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Flame's still got the power! (thunderstruck)

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Flame's still got the power! (thunderstruck) Empty Flame's still got the power! (thunderstruck)

Post by Man O' War Lover Mon Apr 04, 2011 2:30 pm

I stood tall and proud watching over my heard. Over a hundred horses of pure Arabian blood grazed before me my colt's raced across the meadow and my fillies played rearing on the sturdy leg's. Mare's grazed beaside old and young gelding's. I watched curiuce foal's crawl threw the meadow trying to learn how to keep there leg's under theme. No one would take this from me and no one had or ever will. I watched my second hand stallion Masked Mystery stand proud watching his only daughter play beaside her mother. I let him have a few mares of his own he daserved it. We where like brother's all of us where family. I breathed in the sweet smell of the Meadow as it filled my lung's. My neck had healed well but mark's still branded it on the high crest of my neck. I watched as the sun rose higher into the sky-and watched over my Meadow and heard.

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Flame's still got the power! (thunderstruck) Empty Re: Flame's still got the power! (thunderstruck)

Post by Man O' War Lover Mon Apr 04, 2011 4:58 pm

Please reply Very Happy Please Very Happy

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Flame's still got the power! (thunderstruck) Empty Re: Flame's still got the power! (thunderstruck)

Post by Guest Tue Apr 05, 2011 2:30 pm

[ are you going to make this the topic where jaguar comes? ]


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Flame's still got the power! (thunderstruck) Empty Re: Flame's still got the power! (thunderstruck)

Post by Man O' War Lover Tue Apr 05, 2011 2:38 pm

Yes do you want to start or me? Very Happy

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Flame's still got the power! (thunderstruck) Empty Re: Flame's still got the power! (thunderstruck)

Post by Guest Tue Apr 05, 2011 2:55 pm

[ Why don't you, since Flame's Flare is bringing Jaguar here? ]


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Flame's still got the power! (thunderstruck) Empty Re: Flame's still got the power! (thunderstruck)

Post by Man O' War Lover Tue Apr 05, 2011 2:56 pm

(OK is this ok Smile )

As we walked toured the Meadow I thought what my father may say. Would he like him? Would he aprove of him? My tail set high and head held high I aproched the meadow. "Well do you like my home?" I asked Jaguar. I wanted him to be happy hear-I hoped he liked my sire when he meet him?

Man O' War Lover
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Flame's still got the power! (thunderstruck) Empty Re: Flame's still got the power! (thunderstruck)

Post by Guest Tue Apr 05, 2011 3:10 pm

Jaguar looked around, strong shoulders moving slowly. He knew this place. His eyes widened slowly. "Oh no..." he said quietly, looking at his hooves, then looking up and faking a smile, "It's wonderful."


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Flame's still got the power! (thunderstruck) Empty Re: Flame's still got the power! (thunderstruck)

Post by Man O' War Lover Tue Apr 05, 2011 3:14 pm

I smiled a little somthing was wrong? "Somthing is wrong are you ok are you nervus about meeting my sire?" I asked turning to look at him-He was not having second thought's was he?

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Flame's still got the power! (thunderstruck) Empty Re: Flame's still got the power! (thunderstruck)

Post by Guest Tue Apr 05, 2011 3:36 pm

Jaguar shook his head rapidly, "Nothing's wrong. I just had a strange sense of de-ja-vu." He said quietly. "Now, where may that sire of yours be? And possibly your dam as well?"


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Flame's still got the power! (thunderstruck) Empty Re: Flame's still got the power! (thunderstruck)

Post by Man O' War Lover Tue Apr 05, 2011 3:40 pm

"Oh you will love my dam she is still so beautiful." I exsclaimed. "And m sire he is so strong for his age." I galloped in exsitment letting out a loud whinny "Father Mother I found one!" I said happly. My sire stood on the hill watching the heard but when he spotted me he came running his tall handsome frame moved over the earth in a glide. "Flare!" He said. As we meet he nuzzled me and asked "Where is the lucky stallion?" He seemed happy for me-

Man O' War Lover
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Flame's still got the power! (thunderstruck) Empty Re: Flame's still got the power! (thunderstruck)

Post by Guest Tue Apr 05, 2011 3:44 pm

Jaguar stepped forward, looking over Flame. He probably wouldn't recognize him, Jaguar had changed dramatically in the past 3 years. He looked nothing like the weak yearling he had once been. He nodded his head in a mock-bow and then stood bolt-upright, trying to keep the tension off of his face, the hatred burning inside him. "Hello, sir." He said stiffly.

Mistress trotted over to Flame's Flare and nuzzled her gently. She smiled, "My, my, what a strong stallion." She said quietly, still smiling. She didn't recognize the bachelor.


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Flame's still got the power! (thunderstruck) Empty Re: Flame's still got the power! (thunderstruck)

Post by Man O' War Lover Tue Apr 05, 2011 3:51 pm

Flame- I bowed my head seeing he was respectfull bowing his first. "Hello?" I loked at him closly my sight was still good and fresh but he looked familure but ofcourse I ahd seen many colt's before I had never seent his one before.

