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ShadowRunner claims

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ShadowRunner claims - Page 33 Empty Re: ShadowRunner claims

Post by Saviour Sun Mar 07, 2010 8:17 am

Ferrari:I watch them play
Gran:I smile at Shadow, then smell the grass
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ShadowRunner claims - Page 33 Empty Re: ShadowRunner claims

Post by • Echo Sun Mar 07, 2010 9:19 am

Growling playfully, I hook a paw around one of her legs, making her slip. Feeling her teeth on my hind leg, I twist around, practically falling in the water, and leap at her, holding on to her back and gently biting the scruff of her neck.
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ShadowRunner claims - Page 33 Empty Re: ShadowRunner claims

Post by Saviour Sun Mar 07, 2010 10:21 am

Ferrari:I see Eclipse and trot over to her and sit next to her "Hi, I don't think I caught your name" I say
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ShadowRunner claims - Page 33 Empty Re: ShadowRunner claims

Post by Guest Sun Mar 07, 2010 11:21 am

Eclipse: I look at Ferrari and smile "Hello, my name is Eclipse"


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ShadowRunner claims - Page 33 Empty Re: ShadowRunner claims

Post by Saviour Sun Mar 07, 2010 11:27 am

Ferrari:I nod "Im Ferrari" I say
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ShadowRunner claims - Page 33 Empty Re: ShadowRunner claims

Post by Guest Sun Mar 07, 2010 3:38 pm

Eclipse: I smile nodding "It's nice to meet you"


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ShadowRunner claims - Page 33 Empty Re: ShadowRunner claims

Post by Saviour Sun Mar 07, 2010 4:41 pm

Ferrari: "Pleasures mine" I say and lean down to drink, causing ant-sized tsunamis that crashed on the other end of the creek
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ShadowRunner claims - Page 33 Empty Re: ShadowRunner claims

Post by Guardian Angel Sun Mar 07, 2010 7:07 pm


I smile as I slip and try to regain my balance. She takes ahold of my scruff and my body freezes for a fraction of a second. During that freeze, my memory takes me back to when I was young and my father would pick me up and fling me when mother wasn't around. I had learned to fight back. I wasn't thinking when I whipped around and pinned Lupin on her back, my blue eyes blazing with bury and my jaws snapping in her suprise face. I growling and snarling loudly not thinking clearly.
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ShadowRunner claims - Page 33 Empty Re: ShadowRunner claims

Post by • Echo Sun Mar 07, 2010 7:47 pm


At her reaction, I growl back, snarling as I shove her off of me, ears back, tail low, I stand up.
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ShadowRunner claims - Page 33 Empty Re: ShadowRunner claims

Post by Guardian Angel Sun Mar 07, 2010 7:52 pm


I land on all fours growling. My golden fur stands on end as I glare at her, the feeling of her teeth still lingering on my scruff. An image of my father wavers in her place and dissappears leaving me snarling. I then realize my actions and I stop. I lower my stance and look at her with blurry confused eyes. I turn and dash into the woods as tears stream down my cheeks burning my scarred eye.
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ShadowRunner claims - Page 33 Empty Re: ShadowRunner claims

Post by • Echo Sun Mar 07, 2010 8:15 pm


I dart after her, weaving through trees and bushes, jumping over fallen logs as I strain to catch up to her. I see what path she's on and cut through the woods. I leap out of the trees, landing in front of her, and stand.
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ShadowRunner claims - Page 33 Empty Re: ShadowRunner claims

Post by Guardian Angel Sun Mar 07, 2010 8:30 pm


I hear her pursue and push my legs harder as I run. She comes out of the bushes and blocks my path causing me to slide to a halt and nearly trip. I step back and stand up looking at her with my head high.
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ShadowRunner claims - Page 33 Empty Re: ShadowRunner claims

Post by • Echo Sun Mar 07, 2010 8:46 pm


I sit down in her path, watching her.
"Where are you going?" I ask quietly.
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ShadowRunner claims - Page 33 Empty Re: ShadowRunner claims

Post by Guardian Angel Sun Mar 07, 2010 9:15 pm

I step back and look around me purposly not looking at her. "I don't know..." I say softly.
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ShadowRunner claims - Page 33 Empty Re: ShadowRunner claims

Post by • Echo Sun Mar 07, 2010 9:19 pm


I watch her.
"Don't leave," I say softly.
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ShadowRunner claims - Page 33 Empty Re: ShadowRunner claims

Post by Guardian Angel Mon Mar 08, 2010 1:58 pm


I focus my blurry blue eyes on her and say, "I don't know if I belong...I attacked you! Doesn't that bother you? I'm not like you guys..I fight. It's in my blood. I..I..I'm sorry..." my words were soft and and my voice broke at the end like I choked.
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ShadowRunner claims - Page 33 Empty Re: ShadowRunner claims

