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A Wolf's Shivered Curse ( Soul Hunter)

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A Wolf's Shivered Curse ( Soul Hunter) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Wolf's Shivered Curse ( Soul Hunter)

Post by Soul Hunter Sat Nov 19, 2011 8:30 am

Adam growled at him before chasing him for a bit but then giving up thinking about what he had just said “Have we really pushed him that far?”

Ran had ran back to her house in hopes of finding something before Crystal and two other wolves found her once more and she tried avoiding attacks but soon ended up falling back and covering herself with her arms as a form of protecting herself wincing at the bites and scratching. After what felt like hours was only minutes before people began to muttered and the wolves retreated at the sound of voices passing Darren when he was heading that way.

Struggling to sit herself up she leaned against the hand crafted wooden chest of draws behind her covered in scratches and bite marks and even bruises she tried getting to her feet and winced giving up for the moment she looked around and turning back to one spot she saw Darren there and froze up completely the blood loss making it slowly harder for her to stay conscious.

(yeah, sorry my last post was a bit of a fail...)
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A Wolf's Shivered Curse ( Soul Hunter) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Wolf's Shivered Curse ( Soul Hunter)

Post by Daydreamer Sat Nov 19, 2011 8:41 am

(hehe nawh it wasn't...and I was wondering if you were up for a pretty advanced post cause I have one that I really wanna start off on its in houses)

Darren raced out of the house, looking for Cyrstal and Ran, he scented them and saw footsteps but the blizzard was hard to make out their scent so he followed their footprints. He neared a river, and saw that there was a little bit of blood, he sniffed it and growled, he raced back to the house and stopped. It was silent, he looked around. None of his wolves were around. He stopped, he didn't want to go into the house, he was scared of what he was to find there. He scented blood coming strongly and he bounded into the house taking slow cautious steps.
The next thing he knew, he saw Ran leaning against the cupboard covered in her blood. He let out a small sharp whine and walked slowly over to her. Her eyes were glazing over from the loss of blood. He sniffed her side, seeing all the blood. He couldn't help her as a wolf he nosed her cheek softly. Crystal was going to pay. He was at war with himself, about what to do. He wanted to help her, but as a wolf there was nothing he could do.
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A Wolf's Shivered Curse ( Soul Hunter) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Wolf's Shivered Curse ( Soul Hunter)

Post by Soul Hunter Sat Nov 19, 2011 8:53 am

Ran's breath was becoming very shallow and after closing her eyes a little she heard something A sharp whine...she felt something nose her cheek and moved a little "Hey, it's that black wolf again huh?" she whispered weakly. She barley moved knowing she was loosing enough blood as it was but still moved one hand wiping the blood on her trousersand her hand foudn his shoulder and she touched the soft fur. it was somewhat of a comfort at this point in time and gently gripped it her eyes completely closing as she leaned back completely agians the chest of draws, her blood dripping to the floor but she didn't speak her fingers still tangled in his soft black fur. She jerked suddenly moving her hand to keep herself from falling back onto the floor and tensed up. She moved a little her hand finding his fur and tnagling her fingers back into it not wanting to be on her own.

(I would like to give it a try and I have read your topic and it is really good but I have enough topics at the moment...)
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A Wolf's Shivered Curse ( Soul Hunter) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Wolf's Shivered Curse ( Soul Hunter)

Post by Daydreamer Sat Nov 19, 2011 9:39 am

(alright Smile Don't worry about it, There's some other people Ill ask too)

Darren sat down by her, she was so weak. He stopped he knew what he had to do, if he didn't she could die. He felt her hands, tangling themselves in his fur. He felt her body jerk, she was going to loose conciousness soon. He started to take a step back, and it started. The feeling of which, his fur melted away, into skin. His back jerked, as it changed shape. His long claws turning into long fingers. He raised his head, as it turned into a human's boy's head. The shaggy dark hair over his eyes. He clenched his eyes shut, and as it stopped. Ran still had her eyes closed, he had to move fast. Damp with sweat from the change, he went into the kitchen, grabbing a first aid kit, wet towel and some heavy bandages. He brought them back to her, hoping that she was too unconsious to know what was going on. He ripped off half of her shirt where the blood was mostly coming from. He took the towel and pressed it against her side. "You'll be alright" he mumbled, his voice scratchy, he hadn't used it for years and it sounded foreign coming out of his mouth. He cleaned the worst's of the blood away and wound the bandage around her hips. She had lost a lot of blood, but it would hold. He would call for ambulance and disapear, and she would keep living.
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A Wolf's Shivered Curse ( Soul Hunter) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Wolf's Shivered Curse ( Soul Hunter)

