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Vampires? There's No Way They're Real.... {R rated, Sav Only }

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Vampires? There's No Way They're Real.... {R rated, Sav Only } Empty Vampires? There's No Way They're Real.... {R rated, Sav Only }

Post by °∞ßlûē•ßãbÿ•Døll∞° Fri Jul 27, 2012 4:50 pm

Vampires? There's No Way They're Real.... {R rated, Sav Only } Girl,red,hair,ginger,gorgeous,photo,redhead-1cbf8b5b5581fe4aa48e60fe8d985891_h

Precious sat on a the edge of a building, gazing down at the people below her feet. She glared passed a group of people to see a brawl going on other a girl. Narrowing her eyes, she held her head high to rewind the scene to the very beginning and only that scene. She cocked her head, hearing the words of the two guys before a loud crack from one's jaw sounded in her ear drums. Gasping she replayed it from where they left off. Watching in horror as the fight still went on, soon growing tired of the little hissy fit, the gorgeous red headed girl leaped down from the building. Racing over to the crowd of citizens in the small town of Forks. Shoving her way in between some people to suddenly pry the two off each other. Her flaming bright hazel eyes striking wildly with a tainted in red that seemed to glow with rage. She pushed them both away from her before glaring at them. " Now this nonsense is going to end now!" Precious spat bitterly through clenched teeth. Her fists balling up in tight circular balls. Shaking her head in sadness and disgrace at now immature and foolish they were acting, Breezy(Her nickname) turned to walk away. Pushing herself through the crowd as they stared at her in awe.
The breeze blew her hair to-and-fro. Gently lacing across her face as she made her way towards a bar. Twisting the knob of the door handle of the Pub she walked in. Music blasting in her ears, she winced then shook her head from the sudden stunning loudness. She soon got used to it as she made her way towards the bartender. Slamming her hand on the counter, " Whiskey." She demanded and the lady behind the counter nodded inventively before obeying. Hearing her name being called from beyond the loud music she snapped her head around. " Yo! Breezy!" Rolling her beaming hazel eyes to see that it was her ex making his way reluctantly towards her. . Folding her arms in annoyance. She gazed at the ground before slightly glancing up at him. " What do you want Beck?" She spat as her teeth began to grit. She watched his smile become a grin as he shoved his hands into his pockets. Hunching up his shoulders, " Oh come on Precious don't be like that?" His shoulders fell again, this time his grin grew wider and she could feel the heating touch of his hand glid along her chin. Sneering she grabbed his arm and twisted it around his back, kneeing him once in the stomach before throwing him to the ground roughly. " I am not your 'Precious' anymore!" Breezy went back to having a good time, dipping her head to the women when she came back with her drink. She took along drag of it before lookign around the bar.
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Vampires? There's No Way They're Real.... {R rated, Sav Only } Empty Re: Vampires? There's No Way They're Real.... {R rated, Sav Only }

Post by Saviour Fri Jul 27, 2012 5:38 pm

[[ Great. I haven't been able to watch the most recent season of Supernatural and I'm already watching a ton of Jensen and Jared Embarassed ]]

Sam shouldered his bag that held his laptop and looked in aggitation at Dean. "Come on, seriously?" He said, his deep voice lacking his natural accent. his brother never did catch on to the southern drawl, which was strange. Dean shook his head and sat down on the couch like a little kid. His arms were folded over his chest and his boots dangled off the end of the sofa. "I just don't understand why we can't stop by. I mean really, we're not going anywhere for the rest of the night." Dean grumbled, his sharp features looking away from his brother. Sam could put Dean in his place easily. Although he was a good 3 years younger, Sam was much taller and more muscular than Dean. Of course, he was a huge pushover and didn't care to get into a fight with any human. Rolling his eyes and exhaling loudly, Sam shook his head. "Alright. Fine. But we're coming back before dark. You can't be drunk if Bobby calls us." Dean shot up like a rocket. "Awesome" He said and quickly grabbed the keys to the impala. He swung open the door to their motel room. Sam chuckled, the sound deep in his throat. He tossed his bag onto one of the beds, the one he had claimed as his, and walked out into the hallway. The door shut loudly, but it didn't bother Sam. Dean disappeared around a corner and Sam quickly moved to catch up. Dean was already inside the Chevy when Sam's hand pulled back on its silver handle. He ducked down and sat inside.