Post by • Echo Mon Mar 08, 2010 4:48 pm


My eyes harden slightly.
"You think I don't?" I ask quietly, shaking my head, standing up with a shake.
"I don't care about what you did, I've done far worse. And I can't make you stay, but if you don't stay, then I'll probably come after you," I say with a shrug, bounding away into the forest.
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ShadowRunner claims - Page 33 Empty Re: ShadowRunner claims

Post by Guardian Angel Mon Mar 08, 2010 6:08 pm

I turn and watch her go letting a little whine escape my lips. I turn and look the way I was running and back at where Lupin went. I continue looking to and fro, my anger building up. I was confused. I smacked the forest floor and growled randomly. I threw my head back and howled an eerie howl to the tree tops. I leapt to the right, heading say from both paths I wanted to take. It wasn't a path That i was on but I took it anyway. I contiued loping through the trees until I came to a stream. I slide to a stop and flopped down on the bank in the moonlight. I covered my face cried out of frustration.
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ShadowRunner claims - Page 33 Empty Re: ShadowRunner claims

Post by • Echo Wed Mar 10, 2010 1:45 pm

~ Lupin ~

I hear her howl and perk my ears up as I slow down. I glance back behind me unhappily, knowing she probably wouldn't come back. I sigh adn lay down in the soft grass and slightly damp dirt, lowering my head onto my fore paws. I scowl angrily at myself, thinking back on the days' events.
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ShadowRunner claims - Page 33 Empty Re: ShadowRunner claims

Post by Guardian Angel Wed Mar 10, 2010 3:25 pm

After all my tears were gone and sobs turned to hiccups, I lifted my head and looked around. I was laying on a muddy back with jagged rocks surrounding the rushing river. I stood up and shook, whinning happily at how hungry I was. I Wade into a shallow section of the water and rince off the caked dirt. I start trotting into the woods and easily catch a small rabbit. It filled me up and as I sat licking my jaws, it brought back the memory of hunting with Lupin. I sighed and cantered back to Gran and the others hoping to find her.
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ShadowRunner claims - Page 33 Empty Re: ShadowRunner claims

Post by • Echo Thu Mar 11, 2010 6:42 pm

~ Lupin ~

I sigh softly, looking up at the rustling treetops. The wind stirred my coat gently, and I clsoed my eyes, inhaling the scent of the wind, all the memories and stories it brought with it. I bark softly, ears perked forward, listening. Nothing but the gentle wind. I sigh againa nd stand up, shaking the dirt from my multicolored coat.
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ShadowRunner claims - Page 33 Empty Re: ShadowRunner claims

Post by Guardian Angel Thu Mar 11, 2010 6:48 pm

I trot into the clearing with alert eyes and ears but don't see her. I sigh and walk over to a shady spot underneath a elm tree. I lie down with a *humph* and rest my head over my paws, thinking aimlessly about my past life. The genlte breeze rustles the tree tops and swoops down to skit through my Golden fur and make me shiver. I close both my eyes, the pink scar growing small and drift into a light nap.
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ShadowRunner claims - Page 33 Empty Re: ShadowRunner claims

Post by Guest Thu Mar 11, 2010 10:07 pm

Eclipse: I smile at him then watch as Summer and Lupin leave then look around

Shadow: I yawn and lay down looking around


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ShadowRunner claims - Page 33 Empty Re: ShadowRunner claims

Post by Guardian Angel Fri Mar 12, 2010 8:40 am

while I was asleep, I had a dream. It was more like memories that skitted through my mind over the past few weeks. Like when I ran away from father, became friends with Lupin, mated with Fang, joined the pack... I sat bolt up and spoke aloud, "I mated with Fang!" I turn to look at my stomach and sure enough 3 week old pups were starting to show. I groaned and laid back down wanting to cry again. I was going to be a mateless mother of pups with no father.
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ShadowRunner claims - Page 33 Empty Re: ShadowRunner claims

Post by • Echo Sat Mar 13, 2010 8:37 pm

{uhm, wasm't Fang a girl and Cody was the one who pretended to be her mate or something???]

I stand up and shake out my multicolored coat, the dirt falling from it and leaving it shining once more. I sigh and turn around, finding a trail. I pad down the path silently, ears perked forward, listening to everything around me. I catch Summer's scent once, pausing. I turn around slowly, debating where it was coming from. Had she actually gone back to the pack? I shake my head and track a herd of deer. I crept slowly through the bushes after them as they came to a stop at a pool of water. In a moment I was flying through the air, landing on the back of a young buck. I claw at his back, sinking my teeth into his throat. He slowly stopped struggling, sinking gradually to the ground, then he lay still. The rest of the herd bounded away from me as I sat there, panting slightly in the heat of the day. I lay down, guarding my catch for awhile. When I finally stand, I lap up some water. After eating a bit, I head off to explore the woods. I hadn't been here before, and I was curious. When I finally returned to my meal, a family of wolverines were eating off of it. I snarl loudly, raising my hackles, and jump straight into their midst, growling and snarling. I lunge at them all, ears against my skull. I slash at them, never missing, as they run off. I slowly smooth my hackles, relaxing my ears forward, and lay down beside the pool of water and my catch.
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