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A Wolf's Shivered Curse ( Soul Hunter)

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A Wolf's Shivered Curse ( Soul Hunter) Empty A Wolf's Shivered Curse ( Soul Hunter)

Post by Daydreamer Sat Nov 12, 2011 10:47 am

Darren padded through the forest, the sun shining through the branches making the snow beneath him glitter. It was silent except for the crunch of snow beneath his brown paws. His yellow eyes searched through the tree's, watching, and waiting. He stopped raised his nose, making sure none of his pack member's were watching him, before tearing through the tree's. The wind whispering in his pelt, his breath creating hot mist around him. His paws digging deeply into the snow. He finally reached the edges of the woods, and looked through the tree's. His looked through the tree's looking for her. The girl, the one who had changed his perspective of life.

He remembered that night, the crackle of the fire, and the laughing of his parents, his little sister. Then the howl's that surrounding him. The mean eyes, that tore through his parent's throat's. He remembered the way they looked at him, with their almost human eyes. Then he felt pain and all he saw was black. The next thing he knew, he woke up in the middle of the forest covered in his blood and a metal taste in his mouth. Pretty soon he discovered he could change into a wolf. Ever since then, he hadn't changed back. Never wanting to admit to himself what he was.

The curtain opened within the house, and he saw her, in her room. He cocked his head as he watched her. From the distance he tried to remember every single feature on her soft face. Ran...the name rang through his thoughts. He wished he could say it. If a wolf could sigh, that's what Darren did as he watched her. He wanted to come up to the door, take her away, be her knight in shinning armor, but he knew all she thought of him was the wolf that came too close to the house. He could almost feel her hands on his pelt and lost himself in the daydream.
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A Wolf's Shivered Curse ( Soul Hunter) Empty Re: A Wolf's Shivered Curse ( Soul Hunter)

Post by Soul Hunter Sat Nov 12, 2011 10:56 am

Ran stayed in her house within the small town in the village, she still lived with her parents. She was always curious about the slightest thing her Gun-Metal Blue(blue/grey) eyes always full of wonder. She tied her long light brown in a ponytail. Her family had gotten accustomed to the wolf getting too close to the hosue and made the others wonder. But the most curious of them was Ran. SHe wondered why Darren didn't run and hide away whenever he was there people would pass muttering to each other.

"Ran, wear somethign warm it's cold outside and becareful not all wolves will not snap or try to bite you so becarful" shouted ehr mother "I got it" she shouted back adn walked outside The same black wolf as yesterday, she thought looking to him. She wore very warm clothes and walked over kneeling down curiosuly she put a hand out to him to see what he did and afterwards stroked his fur. "You always come so close I wonder why?" she said to him "What am I saying you can't understand me can you, if you could then it would be a wonder. I have to go to the woods now I need to collect something for my mothers birthday tomorrow" she said

Standing up again she walked towards the woods the bare tree's branches were mvoed by her soft hands and carefully ducked under a few "Now where is it, I'm sure they were around here somewhere" she said to herself. SHe looekd down spotting more wolf prints and crouching she trailed her finger tips around one "too small to be that wolf's prints. amybe their his packs?"
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A Wolf's Shivered Curse ( Soul Hunter) Empty Re: A Wolf's Shivered Curse ( Soul Hunter)

Post by Daydreamer Sat Nov 12, 2011 11:04 am

Darren watched her through the window, he could see that she was getting ready to be dressed to go outside. His heart fluttered slightly at the thought of her coming closer to him. He couldn't help as he tail began to sweep the snow behind him. She heard the shouts within the house as she talked to her mother and he tried to pick up what they were saying but pretty soon she had come outside.

Darren watched her, as she spotted him. Her beautiful eyes seemed to go through his, into his soul. He could stare at them all day if he could, they were always shining, always bright. He watched her kneel down and he started to stand up. He knew he had to act somewhat like a wild wolf, or she'd get suspicious about him. She held out a hand and he cocked his head slightly again keeping a meter away, fighting against the will to just run up to her. He listened to her talk, of course I understand you, now if you could understand me he thought to himself. She stood up and started to move through the forest. Darren made sure to walk with her, a little way's behind her. Looking out making sure she wasn't in an danger within the forest.
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A Wolf's Shivered Curse ( Soul Hunter) Empty Re: A Wolf's Shivered Curse ( Soul Hunter)

Post by Soul Hunter Sat Nov 12, 2011 11:13 am

She turned back a little and twirled around seeing him there "You're awfully freindly for a wolf huh?" she said and crouched back down "These from your pack?" she asked. Remembering what her mother had told her she gave a light sigh "Maybe I shouldn't go that way if there are other wolves, It could get nasty. but mothers present is that way." she said to herself softly and shook ehr head plucking up enough courage she soon began back the way she was going and caem to the frozen waterfall and looked around "Snowdrops, where are they?" she muttered and kneeling down she foudn teh same tracks but they were very fresh this time.