Flare- I nuzzled mother "Hello mother this is Jaguar my new mate I mean my new stallion. I met him in the garden's. He is very nice and kind to me." I said standing close to jaguar's side as I said the word's that where ture. "Isn't he handsome?" I asked-

Flame- "Indeed darling." I said to my mate Mistress. "Our daughter has inhearated your charm for stallion's." I laughed my vioce rich but low and deeper than it ever was.

Man O' War Lover
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Flame's still got the power! (thunderstruck) Empty Re: Flame's still got the power! (thunderstruck)

Post by Guest Tue Apr 05, 2011 3:55 pm

Mistress smiled at the tease and nipped Flame playfully. She nodded, "He's okay with me." She considered his name. "Jaguar, eh? Sounds a bit familiar to me...." she shook her head. "Anyways. What do you think, dearest?" She asked, turning back to Flame.

Jaguar smiled at Flare's comment and nuzzled her shoulder sweetly. He turned back to Flame and Mistress, his eyes slightly widening when Mistress commented on his name. He nodded softly towards Flame, nervously laughing at his comment.


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Flame's still got the power! (thunderstruck) Empty Re: Flame's still got the power! (thunderstruck)

Post by Man O' War Lover Tue Apr 05, 2011 4:03 pm

Flame- I smiled at my mate and said "Well I think he is quit a strapping young stallion my dear Mistress. But I just need to ask one thing?"

Flare- I nuzzled Jaguar back happy he was happy but he seemed tense why was that? I turned to my sire. "Father realy." I begged "Dont put him through that he has been through a lot." I nuzzled Jaguar gently hoping my sire did not make him feel unconferdable.

Flame- "Oh just a simple little question, where are you from Jaguar?" I asked titlting my head to the saide. My smile tight and polite.

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Flame's still got the power! (thunderstruck) Empty Re: Flame's still got the power! (thunderstruck)

Post by Guest Tue Apr 05, 2011 4:19 pm

Mistress lowered her head to graze, rather bored of the conversation. She flicked her tail and listened to the question Flame asked. She lifted her head, suddenly interested.

Jaguar tensed again and looked straight at Flame. "I'm from Italy..." he said quietly, hoping Flame wouldn't be able to make out the words. "A bit of Spanish, though, too." He lowered his gaze to the ground.


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Flame's still got the power! (thunderstruck) Empty Re: Flame's still got the power! (thunderstruck)

Post by Man O' War Lover Tue Apr 05, 2011 4:26 pm

Flame- A spark of intrest flared inside me "Italy I'm a Spanish Arabian my grandsire was known as the Island Stallion on the Spinish Island's. Our heard was washed ashoure hear. That's quit intresting we had a stallion a few year's ago who chalenged me for my land and well let's just say he had Italian blood lines." I paused my brow furowwed wait a minute I thought. I began to cercle a little and smiled looking off into the distance. "You told me you blood lines, how long have you been hear I mean on the Island?" I asked and stopped beaside him. My head was much higher than his but I stood a great deal the scar's on my neck where visable-

Flare- I leaned agianst Jaguar my father was protective and not easy to pass by. I stayed close to Jaguar's side looking at my father's handsome head. What was he so worried about Jaguar could do me no harm?

Man O' War Lover
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Flame's still got the power! (thunderstruck) Empty Re: Flame's still got the power! (thunderstruck)

Post by Guest Tue Apr 05, 2011 4:41 pm

Mistress stepped closer a bit, listening intently to the conversation. She definately remembered the stallion who had attacked Flame so viciously. Subconsciencely, she pinned her ears and her nostrils flared.

Jaguar snorted uncomfortably, staring straight ahead at Mistress's hooves. He didn't avert his gaze, but her heard her actions well enough. "I've been here about 4 years." He said. He knew he had been rotted out. He looked at the scar across Flame's neck and held in a shiver.


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Flame's still got the power! (thunderstruck) Empty Re: Flame's still got the power! (thunderstruck)

Post by Man O' War Lover Tue Apr 05, 2011 4:46 pm

Flame- Mistress reaction warned me not to trust him she was smart and we worked as a team. "Four year's huh." I wonderd if his heart was racing beacuse soon it would be. "Who was your sire maybe I know him since he is from Italy and all." I said.

Flare-My heart raced when I saw my mother's reaction I looked at Jaguar "Say somthing I don't want to loose you." I said in a whisper. I saw my sire's ear's flick at the sound of my voice.

Flame- "What was that daughter?" I asked. My dark brown eye's narrowed as I stared down at theme. I looked at the look on the-Wait that was it! I rememberd him!

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Flame's still got the power! (thunderstruck) Empty Re: Flame's still got the power! (thunderstruck)

Post by Guest Tue Apr 05, 2011 4:49 pm

Mistress slowly walked over to Flame, ears still pinned. She snorted and remained behind Flame.

