Call of the Wild
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Axel Remembers {Twisted Shadows}

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Axel Remembers {Twisted Shadows} Empty Axel Remembers {Twisted Shadows}

Post by Guest Sat Jul 02, 2011 7:09 pm

Axel snorted as he quietly padded behind the elk, his nose nearly pressed completely to the ground. His ears were laid back as he stalked up onpen his next prey. He growled low in his throat and his claws kneaded the earth without reason. Axel snorted and pounced at the last minute. His pointed and deadly fangs sliced into the elk's rear and his claws peirced the thick hide. His charcoal-grey pelt was stained with blood. An ear-peircing snarl errupted from his maw as he climbed his way up the elk's body, leaving long, bloody gash marks from his claws all the way up the elk. The elk bucked wildly, snorting, its breaths coming out in white puffs of air.
Axel roared with delight at the taste of the blood on his tongue. He grabbed the elk's throat and clamped down with all his might, hearing bone cracks under the pressure of his bite. He ripped the elk's throat out with one mighty pull and felt the elk fall. He propelled off of the elk and landed with the the elk's throat still in his moath. He shook it wildly, a crazed, bloodthirsty look in his eyes. He shredded the bones and tore the elk to shreds. He stood haunchbacked and let out a long howl, warning any wolves in the area that he was bloodthirsty and would kill within seconds. He snarled, baring his fangs and drank some blood from the elk. He yawned and looked around him, pupils dilated. He knew that this bloodthirst would die down eventually. He laid down after tearing the elk's body to shreds until it was no longer recognizable. He sighed and laid down, licking blood from his paws, his breathing shaky.


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Axel Remembers {Twisted Shadows} Empty Re: Axel Remembers {Twisted Shadows}

Post by ❥ Destiny Styles Sat Jul 02, 2011 7:20 pm

Selah Kai's white pelt shone in the bright light of the sesonal summer sun. The sun's hot beamas were starting to tire her. She yawned once more and trotted through the moorland, her eyes closed her slits once more. She kept on walking, thirsty and heading to the only pool she knew of. The pool was where most wolves didn't come. She never knew why though. It was a great part to hunt.
Suddenly, she stopped. Her eyes grew wide at the warning howl. She gasped. That's where I hunt.
Slowly she streaked into the near-by bushes and creeped through the forest carefully. She stopped, seeing the wolf. She gasped and kept on slowly moving her sleek body through the forest. She then came. The beautiful deep pool that shone like the stars. She trotted over, looking cautiously over her back every few seconds. She leaned down and her tougne welcomed the cool water. She felt better, really better. She sighed and let herself in. The fae was no longer hungry, nor thristy. Just quenched. She let her fur get soaked in the water for a few minutes and without any hesitation, started to swim around completly forgetting she was in the presence of a threatning, dangerous wolf.
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Axel Remembers {Twisted Shadows} Empty Re: Axel Remembers {Twisted Shadows}

Post by Guest Sat Jul 02, 2011 7:30 pm

Suddenly Axel smelled ther scent of a fae. He growled slightly, lip curling threateningly. He got to his feet and sniffed around, trying to find out from which direction the fae's smell was coming from, but his nose was clogged with the smell of blood. It seemed the blood lingered even in his eyesight. He needed to take a bath, and get rid of the blood that would frighten most wolves away. He snorted and began to make his way the the medium-sized lake that sparkled in some places were the trees broke to reveal the sunlight, sending streaks of golden on the water. Axel stopped and stared in amazement at the beautiful fae that was wading in the water, directly under one of the beams of sunlight. Her pelt seemed silky smooth and the top tufts floated along the water's horizon.
Axel backed into a bush, and took in her scent again. Growling lowly, he realized that she was the fae he'd smelled earier. Suddenly growing bolder, Axel stepped forth and curled his lipline into a harsh growl that tore out from his throat and echoed due to the vast amount of water. The growl carried from shore to shore, bouncing off like a ripple effect on the water. Axel stepped into the water and kept a wary eye on her and stuck his muzzle into the clear water and washed it, blood turning the water a gross coppery-red color. He washed his paws, as well, and the water began an even darker crimson. The crimson water floated out to where the fae's whitish-grey pelt was and Axel lifted his head, revealing a blood-free muzzle. He stepped from the water and let out another harsh yap. "What are you doing here?" He asked angrily, his gaze stone-hard and ice-cold.


