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Loki and his Search for a Mate. (Tayssi.)

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Loki and his Search for a Mate. (Tayssi.) Empty Loki and his Search for a Mate. (Tayssi.)

Post by P r o m i s e r Sat Dec 08, 2012 6:34 pm


As I padded through the beautiful area, I stopped to eat some berries. My muscular figure rippled under my black coat as my blue eyes gleamed up at something that I saw at the corner of my eye. A Fae.
She was a cream colored with light blue eyes, and I cocked my head. There she was in a cave, and I slowly padded over. "Hi there." I greeted with a dip of my head.
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Loki and his Search for a Mate. (Tayssi.) Empty Re: Loki and his Search for a Mate. (Tayssi.)

Post by P r o m i s e r Sat Dec 08, 2012 7:38 pm

(Bump Tayssi.)
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Loki and his Search for a Mate. (Tayssi.) Empty Re: Loki and his Search for a Mate. (Tayssi.)

Post by Tayssi Sat Dec 08, 2012 8:37 pm

Angel sighed as she laid her head on her paws. For now, she was able to have some peace and quiet away from her father. It wasn't very often she was able to get away, but because he was busy planning to take over other packs' territories, he wasn't paying any attenion to her for now. Her cream coloured ears flicked back, the peach pink feathers which hung beside her left ears tickled her for an instant before her head flicked up and she quickly shook her head with a sneeze. The dust in the cave was driving her insane, but she hoping if someone came looking for her, they wouldn't find her. The chances of that were slim, but she had just found the cave today so maybe they'd bypass it.
And like every alpha fae or alpha's daughter, she had a ring through her left ear as well, or as many call it, a piercing. It was a law to only about 3 packs; it was a mark to show other rutes not to touch her or talk to her. And Angel hated it.
Growling at her own thoughts, she was taken by surprise when she heard the voice of a brute. She sprung to her paws and growled, hackles raised, thinking it was someone from her pack who had come looking for her. She didn't want to go back yet. However, once she looked at him, she saw it wasn't anyone from her pack and she relaxed with a heavy sigh of relief.
She sat down and looked at him and bowed her head in apology, "i'm sorry," she said, "I thought you were.." she paused for a moment and raised her head, looking at him, "somebody else," she finished and she stood up a moment later and slowly walked over to him. Her ears flicked back and forth, unsure of what to think of this stranger. Normally, wolves would avoid her father's territory. This brute was either foolish or brave.. Or maybe he just had no idea.
"So," Angel started, voice soft, "may I ask who you are and what bring you to these lands?" she stopped about a metre from the brute, her large pale blue eyes watching him with interest.
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Loki and his Search for a Mate. (Tayssi.) Empty Re: Loki and his Search for a Mate. (Tayssi.)

Post by jlthompsonvamp Sat Dec 08, 2012 8:40 pm

(Sorry to interrupt but I was wondering, Tayssi, if you would like to join my vampire RPG? You would be a human male. If you want to read it it's called Will Anyone Take Maya? (R-M).)
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Loki and his Search for a Mate. (Tayssi.) Empty Re: Loki and his Search for a Mate. (Tayssi.)

Post by P r o m i s e r Sun Dec 09, 2012 11:46 am


"Oh that is alright. My nam,e is Loki, but most others call me Luke." I replied, with a smile. "I came here in search of a friend. I am a Leader without a pack, and I am brave enough to wander over a territory. I'm 4." I explained.
My ears twitched, as I saw the ring in her ear. "Hey, your the Alpha's daughter." I noticed and cocked my head at the ring. This Fae definitely looked strong, but the way she reacted to my greeting she must have an over protective father.
"What is your name?" I asked politely, flashing her my famous handsome smile.
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Loki and his Search for a Mate. (Tayssi.) Empty Re: Loki and his Search for a Mate. (Tayssi.)

Post by Tayssi Sun Dec 09, 2012 4:47 pm

Angel nodded to the brute's explaination and sh looked out the mouth of the cave, checking to see if anyone from her pack was trying to find her yet. Nope. None. She gave a soft smile at that and looked back at him. His eyes flickeered upwards and then he said about her being the alpha's daughter. She froze momentarily and then relaxed with a sigh. When he asked for her name, she couldn't help but smile back at him.
"My name?" she inquired, "It's Angel. Or Ange as many call me. I, too, am 4. It is a peasure to meet you, Luke," she said, her ears flicking forward, feathers tickling her ear momentarily at the movement. Her tail wagged softly as she went over his words once more. "I'm glad to know that not everyone is afraid of my father," she sai and paused, "normally, wolves would go around these lands, afraid of my father's wrath," she explained. Then again, he may not know of her father, Augente; he could b from a far away land where wolves hadn't heard of him and cruelty towards strangers. There were, of course, other things which made him famous, but that was the main thing. He was known to torture trespassers.
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Loki and his Search for a Mate. (Tayssi.) Empty Re: Loki and his Search for a Mate. (Tayssi.)

