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Broken Bonds [ Saviour & Desert Horse ]

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Broken Bonds [ Saviour & Desert Horse ] - Page 3 Empty Re: Broken Bonds [ Saviour & Desert Horse ]

Post by .:DesertHorse:. Sat May 12, 2012 7:32 pm

(Sorry for the late reply)

Diablo was slowly making his way back to the overhang when the rain started to fall, he stopped and looked around seeing that he hadn't got that far from Kira and his son. He cantered towards them and got behind Kira nudging her forwards roughly. Then he nuzzled the colt to follow him and he did. " Kira, what is his name ? " he asked sharply. Throwing his mane impatiently, he raised one hoof ready to trot back to the over hang.
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Broken Bonds [ Saviour & Desert Horse ] - Page 3 Empty Re: Broken Bonds [ Saviour & Desert Horse ]

Post by Guest Sat May 12, 2012 7:40 pm

[ It's okay, lol ]

Kira nuzzled Dameon after he'd finished nursing, only to have Diablo come back, pushing her back towards their little home, to stay protected from the oncoming storm. She snorted angrily and kept at a slow trot so the young colt, still weak on his legs, could keep up with her. "Dameon," Kira replied, stopping to nudge Dameon along, who looked rather drowsy. Warm and full, Kira could understand why he was tired. "Come on, little one," Kira murmured to her foal, trotting behind him and pushing his rump gently with her muzzle


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Broken Bonds [ Saviour & Desert Horse ] - Page 3 Empty Re: Broken Bonds [ Saviour & Desert Horse ]

Post by .:DesertHorse:. Sat May 12, 2012 8:06 pm

Diablo walks under the overhang and lays down, he listens as the wind picks up and the trees leaves start whipping up of the ground. He watched the area wher Kira and Deamon would appear. He lowered his head enough to rest his head on his leg that was propped up. His eye had a scar next to it from Kira's attack. The wind made a lot of noise and he knew that Deamon would be terrified but Kira should be able to lead him here. If she lost him, she'd be punished.
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Broken Bonds [ Saviour & Desert Horse ] - Page 3 Empty Re: Broken Bonds [ Saviour & Desert Horse ]

Post by Guest Sat May 12, 2012 8:20 pm

Kira finally managed to get the colt back home... at least, to the place she was forced to call home. Grimacing, she ushered Dameon in the safety of the insides of their little adobe, and let him lay down and slowly lulled him to sleep with a song. Once he was asleep, she pinned her ears down at Diablo and stood in between the sleeping Dameon and the forcer, severing any connection between the two. Kira dreaded Dameon growing up: 1) because he'd most likely force her again to continue to line of finely bred colts (she had to admit, their clashing personalities and looks made for unique and valuable foals) and 2) because she knew he'd want his son to follow in his footsteps.

[ wanna skip to when Dameon is older? ]


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Broken Bonds [ Saviour & Desert Horse ] - Page 3 Empty Re: Broken Bonds [ Saviour & Desert Horse ]

Post by .:DesertHorse:. Sat May 12, 2012 8:43 pm

(Sure xD, Is deamon going to be like his pa ?)

Diablo was not happy at Kira's constant attempts to get inbetween him and Deamon. He snorted his disapproval but ignored her stanfing and walking around her, laying down on the colts other side. He would win.

(Brain fart 030)
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Broken Bonds [ Saviour & Desert Horse ] - Page 3 Empty Re: Broken Bonds [ Saviour & Desert Horse ]

Post by Guest Sat May 12, 2012 8:56 pm

[ It's fine, and yeah ]

Dameon tossed his head. The two-year-old colt had grown bigger, and was now stronger, just like his father. He got his short temper from his mother, and he had an uncanny lust for power. Dameon pranced about, tail flagged, head held high, nose in the air, smelling the heat of his mother for the second time in the two years of his life. He'd long since been told and forgotten the story of how he'd come into existance: force by his father, but his father stayed to make Kira his own personal slave. He'd caught his mother and father arguing about it before.

