Call of the Wild
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Swan Lake (peggi/swan mare in search of mate)

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Swan Lake (peggi/swan mare in search of mate) Empty Swan Lake (peggi/swan mare in search of mate)

Post by Guest Sun Jan 29, 2012 7:28 pm

A lone swan floated atop the surface of the glimmering lake. She rested her head in the famous arch, the arch created by the smooth and slender neck she was graced with upon her creation. Her orange beak hovered above the water, her tiny tip just inches above the surface. She held her wings tightly to her full body and paddled with her webbed feet beneath the water. They propelled her at a perfect speed to where she looked like she was just floating and the gentle breeze was moving her.
Gracefully, the swan lifted her head up and gazed about her with dark beady eyes. All day she had sat and floated awaiting the company of others, but they never came. She threw open her broad, white wings in dismay and annoyance. How could everyone desert her?! With a soft trumpet, the swan lifted herself from the water upon the breeze and made fast for land.
As we watch the swan draw closer to the shore, flying so low her belly just grazed the water, we see something magnificent happen. Now as she is upon the sand, her once swan form takes the shape of a horse! No, wait! Not a horse, but a brilliant white Pegasus! Her black hooves touch the sand and she drops her weight down, making not a single sound as she lopes up the bank and into the grassy hillside. She is a large horse with the shape of an Arabian with slender, strong muscles and thin legs. Up to her knees are smoky black stockings that match her black mug. Her wings are drawn in and tucked firmly against her side as she gains momentum. She arches in her head, allowing her silken pearl mane to flow freely around her as she does her tail. Her black eyes stand out against her white coat like coal from the mines. But upon her face reminds her that she is not only this Pegasus, but also the swan. From her forehead to her nose is rusty orange blaze that resemble a swan's beak.
The mare, who we shall call Swan, suddenly gathers up her weight beneath her and prepares for take off. Growing tired of the land already, she must take to the sky to find the others. With a mighty leap, she throws herself to the wind and rides the current upwards until she levels out and marvels at the beauty of the world below her. She drifts on the wind and whinnies a soft trumpet, hoping to attract the others.

Swan Lake (peggi/swan mare in search of mate) Anime-animals-anime-animal-25618308-600-444


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Swan Lake (peggi/swan mare in search of mate) Empty Re: Swan Lake (peggi/swan mare in search of mate)

Post by °∞ßlûē•ßãbÿ•Døll∞° Mon Jan 30, 2012 3:38 pm

Hey(: Ik you don't like me and all.. But this looks like a very interesting topic.. I was just gonna ask you if you don't mind if I joined? If you don't like me at all, then thats fine. I'm just sorry, I have a horribel life. And well, again im sorry for what I did and said to you on that topic we were supposed to be RPing together, you and I.. But I forgot that topic was for you.. So again im sorry, and hope that you forgive me(:
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Swan Lake (peggi/swan mare in search of mate) Empty Re: Swan Lake (peggi/swan mare in search of mate)

Post by Guest Tue Jan 31, 2012 4:51 pm

You can post here, its okay. Thanks for apologizing, its excepted. But i have to ask you to not post your siggy, it takes up space


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Swan Lake (peggi/swan mare in search of mate) Empty Re: Swan Lake (peggi/swan mare in search of mate)

Post by °∞ßlûē•ßãbÿ•Døll∞° Tue Jan 31, 2012 7:03 pm

Swan Lake (peggi/swan mare in search of mate) Black-pegasus-fantasy-animals-5769953-328-504