Post by P r o m i s e r Sun Dec 09, 2012 5:00 pm

"Angel... That is a very pretty name." I complemented sweetly. My ears cocked forward as I saw a Brute about to jump on Angel, but instead of letting the male hurt her, I jumped in the way and rose my hackles. Raising to my full height, I leaped on the brute and tore at his flanks.
He roared and slashed my eye, while my grip lay in his flank before I did the same but to his forehead. He yelped and new I was dominant, and scurried off. "Some Brutes..." I spat. Looking over at Angel, I smiled and licked her ear to let her know that I was a Brute that wanted to be her friend.
"I have heard of your father. But I assure you, I'm not scared of him. No daughter deserves to be over protected by an Alpha." I barked with a gleam in my blue eyes.
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Loki and his Search for a Mate. (Tayssi.) Empty Re: Loki and his Search for a Mate. (Tayssi.)

Post by Tayssi Sun Dec 09, 2012 5:43 pm

Angel smiled at his words and was taken by surprise when a brute leapt at them. She stared, bewildered as Luke tore at his flank and they struggled for power before the other brute scurried off. Angel chuckled at his words and she looked into the trees and cocked her head to the side and flicked her ears forward as Luke turned to her and licked her. “I am glad. Because of my father, I have not been able to make friends with or even talk to brutes other than my father and the other high ranked brutes. But they only want me because I’m the alpha’s daughter. Not because of who I am,” she said and reached over and licked his cheek with a smile.

(sorry, going out for an hour or so Smile )
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Loki and his Search for a Mate. (Tayssi.) Empty Re: Loki and his Search for a Mate. (Tayssi.)

Post by P r o m i s e r Sun Dec 09, 2012 5:51 pm

(Are you kidding me!)

I smiled as she licked my cheek, and my ears flickered with delight. "Well then those Brutes are half-brained, and blind-sided! A pup could see that you are worthy of a mate that accepts you." I spat, not at Angel, but at the brutes she spoke of.
Sighing happily, I felt warm inside with Angel. But then I heard someone call Angel's name. "I bet that's your father." I groaned sadly.
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Loki and his Search for a Mate. (Tayssi.) Empty Re: Loki and his Search for a Mate. (Tayssi.)

Post by Tayssi Sun Dec 09, 2012 7:52 pm

Angel smiled at Luke’s words and then she heard someone calling her name. Her ears flicked back and she gave a soft growl at Luke’s words. She looked into the trees, but instead of her father, it was the beta of the pack; Kamikaze. He wasn’t too bad of a brute, but he never tries to speak to her unless ordered to. Angel sighed and she stood up and shook the dust from her cream coloured coat.
She looked at Luke and gave a faint smile, “I should go.. Hopefully I’ll see you later?” she inquired and then nudged his shoulder softly. She walked past him, her side brushing against his. She trotted up a hill and met up with the black and white brute with grey eyes. He looked down at her and huffed before he started walking back towards the pack.
Angel looked back, into the cave and looked at Luke before she sighed and followed Kami, head low and ears back. She didn’t want to go back. She wanted to be free, but she didn’t want to fight her father, she did love him. She loved everyone in the pack; she didn’t like to see them hurt. But she wanted to be able to run away and be free.
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Loki and his Search for a Mate. (Tayssi.) Empty Re: Loki and his Search for a Mate. (Tayssi.)

Post by P r o m i s e r Sun Dec 09, 2012 7:58 pm

"You will... My den is down the slope and by the stream." I told her before she dashed with Kami. Smiling, I trotted back to my den and stopped b the stream for a drink. I started to think I was in love with Angel. Going to my den, I laid down until waking up about 20 minutes lter.
Dashing towards Angel's territory, I snook by her den quietly. "Psst... Angel. I'm here." Iwhispered to her.
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Loki and his Search for a Mate. (Tayssi.) Empty Re: Loki and his Search for a Mate. (Tayssi.)