-- Shortly After --

Dean locked the doors and stepped through the door Sam had been holding for him. Sam stepped inside after him, and they took a moment to let their eyes adjust. Sam shook his head as though clearing his mind from the sudden blare of the music. Dean grinned and moved over to the bar. Unlike Sam, he was old enough to drink. Not that Sam didn't enjoy a beer now and then back at the room. Sam glanced around before he walked over and took a seat beside his brother. His eyesight, among other things, had improved with the recent change. As expected, Dean ordered himself a bacon cheeseburger with fries and a beer they had on tap. Sam didn't find the food appealing at all, so he turned to look into the crowd. His eyes found a flaming red flash of hair, and a man fell down hard against the ground. No one else seemed to notice. Sam shook his head and rolled his eyes, swearing he'd never divulge in such a petty thing as love. Especially in this line of work, where one slip of the tongue could bring demons to your front door.
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Vampires? There's No Way They're Real.... {R rated, Sav Only } Empty Re: Vampires? There's No Way They're Real.... {R rated, Sav Only }

Post by °∞ßlûē•ßãbÿ•Døll∞° Fri Jul 27, 2012 6:36 pm

Vampires? There's No Way They're Real.... {R rated, Sav Only } Girl,red,hair,ginger,gorgeous,photo,redhead-1cbf8b5b5581fe4aa48e60fe8d985891_h
Precious sneered as Beck walked off, flipping her off as he did so. She kissed her middle finger before doing the same. She shook her head in sheer iritation, she placed her glass down on the counter next to her before tapping her foot gently on the floor below. Her favorite song came on and she stood slowly. Shoving her hands into her shorts pockets before shoudlering her way through people dancing. Someone touched her where she didn't like to be touched, whriling around with an extended hand to slap the dude in the face. She sneered in disgust, " Watch where your putting your hands perv!" She spat half-heartedly. At the corner of her eyes she seen two new men come in, grinning at one muscular dude she watched their movements carefuly before swaying her hips in a perfect motion to the beat. She couldn't stop for she wanted to dance, letting her hands begin to travel up over ehr head, then going down as she did slowly. Then coming back up to gracefully move her body in a rythum matching the beats of the song.
OOC;; Sorry it took me so long to reply, I went to go get a Firehouse Sub! Very Happy Them things are delicious.
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Vampires? There's No Way They're Real.... {R rated, Sav Only } Empty Re: Vampires? There's No Way They're Real.... {R rated, Sav Only }

Post by Saviour Fri Jul 27, 2012 6:45 pm

[[ Haha it's fine ]]

Sam watched as she woman turned to go dance. She paused, and he turned away just as she turned to look his direction. Dean's elbow collided roughly with his ribs, and Sam choked on the beer he decided to order. "What the hell?" He said, scowling as he looked up at his brother. Dean chuckled lightly and shook his head. "Nothin'" He mumbled around a mouthful of burger. He set the food down and washed his bite with cool beer. "Come on, you spend too much time alone" He said, and grabbed his arm to yank him out into the crowd with him. Sam shook his head rapidly, and pulled himself free. He still had to stand in order to keep his balance. "No that's fine. You go right ahead though" Sam said, nodding with a slight smile. Dean shook his head and rolled his eyes. "Whatever" He said and turned around. Sam watched as he headed out into the crowd, a boyish grin on his lips. Sam turned and sat back at the bar. His eyes lingered on the food, and he reached over. Taking a fry, he popped it carelessly into his mouth. The food was bland, and didn't satisfy his grumbling stomach. Rolling his tongue around his mouth as if the fry tasted badly, Sam shook his head and frowned.
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Vampires? There's No Way They're Real.... {R rated, Sav Only } Empty Re: Vampires? There's No Way They're Real.... {R rated, Sav Only }