Large black feathered wings spread out wide as the breeze carried the goregous black pegasus stallion through air. The massive slender frame danced like a silver lining as purple flames gathered around his masculine body. The stallions coat shimmered with strength as the sun reflected off him, a silver helm clung to the back of his neck that hid his mane, but the top of the helm flashed up purple flames, creating a mane that galloped upon his neck. As he neared Earth's surface, glinding down towards it. The peak of his front hooves clipped the dirt, soon resting himself upon the heavenly ground. The flames that burned around him, went off almost instantly. But his mane and tail still bursting with flames.
You call him the Light Of The Night, for he lights up the night when the sun goes down and the moon arises. But really, you have no idea whom he is, all is left is the curiousity of wondering far beyond your levels to whom it may concern who he is. The darkness that floats around him, the striking purple gaze when he looks through your soul. Call him up what you wish, but there is still no name that he holds above him crown. For he looks like the night, his jet black coat vanishing when the darkness arrives. The flashing flames that burst out around his body, and the mane and tail that seems to burn with a firey purple flame. Dark feathered wings spreading out to about 7 inches long, and a silver lining helm that lays upon the back of his neck where his mane should clothed. The mask that he wears to find his scars, one that reachs out to reveal itself on his chest. Massive hooves, and big raging purple eyes, also the blades that stick out of his wings. Sharp ends of them, feathers that fall and turn to ash when they hit the ground immediatly.. This is what you call darkness, nothing light.. Names, Adione, lord of Darkness and Death.
Adione let his silver feathered hovoes click in the air as he trotted through the deserted landscape. Pricking his ears, his head turned only slightly to the sky. Seeing large whtie wings flash through the sun, Adione sneered. Lifting himself up off Earth's surface, his wings gathering wind beneath them, before he released his grip and bolted up into teh sky. Letting the smooth current of the wind take him steadily towards the unknown horse. Purple flames flashing up around him once more. Dark shadowy eyes blazed with curiousity.
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Swan Lake (peggi/swan mare in search of mate) Empty Re: Swan Lake (peggi/swan mare in search of mate)

Post by Guest Sun Feb 05, 2012 1:59 pm

Swan floated elegantly on the currents of ever changing wind, barely flapping her wings just like the noble bird. With her neck arched and head pulled in tight, she peered through her knees and gazed below her at the green landscape. Everything was normal except for the fact that she was alone. She swooped in and out of formation like she would with her flock. She dove and pitched to different levels as if she had a fellow friend with her instead of the clouds. "Oh hum.." she sighed as she sped up to make good time.

As she rounded a large cloud and eyed the great mountain before her, Swan took a glance below her and spotted something bright and purple headed upwards. It coming straight for her. Curiosity tugged at her mind as she picked up the pace. It looked like another Pegasus with brilliant black wings and flames spewing from all directions. Since the day she was hatched, Fire was always a no-no and now was not the time to break that rule. Leveling out, Swan raced forward in hope of deserting the figure.


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Swan Lake (peggi/swan mare in search of mate) Empty Re: Swan Lake (peggi/swan mare in search of mate)

Post by °∞ßlûē•ßãbÿ•Døll∞° Fri Jun 01, 2012 8:46 pm

Adione snorted roughly and spread out his wings then flapped them once more, pushing himself forward. Soon reaching the creature he glanced at the winged mare. Adione sores next to her side, trying to keep close to her side. What he lacked in speed, made up for in brute strength. He sneered and kept near her, wondering why she was so scared of him. " Wait!" He called through the blistering wind.
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Swan Lake (peggi/swan mare in search of mate) Empty Re: Swan Lake (peggi/swan mare in search of mate)

Post by Guest Sun Jun 03, 2012 7:03 pm

Swan felt the wind shift, shift like another mass was trying to occupy the same place she presumed, and she dared to turn her head. She was greeted with the sight of the flaming peggy making his way towards her, straying close to her side. She flinched away from the lavender flames that danced around him, her skin prickling with the thought of what it might feel like. She added more speed.

She heard him cry out for her to wait. Swan knew the flames were bad, but was he bad too? Curiosity got the better of her and she stopped, hovering on the wind in place over a large lake. She glanced down at its brilliant blue waves before gazing at her brethren. When he neared, she shied away from the flames. "Stay back!" she hissed.