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Axel Remembers {Twisted Shadows} Empty Re: Axel Remembers {Twisted Shadows}

Post by ❥ Destiny Styles Sat Jul 02, 2011 7:42 pm

The grayish-whitesh pelt, silky and moving she felt much better. She swam around some more til a scent lingered into her notrils. The hot and sticky scent of blood mixed with a wolf covered her notrils. And it seemed strangly familar. She turned to the bushes and just in time seen the male step out. Her eyes grew wide with bewilderment and she made her way to the edge of the pool she had come from. She had completly forgot that he was there! Her blue eyes focused as he stepped into the water and dipped his blood-stained water, it quickly traveled, sending some of the blood her way.
She gasped and made her way out, quickly, her forpaws heaving up with slight effort of her weight. She lookeed back at the male.
Um, uh... I was just leaving
." she said, her voice was bold but there was a mixture of fear. Turning, she ran off. Her small weight supporting her legs to send her flying faster. She was scared, never this scared. He looked like he was ready to kill anything in his path, even a small fae like her. That blood-stained pelt and his chipped iced eyes showing no emotions. She shivered picturing him and stopped, starting to a walk. Her tounge came from her mouth and hang from the side as she sat down. She kept ears pricked and alert.
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Axel Remembers {Twisted Shadows} Empty Re: Axel Remembers {Twisted Shadows}

Post by Guest Sat Jul 02, 2011 7:52 pm

Axel growled as he watched the fae reply then turn on her heel and leave. He snarled slightly as she left, then once she was gone, it turned into laughter. He sighed and watched her leave. Then suddenly, he picked up the pace and moved silently through the forest. He wondered why he looked so threatening. Perhaps it was the blood that had covered his maw? Probably. His pupils had gone back to normal now, and the calmness and quiet peacefulness he had returned. Although he was never really 'peaceful.' He was quiet and reserved, and almost always lost his temper. He'd forced a fae twice out of pure rage, and she'd ended up dying in childbirth from an overproduction of pups.
Axel had felt no remorse, no regret, and no sorrow towards the fae he'd caused so much pain. But this fae seemed different. She seemed quiet...and delicate. She seemed.... fragile and scared. What had made her this way? Axel was curious now, and he stared at her in wonder when he saw her stop. He was less than ten feet away from her, yet she seemed oblivious to his presence, although he could see in her eyes she was alert and looking around for him, to see if he'd followed her. He stepped out into the opening again, and looked her over. She was a beautiful fae. His on-edge yet semi-friendly demeanor had returned and he apologized in a quiet voice, "I'm sorry for our meeting earlier. You wouldn't understand what makes me that way if I told you I'm not always like that." He frowned and looked at his paws, then returned his gaze to her beautiful....captivating eyes. Axel growled inwardly at himself and his smile was removed from his face as it returned to the way it normally was. "I'm Axel." He said.


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Axel Remembers {Twisted Shadows} Empty Re: Axel Remembers {Twisted Shadows}

Post by ❥ Destiny Styles Sat Jul 02, 2011 8:21 pm

Selah looked up to see the male. He seemed calm now. Scary... calm. Kinda like her. She looked at her paws and then looked at him. Her eyes were shinning with calmness. "It's nothing. I'm easy to scare. I don't like getting into fights." she said and then though before saying, "I'm Selah Kai. Axel," she sighed. "So, you live here?" she asked. She cocked her head and looked carefully at the male. He seemed to be telling the truth. She stood to her paws, looking bold
[Epic brain-fart!]
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Axel Remembers {Twisted Shadows} Empty Re: Axel Remembers {Twisted Shadows}