Post by Tayssi Sun Dec 09, 2012 8:15 pm

Angel followed Kami back to the pack and she looked over at her father. He was a medium coloured brown wolf with dark blue eyes. He was tall, though not as tall as Kami who was the tallest wolf in the pack. Her father glared at her for leaving the pack but Angel just growled at him and walked off. She had never obeyed what her father said. Only her mother. But she was gone. So now, Angel didn’t listen to anyone. Except maybe some of the other faes.
She went to her den and laid down and closed her eyes for a moment. Not too much later, she heard someone and she leapt to her paws. She then heard it was Luke and her ears flicked forward. With a smile, she padded from her den and glanced around, glad it was hidden amongst the trees. She looked at Luke and gave an easy, beaming smile before she pushed against his shoulder gently and ran into the trees, softly saying, “come on,” she stopped near a lake and her ears flicked forward. “I’m glad you came,” she said with a bright smile, “it’s rather boring there,” she sat down, tail wagging, the breeze blowing her peach pink feathers over her ear and tickling it. She shook her head so they moved and she smiled at Luke, studying his coat. He was indeed a handsome brute.
Angel was taken by surprise by her thoughts, but she shook them away, not wanting to linger on those thoughts for too long.
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Loki and his Search for a Mate. (Tayssi.) Empty Re: Loki and his Search for a Mate. (Tayssi.)

Post by P r o m i s e r Sun Dec 09, 2012 8:19 pm

"Alright. Cmon, lets go." I whispered, but as I turned around, there stoo Kami. "Oh, hello sir." I greeted uncomfortablebly. "Please Kami, I mean no harm. I'm a friend of Angel's, please don't rat us out." I pleaded, my blue eyes gleaming.
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Loki and his Search for a Mate. (Tayssi.) Empty Re: Loki and his Search for a Mate. (Tayssi.)

Post by P r o m i s e r Sun Dec 09, 2012 8:34 pm

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Loki and his Search for a Mate. (Tayssi.) Empty Re: Loki and his Search for a Mate. (Tayssi.)

Post by Tayssi Sun Dec 09, 2012 8:49 pm

Angel looked at Kami and Luke and she walked over to them. The large black and white wolf stared down at them, his grey eyes boaring into Luke's blue. Angel's ears flicked back and she looked at Luke as he spoke and she turned back to Kami. "Kami, please, just this once," Angel pleaded. Kami looked down at her and he watched them for a minute or so before he huffed in annoyance and turned around, flicking his tail and watching them for a moment before walking off. Angel could only hope that he wouldn't say anything.
"He really doesn't speak much when i'm around," Angel said with a heavy sigh. Kami was probably the only brute in the pack that Angel didn't mind.
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Loki and his Search for a Mate. (Tayssi.) Empty Re: Loki and his Search for a Mate. (Tayssi.)

Post by P r o m i s e r Sun Dec 09, 2012 8:53 pm

"Alright, well we better go." I said before taking off with her to the stream. "Kami doesn't seem so bad." I said a we sat at the stream alone, with my tail reted on hers. But then, he was there. Angel's fther. "Uh, hello Sir. I ean no harm to Angel." I said, dipping my head.
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Loki and his Search for a Mate. (Tayssi.) Empty Re: Loki and his Search for a Mate. (Tayssi.)

Post by Tayssi Sun Dec 09, 2012 9:04 pm

Angel smiled at Luke as he spoke and she nodded, “he’s not, but he’s fiercely loyal to my father, so he’s probably going to say something,” she said with a sigh. Only two minutes later, her father was there and Angel stood, turning towards him and her father growled at both of them. Angel’s hackles raised and she growled back at him. He was taller then her; a lot taller as she took after her mother’s small but agile structure and not her father’s broad and muscled one.
“What do you think you are doing, Ange?!” he growled at her. The cream fae snarled at him and she looked at Luke, “hanging with a friend. Something you never let me do!” she snapped back. Augente growled at her words and he looked at Luke. “And who are you? I have never seen you before and you dare to speak to my daughter?!” he asked, standing over him.
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Loki and his Search for a Mate. (Tayssi.) Empty Re: Loki and his Search for a Mate. (Tayssi.)

Post by P r o m i s e r Sun Dec 09, 2012 9:11 pm

Raising to full height, I was 3 inches smallerthan Angel's father. "My name is Luke. And how dare YOU speak to another Alpha the way that you just did? You honestly think I would hurt Angel?" I snarled back at the bigger Alpha.
I was a muscular brute, and very strong but not as big as this Alpha here. "You should learn to be less protective of Angel! She's not a pup any longer." I growled, my hackles raised.
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Loki and his Search for a Mate. (Tayssi.) Empty Re: Loki and his Search for a Mate. (Tayssi.)