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Swan Lake (peggi/swan mare in search of mate) Empty Re: Swan Lake (peggi/swan mare in search of mate)

Post by °∞ßlûē•ßãbÿ•Døll∞° Tue Jun 05, 2012 10:01 am

Adione snorted and hovered over the top of the river, pinning his ears to his cranium only slightly. The flames burnt out that burst around him, and only the mane and tail were flashing lightly. He narrowed his eyes at her, confused. " What's wrong?" He asked quite curious why she was so terrified of him.
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Swan Lake (peggi/swan mare in search of mate) Empty Re: Swan Lake (peggi/swan mare in search of mate)

Post by Guest Wed Jun 20, 2012 4:40 pm

Swan watched him from a small distance with her own ears lost in the sea of white mane. She watched him react to her hiss with slight triumph. It wasn't often she grew hostile. "Your flames." she simply said, watching him as they slowly dissipated.


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Swan Lake (peggi/swan mare in search of mate) Empty Re: Swan Lake (peggi/swan mare in search of mate)

Post by °∞ßlûē•ßãbÿ•Døll∞° Wed Jun 20, 2012 5:34 pm

Adione glared at her for a moment, then rolled his eyes. " They won't harm you." He spoke with a low chuckle in hisdeep crackling voice.
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Swan Lake (peggi/swan mare in search of mate) Empty Re: Swan Lake (peggi/swan mare in search of mate)

Post by Guest Thu Jun 21, 2012 4:50 pm

"Mature." she said noting his eye roll. What kind of gentleman rolls his eyes at a lady? She grunted and replied, "I was raised to fear the deadly stuff."


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Swan Lake (peggi/swan mare in search of mate) Empty Re: Swan Lake (peggi/swan mare in search of mate)

Post by °∞ßlûē•ßãbÿ•Døll∞° Thu Jun 21, 2012 5:28 pm

Adione sighed, landing lightly on the gorund. Backing away from the water, his flames burning out from th heat of the fog around him. He snorted, bobbing his head softly. " Why is that?" He asked in a soft tone, glaring at her with curiousity.
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Swan Lake (peggi/swan mare in search of mate) Empty Re: Swan Lake (peggi/swan mare in search of mate)

Post by Guest Thu Jun 21, 2012 5:55 pm

Swan slowly began her decent with him, keeping her distance. When her tiny black hooves were safely on the ground, she looked his square in the face and said, "Fire is bad." no way could she tell him about her childhood experience. She cocked her cone shaped head so she could see the lake. Her body ached to be a swan and ride its currents.


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Swan Lake (peggi/swan mare in search of mate) Empty Re: Swan Lake (peggi/swan mare in search of mate)

Post by °∞ßlûē•ßãbÿ•Døll∞° Thu Jun 28, 2012 8:36 am

Adione snorted, sinking his sharp hooves into the soft soil. He glared at her, pricking his ears forward to hear her responce. " Really?" He spoke softly, curious why it was so bad, that this winged mare was terrifyied of him.
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Swan Lake (peggi/swan mare in search of mate) Empty Re: Swan Lake (peggi/swan mare in search of mate)

Post by Guest Sun Jul 01, 2012 2:43 pm

(can you remove your siggy please lol)

Swan slowly brought her gaze back to him, her black eyes glossy with annoyance. "Yes, its bad." she said shortly and started for the lake, leaving him in her wake. What did she need with a fire billowing peggy stallion?


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Swan Lake (peggi/swan mare in search of mate) Empty Re: Swan Lake (peggi/swan mare in search of mate)

Post by °∞ßlûē•ßãbÿ•Døll∞° Mon Jul 02, 2012 7:41 am

Adione sighed and turned. Shaking his head before lifting his wings up. Gathering wind beneath him before letting go and bolting up into the sky.
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Swan Lake (peggi/swan mare in search of mate) Empty Re: Swan Lake (peggi/swan mare in search of mate)

Post by Guest Fri Jul 06, 2012 1:29 pm

Swan heard him take off behind her. A half smirk obscured her face, excitement filling her being now that he was gone. Now she was alone.. The white mare huffed and headed towards the water's edge and quickly morphed into her swan self. She glided over the water and let out a loud honk, hoping the stallion would hear her.


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Swan Lake (peggi/swan mare in search of mate) Empty Re: Swan Lake (peggi/swan mare in search of mate)

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