Kira sighed. She was five now, and had managed to go through one full heat session without being forced again. She'd tried her best to keep her son from falling into his father's footsteps, but he seemed to be growing more-and-more like him every day. Dameon was fully independant now, and it made Kira nervous. Most of the time she kept her tail pinned, in case Diablo tried anything funny. She snorted and tossed her mane, looking mournfully at her son, who was nearly grown up into a bachelor stallion.

[ Sorry it took so long for me to reply D: I was reading over old topics, lol ]


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Broken Bonds [ Saviour & Desert Horse ] - Page 3 Empty Re: Broken Bonds [ Saviour & Desert Horse ]

Post by .:DesertHorse:. Sat May 12, 2012 9:25 pm

(It's fine, we both do it XD )

Diablo stood neck raised high, he was so proud of his son. He had missed Kira last heat, but he wouldn't this tiem around. He was surprised that Deamon didn't care that his mother was a captive. He was cruel and like a younger version of Diablo himself. He flicked his attention towards Kira and smiled pleased the way Demon had turned out.

Diablo cantered towards his son. " Time to spar.." he said, his voice low. Thought Diablo did deep down love his son, as a forcer he had to teach his son not to make big emotional bonds. Diablo still towered over the younger colt, his muscles much more prominent also. Diablo snorted and stomped his hoof.
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Broken Bonds [ Saviour & Desert Horse ] - Page 3 Empty Re: Broken Bonds [ Saviour & Desert Horse ]

Post by Guest Sat May 12, 2012 9:32 pm

[ XD so true lol! ]

Kira could feel her captor's eyes on her, and she stared at him, meeting his gaze just before he looked at their son. She didn't like the look he had given her. She was sure that that meant her current heat wasn't going to go unchecked. Shaking her creamy mane, she moved back, watching in horror as her captor had the audacity to ask his younger son--and not to mention, ostensibly less muscular--to a duel.

"My pleasure," Dameon snorted, rearing up on hind legs and lashing out with sharp hooves. The young colt had been taught moves ever since his first birthday, and he'd tweaked a few of them, but he yet had to beat his father in one of their spars. He always lost; and badly, at that. Dameon always made the first move, but this time he decided to wait to see if his father would.


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Broken Bonds [ Saviour & Desert Horse ] - Page 3 Empty Re: Broken Bonds [ Saviour & Desert Horse ]

Post by .:DesertHorse:. Sat May 12, 2012 9:43 pm

Diablo stepped forwards about to attack and realised that Daemon was waiting for him to make the first move, he turned and bucked at him, his son was clever but he knew he could last longer. Diablo got a large waft of Kira's heat and it distracted him for a moment as he looked in her direction.
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Broken Bonds [ Saviour & Desert Horse ] - Page 3 Empty Re: Broken Bonds [ Saviour & Desert Horse ]

Post by Guest Sat May 12, 2012 9:48 pm

Dameon was forced to rear up to avoid being kicked in the side of the head from his father's hooves. He clamed his ears down over his head, looking up at his mother when Diablo did, and suddenly saw his opening. Instead of landing on the ground, he brought his hooves down, aiming for Diablo's shoulder, as well as reaching out to tug on his father's mane.

Kira looked up, ears pricked as she felt someone's eyes on her again. When she realized it was Diablo, who had been distracted by the scent of her heat, she snorted, hatching an idea. She didn't want Dameon getting hurt, and if she was a distraction... Kira swished her tail, letting off her scent in his direction, then grazing, pretending she didn't know she'd done anything.


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Broken Bonds [ Saviour & Desert Horse ] - Page 3 Empty Re: Broken Bonds [ Saviour & Desert Horse ]

Post by .:DesertHorse:. Sat May 12, 2012 10:08 pm

Diablo cursed as Dameon came down on his shoulder making him fall on to one knee, he pinned his ears and thrust upwards aiming for Dameon's chest. Diablo was winded and stood chest heaving, still ready to fight. But he decided to give his son this victory, it would boost his confidence which always helped. "Well done, tomorrow we go to find you a young mare, you won't be able to breed her yet but you can teach her how to behave."

Diablo turned around and headed towards Kira a menacing look yet again on his face.