Post by Soul Hunter Sat Nov 19, 2011 9:53 am

Ran jerked once more as he stepped back not knowing what was going on. She felt herself slipping away from consciousness and she heard a load of noise it sounded like echoes to her but someone was defiantly there. Moving a little just barely conscious she listened for a voice maybe she would know the person. She didn’t speak and just tried to figure out bits from the echoed sounds she heard to keep herself just conscious if she could. Hearing him mumble she heard the scratchy voice not knowing who it was. She moved slightly gripping his arm when she felt his presence moving away and tried to speak but failing to do so she just gave a whine, Feeling a little stiff from the bandages.
Her eyes flicked open momentarily seeing his eyes it reminded her instantly of the black wolf before she completely slipped from consciousness and fell back into the object behind her as the bleeding stopped.

The village was rather secluded but the small hospital there wasn’t like one people usually saw but it worked just the same they were a little behind and found the horses were more efficient in this kind of weather as the blizzard raged outside.
When she was unconscious she didn't pick up anything around her but her hand kept hold of him just like she did with his fur when he was a wolf.
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A Wolf's Shivered Curse ( Soul Hunter) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Wolf's Shivered Curse ( Soul Hunter)

Post by Daydreamer Sat Nov 19, 2011 10:00 am

Darren kept working steadily. Hearing her whine, he flinched. He did not want to hurt her. He put a shaky hand on her cheek, she would be alright. He took a step back, he grabbed a phone and spun the number's around remembering the easy number. He gave the address and looked back at Ran. Giving her a small kiss on her forhead before turning back into a wolf, a sense of relief coming with him as he felt more comfortable in skin than fur, he jumped out of the broken window and into the darkness of the blizzard.
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A Wolf's Shivered Curse ( Soul Hunter) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Wolf's Shivered Curse ( Soul Hunter)

Post by Soul Hunter Sat Nov 19, 2011 10:09 am

They got there quickly the horses pulling a sheltered carriage since it worked better in the blizzards. They looked to Ran and gently and carefully picked her up keeping her warm she was taken back to the small hospital in the village. Ran next awoke a few days later staring at an unfamiliar ceiling, her head throbbing and her whole body aching. She winced and one of the nurses she knew turned to her "Ran, what on earth happened to you?" she didn't answer still trying to piece her memories back together before the doctor walked in "You must have the devil's luck Ran, whoever found you and called did a very good job of bandaging you up, his voice sounded a little scratchy though, anyway you'll be out of here in the afternoon since you seem to be find just make sure you rest, get that person to help you" "I-I don't know them, but they looked familiar" "and you don’t know them.." "No... Their eyes looked familiar..." she whispered to herself knowing they wouldn't believe her.

Crystal howled at her achievement and other wolves were content as well, blood covered their muzzles it was human blood and smelled familiar but it wasn't Ran's blood. She licked her lips and lapped up some of the cold icy water and smiled to herself.
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A Wolf's Shivered Curse ( Soul Hunter) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Wolf's Shivered Curse ( Soul Hunter)

Post by Daydreamer Sat Nov 19, 2011 10:56 am

Darren waitied in the darkness of the woods, watching them take Ran. He sighed in relief as she was taken away with the carriage. He turned around, now he just wanted to find Crystal. He raced through the forest, the blizzard lightening up a little bit. He ran through the forest, the wind at his sides before hearing howls. He snarled and emerged from the thicket staring at Crystal. "You've caused too much trouble" he said angrily. Adam glanced at him, "We don't think its right for you to spend time with that girl" he said, being the oldest and wisest in the pack he wanted to aoid confrontation. Darren just snapped at him, and he recoiled. He kept his eyes on Crystal as he advanced onto her.
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A Wolf's Shivered Curse ( Soul Hunter) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Wolf's Shivered Curse ( Soul Hunter)