Picking the snowdrop flowers she put them in her leather pouch around her waist and looked up breifly before looking back Still there, wonder why he is following me? she thought and searched through the snow a little for the present she ahd hid there for her mother and smiled at the frozen autumn apples she had hid there "perfect, I just need to find a few more things before I get back" she said happily gazing through the snowy darkness of the forest she could make out shapes and fell back in the snow loosing her balanace and just smiled a little shivering from the cold since she'd forgotten her gloves again but looked back up to the moving shapes in the shadows.
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A Wolf's Shivered Curse ( Soul Hunter) Empty Re: A Wolf's Shivered Curse ( Soul Hunter)

Post by Daydreamer Sat Nov 12, 2011 6:34 pm

Darren followed her, just enough well back that she wouldn't be able to touch him. He wasn't sure he could hold himself back from changing right then and there if she did. He just watched her, and stopped when she stopped. When she crouched, he took a step back, his eyes not leaving hers. She pointed to the paw prints from his pack mates. He wanted to nod, he wasn't sure how long ago they had been there. Their scent was still fresh, he wasn't sure what they would do if they saw him there with her. He almost nodded hearing her say she would go the other way, but he held himself back relieved.

He watched her pick the white flowers. He forget to stay alert, watching her. He knew she was looking for those apples she had hid there a while ago, he knew exactly where they were but he knew she would be able to find them. She looked up, and her eyes showed curiosity as they passed over him, into the shadowy forest behind him. Pretty soon he understood that there were other wolves here. Wolves that wouldn't be happy that she was here. He turned his back to her, and bristled his fur, warning them to stay away.
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A Wolf's Shivered Curse ( Soul Hunter) Empty Re: A Wolf's Shivered Curse ( Soul Hunter)

Post by Soul Hunter Sun Nov 13, 2011 3:54 am

Ran stood up looking to the pack of wolves that were passing but suddenly they stopped and she could vaguely see their heads turning towards her and growling. She jerked falling back again and got up quickly once more hearing Darren growling as well she backedup away from them slowly as a few of them walked out and looked to Darren snapping a little at him "What are you doing with that thing?" asked one of the females in wolf.

Not able to understand she tried to get away but was stopped by another jumping and pinning her down she kicked them off and paniced I shouldn't have come even if it was for mother's present she thought watching as more ofthe wolves come out it was a small pack and they seemed to know the black wolf that came too close to her house She looked to her scratched arm but stayed in silence in order to try and find a way to get back safely with the wolves circling like prey she grew awfully nervous and looked behind her as well when one of them walked behind.
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A Wolf's Shivered Curse ( Soul Hunter) Empty Re: A Wolf's Shivered Curse ( Soul Hunter)

Post by Daydreamer Sun Nov 13, 2011 9:09 am

Darren glared at the wolves, Crystal, she means no harm just let her go, he growled at the female wolf. He saw that the three others in the pack were now making their way towards her. He cursed, if he had never come afer her, they might of not found her. But then again, if he didn't there would be no one to protect her. He raised his haunches and snarled knowing he was the biggest and strongest in the pack, but he'd never win against all four of them.

Darren saw Jarred pounce onto her. He jumped over to him grabbing him by the scruff, and throwing him to the ground. Stop! he snarled at him. He caught sight of Ran's fearfull eyes, and set himself in front of her. Now he was fully angry, scenting her blood. His muzzle torn back into a menicing snarl at his pack.
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A Wolf's Shivered Curse ( Soul Hunter) Empty Re: A Wolf's Shivered Curse ( Soul Hunter)

Post by Soul Hunter Sun Nov 13, 2011 9:18 am

Ran was frozen on the spot, she needed to get away swiftly if she could. She looked around for an opening but then saw the black wolf infront of her snarling What is he doing this is his own pack she thought gripping her arm a little she found an oepning and took it trying to be silent she didn't want the black wolf to get hurt. She jerked falling back again when she was stopped and stood up quickly.