Post by Tayssi Sun Dec 09, 2012 9:21 pm

Angel looked at Luke and then back at her father and she gave a soft sigh. She was grateful for Luke for standing up for her and every word he said was the truth. Her father, however, did not like it. He snarled at the smaller wolf and stepped towards them. “She is my daughter and I will do whatever I feel like. It is not up to you!” he growled and Angel stepped forward, standing between them so they didn’t fight eachother.
She looked at Luke with a grateful smile before she looked up at her father. “Luke is right. You give me absolutely no freedom and expect me to do everything I am told to do. I am already 4 and yet you do not let me do anything.” She said, looking at him. He looked down at her for a moment, his whole body shaking from rage, but the pleading look in her eyes seemed to calm him somewhat and he gave a heavy sigh. “Just for today. And that’s it. I want you gone by tomorrow, Luke, and that is final,” he quipped before he turned and walked off, meeting Kami along the way and walking back to the pack.
Angel laid down when he vanished, glad that was over and she looked up at Luke with a smile. “Thank you,” she said softly before she sat up and licked his neck.
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Loki and his Search for a Mate. (Tayssi.) Empty Re: Loki and his Search for a Mate. (Tayssi.)

Post by P r o m i s e r Sun Dec 09, 2012 9:25 pm

"She is gonna need more freedom than that!" I snarled towards the Alpha. "And you cant make me leave! You only own PART of tis land you-" I was stopped by Angel licking myneck, and I smiled warmly. "What are friends for? I love you..." I replied with a smile.
As we sat there, I felt that we were still being watched. Not that I'd be surprized, but it was very creepy.
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Loki and his Search for a Mate. (Tayssi.) Empty Re: Loki and his Search for a Mate. (Tayssi.)

Post by Tayssi Sun Dec 09, 2012 9:36 pm

Angel was thoroughly surprised by his words and she looked at him as the silence passed between them. What did he mean by that? I love you. As a friend? Or more? But she couldn’t possibly ask him. She nudged him gently before she walked to the stream and lowered his muzzle to the water and took a drink. She raised her head, water dripping from her maw for a few moments and she shook herself out.
She looked at Luke and then said, “don’t worry about it. It’s probably just an omega and most of them want me gone so they won’t say anything. Kami and my father, or any high ranked wolves never watch me, they are always too busy planning to take over other territories,” she looked at him, her tail wagging happily. Having even a day of freedom was something she hadn’t had since her mother passed away.
Angel walked over to Luke and she buried her face in his thick fur. “What did you mean before? When you said ‘I love you’?” she asked softly, not wanting to look at him. She was embarrassed to ask.
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Loki and his Search for a Mate. (Tayssi.) Empty Re: Loki and his Search for a Mate. (Tayssi.)

Post by P r o m i s e r Sun Dec 09, 2012 10:00 pm

"I meant that I love you more than a friend... Run away with me, Angel. I love you." I replied sweetly. "Please... Don't you want to be free?" I asked.
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Loki and his Search for a Mate. (Tayssi.) Empty Re: Loki and his Search for a Mate. (Tayssi.)

Post by Tayssi Sun Dec 09, 2012 10:09 pm

Angel blinked in surprise at his words and she stepped back and looked at him. She smiled warmly before she glanced back in the direction of the pack. “I would love to, Luke… But what about my pack? I’ve never been separated from them; they’re all that I know,” She said softly, looking back at him.
She wanted to be free, yes, but she felt lost when she thought of never seeing them again. She had never left them before, except for a couple of hours. Her ears flicked back momentarily and she watched Luke, unsure of what to do or say. She was scared. What if, once they left, he got sick of her? What would she do then?
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Loki and his Search for a Mate. (Tayssi.) Empty Re: Loki and his Search for a Mate. (Tayssi.)

Post by P r o m i s e r Sun Dec 09, 2012 10:16 pm

"I don't mean far away. What I meant was starting our own pack." I replied, my gaze soft. "I promise I will never leave you." I swore, with a smile. But again, we were intrupted by her father.
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Loki and his Search for a Mate. (Tayssi.) Empty Re: Loki and his Search for a Mate. (Tayssi.)

Post by Tayssi Sun Dec 09, 2012 10:26 pm

Angel was about to answer when her father showed up again. He glared at Luke, hackles raised. “How dare you ask my daughter to run away with you!” he snarled. He stepped towards them and Angel’s ears flicked back and she stepped next to Luke, pressing her side against his. She hadn’t seen her father this angry before.
“Dad, please~” she started, looking up at him, but was cut short when he glared at her and yelled, “Do not try to talk your way out of this one, Angel! I will not tolerate it when some random brute tries to steal my daughter away from me!” he snapped, ears back as he looked at Luke. He lunged at the smaller brute, shoving Angel to the side and snapping at his throat.
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