Post by Guest Sat Jul 02, 2011 8:30 pm

Axel chuckled slightly at her comment, wondering what had made her that way. Ideas of answers floated through his mind, but nothing that came to his mind seemed to make a logical explination. He shrugged it off and said, "Ahh, I've met your likes before. But not a lot. There's not a lot of wolves I've seen that don't like a good fight now and then," He shrugged, hoping that he wouldn't offend her, but he didn't know her well enough to know what would and what would not offend her. He ignored his stupid thoughts and Axel yawned slightly. Axel tilted his head at her unusual name. He righted his head and said, "Would you like me to call you Selah Kai or just Selah?" Suddenly another thought came to his mind. "Or Kai?" he chuckled at his indecisiveness.
Axel smiled and watched her for her response, then replied to her question: "I don't actually live around here. Nowhere near here, actually. I prefer to keep my hunting sprees somewhere far away from where I live. The people who know me don't know the darker side of me that you unfortunately happened to chance upon. Not a lot of wolves happen to cross paths with me after my warning howl. They most likely never hear from me again. I hunt in different places each time." He shrugged the best shrug a wolf could do. Axel took her sudden boldness with a grain of salt. Axel bet if he suddenly turned on her she'd right in flight and never been seen or heard from again. He chuckled to himself at the fae's odd behaviours.


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Axel Remembers {Twisted Shadows} Empty Re: Axel Remembers {Twisted Shadows}

Post by ❥ Destiny Styles Sat Jul 02, 2011 8:35 pm

[[ooc:Can i start lowering the lengths of the post for tonight im tired but wanna stay on.]
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Axel Remembers {Twisted Shadows} Empty Re: Axel Remembers {Twisted Shadows}

Post by Guest Sat Jul 02, 2011 8:37 pm

[ i'm actually going right now. so ttyl :D ]


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Axel Remembers {Twisted Shadows} Empty Re: Axel Remembers {Twisted Shadows}

Post by ❥ Destiny Styles Mon Jul 04, 2011 3:27 pm

Selah nodded in understanding. "Ah, so you don't stay here. I see." she said and flicked her tail. "Well, I wander these parts... I've been here all my life. I dont ... travel."
She looked at her paws. He seemed quite intrested in him. "Well, your leaving?" she asked.

[On phone]
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Axel Remembers {Twisted Shadows} Empty Re: Axel Remembers {Twisted Shadows}

Post by Guest Mon Jul 04, 2011 4:12 pm

"No, actually, I don't. I don't let other wolves see me in my bloodthirsty rages. I.... I can explain why I have them, but only if you want to hear." Axel looked at his paws and thought about his father and his mother, and his siblings. The thoughts brought him into an angered frenzy. His claws dug into the earth and he let out a growl. Before the rage got to him, he managed to settle himself down. "I... I'm sorry. It's just the reasons are very emotional." Axel snorted and remembered the fae he had forced and ultimately ended up killing. "I'm sorry."
Axel was surprised by her sudden suggestion. "Umm..." he said quietly, then looked back up at her, "Do you... want me to leave?" Axel didn't want to give her the impression that he wanted to stay, or the impression that he wanted to leave. Secretly he wanted her company. Most wolves didn't stay and talk to her, yet she was. And she was doing an okay job at it, as well. Sighing, he said. "If you want me to leave, I can go. If you want me to stay, I will. It's been a while since another wolf -- not to mention a fae -- has talked to me."


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Axel Remembers {Twisted Shadows} Empty Re: Axel Remembers {Twisted Shadows}

Post by ❥ Destiny Styles Mon Jul 04, 2011 8:47 pm

Selah looked at the male, suddenly startled by his sudden rage. She then watched him starting to calm down and she blinked confused. Was this natrual? She didn't know, she was never by males except her own father. She never made friends with males except males from packs. Her blue orbs focused him slightly and then she turned to the trees. Did she want him to stay -- she wanted to be able to help him, make him a better wolf. She looked at him finally and nodded. "If you mind staying please, just for a few times. If you feel like your getting uncomfortable then feel free to leave."
She gave the friendlest expression she could. Her voice was still soft and gentle like always and honey smooth.
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Axel Remembers {Twisted Shadows} Empty Re: Axel Remembers {Twisted Shadows}

Post by ❥ Destiny Styles Tue Jul 05, 2011 11:54 am


Losing mi temper
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Axel Remembers {Twisted Shadows} Empty Re: Axel Remembers {Twisted Shadows}

Post by Guest Tue Jul 05, 2011 3:30 pm

wtf are you talking about?!
>___> and tell me when you chill and {{maybe}} i'll reply.


