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Lonely yet so not alone..

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Lonely yet so not alone.. Empty Lonely yet so not alone..

Post by SunsetBaby Tue Apr 05, 2011 6:40 pm

Zeeta walked with her sistere onto the new land, it smelled.. nice here. Not like the last place they were at. It smelled like death and decay there. Here it smelled like sunshine, if that was possible, and flowers. Zeeta nudged her sister for her to look at the tiny but yet lay-in-able stream in a meadow.
Peeta smiled and trotted over to it, she took a drink and acted like she was in love, "oh gosh this water tastes fresher then snow!" she laughed then looked at her sister, "come on Zeeta talk? Have fun?" when Zeeta shook her head Peeta shrugged "I tried."
Zeeta rolled her eyes and went and laid down under a lonly weeping willow amugst the redwoods, something that reminded her of her mother, it also made her feel close to her. Zeeta watched her sister carefully and intently till she dozed off.
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Lonely yet so not alone.. Empty Re: Lonely yet so not alone..

Post by Guardian Angel Mon Apr 18, 2011 7:56 pm

Zander had been wandering the forest for days all alone, but that did not bother him. He actually preferred to be alone.
Keeping a steady pace, picking his way carefully over the trodden ground of the forest, he watched all around him with sharp, keen eyes and perfect hearing. He picked up everything. When he was less worried about his surroundings, Zander would often gaze around him and up at the large Redwood trees that towered over him like giants.

While wandering aimlessly, without a purpose, he stumbled upon a set of young mares. One was dosing against a tree while the other kept guard over her. He stayed out of their way and planned to mozy on through, but curiosity got the best of him and he approached them. "Hello." he said cautiously, unsure as to how these mares would react to him.
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Lonely yet so not alone.. Empty Re: Lonely yet so not alone..

Post by SunsetBaby Tue Apr 19, 2011 6:38 pm

Peeta looked at the stallion, she pinned her ears and moved closer to her sleeping sister. She watched him, "hi."
Zeeta woke up hearing her sister speek, she stood up and looked at the stallion, he was striking. Zeeta smiled at him, "hello."
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Lonely yet so not alone.. Empty Re: Lonely yet so not alone..

Post by Guardian Angel Fri Apr 22, 2011 9:09 am

Zander stopped walking closer and gave them space. He dipped his elegant head in respect and brought it back up. "Who may you two be?" he asked and then chuckled deeply, "I'm Zander." He studied them with pure golden eyes that flashed brilliantly against his black ebony coat.
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Lonely yet so not alone.. Empty Re: Lonely yet so not alone..

Post by SunsetBaby Fri Apr 22, 2011 9:21 am

Zeeta looked at the stallion's eyes, "I'm Zeeta, and this is my sister Peeta," she said nodding her head to her sister. She smiled at Zander till her sister nipped her to make her shut up.
Peeta niped her sister's shoulder when she said their names "PEETA!" she looked at the stallion, "what do you want."
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Lonely yet so not alone.. Empty Re: Lonely yet so not alone..

Post by Guardian Angel Fri Apr 22, 2011 2:43 pm

Zander smiled a genuine smile as she listened to their names. "Its a pleasure meeting you two." he said and glanced about him. It was obvious the Zeeta was the dominate one over her sister. He was not surprised by Zeeta's forward question, "I was just wandering when i stumbled upon you guys." he answered honestly.
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Lonely yet so not alone.. Empty Re: Lonely yet so not alone..

Post by SunsetBaby Fri Apr 22, 2011 7:40 pm

Zeeta pinned her ears and looked at him, "well you better keep going pretty boy." she snorted and watched him.
Peeta rolled her eyes looking at her sister "Zeeta stop. He seems fine, he could keep us safe fro...." Peeta stoped talking when her sister glared at her
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Lonely yet so not alone.. Empty Re: Lonely yet so not alone..

Post by Guardian Angel Sun Apr 24, 2011 8:58 am

Zander put his ears outward like a dog would when he was scolded. "Im sorry if im interrupting anything.." and he turned to go. Then Peeta spoke up and turned back around, "From who?" he was curious!
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Lonely yet so not alone.. Empty Re: Lonely yet so not alone..

Post by SunsetBaby Sun Apr 24, 2011 12:50 pm

"nobody." Zeeta snaped with her ears pinned, she looked at her sister with hateful eyes right then.
Peeta looked at Zander, "well.. it's a long story but to put it short, our father wants me and Zeeta dead, more me then him but yea.. he sends his people to do it for him and that's how we ended up here..." she stoepd her story and looked at him, waiting for him to run like the rest of the stallions who didn't stick around once they knew that.
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Lonely yet so not alone.. Empty Re: Lonely yet so not alone..

Post by Guardian Angel Tue Apr 26, 2011 7:59 pm

Zander looked at them With a confused look. "Who is your father?"
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Lonely yet so not alone.. Empty Re: Lonely yet so not alone..