Jarred snarled back at him "Why do you care so much she's a human remeber what they did to you Darren" he snapped Crystal snapped as well "He's right why care so much, plus this is our territory do we not have the right to protect our territory?" she asked signalling for them to move closer and the others moved in closer to the pair of them waiting for the perfect moment to jumped. Ran watched each movement she couldn't understand a word they were saying but could tell they were all angry and that made her tense up greatly she needed to get away she looked for an oepning once more to escape from.
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A Wolf's Shivered Curse ( Soul Hunter) Empty Re: A Wolf's Shivered Curse ( Soul Hunter)

Post by Daydreamer Sun Nov 13, 2011 9:23 am

Darren saw that Ran was struggling, he wanted to just run, run with her and get her away from here back into the safety of her home, but he knew that now that wasn't possible. He let his gaze wander to hers, his own eyes relfected worry, and regret. He turned back to Crystal, mostly knowing that she was just jealous that he spent so much time with the human girl.

Darren looked at Jarred, his words made him furious. "No Jarred, its what our kind did to me" he snarled at him holding himself back from lunging at him. He turned back to Crystal. "She isn't doing anything wrong in our territory." He growled, now he was just waiting for the moment one of the attacked and he knew he would die to protect Ran.
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A Wolf's Shivered Curse ( Soul Hunter) Empty Re: A Wolf's Shivered Curse ( Soul Hunter)

Post by Soul Hunter Sun Nov 13, 2011 9:32 am

Ran looked back to him and something clicked He's not a wolf, his eyes look too human and their green but he looks like one she jerked as Crystal jumped on her the jealous she-wolf angry and she used her arms to sheild herself and tried to get her off her making sure she didn't get ot her throat. Crystal snapped and snarled using her paws to try and move the girl's hands away from her to get at the throat.

Jarred and the other two watched in waiting snapping at Ran as well she didn't know what she had done though and confused she tried pushing Crystal off without revealing her throat to the wolf "get of me!" she shouted and managed to get her off and scrambled backwards towards the direction of her home picking up the frozen apples when they fell out quickly. Crystal snapped angrily she was very jealous of the girl, she always got all his attention and hated her compeltely.
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A Wolf's Shivered Curse ( Soul Hunter) Empty Re: A Wolf's Shivered Curse ( Soul Hunter)

Post by Daydreamer Sun Nov 13, 2011 9:50 am

Darren snarled jumping onto Crystal, grabbing her scruff and throwing her away from Ran. Don't you dare hurt her Crystal or you'll regret it he snarled at her. Pouncing onto her pinning her to the ground, he snapped his jaws in her face before getting off her and bounding towards Jarred and Adam.

He saw that Ran had now tried to get away, and succesfully she had started to run back to her home. He ran behind her, and stopped in front of his pack. Blocking the way for them to follow her.
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A Wolf's Shivered Curse ( Soul Hunter) Empty Re: A Wolf's Shivered Curse ( Soul Hunter)

Post by Soul Hunter Sun Nov 13, 2011 9:56 am

Crystal snapped at him "Darren, why do you care so much, we don't get it she's a human..." she said angrily to him watching as he blocked their way Jarred looked to him as well "Darren... what is wrong with you?" he asked trying to make his way around Darren watching the girl running away as fast as she could and getting out of the forest and saw him soon following.
Crystal snapped angrily at him not getting why he cared so much for the human and they snarled and just let it be for now Crystal full of anger and jealousy still as she laid down. Ran got back and sat down outside a little shocked that hadn't happened before they never minded so much before She then went to ehr knees and put a hand towards him after seeing he had followed her confused by his actions "Why do you care so much, that was your own pack and that she-wolf wasn't very happy about it either, I'm sure it'd be better for you to go back" she said softly
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A Wolf's Shivered Curse ( Soul Hunter) Empty Re: A Wolf's Shivered Curse ( Soul Hunter)

Post by Daydreamer Sun Nov 13, 2011 12:31 pm

Darren, with his hackles raised stood his ground. Not answering both of them, his pack would never understand. Only Adam watched, his eyes showed pity in them. Pity for Darren. He just glared at Crystal. You will not hurt her. He growled before bounding away after her. He needed to make sure she was okay, and not hurt. He saw that she was outside her home, on the porch. He stopped and walked slowly towards her. Ears against his head. Just because he was still human, he lost most of his human qualities when he was a wolf. Acting as a wolf would act, but he thought much more clearly than the average wolf.