Post by Soul Hunter Sat Nov 19, 2011 11:06 am

“Like he said we disapprove of you spending time with that human, she’s disgusting and she deserved it” she said in an ignorant tone. She turned not feeling she had done anything wrong she hated the girl and looked to him “Why should you care so much? She’s probably dead by now” she said a smirk on her face and looked to the blood in the water. Another wolf with a blood muzzle licked the blood off quickly knowing he’d recognise the scent instantly if they weren’t careful.
The she-wolf stood proudly a smirk on her muzzle showed something else had happened in the time he’d been gone but that turned to a frown and smelt Ran on him “You helped her, why? None of us understand you have her scent on your fur as well how disgusting” she snapped.

Ran returned home late in the afternoon some of the others had cleaned things up for her and helped replace the broken window. Her grandmother waited inside "Oh, Ran how are you, I thought I'dlost my lovely grnadaughter" "A little weak but I'm ok" she said to her in a weak tone. "Now you go rest dear, I'll make you something warm" she said and nodded sending Ran to her bed. Ran went but she found paper and some pencils and began drawing..."His eyes, so simlair to the black wolf's eyes and their almsot human look as well... maybe... no can't be such a thing is a myth in this world" she whispered to herself.

(I was thinking that Crystal and the other wolves killed her parents when they went missing to try and find Ran...what do you think?)
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A Wolf's Shivered Curse ( Soul Hunter) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Wolf's Shivered Curse ( Soul Hunter)

Post by Daydreamer Sat Nov 19, 2011 11:16 am

(oh they try to find Ran? okay! Smile )

Darren had enough, he pounced onto her. He knew he could easily beat her with his strength so he pinned her down as he talked. "You are the disgusting one Crystal, I've made up my mind, Im leaving you and the pack. You are a sorry excuse for a wolf, just selfish" he snarled at her and snapped his jaws around her face before getting up and starting to walk away. He caught the scent of something familiar, he turned and stared at Cyrstal knowing where the scent came from, the blood. "you.." he snarled angrily before bounding back onto Crystal this time, attacking her as he snapped his jaws around her scruff, throwing her to the ground.
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A Wolf's Shivered Curse ( Soul Hunter) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Wolf's Shivered Curse ( Soul Hunter)

Post by Soul Hunter Sat Nov 19, 2011 11:27 am

The other wolves watched and snapped at him a little but with hesitation. Even Adam didn’t dare to try and stop him. He looked furious to them all and even Crystal was shocked at how angry he was but still snapped back “Fine become a lone wolf and get yourself killed by the hunters, your dear human girl won’t help you” she said with that smirk returning to her maw swiftly. She had just got herself up when he bounded back onto her and she yelped this time as she was thrown to the ground a few of the other she-wolves surrounding her and snapped at him. They just didn’t understand at all.

Hunters in the forest frowned spotting two members of their village long dead “Luckily their daughter is old enough to live by herself but after that attack I doubt leaving her alone” said one of them a family friend. Ran’s parents lay in the snow having bled to death like their daughter nearly had and had been hidden by the elements. “We should get back let her rest before she gets told otherwise she won’t recover” said another nodding they headed back and spoke to her grandmother just before she walked form her room “What’s happening, did you find them?” she asked
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A Wolf's Shivered Curse ( Soul Hunter) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Wolf's Shivered Curse ( Soul Hunter)

Post by Daydreamer Sat Nov 19, 2011 11:30 am

Darren's eyes flashed with anger that he was letting him control him now. "It'll be better than living with a bunch of cowardly shapeshifting mutts" he snarled. He could see the shock on his pack's faces but that didn't stop him. His muzzle was pulled back reavealing his sharp teeth and he bit down on Cyrstal's side. He then took a step back, he was still furious, but he spared her. He glanced at Adam, the one who he had become close with over the years. Just looking at him, he felt a strong pang of betrayel, he just shook his head and walked away from the clearing.