(I'll play the other mare that way we have 2 each xD)
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Broken Bonds [ Saviour & Desert Horse ] - Page 3 Empty Re: Broken Bonds [ Saviour & Desert Horse ]

Post by Guest Sat May 12, 2012 10:12 pm

[ all right xD ]

Kira tossed her head lightly, feeling successful in her attempt to get Diablo away from her son. When she heard him say something about another mare, she looked up and froze. Was he planning on letting her son become a forcer, as well? Kira stepped forward to protest, only to see Diablo coming towards her. The look on his face scared her, and she immediately started to back up slowly.

Dameon attempted to leap out of the way of his father's hooves, but managed to get knicked in the chest by his father's forehoof. Dameon snorted angrily and pawed at the ground, but held himself high when his father wordlessly allowed him victory. Even with his head held high, he was still not as tall as his father, but he still looked just as scary. Nodding, Dameon watched him go over to his mother, head tilted slightly.


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Broken Bonds [ Saviour & Desert Horse ] - Page 3 Empty Re: Broken Bonds [ Saviour & Desert Horse ]

Post by .:DesertHorse:. Sat May 12, 2012 10:25 pm

When Diablo reached Kira he began circling her, nipping at her at any opening she accidently gave. " Your a trouble maker, but look at the son you gave me. He'll make a mighty fine forcer. Just like me.." He said. When he reached her rump the third time around he nipped her tail.." The longer you refuse, the more it will hurt." He said gruffly. He was aware that Dameon was watching maybe he would learn techniques from him in forcing a mare to submit. Diablo was getting impatient and mounted her back, still waiting for her to move her tail.

He gripped her barrel in an attempt to stop her moving. But it was not always effective and he knew this mare was feisty.
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Broken Bonds [ Saviour & Desert Horse ] - Page 3 Empty Re: Broken Bonds [ Saviour & Desert Horse ]

Post by Guest Sat May 12, 2012 10:28 pm

Kira flicked her ears back as he nipped her here and there, which was rather painful but she was determined not to give in. She was about to kick him again when she felt the familiar weight of him on her back, and her posture slackened momentarily. What did he mean...the longer she refused, the more it would hurt? What else could he possibly do to her but impregnate her again? Kira snorted angrily and kicked out with one of her hind legs, whipping her head around to bite him. "I'm not about to let you force me again, you filthy bastard," Kira snapped at him.


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Broken Bonds [ Saviour & Desert Horse ] - Page 3 Empty Re: Broken Bonds [ Saviour & Desert Horse ]

Post by .:DesertHorse:. Sat May 12, 2012 10:38 pm

Diablo pinned his ears back and bit her hard on the back. He disliked it when she was so stubborn, so he dropped his full weight on her back. If he had to force her whilst she was on the floor he would. His tool was erect and pushing against her tail. He licked her back on her spine, trying to get her body to betray her, it had worked on some mares but not others. Diablo looked to see where Dameon was and was trying to read his reactions.

He tried forcing his tool through her tail but it was too thick so he resorted back to licking her back.
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Broken Bonds [ Saviour & Desert Horse ] - Page 3 Empty Re: Broken Bonds [ Saviour & Desert Horse ]

Post by Guest Sat May 12, 2012 10:42 pm

Kira snorted and was about to retaliate again to get him off, when two things happened: first she felt his full weight bare down on her, and she grunted angrily, doing her best to keep herself on all four feet, and second, a sensation that made her shudder. She felt his tongue across her back, and each time he did it, she felt her body betray her. She nickered angrily when he attempted to force her through her tail, but smiled in victory when he couldn't. However, shortly afterwards, he began to lick her back again, and instinctively, her body going against her will, she moved her tail to the side.

Dameon snorted and watched closely, taking note of every action his father made. He could see the change in his mother's posture when her back was licked, and he stowed that away in his mind as a useful technique to use on mares.


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Broken Bonds [ Saviour & Desert Horse ] - Page 3 Empty Re: Broken Bonds [ Saviour & Desert Horse ]

Post by .:DesertHorse:. Sat May 12, 2012 10:56 pm

Diablo took his chance and thrust in hard and quickly, he was going to drag this out a little while for her disobediance. He thrust slow and hard, making sure he went all the way in. After a while he thrust in a deep as he could and released semen into her womb. He stayed on top of her to wait until all his seed had entered her. He looked at Dameon so he could acknowledge that he had seen and learned from it.

