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Nero's Search For a Mate. [PG-13 - R]

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Nero's Search For a Mate. [PG-13 - R] Empty Nero's Search For a Mate. [PG-13 - R]

Post by P r o m i s e r Thu Nov 29, 2012 4:49 pm

I padded through the blackberry bushes in search of a mate. A mate that would accept me for who I am, and what I am. My black pelt brushed against the bushes as my blue eyes gleamed with anxiousness. I was a handsome, strong and large male and I was a bit of a flirt.
But I pushed my thoughts away and continued my search for a Fae and coming to an Oak Tree. I laid under it to rest, since I have been searching for about 2 days without a good rest.
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Nero's Search For a Mate. [PG-13 - R] Empty Re: Nero's Search For a Mate. [PG-13 - R]

Post by jlthompsonvamp Fri Nov 30, 2012 2:34 pm

Snow Mist

I ran swifty through the snow, by pure snow-white coat blending in with it. The only thing that stood out about me was my striking blue eyes. I spotted a he-wolf, his black coat shining in the sun, laying underneath a tree and froze, clamping my tail to my rump to keep in my heat scent. I stayed motionless, the only thing I was moving were my eyes, which were darting around to look for quick escape routes in case he was a Forcer. My heart pounded in my chest so hard I thought he would hear it. I slowly layed down, my coat quickly blending in with the snow around me. Then I just watched the he-wolf, waiting to see if he had smelled me.
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Nero's Search For a Mate. [PG-13 - R] Empty Re: Nero's Search For a Mate. [PG-13 - R]

Post by P r o m i s e r Fri Nov 30, 2012 2:47 pm

Smelling a Fae, I lifted my large head and looked at gleaming blue eyes. "Hello there Fae. Do not worry... I am no Forcer in any way." I assured her before stretching out my large paws. Gettin g up, I padded towards her slowly.
"I'm Nero." I told her before sitting down in the snow in front of her.
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Nero's Search For a Mate. [PG-13 - R] Empty Re: Nero's Search For a Mate. [PG-13 - R]

Post by jlthompsonvamp Fri Nov 30, 2012 2:53 pm

Snow Mist

I growled at him before sitting up slowly, watching the brute with my piercing blue eyes. I kept my rump to the ground, still hoping to keep in my heat scent. "I'm Snow Mist." I replied, noticing he had blue eyes like me.
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Nero's Search For a Mate. [PG-13 - R] Empty Re: Nero's Search For a Mate. [PG-13 - R]

Post by P r o m i s e r Fri Nov 30, 2012 2:55 pm

"Its nice to meet you Snow Mist... Can I call you Mist?" I asked, my tail swishing back and forth. I cocked my head, my dark blue eyes gleaming with curiosity of this Fae. "I am 2 1/2 years old. You?" I added.
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Nero's Search For a Mate. [PG-13 - R] Empty Re: Nero's Search For a Mate. [PG-13 - R]

Post by jlthompsonvamp Fri Nov 30, 2012 5:24 pm

Snow Mist

"I guess... I'm 2." I replied. I stood up and wagged my tail, realizing too late that had caused me to realease some of my heat scent.
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Nero's Search For a Mate. [PG-13 - R] Empty Re: Nero's Search For a Mate. [PG-13 - R]

Post by P r o m i s e r Fri Nov 30, 2012 5:26 pm

I could smell the scent, but I held back. "Your in your first heat arten't you?" I asked?
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Nero's Search For a Mate. [PG-13 - R] Empty Re: Nero's Search For a Mate. [PG-13 - R]

Post by jlthompsonvamp Fri Nov 30, 2012 5:30 pm

Snow Mist

He shocked me with his question and I growled warningly. "Yes, I am. Is there something wrong with that?" I growled, all warmth I had felt for him earlier gone. I narrowed my blue eyes, which now looked more like an icy blue.

(She's a little fiesty thing! Very Happy )
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Nero's Search For a Mate. [PG-13 - R] Empty Re: Nero's Search For a Mate. [PG-13 - R]

Post by P r o m i s e r Fri Nov 30, 2012 5:34 pm

"No, theres nothing wrong with that at all. I was just asking." I replied, my ears pricking up as I heard the snap of a stick. Out jumped a large brute, and he tore at my flanks.
Roaring with rage, I whipped him off before clawing his face and raising my hackles in front of Mist. "You leave her alone." I growled before jumping and barreling him over.
"Leave!" I snarled. He pushed me off then dashed away, yelping. "Some brutes I tell you." I sneered.
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Nero's Search For a Mate. [PG-13 - R] Empty Re: Nero's Search For a Mate. [PG-13 - R]

Post by jlthompsonvamp Fri Nov 30, 2012 5:41 pm

Snow Mist

I gazed at him with a look of doubt but decided to believe him. When I heard the snap of a stick I froze. When the large brute jumped out I crouched, ready to attack but Nero beat me to it. I watched as he attacked the brute, fought him, and won. After the brute ran off I went up to Nero and rubbed my head underneath his chin and said, "Thank you for not letting that brute attack me."
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Nero's Search For a Mate. [PG-13 - R] Empty Re: Nero's Search For a Mate. [PG-13 - R]