Post by °∞ßlûē•ßãbÿ•Døll∞° Fri Jul 27, 2012 7:03 pm

Vampires? There's No Way They're Real.... {R rated, Sav Only } Girl,red,hair,ginger,gorgeous,photo,redhead-1cbf8b5b5581fe4aa48e60fe8d985891_h
Precious crept alone the shadows of the bar, watching as everyone danced. She folded her arms and grinned at some of the guys. But one made her turn her gaze on him. She narrowed her eyes, cocking her ehad to make everything go in slow motion. She smirked as she watched his muscles ripple with each step he took backwards, blinking her eyes and snapping her gaze off of him. Everything went back to normal and she let her velvet red hair fall over her hazel eyes. She glared around tp see Beck coming back towards her with a grin on his face. She huffed before looking away to the side as he laced his hands down her neck. She sneered racing her hand to slap him, but he caught it. Wided-eyed she narrowed her blazing eyes to a slit. Jerking her hand away quickly, shoving him roughly. But he still pressed himself against her, pinning her hands to the wall. Whispering a telling in her ear, " You may not want to do that again darlin." He kissed down her neck as she jerked away. He pointed to the guys with guns next to a group of girls. " you see my boys will not hesitate to kill everyone in this club, unless you come with me." He hissed in her ear before beginning to kiss her color bone softly. Breezy let out a muffled 'pfft' of 'Hell I will!' She tried kneeing him but he dodged it with a chuckle. She snarled and didn't dare make eye-contact with him.
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Vampires? There's No Way They're Real.... {R rated, Sav Only } Empty Re: Vampires? There's No Way They're Real.... {R rated, Sav Only }

Post by Saviour Fri Jul 27, 2012 9:18 pm

Dean took a long swig of his beer and looked about him. There were several young women but none that he cared to much for. He'd had his fair share of one night stands, and hoped none of them came back to bite him. He looked over at a girl who swung her hips over against him, and he chuckled lightly. It wasn't audible above the music though. He stepped back and she moved on to another man. Dean turned around and his eye caught the glint of something on a man's hip. He recognized the colt and scowled. He was turned away from him, looking at something intently. Following his gaze, Dean saw a woman pinned against the wall. Cocking his head slightly, Dean turned his gaze to Sam. He had been watching Dean curiously, and Dean ushered him towards him. Intrigued by Dean's motions, Sam stood and moved to his older brother obediantly. He made it halfway before he saw the man. Gritting his teeth, Sam looked to his brother and nodded to tell him he was going over to check it out. Dean shook his head as if to warn him before he walked forward quietly and sat his beer down. He'd need both of his hands free if things went sour.
Sam walked fearlessly over to the man who was hunched over the girl. He was taller than him, and Sam figured that in a one on one fight he would come up victorious. Without hesitation, Sam took the man's shirt in his hand and wrenched him off the disgruntled girl. He released him once he could see his face clearly. "Everything alright here?" He said, and turned his dark blue eyes to meet the hazel ones of the girl.
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Vampires? There's No Way They're Real.... {R rated, Sav Only } Empty Re: Vampires? There's No Way They're Real.... {R rated, Sav Only }

