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ShadowRunner claims

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ShadowRunner claims - Page 44 Empty Re: ShadowRunner claims

Post by • Echo Wed Dec 28, 2011 8:02 pm

Has Gold Horse been on lately? I really don’t want this topic to go dead, but hardly anyone replies anymore…

Seeing Summer heading off into the woods, barking and yipping excitedly, Lupin debated going and following her, but decided against it when she could now longer see her. Dropping her mug to the floor, she let out a soft whine, calling out softly to the pups as she made her way to the stream. Swinging her head around, she called out their names again before heading upstream, where the scent was stronger. Hearing soft growling, her ears jumped forward and she paused, before leaping forward towards the sound. Barreling through the shrubs, she came upon Darling and Tryan wrestling with one another on the ground, oblivious to everything around them. Breathing a sigh of relief, she looked around for the last pup, Ike, but he was no where to be found. Letting out a soft, hesitant yip to the pups, startling them, she started forward again. The pups broke apart, watching her with wide eyes. Darling backed away slightly when she saw the big wolf coming towards her, moving towards the river. Getting nervous, Lupin moved slightly faster, only to have Darling do the same. She slipped in the slick mud, sliding downhill slightly to the edge of the riverbank, clinging to the roots of a tree that jutted out into the water. Letting out a worried bark, Lupin leapt towards her just as Darling lost her grip and slipped into the water, her tiny body rushing downstream. Whining in distress, Lupin started after her, only to remember Tryan. Grabbing him by his scruff, she picked him up and lunged after Darling.

The river was full and swift-moving after recent rains, and Darling was so small that the current carried her easily downstream. Racing after her, Tryan hanging from her maw, Lupin whined out from around his small form before she set him down as she reached the camp, lunging into the cold water. The chill came as a slight shock to her, but she pushed through it, swimming strongly towards the small pup and sweeping her up into her grip, turning around and fighting her way back to the shore where Tryan was, dragging herself and Darling out of the water as Summer made it back to camp with Ike, the last pup.
• Echo
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ShadowRunner claims - Page 44 Empty Re: ShadowRunner claims

Post by Guardian Angel Sun Jan 01, 2012 4:42 pm

To be honest, i think she hasnt. Its sorta sad because i really enjoyed this post when everyone was on.

Summer bolted into camp just as she saw Lupin scrambling up the bank with Darling in her maw. "Lupin!" she whimpered as she set Ike down next to Tryan. She loped towards her and took Darling from her mouth. "You okay? What happened?" she asked around Darling's scruff. Darling wiggled and whined, crying to be let down. Summer set her down next to her brothers and corraled them around her. She licked her baby girl until she warm and not shivering.
"How naughty of you three to run off like that!" she scoled them. They lowered their ears and cowered under their mother's stern glare. Summer gave each of them a light nip and sent them to bed near the center of camp. "Dear friend.." she sighed as she wandered over to the she-wolf and licked her cheek.
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ShadowRunner claims - Page 44 Empty Re: ShadowRunner claims

Post by • Echo Sun Jan 08, 2012 11:37 am

Yeah, I did too.

Summer raced over and took Darling from Lupin’s grip, obviously distressed, and for good reason. Lowering her head, she shook the stream water from her russet colored coat, before following her friend as she set Darling down next to her other two pups. The pups cowered, guilty looks plainly written on their face as they were scolded, and Lupin sighed softly, looking around at the nearly empty camp, feeling the usual pang of grief wash over her with the knowing that they were the only ones left from the once mighty pack. She was shook out of her thoughts when Summer wandered back over to her, pricking her ears forward as she met her friend’s gaze, offering a soft smile. “They’re still young,” she said quietly, shaking her head slightly. “They just need to learn.”
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ShadowRunner claims - Page 44 Empty Re: ShadowRunner claims

Post by Guardian Angel Mon Jan 09, 2012 7:54 pm

Summer sighed and nosed her friend's cheek once more before hanging her head and agreeing, "They will learn and soon." She flicked her tail softly against her flank as she added, "It seems were the only ones left and they need to be ready for anything." Summer elevated her head and gazed around her at the sleeping pack members. The group used to be so huge. They were her family since she abandoned her birth family. With a soft whine, she sat down and began to lick an itchy spot on her paw.
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ShadowRunner claims - Page 44 Empty Re: ShadowRunner claims

Post by • Echo Sun Feb 12, 2012 1:30 pm

Lupin followed her slowly, her head hanging sadly as she watched the young pups. How were they all going to get through this? No one was left; and if the other pack was still in the area, it would only be a matter of time before they sniffed them out and attacked them. It wasn't like they were hiding or anything; they were right were they had always lived, beside the willow grove.
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ShadowRunner claims - Page 44 Empty Re: ShadowRunner claims

Post by Guardian Angel Thu Feb 16, 2012 6:36 pm

Summer lifted her head to gaze at her friend with sad eyes, "What should we do now?" she asked softly.

(sorry so hackin short!)
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ShadowRunner claims - Page 44 Empty Re: ShadowRunner claims

Post by • Echo Thu Feb 16, 2012 11:18 pm

It's fine; I'm starting to think that we need more people in this topic again.

Lupin regarded her friend sadly, slowly sinking down to the ground chest-first, before lowering her haunches as well. "I don't know," she all but whispered, feeling a streak of fear stab at her. "Can we really stay here, out in the open?"
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ShadowRunner claims - Page 44 Empty Re: ShadowRunner claims

Post by Guardian Angel Sat Feb 18, 2012 10:30 am

( i agree but i have a hard time rping with more than two because everyone just leaves someone behind lol)

Summer watched her lie down. "I dont think its a good idea.." she said as she looked around her got the chills. Before she never realized how alone they really were. "Do you think we should move on out and go some place else?" she asked as the pups whimpered beneath her.
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ShadowRunner claims - Page 44 Empty Re: ShadowRunner claims

Post by • Echo Sun Feb 26, 2012 10:15 pm

Lupin's head and tail lowered slightly in defeat. "I don't want to leave..." she said sadly. "But I don't know if we have much of a choice left." Laying down slowly, she crawled forward a few feet, before dropping her russet colored head forward onto her forelegs. This had been her home for so long now; she had come when she was barely a year old, and now she was a grown she-wolf. It didn't feel right to just leave, but what was left for her here now, except a hostile pack that would surely kill her and Summer, and no doubtedly the pups, if they found them?
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ShadowRunner claims - Page 44 Empty Re: ShadowRunner claims

Post by Guardian Angel Fri Mar 23, 2012 9:09 am

Summer heard the sadness in her voice and caught the worried vibes she was giving off. Scooting forward, she reached out with her nose and touched Lupin's. She whimpered consolment(sp) and sought out her sad eyes. "It's for the best." she whispered.
The pups moved restlessly around her side, whimpering and crying out. They nudged her side, searching for milk. Summer grumbled about not having much because she had not gone hunting lately. Watching Lupin made her think about her own home. It was a small valley nestled between two large mountains. There was one soul river that ran through the middle. she vaguely remember growing up there until Viking and Bella, her parents, just packed up and moved them. She had no idea where either of them were, including her brother Moon.
Guardian Angel
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