Call of the Wild
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Lor Stargazer ( Artemis SinFeather )

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Lor Stargazer ( Artemis SinFeather ) Empty Lor Stargazer ( Artemis SinFeather )

Post by °∞ßlûē•ßãbÿ•Døll∞° Sun Nov 27, 2011 9:16 am

Lor watched through the thickets his mother and father battle, and as he watched his heart seemed to pound against his chest. His father pinned his mate to the ground, snapping at her maw with raging eyes. Lor Stargazer turned his head just in time as his father ripped out her heart with his claws. The whites in his eyes began to show. His father, Illision pounced upon Lor. Clawing his flank. Lor Stargazer glared into his fathers eyes, seeing that they were now red instead of blue. Lor snarled violently. Glancing voer to his mothers motionless body. He did not shed a tear as he glared at her. Rotating his massive crown toward his fathers snapping maw. Lor's lips were in a snarl. Claws extended more firmly, and fangs unsheated themselves to show their sharpened pointed daggers. Lor clentched his fangs together, a spat vibrated in his throat. " Get off me!" He manged to snarl through clentched fangs. As he snarted to snarl, his usual chocolate brown eyes, were showing the demon in them. Turning to a pure motlen amber, amtheymst scarlet. The whites in them showed immediatly. For his fathers furious snarls and red eyes turned back to blue in a heart beat. Backing away from his son, and into a tree looking from side to side. He scrambled his paws on the ground as Lor Stargazer got closer towards him. Large red maw snapping violently at his face, Lor halted infront of his father. Eyes narrowed to a deadly slit he spat out one word. " Dead!" With a quick motion of a black paw sliced his throat open. Snarls echoed in Lor's throat. He waqtched as the head of his father landed directly beside him. Blood splattering on his pelt, making it look more scarlet in the night. His crown hung low over his fathers body. Rotating it to look at his mothers beautiful black and red body..
Making his way through the moorland, his paws stepping lightly on twigs. Snorting his heart began to pound fast now, eyes turned to a bloodied red. His lips in the beginning of a snarl. Halting on the edge of a moutain, his crown lifted slowly. Pointing his muzzle to the sky, he whispered one thing. " Tonight I kll. Forever and always. An assassin I will be, to heart. Pure as the wind. I will fight 'till the end of time.." Legs out like a Germen Shepherd, Lor Stargazer let out a darling call flow out his maw like a dragon blowing out flames of amtheymst fire.. Pushing with power off the tip of the edge, lanuching himself into the air, soaring through sky. Then landing softly upon the desert sand land on the other side of the land. Grunting roughly, he turned to look back at his old home, before jumping forward into the land and racing down the deserted yellow land, sand clinging to his pelt. Lor Stargazer ran through the night...
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Lor Stargazer ( Artemis SinFeather ) Empty Re: Lor Stargazer ( Artemis SinFeather )

Post by Artemis Sinfeather Sun Nov 27, 2011 3:10 pm

As soft as the sand within the Cave of Tranquility was her pelt, yet as rugged as the mountainous range she had fought and killed to survive upon, a stone cold killer. A soft-hearted, merciless, gentle, emotion-less murderer. The pelt she bore was painted as black as the same night sky as which she was born beneath, racing with the wind, leaving barely a mark behind as she leaped from pad to pad on the mossy ground, returning from a failed hunt was she, shame clouded her vision and her stone heart had shown it's fatal crack. At the loss of another day's meal, Xion would have to return to her den. Her strong yet thin frame was reminiscent of a young brute's, her scars were a many, small. One stood out, it grove across her cheek, beginning from above her right eye, blazing it's way down her cheek to rest close to her jaw bone. Xion had fought for many a day to earn the scar that lied upon her snout, she won against a tribe leader, a strong one at that, and earned a rank she declined. Xion abruptly lunged from her thoughts and halted her onslaught of sprinting, to take a breath of the luscious air, a scent she delighted in relating to, the sticky, glorious scent of blood. Fresh at that. Either a battle had been or prey was to be found. Following the delightful scent with her snout low, delicately prancing along the mountainous rocky edges, dancing beneath the moonlight and shadows. She followed.
Artemis Sinfeather
Artemis Sinfeather
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