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Axel Remembers {Twisted Shadows} Empty Re: Axel Remembers {Twisted Shadows}

Post by ❥ Destiny Styles Tue Jul 05, 2011 5:57 pm

I chilled Very Happy
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Axel Remembers {Twisted Shadows} Empty Re: Axel Remembers {Twisted Shadows}

Post by Guest Tue Jul 05, 2011 6:28 pm

x] okay

Axel smiled and looked at her gently, realizing she had been startled by his sudden change in mood. "I'm sorry..." he commented. He listened to the rest of what he had to say, his tail swaying gently, and his ears pricked forward, very intent on listening to her. "I guess I will stay, then. I need the company." He grinned and sat down, situating himself on the soft earth. "Well, again. Let's start over. I'm Axel." He smiled sweetly -- something he was not accustomed to -- and kneaded the ground in a soft sort of way, looking at her. "Lovely weather we're having, isn't it?" He said, mainly as a jest.


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Axel Remembers {Twisted Shadows} Empty Re: Axel Remembers {Twisted Shadows}

Post by ❥ Destiny Styles Wed Jul 06, 2011 5:42 am

Selah looked at him and nodded, happy he was coming. Flicking her tail, she pricked her ears to here what he had to say. She nodded and smiled -- thinking and it was cute and funny for him to want to smile. She couldn't keep herself from giggling quietly when he said, "Nice weather we're having." she nodded and bowed. "Hello there. I am Selah Kai. But you may just call me Selah," she said and lifted her head to face his eyes. "And yes, its beautiful weather were having. Nice to meet you Axel." she said and nodded. "Great to meet you again.
Lifting her head, she nodded once more. "Come on, I'll lead you to my den." she said and started to walk towards her den.
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Axel Remembers {Twisted Shadows} Empty Re: Axel Remembers {Twisted Shadows}

Post by Guest Wed Jul 06, 2011 6:53 am

Axel let an unintentional smile creep across his face when he heard her giggling. Axel rolled his eyes slightly and thought, Faes. Although he had absolutely no problem with faes at all. He stood up and chuckled himself when she agreed to the nice weather. "Well it's my pleasure to meet you, Selah.... again." He smiled a toothy grin and was a little taken back by her request to follow her to her den. Axel tilted his head slightly, his tail drooping momentarily. Axel was extremely unused to being invited anywhere, expect for the occassional 'go to hell' comments. He tentatively began to make his way forward behind her, his ears swiveling every which way, wondering how far away her den was.


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Axel Remembers {Twisted Shadows} Empty Re: Axel Remembers {Twisted Shadows}

Post by ❥ Destiny Styles Wed Jul 06, 2011 6:02 pm

Selah kept her head high, going through the forest she had first seen him in. She ignored bramble bushes, and holly branches that scratched at her pelt. She tasted the air quickly, picking up the scent of catmint. Looking back, she nodded. "Wait a minute," she muted. She walked into the bushes where she smelt the catmint, and slowly picked them by their stems. She pushed herself backwards, coming out and looking at him. She noddded and went on. As soon as she went out the woods, there lie a nice-looking den kinda of run-down. "This is it," she mumbled over the stems.
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Axel Remembers {Twisted Shadows} Empty Re: Axel Remembers {Twisted Shadows}

Post by Guest Wed Jul 13, 2011 8:35 am

Axel angrily snapped at the bramble bushes, breaking them and keeping them away from him. Axel watched her, staring at her and trying to pick up the scent of what she was looking for. When she came back, he looked at her quizically, and then just rolled his eyes. There was nothing she needed that he was in need of, probably. Soon, they reached the edge of the forests, and the two of them stood before a quite nice den. Axel couldn't help but get the feeling it'd been there a while, though. He snorted slightly and did the best he could to comment, "It's...nice." Then he frowned. "Nicer than my den, at least." He chuckled. "And that is saying something."


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Axel Remembers {Twisted Shadows} Empty Re: Axel Remembers {Twisted Shadows}

Post by ❥ Destiny Styles Wed Jul 13, 2011 8:53 am

Selah nodded. "Thank you," she said. She looked at him and snorted, a faint amusment in her eyes that suddenly disappeared. She looked and swished her tail over to a guest moss bed. "Make yourself at home." she murmured.

[Sorry, brain-dead]
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