Where would he go now?
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A Wolf's Shivered Curse ( Soul Hunter) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Wolf's Shivered Curse ( Soul Hunter)

Post by Soul Hunter Sat Nov 19, 2011 11:39 am

Adam gave a heavy sigh and Crystal whimpered in pain at the bite in her side snapping when the others licked and tended to it. “Darren, I am sorry” He said and just went to go help with the rest of the pack going over as well.
Ran went outside once the snow had settled feeling a lot better she sat outside on the porch still thinking. Her grandmother was leaving the next day since she was almost better now. Ran kind of missed the strange black wolf now and told her grandmother about it “My such a brave wolf… but curious that eye colour does not turn up in wolves” “But…” she had taken her sketch book with her and did a drawing of the scenery blissfully unaware of what had happened to her parents.

She soon stood up her boots crunching on the virgin snow beneath her feet pulling on her gloves she blew on ehr hands to keep them warm and looked to the wintery sky and looked around a little before turning to the forest.
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A Wolf's Shivered Curse ( Soul Hunter) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Wolf's Shivered Curse ( Soul Hunter)

Post by Daydreamer Sat Nov 19, 2011 3:14 pm

Darren ingored his apology and kept walking, not turning his head to look back. He kept on the outskirt's of the forest for a couple of days. He knew that if he showed up too soon at Ran's home, she might recognize him. He also didn't want to be found by his pack. He wasn't sure what he was going to do now. He had been thinking, maybe it was wise to just give up beinging a wolf, but he wasn't sure he could after living his life like this for so long. He stood up, shaking the snow from his pelt before bounding towards Ran's house cloaked with the night.
He sat outside the house in the dark, watching Ran inside. He layed down, and slept feeling at peace so close to Ran but yet so far away. He awoke in the morning of the next day. He saw Ran sitting on the porch of her house. He trotted into the edge of the forest and sat down, not wanting to get any closer. He watched her, with a calm expression on his face.
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A Wolf's Shivered Curse ( Soul Hunter) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Wolf's Shivered Curse ( Soul Hunter)

Post by Soul Hunter Sat Nov 19, 2011 3:20 pm

She noticed him and looked over to him "Hey, I don't bite" she joked putting a hand out towards him her grandmother watching a little cautiously wondering why Ran wasn't so scared of this wolf after such an experience. When he didn't come over she moved instead before she sat in front of him cross legged in the snow.
She looked at his eyes when she got close enough "I was right, they are very similar that almost human look, but it's impossible right, no wolf can turn into a human it is but a myth that the elders tell" she said softly and let her hand drift over his fur and handed him a bit of meat. "Thanks for staying there with me a little, at least until another person got there" she spoke softly still having a few bandages on her worse wounds she was a little stiff still and they annoyed her as well.

Her grandmother watched "Ran what are you doing with that wolf?" "He's not so bad he's just a big softy" she said laughing a little turning back to him "Shouldn't you be with your back, they will miss you" she said scratching him gently behind his ear.

Last edited by Soul Hunter on Sat Nov 19, 2011 4:03 pm; edited 1 time in total
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A Wolf's Shivered Curse ( Soul Hunter) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Wolf's Shivered Curse ( Soul Hunter)

Post by Daydreamer Sat Nov 19, 2011 3:56 pm

Darren didn't move, but pretty soon Ran took it upon herself to come to him. He didn't move a muscle as he waited for her to get closer to him. He kept his eyes on hers and cocked his head, as if he was inspecting her. He looked at the meat, but he didn't want to eat it. Raw meat felt dry in his mouth now, as if it just wasn't right anymore. He looked at her side, and nosed it gently with a small whine. He felt her hand go behind her ear, giving him a scratch. He lied down, putting his head on her lap, looking up into her eyes. He was still battling with himself whether or not he should turn into a human, maybe live in the village but he just didn't know if he could. He breathed out loudly, feeling her hands run through his fur.
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A Wolf's Shivered Curse ( Soul Hunter) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Wolf's Shivered Curse ( Soul Hunter)

