Fri Sep 16, 2011 11:17 am

Barron soon pushed the two mares into his clearing, Sundrop giving him a hard glare, before trotting to the river, limping on her injured leg. She stepped into the water, a small tear trickling down her cheek. This was the exact spot her mother had been killed. The young mare knelt down in the crystal stream, letting the cold water run over her wound and wash away the dried blood. Barron paced anxiously around the clearing, his large head bobbing slightly, large thick muscles moving under his golden hide. Letting out a shrill neigh, he snorted once and stopped abruptly. Sundrop ignored her father, shaking her head and stepping out of the stream, limping slowly over to the shade of her oak tree. Lying down, she gave the mare a sad look before closing her eyes, a pained expression on her delecate features. Soon, her head bobbed, the mare falling into a light sleep. As she slept, her body relaxed, letting out the first faint whiff of her first heat, the scent she had been trying to hide from her father all day.
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Born Wild all ways wild  *Spritz* 'Mature' Empty Re: Born Wild all ways wild *Spritz* 'Mature'

Post by Guest Fri Sep 16, 2011 11:30 am

Blossom smelt the sent from the filly and went to her, acting as if it was herself tho it was hard scene she was a older mare. Blossom then decided to walk towards Barron, grazing on the graze around, her tail free letting her sent over dominant SunDrop's heat sent. The mare flicked her tail. She didn't care any more is the stud near her bred her or not, meanwhile her daughter Abbey kicked and screamed, thrashing around at the males trying to pull her away. "No!" Her body language said to them and she kicked one hard in the jaw. He chewed a bit to help with the pain. She snorted and dug her feet into the ground as on pulled her by the main into a clearing where her mom met the stud, and with one swift kick she hit the male pulling her in the balls and reared at the others charging though them. She was feisty for a shy thing. She galloped over a hill and kept going, though another meadow, other a creak and into a thin tree like meadow. She heard the thundering of hoofs behind her and sped up...


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Born Wild all ways wild  *Spritz* 'Mature' Empty Re: Born Wild all ways wild *Spritz* 'Mature'

Post by Spritz Fri Sep 16, 2011 11:54 am

Barron's nostrils flared, and he snorted softly, his eyes growing wild with delight. Picking up the scent of his daughter, he chucked softly to himself, as he saw the other mare trying to cover up the scent of Sundrop. Black would be pleased, no doubt. And just at that moment, a twig broke in the forset, Barron turning to see Black in the forest, a smile on his face. With a quick glance at the mares, Barron strode forward, giving a whicker of greeting. Black lowered his head, a smirk on his face as he eyed the mares. "You seem sucessful," He spoke, his eyes flitting to the mare that was grazing

The stallions chased after the young mare, one grabbing her by the mane and tugging her to the ground.
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Born Wild all ways wild  *Spritz* 'Mature' Empty Re: Born Wild all ways wild *Spritz* 'Mature'

Post by Guest Fri Sep 16, 2011 12:04 pm

She squwealed, "Let go" Thrashing her head and feet around, trying to hurt them. She let out screams of angony that sounded like a mad mare in heat. She stood kicking at them and rearing. She let louds nighs out trying to frighten them and charged on hitting him hard in the chest.

She watched a black stud apear. She snorted at him, he was cute but not as much as the yellow one. She countied grazing while the sun made her shine like gold with white spots on her. Her dapples where as white as a cloud. She then lift her head aproching the two studs but staid alittle ways back, she snorted softly to them then nickered, "Hello." She eyed the new stud, knowing what was most likely about to happen to her.


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