Post by SunsetBaby Tue Apr 26, 2011 9:02 pm

Zeeta looked at him, "he's a real mean stallion that shouldn't be alive anymore." she mumbled.
Peeta rolled her eyes, "he's a evil stallion that took over our old home."
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Lonely yet so not alone.. Empty Re: Lonely yet so not alone..

Post by Guardian Angel Wed Apr 27, 2011 5:01 pm

I studied then both, "A name maybe?" i said as i walked closer casually, my ears pricked forward in interest.
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Lonely yet so not alone.. Empty Re: Lonely yet so not alone..

Post by SunsetBaby Wed Apr 27, 2011 7:21 pm

Zeeta pinned her ears and look at him "I don't think so."
Peeta rolled her eyes then loked at him, "his name is Helakon... it's some languge for something."
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Lonely yet so not alone.. Empty Re: Lonely yet so not alone..

Post by Guardian Angel Thu Apr 28, 2011 7:56 pm

Zander brushed off Zeeta. He listened to Peeta and tried to see if their sire's name sounded familiar. He could not place it. "Doesn't ring a bell." he said.
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Lonely yet so not alone.. Empty Re: Lonely yet so not alone..

Post by SunsetBaby Fri Apr 29, 2011 4:50 am

Zeeta snorted "good." she turned to the water, she was really thirsty.
Peeta watched her sister leave them, "he's a realy evil stallion," She looked at Zander
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Lonely yet so not alone.. Empty Re: Lonely yet so not alone..

Post by Guardian Angel Sat Apr 30, 2011 1:21 pm

Zander was starting to grow annoyed with Zeeta. For now, he would ignore her. Turning to Peeta, he asks, "What all has he done that makes him so evil?" he takes a few more steps towards her and then stops. He dips his head and snags a few blades of grass to munch.
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Lonely yet so not alone.. Empty Re: Lonely yet so not alone..

Post by SunsetBaby Sat Apr 30, 2011 5:50 pm

Peeta watched him, he didn't seem too much of a threat, she didn't know what her sister was so worried about. "he's killed our mother, and many other horses. he's attacked us and almost killed me... he's just reallly evil."
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Lonely yet so not alone.. Empty Re: Lonely yet so not alone..

Post by Guardian Angel Sun May 01, 2011 3:59 pm

Zander nodded his head casually but anger flared in his blue eyes. "Why would he do such a thing?" he said as he kicked at a clump of dirt. Stallion who killed others for the hell of it really pissed him off.
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Lonely yet so not alone.. Empty Re: Lonely yet so not alone..

Post by SunsetBaby Sun May 01, 2011 8:19 pm

Peeta shrugged her shoulders while she flicked her tail, "I dunno he's mean." she jumped hearing a twig snap near by, instinctly she moved closer to him not realiseing that she did it.
Zeeta heard the twig and lifted her head from the water, she looked at her sister and saw her move closer to the stallion.
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Lonely yet so not alone.. Empty Re: Lonely yet so not alone..

Post by Guardian Angel Mon May 02, 2011 3:37 pm

Zander's head whipped to the side and his ears flattened when he heard the twig snap. He noticed Peeta move closer and he managed a smile. He glanced at Zeeta for a second then at the spot where the sound came from. "Who is there?" he asked sharply.
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Lonely yet so not alone.. Empty Re: Lonely yet so not alone..

Post by SunsetBaby Mon May 02, 2011 8:45 pm

Peeta inched closer to him till a little timid deer came out, She started to laugh at how foolish she was. she noticed how close she was and she stepped away abit, "thanks."
Zeeta snortted and went back to her tiny splashing and drinking nad playing in the water.
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Lonely yet so not alone.. Empty Re: Lonely yet so not alone..

Post by Guardian Angel Tue May 03, 2011 4:54 pm

Zander chuckled when the small doe came from out of the trees. How foolish. He shook his head and smiled at Peeta. "No big deal." he turned to look at Zeeta and rolled his eyes. What was her deal?
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Lonely yet so not alone.. Empty Re: Lonely yet so not alone..

Post by SunsetBaby Tue May 03, 2011 8:07 pm

Peeta saw him looking at her sister, "she doesn't trust stallions cause of dad.... plus she thinks I'm foolish for flirting." She realised she said the last part aloud and turned her head flicking her tail a few times embarassed she said that.
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Lonely yet so not alone.. Empty Re: Lonely yet so not alone..

Post by Guardian Angel Fri May 06, 2011 3:07 pm

Zander whipped his head around to look at her. "I can see that." he said as he looked back at Zeeta. He smiled and looked at Peeta, "Its alright, im used to it." and he winked.
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Lonely yet so not alone.. Empty Re: Lonely yet so not alone..

Post by SunsetBaby Fri May 06, 2011 5:29 pm

Peeta looked away from him, she knew now he wouldn't stay just like all the rest. she sighed and tossed her mane "where ya headin?"
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