Post by °∞ßlûē•ßãbÿ•Døll∞° Fri Jul 27, 2012 9:35 pm

Vampires? There's No Way They're Real.... {R rated, Sav Only } Girl,red,hair,ginger,gorgeous,photo,redhead-1cbf8b5b5581fe4aa48e60fe8d985891_h
Precious sneered at Beck as he ran his hands firmly down her slim body, making sure he got in the crease of her hips. She managed to wiggle her hands free from his tight grip to slap his hands away. " Touching me like that won't get you to hell and back if you know what I mean!" She snapped quietly to thoroughly give him a glint of rage in her hazel eyes. When she was about to say something, the guy she had her eye on eariler came up and gripped Beck by his shirt. Pulling him off her, she gasped and stumbled slightly but regained her balance to glare up at the two. She heard the new guys words, smirking slightly then meeting his gaze. She was lost in his blue eyes before snapping out of it to hear Beck's final words. " Everything is okay here. But alittle.. Final farewells." When he had finished, flicking two fingers up to signal for his men that it was time. Breezy was startled to hear a loud gun shot roar loudly through-out the bar. People ducked and girls screeched form terror. She could see his men making their way around towards her, rounding a corner to get away from them Precious bolted. Beck wiggled out from under the guys grip and racing after Precious with a gun placed in his palms.
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Vampires? There's No Way They're Real.... {R rated, Sav Only } Empty Re: Vampires? There's No Way They're Real.... {R rated, Sav Only }

Post by Saviour Fri Jul 27, 2012 9:43 pm

Sam turned back to the man before the girl's eyes looked too deeply into his. The words the man spoke were slow and intimidating. A gun shot reverberated loudly throughout the pub, and Sam ducked down in a flash. His eyes met Dean's, and his older brother shook his head. Sam smirked, as though telling him I told you so. Dean stood up quickly and gripped a man's wrist. The gun fell from his hands and Dean's fist caught him in the jaw hard. The man fell back, and Dean turned to another. Sam's eyes picked up on a flash of movement, and he turned to see the man he'd pulled off the girl dash away. Shaking his head, Sam ran after him. He wasn't terribly fast, but the man was preoccupied with his gun to actually run. Sam caught up with him and drew his sawed off shotgun from his belt. The barrel was cold when he placed it against the man's neck, and Sam assumed he'd stop in his tracks at the touch.
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Vampires? There's No Way They're Real.... {R rated, Sav Only } Empty Re: Vampires? There's No Way They're Real.... {R rated, Sav Only }

Post by °∞ßlûē•ßãbÿ•Døll∞° Fri Jul 27, 2012 9:51 pm

Vampires? There's No Way They're Real.... {R rated, Sav Only } Girl,red,hair,ginger,gorgeous,photo,redhead-1cbf8b5b5581fe4aa48e60fe8d985891_h
Precious kept on running not turning to look back over her shoulder. But the sudden feeling of a hand wrapping around her wrist made her scream and be flung into the arms of Beck's men. She grabbed his arm adn bit him, he screeched outloud. Precious bolted again, this time non-stop." Ah! you bitch!" She grinned to hear the man's final words, but she gasped to hear foot steps growing louder as someone neared her.
Beck let out a muffled chuckle, stopping in his tracks and holding his hands above his head. Grinning wildly and watching as Precious vanished out of hsi eye sight. " So what are you gonna do, shoot me?" He spat bitterly at the man, before quickly twisting his arm around. Trying to regain his strength back and grab the gun as he did so.
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Vampires? There's No Way They're Real.... {R rated, Sav Only } Empty Re: Vampires? There's No Way They're Real.... {R rated, Sav Only }

Post by Saviour Fri Jul 27, 2012 9:56 pm

Sam noticed his attempt before he gripped his gun, and Sam tugged the shotgun back. "If that's what you want" He said, and his large hand clasped around Beck's shoulder. Sam tugged him around, and stepped towards him. His hand grabbed the colt pistol in his hand. Breathing sounded behind Sam, and he knew it would be Dean. He offered the colt out, and Dean's hand clasped around it. "Find the others" Sam said slowly, and Dean nodded. "Dean!" He called out, and rolling his eyes, his older brother turned. "I told you so" Sam said, and a boyish grin captured his puppy-dog features. Dean sneered and turned around. "Whatever!" He called back and started jogging down the alleyway. Sam looked back at Beck and shook his head. "Girl troubles?" Sam said, and tucked his weapon in his jeans.
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Vampires? There's No Way They're Real.... {R rated, Sav Only } Empty Re: Vampires? There's No Way They're Real.... {R rated, Sav Only }

