Call of the Wild
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Kilala, (ThunderStruck)

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Kilala, (ThunderStruck) Empty Kilala, (ThunderStruck)

Post by Daydreamer Mon Jul 04, 2011 10:52 am

Kilala's sleek body moved through the tree's. Her paws barely making a sound as she padded on the rocky ground, A soft breeze whistled through the tree's, Kilala's ears pricked, a rabbit sat on some branches eating grass unaware that it was being watched. Instinct kicked in and Kilala's ears went down her body gracefully turning into a rutheless hunter...her silver eyes locked in on the kill. A moment passed. Her body launched through the tree's, the rabbit barely having time to run was killed in one sweep. Kilala sat up the hunter before vanished as she sat down and ate her fill of the rabbit, leaving some for the scavengers behind her, she kept walking through the rocky landscape. I could stay here for a few days she thought to herself as she sat down. She licked on of her scraped paws from all the rocks she had been walking on throughout the day. She lied down and watched the sun go down as she peacefully relaxed in a shaded part of a tree.
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Kilala, (ThunderStruck) Empty Re: Kilala, (ThunderStruck)

Post by Guest Mon Jul 04, 2011 7:58 pm

Orion let out a low growl once the fae was out of reach. He padded over silently and smelled the rabbit carcass, taking the last few bites for himself. The intoxicating smell of the fae made him increasingly interested, and he began to follow her through the woods. He finally found her, sitting regally, licking her obviously sore paws. Orion pricked his ears up and looked at the magnificent huntress, taking in her scent from his hiding place in the bushes. His instincts urged him to attack her for hunting on his grounds, which he had clearly marked only this morning. Orion stepped out from behind the bushes and stared her down for a moment before walking up to her, head held high, showing he was more in control of the situation. His eyes ran over her petite yet muscular build, and his ear twitched unsteadily. "What are you doing on my hunting grounds?" He finally asked, his lips barely moving, though his voice was deep and intimidating.


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Kilala, (ThunderStruck) Empty Re: Kilala, (ThunderStruck)

Post by Daydreamer Mon Jul 04, 2011 8:06 pm

Kilala sighed to herself as she kept licking her paws, then something stirred in the bushes, her ears pricked as she looked into them with her silver narrowed eyes. The scent of a brute hit her nostrils and her form changed back into aggresion knowing how they could be. It was the same scent that she passed through the markers before but she wasn't going to let him intimidate her or chase her out like a pup. Not long after she caught his scent she sat up watching him emerse from the tree's in front of her. He had a strong musicular build, and his coat was sleek and well groomed. She watched his eyes wander over her body taking her site in, she raised her lip slightly warning to keep his distance from her, she stiffened slightly as she realized she might have to fight her way out if she didn't handle this well. His low voice reached her ears the deep and low voice calm but made her nervous at the same time. She stared at him in the eye knowing it could get her into trouble but she did it anyway. "I was just passing through" she said in a smooth quite, but firm voice.
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Age : 28
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Kilala, (ThunderStruck) Empty Re: Kilala, (ThunderStruck)

Post by Guest Mon Jul 04, 2011 8:21 pm

Orion growled, baring his fangs even more when their eyes met. He snapped his jaws, slamming them shut with incredible force right in front of her muzzle. Usually he refrained from hurting faes. Orion stood taller, his once-leniant posture growing rigid. He let out another growl and stared at her, listening to her clearly fake answer. "And I see you stopped by for a snack." Orion's words were thickly layered with vexation and intimidation, meant to scare, yet not to punish. He continued in the same frightful monotone, "I think you think you're going to get by with a little lie like that. It's not going to work on me, little miss." Orion pinned his ears to his cranium. "I don't take lightly to lies, even if they are from a fae." Orion stepped closer, his movements stiff as he kept his head high above hers, keeping his authority over the situation. He didn't want it to get out of hand, but he knew it could easily go that way if the fae was ignorant enough to try and attack him. The hair on his back stood up, making him look a bit larger than he normally would have.