Post by Soul Hunter Sun Nov 20, 2011 8:50 am

She put the meat back in her pocket when he didn't eat it finding it a little strange and kept her hands running through his soft fur smiling he was acting like a pet dog ot her, looking to him she felt him nose her side gently and then heard him give a small whine "I'm fine now, I won't colaspe all of a sudden like before" she said sternly.She giggled a little seeing him lie down and place his head in her lap, looking up into her eyes as she scratched him softly behind his ear. Giving a light smile she kissed his furry cheek "There, that can be your thanks instead" she nodded.
She let her gaze turn to the sky breifly, it was getting to the middle of winter adn hoepfully there would be no more blizzards for a while so that people could sort everything out and repair some of the damage it had done. She kept stroking his fur softly after she finished scratching him behind his ear nonchalantly relaxing as she sat in the snow
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A Wolf's Shivered Curse ( Soul Hunter) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Wolf's Shivered Curse ( Soul Hunter)

Post by Daydreamer Sun Nov 20, 2011 1:02 pm

Darren couldn't help but wag his tail as she ran her hands through his fur. He had made his decision, during the old day's when he had just changed, the wolves had a small house near the forest where they lived during the time they were human. Darren would go live there. He gave her a lick on the cheek and whinned softly as he started to stand up. He trotted a little way's off before looking back at her, and bounding into the forest. Making his way to the cabin.

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A Wolf's Shivered Curse ( Soul Hunter) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Wolf's Shivered Curse ( Soul Hunter)

Post by Soul Hunter Sun Nov 20, 2011 1:08 pm

She smiled as he wagged his tail "You seem a lot happier now" she laughed "be sure to come back soon ok, that way I can make sure your ok" she said smiling and waved a little before she was called back inside "You are one strange child Ran, that wolf could have bitten you" "Oh, he wouldn't have he's been coming around this place for a while, I give him scraps of meat sometimes although he didn't want any this time"
"Maybe him and his pack went hunting earlier"
"Yeah maybe" she muttered and her grandmother made some apple tea to keep them both warm her grandmother trying to think of how to tell her daughter and when the right time would be giving a light sigh. Ran sipped her tea it was very sweet but warm at the same time, she could amke it but it would never compare to her grandmother who made it so perfectly.

After a little while Ran felt as though something was wrong her parents still weren't back they should be if they were looking for her but... something seemed terribly wrong and she wondered what it was.
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A Wolf's Shivered Curse ( Soul Hunter) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Wolf's Shivered Curse ( Soul Hunter)

Post by Daydreamer Fri Nov 25, 2011 2:21 pm

Darren neared the cabin after running through the snow. His pelt felt heavy. He pushed the door open with his nose, it was always open. He stepped inside, shaking his pelt before looking around. He hadn't been in here for so long. He whined softly, the whole place had collected a lot of dust over the years it hadn't been used. He started to walk towards his room. Everything was the way he had left it. He walked in. He took a deep breath, and changed.
He kept his eyes closed, he felt his body changing from wolf to human. Again, it felt good like taking a band-aid off of a cut that had healed. He opened his eyes, the shaggy dark brown hair falling into his eyes. He started to stand up, a little wobbly. He looked up, he almost forgot what it was like to be human again.
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A Wolf's Shivered Curse ( Soul Hunter) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Wolf's Shivered Curse ( Soul Hunter)

Post by Soul Hunter Fri Nov 25, 2011 3:57 pm

She hadn’t noticed anything new and spotted wolf paw prints heading towards the old cabin but thought nothing of them. She had snuck out getting a feeling they were both somewhere in the forest still. She didn't call out for them the snow crunching beneath her feet made her wince and she tried to stay as quiet as she could having pulled on her warm clothes once more. She stopped for a moment and kneeled down in the snow "Mother's necklace...” she whispered and that urged her to keep looking.

She heard a commotion It's too late for hunters to be out I wonder- her thoughts were cut off suddenly when she saw a hand it seemed familiar but it was limp she tried to edge a little closer to see who they were moving hoping that it wasn't her mother and father there were two corpses... She moved forward a little careful not to alert them and saw a ring on two other hands a male and a female hand... she immediately recognised the rings and just went into shock again falling back in the snow... Every part of her once peaceful life destroyed in only a few days...M-M-Mother, F-F-Father... how?