Post by °∞ßlûē•ßãbÿ•Døll∞° Fri Jul 27, 2012 10:10 pm

Vampires? There's No Way They're Real.... {R rated, Sav Only } Girl,red,hair,ginger,gorgeous,photo,redhead-1cbf8b5b5581fe4aa48e60fe8d985891_h
Precious finally was out of their sight and leaned against an ally way wall. Shrinking down in a corner, covering her face in her palms. Precious didn't look up from her hands, letting her red hair fall over her hands that pressed to her face.
Beck sneered up at the dude who pulled the gun back from his grasp. He narrowed hsi eyes, stepping back from him. Hearing his words he held his ehad high, " It's none of your damn buisness! And if you wouldn't have got in the middle of us talking peacefully then maybe this would have never happened!" Beck snarled and glared at the man harshly infront of him.
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Vampires? There's No Way They're Real.... {R rated, Sav Only } Empty Re: Vampires? There's No Way They're Real.... {R rated, Sav Only }

Post by Saviour Fri Jul 27, 2012 10:16 pm

Dean slowed his breathing when he failed to find anyone. His pace slowed gradually and he held the colt at his side. Pulling the clip from it's place, he checked the ammunition. It was about half full. What was this guy using as target practice before? He shook his head, and paused at a rustling. He snapped the magazine back into place and lifted the gun up. His eyes scanned the darkness and he found the girl with bright red hair. Dean lowered the pistol and used his thumb to push the safety button down. "You okay?" He asked as he rested his index finger up on the barrel of the colt.
Sam's eyebrows knitted together as the man spoke, and he shook his head slightly. "Peacefully? That wasn't exactly talking, and it certainly wasn't peaceful" Sam said. He was calm and collected as he normally was. He didn't care to get into a brawl with the man. In every fight there were wounds and sore muscles, somethine Sam specifically despised. "Come on, just tell me you'll leave her alone and you're free to go" Sam told him, leaning foreward slightly as he stuffed his hands into his front pockets.
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Vampires? There's No Way They're Real.... {R rated, Sav Only } Empty Re: Vampires? There's No Way They're Real.... {R rated, Sav Only }

Post by °∞ßlûē•ßãbÿ•Døll∞° Fri Jul 27, 2012 10:25 pm

Vampires? There's No Way They're Real.... {R rated, Sav Only } Girl,red,hair,ginger,gorgeous,photo,redhead-1cbf8b5b5581fe4aa48e60fe8d985891_h
Precious snapped her head up to hear someone ask if she was 'okay'. Sneering at the question she stood. " I'm fine." She spat bitterly. Wanting to be alone so she walked off, wrapping her arms around her as her red velvet hair pounced on her shoudlers as she walked past the young boy.
Beck chuckled before grinning, not at all timid by how this guy seemed to set himself as. He shrugged then cocking his head, thinking for a long moment before answering him. " Make me." He spat at him before racing off, leaping through a window and shattering it before he jumped into a black van and rode off.
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Vampires? There's No Way They're Real.... {R rated, Sav Only } Empty Re: Vampires? There's No Way They're Real.... {R rated, Sav Only }

Post by Saviour Fri Jul 27, 2012 10:34 pm

Dean was surprised when the girl snapped back at him, and he bunched his face up in confusion. Shrugging as though he wasn't thrown off by her attitude, he turned around. "Fine then. That's quite the thanks" He said sarcastically as he walked towards his brother.
Sam gaped slightly at the man's words, but made no move after him as he jumped into the black vehicle. He shook his head in amazement and looked down the alleyway for his brother. It was surprising how childish he had been. Sam wasn't in the wrong, was he? Shaking his head again, Sam stepped down the moist street in search of Dean. Of course he wasn't in the wrong. He never would be, even with this change. This unfamiliar blood coursing through him, this strange new hunger and abilities. Nothing would change. Everything would be just as it was.