He knew he still needed to be cautious, but he put both paws on the first step of the porch. He sniffed the air, her cut had stopped bleeding and he relaxed knowing she wasn't too badly hurt, just shocked. He looked towards the forest and growled, then back at her. He did the same thing twice. He needed to tell her somehow, not to go back into the forest. He didn't know if he would be able to save her a second time.
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A Wolf's Shivered Curse ( Soul Hunter) Empty Re: A Wolf's Shivered Curse ( Soul Hunter)

Post by Soul Hunter Sun Nov 13, 2011 12:38 pm

Crystal scoffed and turned ehr head away angrily and watched them. Ran had gone back to an empty house wondering where her parents had gone she tended to her own wound and winced a little since it stung stopping the bleeding and wrapping a bandage around it she sighed relaxing and opened the door agian and looked to him kneeling down "You really like this house huh?" she said softly and ran a hand through his black fur smiling a little at it.

"Do you know where my parents have gone? they should still be in" she said softly thinking to herself "Maybe they jsut went to visit the neighbours" standing up she defrosted the apples and then brought something out for him "Here, it's to say thank you" she held out a bit of meat for him to eat knowing the winter was tough for animals espeically in the snow. Ran held it in her hand until he ate it and then brushed her hands together and checked she ahd everything. "I think that she0wolf has a crush on you, I wouldn't blame her though you're a very handsome wolf..." she smiled "What am I doing you can't udnerstand a word I'm saying" standing back up she rubbed her hands on her trousers and went inside.
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A Wolf's Shivered Curse ( Soul Hunter) Empty Re: A Wolf's Shivered Curse ( Soul Hunter)

Post by Daydreamer Sun Nov 13, 2011 1:15 pm

Darren sat outside, waiting for Ran. It had started to snow, the white flecks standing out on his black pelt before melting. He sat there, and then saw Ran come outside. He started to stand up, seeing the bandaged arm. She held out a hand and put her hand on his pelt. He shivered slightly at her touch, but relaxed into it. Sighing, he closed his eyes. He opened them when she offered him the meat. He hesitated a couple of seconds before gingerly taking it from her, gulping it down in a matter of seconds.

He listened to her talk. He almost snorted at the mention of Crystal liking him. He was well aware of that, but he knew she would never be his mate, as she wanted to be. He watched her go inside, and he stayed outside of the house a couple minutes more too make sure she was safe, before bounding back into the forest.
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A Wolf's Shivered Curse ( Soul Hunter) Empty Re: A Wolf's Shivered Curse ( Soul Hunter)

Post by Soul Hunter Sun Nov 13, 2011 1:20 pm

Ran wrapped up that night and slept but something was wrong when no one came home the next day she got worried and asked around the village but no one had seen them she sat outside on the front steps and frowned a little thinking there was no note and she hadn't been gone long yesterday and hugged her knees to her chest. "I wish there was someone else ehre with me" she whispered and blew on ehr hands rubbing them together to keep them wamr she wonder a little ways and jerked seeing the same she-wolf as before and slwoly backed away.

Crystal jumped and pinned ehr down snarling a load of words she didn't understand "What did you ever do to deserve his attention you filthy human, you can't even understand a word he says or me your parents even abandonded you your just a load of waste" she snapped. ran didn't understand a thing and just kept her hands as a sheild trying to get her off again and when she did she ran for it not carign which way she went now.
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A Wolf's Shivered Curse ( Soul Hunter) Empty Re: A Wolf's Shivered Curse ( Soul Hunter)

Post by Daydreamer Tue Nov 15, 2011 2:36 pm

Darren stayed in the forest the next night. Sleeping under the tall pine tree's, as snow fell from the sky. The cold wind's blew in his fur and he woke up in a blanket of snow. He stood up, shaking it from his pelt. His yellow eyes still groggy from sleep. He traveled into the woods, ready to hunt. He still stayed away from his pack since the incident with Ran and he wasn't sure he wanted to go back to them anyways.