"You would know him," Jaguar said, knowing that Flame had remembered who he was. "You were the one who killed him!" He snorted, pinning his ears and rearing up.


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Flame's still got the power! (thunderstruck) Empty Re: Flame's still got the power! (thunderstruck)

Post by Man O' War Lover Tue Apr 05, 2011 4:54 pm

Flame- I knew i had him but for a moment I saw the scrawny little yearling looking at his sire's still body but my instink's as a sire and leader took over quickly. I had a heard hear this could not happen now but it did and I was ready for his revenge to be unleashed. I reared as our body's colided I heard Flares scream and her cry. "Stop!" She said. I kicked the younf stallion as hard as I could in the chest my teeth bare and eye's full of hate and fire. "You will pay for stealing my daughter you foolish stallion!" I screamed-

Man O' War Lover
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Flame's still got the power! (thunderstruck) Empty Re: Flame's still got the power! (thunderstruck)

Post by Guest Tue Apr 05, 2011 4:59 pm

Jaguar backed up for a moment and screamed back at him, "I never stole her, old man!" He reared up again and dug his sharp hooves into Flame's neck, reopening the wound. He turned as fast as lightning and bucked him in the side of the face, breaking the jawbone. He was stronger than Flame now, and could easily overpower him. He pinned his ears and let out a loud neigh. "You will suffer everything my father did!" He reared again, landing on Flame's spine, cracking it nearly in half.

Mistress whinnied, trying to stop the younger stallion, but she knew she couldn't. She looked to her daughter and grabbed her mane gently and tugged it, "Come on, darling... We should get out of here. I don't want you watching this."


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Flame's still got the power! (thunderstruck) Empty Re: Flame's still got the power! (thunderstruck)

Post by Man O' War Lover Tue Apr 05, 2011 5:10 pm

Flame-I turned my spin burned but I would not give up my Meadow not ever. "You stupid animal I have no mercy for you." I grabed ahold of his leg diging my teeth into it my eye's large and wide. I bit down hearing the bone crunch. I yank my head back pulling his leg. The pull hurt my back as I stumbled back ward's but I made my next move. I grabed ahold of his throaght and shook my head furiusly.

Flare- "Father!" I screamed my eye's wide and my vision blurry from tear's. It was as if he had gotten stronger but he hadn't just on hate for a stallion who he though insulted him.

My brother Adin stood by watching only two like my father had been when he gained the Meadow he was watching my father tear another apart and he was beeing torn as well. "Stop this or I wont speek to both of you ever agian!" I cried-

Man O' War Lover
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Flame's still got the power! (thunderstruck) Empty Re: Flame's still got the power! (thunderstruck)

Post by Guest Tue Apr 05, 2011 5:13 pm

Jaguar gave a powerful buck at Flame's throat, making him stumble back and fall. The landing dislodged his backbone as it split into two different sections. He stomped his hoof and lookde over to Flare, watching her with silent and pleading eyes. The fight hadn't even make him break a sweat. But it wasn't over yet.

Mistress pulled on her daughter's mane, "This is a fight long awaited, my darling. We have to let it happen." She nuzzled her daughter. "I know you don't like it. I don't either. But there's nothing we can do." She looked to Flame. "Just make sure it's only you and the bachelor this time, will you, Flame?"


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Flame's still got the power! (thunderstruck) Empty Re: Flame's still got the power! (thunderstruck)

Post by Man O' War Lover Tue Apr 05, 2011 5:21 pm

Flame- I rolled over and got to my feet spiting out blood "I dont need help!" I spat at the stallion. "I'm not dying this Meadow belong's to my son and I will see he get's it!" I ran at the colt and grabed ahold of his back leg while he was staring at Flare. A draged him. I heard a loud sob from Flare as she squermen our of her mother's hold and ran to use. I looked up alarmed. I did not want to hurt her.

Flare- "Let him go!" I cried out when he draged Jaguar. I pleaded with both of theme to stop!

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Flame's still got the power! (thunderstruck) Empty Re: Flame's still got the power! (thunderstruck)

Post by Guest Tue Apr 05, 2011 5:25 pm

Not feeling any pain, Jaguar yanked his leg out of Flame's mouth and kicked him in between the eyes with great force. He scrambled to his feet, limping slightly, but still ready to fight. "What bastard of yours deserves to own this land?!" He reared, viciously knocking Flame upside the head, making him black out momentarily, but only for a few seconds. In those few seconds he managed to kick Flame in the gut and pierce his rear with his hooves, making sure not to hurt Flare. "Flare, get out of here! Go somewhere safe!" He pleaded. He breathed deeply, "Your father won't stop until I'm dead."

Mistress angrily galloped after her filly and forced her back. Mistress called over to Adin. "Adin take your sister somewhere safe! I have to stay for Flame..." she pushed Flare towards her brother.


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Flame's still got the power! (thunderstruck) Empty Re: Flame's still got the power! (thunderstruck)

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