[[ Sorry it fails ]]
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Vampires? There's No Way They're Real.... {R rated, Sav Only } Empty Re: Vampires? There's No Way They're Real.... {R rated, Sav Only }

Post by °∞ßlûē•ßãbÿ•Døll∞° Fri Jul 27, 2012 10:44 pm

Vampires? There's No Way They're Real.... {R rated, Sav Only } Girl,red,hair,ginger,gorgeous,photo,redhead-1cbf8b5b5581fe4aa48e60fe8d985891_h
Precious walked down the street, still holding her arms around her. She shook her head, seeing a van and quickly hiding in the shadows. Sighing heavily when it passed she went back to walking. Not even looking over her shoulder to see if anyone was following her or not.
OOC;; Epic fail :/
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Vampires? There's No Way They're Real.... {R rated, Sav Only } Empty Re: Vampires? There's No Way They're Real.... {R rated, Sav Only }

Post by Saviour Fri Jul 27, 2012 11:03 pm

Dean saw Sam coming towards him and shrugged heavily. "She walked off. I think she's fine though" Dean called out to him
Sam nodded as he heard his brother's voice, and his eyes soon adjusted to the shadows of the alley. The muscles along his jawline rippled at his discontent. He wished to have ensured the girl was okay for himself, instead of indirectly. However, Sam trusted Dean with his life, and would always. Another reason he hated keeping such a thing from him. It was how it had to be, though, for if he told Dean of the situation, he may loose his brother's trust.

[[ Gah, it's alright ]]
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Vampires? There's No Way They're Real.... {R rated, Sav Only } Empty Re: Vampires? There's No Way They're Real.... {R rated, Sav Only }

Post by °∞ßlûē•ßãbÿ•Døll∞° Fri Jul 27, 2012 11:14 pm

Vampires? There's No Way They're Real.... {R rated, Sav Only } Girl,red,hair,ginger,gorgeous,photo,redhead-1cbf8b5b5581fe4aa48e60fe8d985891_h
Precious gritted her teeth, iritated at the moment. she looked over her shoulder too see in the distance the guy and his younger brother. Well she asumed he was. Breezy let out a muffled sigh before crumbling to the Earth next to her apartment of hers. She placed her elbows on her knees and her hands on her forehead.
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Vampires? There's No Way They're Real.... {R rated, Sav Only } Empty Re: Vampires? There's No Way They're Real.... {R rated, Sav Only }

Post by Saviour Sat Jul 28, 2012 10:00 am

Sam sighed heavily and glanced about him. "I so told you that was a bad idea, Dean" Sam said, and laughed in exasperation. Dean sneered and turned around. He walked down the alley towards the main road. Maybe then they'd be able to find their way back to the Impala. Sam smirked, and followed his older brother. Dean couldn't see the girl in the shadows, since he was human. However, Sam could. He furrowed his brows and glanced back over at his brother as if trying to decide what to do. Dean stopped when he noticed he wasn't being followed and he looked behind him. "Sam?" He asked, trying to pick out motion. Sam shook his head even though he couldn't see it. "I'll catch up" He told him, and sat down a few feet from where the girl was. "Are you okay?" He asked her. His voice was quieter now.
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Vampires? There's No Way They're Real.... {R rated, Sav Only } Empty Re: Vampires? There's No Way They're Real.... {R rated, Sav Only }

Post by °∞ßlûē•ßãbÿ•Døll∞° Sat Jul 28, 2012 10:29 am

Vampires? There's No Way They're Real.... {R rated, Sav Only } Girl,red,hair,ginger,gorgeous,photo,redhead-1cbf8b5b5581fe4aa48e60fe8d985891_h

Precious snapped her head up to hear someone coming towards her, she scooted slightly away. Not trusting anyone at the moment after that little scene at the bar. She turned her gaze off of him to look out in front of her. She nodded, " Yeah I'm fine." With her narrowed hazel eyes that struck a crimson red burned in hatred for Beck,
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Vampires? There's No Way They're Real.... {R rated, Sav Only } Empty Re: Vampires? There's No Way They're Real.... {R rated, Sav Only }