Darren quickly caught a rabbit and dug in, the warm blood trickled into his mouth creating some warmth for him. His black muzzle fur was now stained with some blood for his hunt. He left the remains of the rabbit and sniffed the air, he could tell he was close to his pack. He sighed inwardly and padded slowly, following the scent of Jarred and Adam deeper into the forest.
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A Wolf's Shivered Curse ( Soul Hunter) Empty Re: A Wolf's Shivered Curse ( Soul Hunter)

Post by Soul Hunter Tue Nov 15, 2011 2:43 pm

Ran looked outside "The black wolf isn't there" she said softly, her parents hadn't returned either. She sighed and decided to ask people giving ehr different stories she wrapped herself up in warm clothes and went outside into the snow she walked back through the forest looking up to the twisting branches of the trees that towered over the snow coated ground. She kept herself quiet and just searched for anything she could fine missing the company of another being there beside her house and inside as well.

She saw wolf prints they looked fresh so she stopped for a movment finding a shelter in an old cave and ducked under to get into it. "A pair of wolf tracks maybe it's the she-wolf and the black wolf or maybe two members of their pack" she said softly to herself. She leaned forward a little seeing a familair shape. She crawled from the shelter and whistled to attract his attention his eyes still made her wonder something seemed a little human about him but still he was someone she knew.. well sort of. "Hey, have you seen my parents in the woods, boy... they've been gone since last night" she said softly the bitter cold making her gentle breath visable to anyone.
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A Wolf's Shivered Curse ( Soul Hunter) Empty Re: A Wolf's Shivered Curse ( Soul Hunter)

Post by Daydreamer Tue Nov 15, 2011 2:55 pm

Darren kept walking, the wind pulling at his fur and he couldn't help but growl. It was getting cold fast, he followed the print's and their scent until he started to hear rustling among the branches. He looked up, the wind blowing so hard made it hard to scent out the thing was making the noise. He stopped walking and looked around, seeing nothing he kept walking. Pretty soon another sound emitted. He stopped and looked around ears pricked. He heard a whistle and he knew exactly who it was now. He started to back track and follow the whistle. It was snowing steadily now. He saw a small cave, and he saw Ran's shape hiding within it. He bounded over to her quickly, it was freezing. What was she doing here? He stopped a tail length ahead of her wishing he could ask the questions. So her parent's were missing. He whined, he had no clue where they were, but she should be home. Not out freezing, he whined again and walked up to her softly grabbing her sleeve with his teeth and pulling on it. It didn't help that he knew his pack was lurking in the shadow's somewhere.
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A Wolf's Shivered Curse ( Soul Hunter) Empty Re: A Wolf's Shivered Curse ( Soul Hunter)

Post by Soul Hunter Tue Nov 15, 2011 3:02 pm

Shivering a little she ignored it wanting to find her parents wondering where they had gone without her. She smiled a little as he bounded over to her and she put a hand out and gently tugged a little bit of his black fur. She guessed by the whine that he didn't know but was a little amazed she got a response of sorts and smiled a little "Maybe they just went to visit someone out of the village" she said trying to convince herself. She sighed a little as he tugged her sleeve picking up he wanted her to go somewhere and stood up letting him lead her by her sleeve since she couldn't see as well in the snow having to close her eyes to kep them from tearing up from the bitter winds.
She heard a growl from the shadows but didn't dare look, it sounded like that she-wolf again, Crystal. Crystal snapped angrily at them "Why not let her freeze? she shouldn't have come out in such weather in the first place" she snapped angrily being ehr usual selfish character. "Why bother to help her anyway? she knows her way back and she can't even understand a word you or I are saying" she said
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A Wolf's Shivered Curse ( Soul Hunter) Empty Re: A Wolf's Shivered Curse ( Soul Hunter)

Post by Daydreamer Tue Nov 15, 2011 5:41 pm

Darren looked up at her hopefully. He wished he could understand her. He knew that she didn't want to stay on her own in the house, so he'd come with her, he'd wait at her door until they came home and then vanish into the woods like always. He started to turn around, but kept his eyes on her, hoping that she would understand the message and follow him. The wind was now starting to howl, as it picked up. It now was snowing hard, making his fur weigh down against his body.