Post by P r o m i s e r Fri Nov 30, 2012 7:36 pm

I smiled and licked her cheek lightly. "Come to my den. You can stay there." I said before leading her to my rather large den. Walking inside, I grabbed a fish for the both of us.
"Here Mist. You look hungry." I said before licking her ear.
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Nero's Search For a Mate. [PG-13 - R] Empty Re: Nero's Search For a Mate. [PG-13 - R]

Post by jlthompsonvamp Sat Dec 01, 2012 8:46 pm

Snow Mist

I paused at the entrance to his den, looking doubtfull. "How do I know you won't hurt me?" I asked.
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Nero's Search For a Mate. [PG-13 - R] Empty Re: Nero's Search For a Mate. [PG-13 - R]

Post by P r o m i s e r Sat Dec 01, 2012 8:57 pm

I smiled before saying, ¨I swear on the name of my father, Justin that I will not hurt you.¨ I promised before sinking my teeth into my fish.
"I hope you don't mind me staying. I could use some company." I said.
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Nero's Search For a Mate. [PG-13 - R] Empty Re: Nero's Search For a Mate. [PG-13 - R]

Post by jlthompsonvamp Sat Dec 01, 2012 9:00 pm

Snow Mist

I padded hesitantly into his den and grab a fish. I lay down towards the back of the den, as far away from him as I could get. I start to eat my fish.
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Nero's Search For a Mate. [PG-13 - R] Empty Re: Nero's Search For a Mate. [PG-13 - R]

Post by P r o m i s e r Sat Dec 01, 2012 9:10 pm

Suddenly feeling so sad, I sighed and padded out of the den and sat at the entrance. I sighed and curled my tail around my paws and looked up at the stars.
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Nero's Search For a Mate. [PG-13 - R] Empty Re: Nero's Search For a Mate. [PG-13 - R]

Post by P r o m i s e r Sun Dec 02, 2012 9:49 am

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Nero's Search For a Mate. [PG-13 - R] Empty Re: Nero's Search For a Mate. [PG-13 - R]

Post by jlthompsonvamp Sun Dec 02, 2012 10:22 am


Snow Mist

I watched him go to the entrance and I followed. I sat down beside him and rested my head against his shoulder. I closed my eyes and sighed, feeling a peace I hadn't had for a long time.
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Nero's Search For a Mate. [PG-13 - R] Empty Re: Nero's Search For a Mate. [PG-13 - R]

Post by jlthompsonvamp Sun Dec 02, 2012 10:36 am

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Nero's Search For a Mate. [PG-13 - R] Empty Re: Nero's Search For a Mate. [PG-13 - R]

Post by P r o m i s e r Sun Dec 02, 2012 11:26 am

I smiled at Mist, and licked her cheek. "You..." I paused. "You are a very sweet Fae, Mist. I like you." I said sweetly, my dark blue eyes gleaming with happiness. My claws twitched as I felt a feeling for her, and my tail fell onto her tail.
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Nero's Search For a Mate. [PG-13 - R] Empty Re: Nero's Search For a Mate. [PG-13 - R]

Post by jlthompsonvamp Mon Dec 03, 2012 2:22 pm

Snow Mist

I looked up at him and smiled sweetly. Then I said, "You know what? I'm begnning to trust. And because of that I wouldn't mind if you were my mate." She lifted her tail a little to let out some of her heat scent to show him she was serious.
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Nero's Search For a Mate. [PG-13 - R] Empty Re: Nero's Search For a Mate. [PG-13 - R]

Post by P r o m i s e r Mon Dec 03, 2012 6:34 pm

I smiled back. "If thats what you wish. I love you Mist." said sweetly, before licking her white cheek. Smelling her heat scent, I enhaled the scent and sighed. "But lets leave pups for later." I said, with a wink.
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Nero's Search For a Mate. [PG-13 - R] Empty Re: Nero's Search For a Mate. [PG-13 - R]

Post by jlthompsonvamp Mon Dec 03, 2012 7:39 pm

Snow Mist

"Yes. It is what I wish. I won't me in heat much longer though." I replied, setting my tail back down and tilting my head at him.
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Nero's Search For a Mate. [PG-13 - R] Empty Re: Nero's Search For a Mate. [PG-13 - R]

Post by P r o m i s e r Mon Dec 03, 2012 9:14 pm

"I know. But we should hold off for only about a few days." I said, and licked her nose.
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Nero's Search For a Mate. [PG-13 - R] Empty Re: Nero's Search For a Mate. [PG-13 - R]

Post by jlthompsonvamp Tue Dec 04, 2012 8:12 am

Snow Mist

"Okay." I replied. Then I nuzzled his cheek gently.
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Nero's Search For a Mate. [PG-13 - R] Empty Re: Nero's Search For a Mate. [PG-13 - R]

Post by P r o m i s e r Tue Dec 04, 2012 8:47 am

I smiled and my blue eyes shined brightly with happiness. "You make me feel so happy." I said sweetly.
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Nero's Search For a Mate. [PG-13 - R] Empty Re: Nero's Search For a Mate. [PG-13 - R]

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