Post by Saviour Sat Jul 28, 2012 11:02 am

Sam frowned at her avoidance and he leaned back against the cool brick. "You don't seem fine" He said honestly, and ran his tongue over his teeth. It would be a hard thing to get used to. He didn't feel right in this new body of his. He felt alien, strange, as though he was possessed or something. He shivered almost unnoticably at the thought and looked away from the girl.
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Vampires? There's No Way They're Real.... {R rated, Sav Only } Empty Re: Vampires? There's No Way They're Real.... {R rated, Sav Only }

Post by °∞ßlûē•ßãbÿ•Døll∞° Sat Jul 28, 2012 11:11 am

Vampires? There's No Way They're Real.... {R rated, Sav Only } Girl,red,hair,ginger,gorgeous,photo,redhead-1cbf8b5b5581fe4aa48e60fe8d985891_h

Precious sighed heavily, knowing his words were true. But what just happened, she honestly didn't want to talk to anyone. After moments of silence passed she gathered the courage to speak. Looking over at him before gazing at the ground. " Well I am." She said to him softly. Really, she wasn't. But why would she tell this unknown guy who she didn't even know; how she felt right now.
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Vampires? There's No Way They're Real.... {R rated, Sav Only } Empty Re: Vampires? There's No Way They're Real.... {R rated, Sav Only }

Post by Saviour Sat Jul 28, 2012 12:45 pm

Sam let the silence drown them. He appreciated it, until his mind began to wander its own path. He quickly jumped back from the dangerous edge of evaluating his situation. A scowl overtook his soft features, but it faded when she spoke. A light chuckle rose from Sam and he stood slowly. Brushing off his jeans, he pushed his hands into his pockets and looked down at her. "I guess I can't help here... But it was nice meeting you" He said, though his tone was barren and void of emotion. Sam turned and started walking in the direction Dean had just gone.
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Vampires? There's No Way They're Real.... {R rated, Sav Only } Empty Re: Vampires? There's No Way They're Real.... {R rated, Sav Only }

Post by °∞ßlûē•ßãbÿ•Døll∞° Sat Jul 28, 2012 1:04 pm

Vampires? There's No Way They're Real.... {R rated, Sav Only } Girl,red,hair,ginger,gorgeous,photo,redhead-1cbf8b5b5581fe4aa48e60fe8d985891_h
Precious watched him get up, she narrowed her eyes before standind herself. She nodded slowly, " You too." She said simply before turning away from him and walking into her apartment. While she was closing the door, her gaze traveled through the screen to watch as the two brothers walked off in the shadows. Blinking to make everything go in slow motion as they stalked away.
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Vampires? There's No Way They're Real.... {R rated, Sav Only } Empty Re: Vampires? There's No Way They're Real.... {R rated, Sav Only }

Post by Saviour Sat Jul 28, 2012 1:08 pm

Dean's boyish grin was visible once they stepped out of the dark alleyway. Sam cocked an eyebrow, then realized what his brother was all teeth about. Sighing, Sam shook his head and rolled his eyes. "No. That's not what I was going for" Sam grumbled and opened the passenger door. He ducked down and Dean did too. The Impala roared to life.
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Vampires? There's No Way They're Real.... {R rated, Sav Only } Empty Re: Vampires? There's No Way They're Real.... {R rated, Sav Only }

Post by °∞ßlûē•ßãbÿ•Døll∞° Sat Jul 28, 2012 2:08 pm

Precious sighed heavily walking into the kitchen and getting out a glass before pouring refreshing water into it. Putting the cold surface to her lips before tipping it upwards, the cool water lacing down her throat as she gulped it down. She turned to go turn of fthe lights and watch T.V on the coach.

Morning came around and Precious woke up with a scare. Holding her chest as if she were having a heart attack. Simply she swung her legs over the coachs edge before getting up to eat. After she was done eating, Precious walked out of the house. Grabbing her car keys to unlock her Eclipse. She opened the door handle before ducking her head in and roaring the cars engine to life.
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