Call of the Wild
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An Odd Quartet (Tayssi)

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An Odd Quartet (Tayssi) Empty An Odd Quartet (Tayssi)

Post by Glass Prison Wed Oct 17, 2012 3:26 pm

"All you have to do is make it over that hill. After that, our lives will start anew..."
Dreggon tossed his head to the left, indicating the massive hill he and brother would have to climb in order to leave their step father's land and conquer their own. The buckskin paint turned to head towards the hill with an excited bounce in his usually laid back step while his younger brother, Bone, slouched along behind him.
"I don't want to go over some silly hill. Why can't we go around it?" Bone complained, kicking at a dandelion head as he passed by.
Dreg ignored him, leaving his imagination to wonder why there was no possible way for them to pass around the massive hill. The two walked slowly onward, making great progress as they neared the base of the hill. Dreg stopped, making Bone bump into his backside. "Hey.." he grumbled, looking at his older brother with a scowl. Again, Dreg ignored him and started to climb the grassy hillside. Bone whined and complained the entire way up the hill.
Though it was steep and slippery with mud from the spring rains, the two studs managed to make their way up the hill. Just as Dreg was about to crest it, Bone shot past him and reached the point first. "Ha! Beat ya!" he cheered as he half reared.
Dreg chuckled and stopped at the center to admire the view of the other side. Below him was much the same as the other side, visually, but mentally, it was a whole new start for the abandoned stallions.

Bone kicked up his heels, sending dirt and clumps of grass into his brother's face. Dreg snorted and bumped him. Bone lost his balance and toppled over, rolling close to the edge of the hill. "Bone!" Dreggon shouted after his brother who slipped over the edged and stumbled down. He leaned over and watched as his brother's painted pelt bounced in and out view. "Bone!" he shouted again as he lurched forward and raced down the hill, slipping and sliding as he struggled to stay balanced. At the bottom he found Bone in a fit of giggles, laughing hysterically about how much fun that was. "You idiot." spat Dreg as he tried not to smirk at him. Urging Bone to his hooves, Dreg told him they had to keep moving if they were going to find the perfect spot to claim their land.
Glass Prison
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An Odd Quartet (Tayssi) Empty Re: An Odd Quartet (Tayssi)

Post by Tayssi Mon Nov 05, 2012 3:51 am

"Don't you think we've come far enough?" Destiny complained, her ears flicking back with a snort. "We won't be found after coming this far," she added and stopped, not wanting to move. Her blue eyes staring at her older sister. Des had always thought that her sister, Izzabella, was gorgeous. She had the prettiest, light golden palomino coat and the darkest midnight blue eyes. She was also kind, understanding and forgiving. However, Belle also had a temper, should she be provoked and you didn't want to mess with her if she was in a bad mood.
Stamping her front hoof on the hard ground beneath her, Destiny watched Belle as she came towards her, moved behind her and then shoved her forward. Destiny stumbled with a surprised whinny before she kicked out at her sister in frustration before she laughed as she found her footing. Flicking her ears, Destiny trotted forward before she looked back at Izzabella. "Come on, it's not like there's much chance that we'll be found here," Destiny said befor she grinned, half reared and leapt forward into a gallop.

Belle shook her head at Destiny's words and said, "we've got to keep moving, we can't take the chance, Des. We're just two mares, we have no way of protecting ourselves against them," however, just after she finished speaking, Des took off, kicking out playfully. Belle threw her head up in frustration and she took off after her younger sister. She flicked her snow white taila nd lowered her muzzle towards the ground and tucked it into her chest for a moment before she stretched her neck and sped up after the chestnut overo mare.
Just up ahead, Destiny nearly ran into two stallions. Her hooves skidded along the uneven ground before she veered off to the side sharply. Belle's hooves struck the ground harshly and she stopped before she trotted over to them, ears forward and asking, "Are you two alright? I'm so sorry about my sister! She can be a klutz sometimes," she said, stopping a couple metresfrom the stallions and lowering her head as Des walked over to her side, head held hih and ears forward as she watched the two stallions cautiously.
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An Odd Quartet (Tayssi) Empty Re: An Odd Quartet (Tayssi)

Post by Glass Prison Tue Nov 06, 2012 2:25 pm

(i only ask that you remove your sig! Thanks!)

Dreg came to halt and stood statue still, keeping his body motionless as his ears circled back to pick up the sounds of two mares in the distance. Bone stopped walking to and turned to look in the direction it was coming from, "Who do you think it is?" he asked quietly, leaning closer to Dreg. The older stallion shook his head and turned away, nudging Bone, "We should keep going, probably just some stray horses." Bone snorted his protest, but continued onward.
As Bone started to trot forward, the sound of beating hooves and a sharp shrill echoed from behind him and had him shying backward. Dreg trumpeted his surprise and reared half way up, swiveling around to find the mares. Bone grunted and lurched forward into a frenzy of bucks and kicks, flinging his heels up until he calmed and rounded Dreg. Dreg watched the elder of the two approach him and accepted her apologies. "No, worries. This one here is quite the same." He reached back with his leg and kicked Bone who snorted and nipped his flank muttering, "Am not.."
Glass Prison
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An Odd Quartet (Tayssi) Empty Re: An Odd Quartet (Tayssi)

Post by Glass Prison Sun Nov 11, 2012 3:36 pm

Glass Prison
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An Odd Quartet (Tayssi) Empty Re: An Odd Quartet (Tayssi)

Post by Tayssi Mon Dec 10, 2012 6:39 pm

Destiny looked at the younger of the two stallions and her ears flicked forward and she nickered, pawing at the ground. Izzabella looked at the older of them and she lowered her head with a grateful sigh. She raised her head and watched the two of them and then ganced at Des. The chestnut overo had grown bored and wandered off to inspect something that looked like a frill necked lizard. She snorted and shook her head before she looked at the two stallions again. Her curiousity got the better of her and she cocked her head to the side. "So what brings you two to these lands?" she asked lightly, flicking her forelock from her eyes.
It was a little uncomfortable with two stallions, but, she was curious as to why two stallions were out by themselves. Sure, they could be looking to start their own herd, but they looked related and it didn't seem like they had any interest in trying to round up her and her sister and force them into a herd. Not that she'd let them. She wasn't exactly the most obedient of mares. No, neither of the sisters were.

(sorry :/ )
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An Odd Quartet (Tayssi) Empty Re: An Odd Quartet (Tayssi)

Post by Glass Prison Tue Dec 11, 2012 4:03 pm

(its all good.)
Bone spoke up from his brother's side after watching the elder mare intently for a moment. "Out conquering land.." he said proudly and then ducked his head, expecting a blow from Dreg. Dreg looked over his shoulder at him and narrowed his eyes, "What he said but in a more subtle way. Neither one of us are much of a fighter so we sorta of, claiming unclaimed land instead of being heroes and stealing it from other stallions." explained Dreg. Bone grumbled under his breath about how that wasn't much fun and stalked off, searching for something interesting to fiddle with. "Both of us recently disbanded from our step-father's herd and decided that once we crossed the boundary line, we would be able to start anew."
Glass Prison
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