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Kilala, (ThunderStruck) Empty Re: Kilala, (ThunderStruck)

Post by Daydreamer Mon Jul 04, 2011 8:33 pm

Kilala didn't break her gaze away from his. She felt his hot breath over his face but she kept a calm look on her face not moving at all. She heard his menacing tone, and her heart skipped a beat but she didn't let it show that she was scared, she couldn't let him have that knowledge. "Well yes, i was hungry" she said casually. "I apologize if you took it to heart" she said one of her ears moving slightly forward as he took steps closer to her which made her very uncomfortable She didn't like his hot breath in her face, and she also didn't like how close he was getting, she could feel his strength and she wasn't about to get into a fight she would loose .She took a step back but not letting her gaze drop away from his, her heart quickened as he growled at her but she run, she couldn't run that would be stupid she'd just have to slyly try to get out of this situation, her brain was already trying to figure some way out of the tight spot she had gotten herself into.
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Kilala, (ThunderStruck) Empty Re: Kilala, (ThunderStruck)

Post by Guest Mon Jul 04, 2011 9:35 pm

Orion chuckled and stepped back, sensing only the slightest bit of fear in her. Her actions made that much obvious. He grinned and listened to her sorry explination. "My dearest, don't you know better than to feed your hunger on somebody else's property?" Orion stepped to one side of her, then began to circle her, taking in every single detail of her. Orion wasn't quick to let something like this slip, and he needed to know every aspect of her if he was to be able to accuse of her trespassing twice. Orion stopped beside her and lifted his muzzle to her ear before whispering threateningly, "I believe we haven't exchanged names yet. I'm Orion." Orion made his way in front of her, looking down upon her with a hint of disapproval. His claws dug into the soft flesh of the earth and his tail swayed gently back and forth as if there was nothing in the world that could take his mind off of her and what she had done on his property. Orion was slowly beginning to let go of his anger and was slowly picking up the enjoyment of scaring another wolf.


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Kilala, (ThunderStruck) Empty Re: Kilala, (ThunderStruck)

Post by Daydreamer Thu Jul 07, 2011 9:13 am

Kilala narrowed her eyes as she watched Orion, making sure he knew what he was going to do in advance. She growled slightly "If its to feed myself i'll hunt on any territory" she said watching his every move with cold eyes as he circled her. Now she was just getting annoyed, this wolf seemed like he was just having fun with her, and that didn't make her happy. She kept her head high as he circled her, her fear now turning into irratation. She raised an eyebrow when he told her his name. "Kilala" she said shortly, ingoring the threatning tone he was using. She was loosing her patience, either he let her go of the territory or she'd fight her way off of it. She had no interest staying here anymore. As he stopped in front of her, she took a more aggresive stance towards him as he seemed pretty pleased with himself.
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Kilala, (ThunderStruck) Empty Re: Kilala, (ThunderStruck)

Post by Guest Thu Jul 07, 2011 2:48 pm

Orion noticed her stature go rigid and listened to her as she told him her name. He growled low in his throat, slowly going back to being more threatening than having fun annoying her. Orion stepped closer to her with his lowered, but not in submission. His ears were pinned and his hackles raised as he bared his fangs. "You'll learn not to hunt on other wolf's territory once I'm through with you." Orion lunged at her, claws splayed, and jaw open wide. If Orion made his mark, his jaw would close tightly around her neck, which could be quite painful, considering he had a very strong bite and had killed quite a few wolves in his day.

[ sorry so short ]


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Kilala, (ThunderStruck) Empty Re: Kilala, (ThunderStruck)

Post by Daydreamer Thu Jul 07, 2011 6:45 pm

(hehe don'tcha worry about it Smile )

Kilala watched his moves becoming more threatning but she was too annoyed to have much thought about where she would end off if they fought, now she was just being reckless as usual. She watched him bare his fangs and snarled in return, all in once the snarl sounded menanacing and majestic at once. Kilala also lowered herself slightly. "I've failed to learn anything all this time" she sneered at him. The moment he lunged she dogded the attack like it was nothing. She hadn't been raised my male wolves to be so easily intimated and defeated. For once she was glad for her rough pup hood. As she dodged she had a clear way to his back, she lunged at him herself, knocking her shoulder into his making him stumble.
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Kilala, (ThunderStruck) Empty Re: Kilala, (ThunderStruck)

Post by Daydreamer Fri Jul 08, 2011 7:17 pm

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Kilala, (ThunderStruck) Empty Re: Kilala, (ThunderStruck)

Post by Daydreamer Sun Aug 07, 2011 12:22 pm

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Age : 28
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Kilala, (ThunderStruck) Empty Re: Kilala, (ThunderStruck)

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