She was heard and she quickly got up and ran just to get away and looked to the sky and stopped closing her eyes tearing up from the sadness and the bitter cold fo the sad winter around her.THe snow might as well have stained itself with blood for all she cared... but everything in only a few days. "Is that what they were talkign to grandmother about" she said lowering her head. she sighed going to a nearby river to sip at the water and stood up. She spotted the paw prints and the old cabin looking to it and just listening from the tracks nothing had left it yet.

She felt the snow getting heavier and went inside looking around a little "No one is here?" she whispered and sat herself down in an old chair hearing the door slam and jerked the snow falling more heavily now.. she just hugged her knees thinking and whimpering as she clung to her mothers necklace.
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A Wolf's Shivered Curse ( Soul Hunter) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Wolf's Shivered Curse ( Soul Hunter)

Post by Soul Hunter Sun Jan 01, 2012 11:33 am

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A Wolf's Shivered Curse ( Soul Hunter) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Wolf's Shivered Curse ( Soul Hunter)

Post by Daydreamer Tue Jan 03, 2012 8:46 am

Darren Steadily walked over to his own room. He opened the door, and breathed in the scent of the musty wood. He never imagined it would feel so good to beer human again. He walked in closing the door behind I'm, and walked over to a dresser, pulling out jeans and a Black T-shirt. He pulled it over his musuclar chest. It still fit, he breathed a sigh of relief. He sat down on the bed,and was thrown into thought. What was he going to do about the other wolves? Now that he was human he didn't think that he would be coming back as a wolf. So midget as well just try and forget them and try to leave a human life.

He was thrown out of daydreaming by the slamming over a door. He warily got up out of the room, trying to be as quite as possible. Who would come in the cottage? It was deffinetly not a wolf, since they couldn't open the doors here. He looked into the living room, and saw her. Ran. What was she doing here? She look so scared, he would of loved to just wrap her up in his arms and take away that sadness, but he didn't want to scare her anymore. He cleared his throat, "excuse me...." he said gently, taking a step towards her, tying not to look threatening.
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A Wolf's Shivered Curse ( Soul Hunter) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Wolf's Shivered Curse ( Soul Hunter)

Post by Soul Hunter Tue Jan 03, 2012 9:00 am

She turned her head swiftly to the voice, it sounded vaguely familiar to her, she looked to him and froze a little “S-Sorry, I got a bit lost and the snow was getting heavier” she said sheepishly still trying to figure out where she knew him from. He seemed so familiar to her but it still remained a mystery in her mind, giving a sigh her thoughts began to wonder a little before she looked outside “MY name is Ran, I can leave if you want, I don’t think my home is too far away from here” she said.

In truth she wasn’t exactly sure how far she was from her house and looked through one of the windows, moving from the old chair, she was still rather jumpy and scared, her mother’s necklace remained tangled in her fingers, she was not going to let it go. “Umm, have you ever been to the village? I feel as though I know you from not to long ago, you look so familiar” she noticed his eyes, so familiar, like the black wolf and the boy’s eye, that wasn’t coincidence that she knew. Maybe he was that boy from before, it was impossible that he was a wolf, that only happened in old legends. "Can I ask you name?" she said figuring everything out.

Waiting for an answer she remebered something, no one had ever lived here, not as far as she could remeber, always using this place to hide and hselter from blizzards when she was younger she rather suprised it was still standing.
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A Wolf's Shivered Curse ( Soul Hunter) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Wolf's Shivered Curse ( Soul Hunter)

Post by Daydreamer Tue Jan 03, 2012 9:37 am

Darren just nodded his head, watching her. He saw that she wasn't afraid of him, and he was Glad. Nevertheless there was recognition in her eyes. If she thought too hard about it, she might find out and Darren wasn't ready for her to find out yet. Darren shook his head, "no. It's alright, you can stay here until the storm stops, the nearest house is some trek away" he said with a shrug, putting his hands in his pockets averting her gaze.

He looked up at her, "my name is Darren and well I just passed through the village once, but only to come here to the cabin. It uses to belong to my great grandfather, I decided to move in not so long ago" he said, seeing that she really was thinking it through. Hopefully he could set her off track.
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