(Sorry I can't really RP graphic breeding xD)
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Broken Bonds [ Saviour & Desert Horse ] - Page 3 Empty Re: Broken Bonds [ Saviour & Desert Horse ]

Post by Guest Sat May 12, 2012 11:00 pm

[ lol no it's fine xD ]

Kira's head snapped up when she realized what a mistake her body had made, and she cried out when he thrust into her, not gentle about it at all. Kira accidentally let a small groan slip from her lips, but she quickly got lost in trying to ignore the pain. She felt his seed enter her womb again, and almost felt like crying. He stayed there longer, and she knew it was only going to make her more sore. "Get off me, sick jerk!" Kira snapped angrily

Dameon watched the whole thing, none of it bugging him, even the look of pure terror and pain on his mother's face: the mare who had raised him, birthed him, fed him, and attempted (but failed at it) to keep him from being a forcer. Something about the mare being in a position of helplessness sparked something in Dameon, and he looked forward to tomorrow when his father would take him out to find a mare of his own.

[ gtg for tonight, but i will reply first thing in the morning! ^^ ]


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Broken Bonds [ Saviour & Desert Horse ] - Page 3 Empty Re: Broken Bonds [ Saviour & Desert Horse ]

Post by .:DesertHorse:. Sat May 12, 2012 11:04 pm

(No problem so do I xD )

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Broken Bonds [ Saviour & Desert Horse ] - Page 3 Empty Re: Broken Bonds [ Saviour & Desert Horse ]

Post by .:DesertHorse:. Tue May 15, 2012 4:18 pm

Diablo awoke from a nights rest, he always slept standing up and at the entrance of the cave. The morning's weather was warm, but humid, easily able to wear a horse out if they ran for too long. Today was an important day, but Diablo had to figure out whether or not to take Kira with them, after a moments pause he had his answer. She would come and he would keep her at his side where ever they went.

Diablo nudged his son awake and told him to prepare for leaving, he had already picked up the waft of a familiar horse, but he didn't know who and from where. He left Kira another six or seven minutes before also nudging her. He hoped for another colt but he knew nature had her own way of evening things out. A daughter however he would have no use for.
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Broken Bonds [ Saviour & Desert Horse ] - Page 3 Empty Re: Broken Bonds [ Saviour & Desert Horse ]

Post by Saviour Tue May 15, 2012 6:15 pm

[ Going to start a different horse from before ]

# May #

The moisture in my breath crystallized in mid-air as I stepped down from my resting place. However, the chilled morning air was little more than a trick, and would soon reach a comfortable eighty degrees or so. I shake my bay body and toss my forelock out of my mahogany colored eyes. I was upwind of a meadow not far from here, and downwind of the small creek that was my destination. With a thorough flick of my glossy tail, I lift my gait into a light canter. This motion brought flurries of dandelion seeds into the air behind me. The air caught them and lifted them up towards my maw. I sneeze before picking up my pace. My muscles rippled like the rolling of deep ocean waves and caught the glint of the morning sun on my coat. Every sense in my body was on high alert after being pushed from my family herd. I suppose running away with a stallion from our rival group wasn't such a great idea. Not to mention the fact that he left me as soon as my father discovered our secret relationship.

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Broken Bonds [ Saviour & Desert Horse ] - Page 3 Empty Re: Broken Bonds [ Saviour & Desert Horse ]

Post by .:DesertHorse:. Tue May 15, 2012 6:28 pm

(I can't reply until Shiori replies xD )
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Broken Bonds [ Saviour & Desert Horse ] - Page 3 Empty Re: Broken Bonds [ Saviour & Desert Horse ]

Post by Saviour Tue May 15, 2012 6:36 pm

[ Okay xD ]
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Broken Bonds [ Saviour & Desert Horse ] - Page 3 Empty Re: Broken Bonds [ Saviour & Desert Horse ]

Post by .:DesertHorse:. Tue May 15, 2012 6:40 pm

(Do you RP wolves ?)
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Broken Bonds [ Saviour & Desert Horse ] - Page 3 Empty Re: Broken Bonds [ Saviour & Desert Horse ]

Post by Saviour Tue May 15, 2012 6:42 pm

[ Sometimes ]
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