He pricked his ears, hearing Crystal before she appeared. He growled loudly warning her to stay away. "I won't let her freeze" he growled at her. "I also won't let you hurt her" he said as he sidestepped coming in between Crystal and Ran as he kept walking. "I don't care, or listen to what you say so just go away" he snarled at her before giving Ran a small nudge keeping her walking.
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A Wolf's Shivered Curse ( Soul Hunter) Empty Re: A Wolf's Shivered Curse ( Soul Hunter)

Post by Soul Hunter Tue Nov 15, 2011 11:25 pm

Ran froze a little feeling the nudge she tried to keep walking for a little stopping when she almsot tripped over a different wolf from the pack who also seemed to speak to him none of them seemed to understand anything at all. She vaguely understood that he wanted her to follow him so she followed quickly shivering a little in the cold.
Crystal gave a scoff "But why, there is no point her parents even lft her there" she said laughing a little.Ran couldn't understand a thing which made her worry and kept walking passing the other wolf whoes gaze never seemed to drop from the pair of them. Other members of the pack were slowly circling again under Crystal's influence and ran quickly hurried to follow she didn't understand at all.

When they got there she understood he was trying to get her back home which only brought up so many questions. She went inside giving him something to eat as thanks and brushed off the worst of the snow with her hands as well before going inside so she wasn't so cold trying to start up a warm fire in the hearth.
"Much better" she thought. The pack had not come socloe to the village beforebut lurked close by unseen, unheard of in the night the jeleaous Crystal planning her attack and didn't want Darren to get in the way this time.

When the time was right there was a shatter of the window and Ran jerked awake from her deep sleep pulling the blanket over her to keep warm she listened for voices but got none she barely got a sound actaully which made ehr wonder a little further towards them as they stood in wait. Pinned once mroe to the floor by Crystal trying to stop the she-wolf snapping at her as best she could she didn't scream encase they were shot she jsut tried to push the wolf off her desperatly "Get off, get off" she said
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A Wolf's Shivered Curse ( Soul Hunter) Empty Re: A Wolf's Shivered Curse ( Soul Hunter)

Post by Daydreamer Wed Nov 16, 2011 4:10 pm

Darren ignored Crystal now, he was getting very frustrated with the selfish she-wolf. She just didn't understand, if he could turn back time he would. He could be just a normal guy, but instead he was living his life as a wolf. Crystal wanted this life, he didn't. He kept Ran going, seeing that she had started to shiver, he didn't feel the cold as much as her.

They finally got to the house, Darren watched her as she walked inside. He turned around lying down on the porch in front of her house. He wanted to keep an eye on her, knowing that she was home alone. He sighed heavily resting his brown head on his paws, and closing his eyes dozing into a light sleep.

Darren awoke to the sound of glass shattering. He growled loudly, unaware that Crystal had been planning this attack. He scratched at the door, but it was locked. He raced around the side of the house before seeing the window that was broken, pieces lying on the snow. He snarled loudly before feeling the wind knocked out of him as Adam pounced on him. Sorry kid, this is for your own good he said before digging his teeth into his scruff trying to haul him away.
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A Wolf's Shivered Curse ( Soul Hunter) Empty Re: A Wolf's Shivered Curse ( Soul Hunter)

Post by Soul Hunter Wed Nov 16, 2011 11:22 pm

Ran eventually pushed her off and scurried back a little looking to her before she turned and ran outside almost falling back when she saw another wolf there but just made herself carry on and ran into the forest knowing one place they would hopefully never get her. She ran as fast as she could but still got herself caught by Crystal when she skidded on the icy river and looked to the she-wolf "I don't know what I’ve done, can't you understand that?" she pleaded and whined trying to get herself up but only slipped again on the cold ice.

Crystal ran out following her and instructed Dan to take Darren back so she could talk to him later on when she got back other members followed her also and stayed in the shadows to snap at her when she got too close and if she dared to try and escape in which she did plenty of times but she just couldn't hurt them as she tried to scurry away.

Ran’s mind was racing as she jerked to a stop thinking she saw something as she got out of the circle of wolves only ending up being chased and turned quickly ducking when Crystal tried to pin her down again “The black wolf… where is he… they hurt him?” she whispered to herself not entirely sure why she was concerned about him at all.
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A Wolf's Shivered Curse ( Soul Hunter) Empty Re: A Wolf's Shivered Curse ( Soul Hunter)

Post by Daydreamer Sat Nov 19, 2011 8:18 am

Darren turned onto Adam, jaws snapping as he ripped himself out of his grip. "My own good?" she repeated, he was furious at his pack. "She's the only good thing in my now sorry life" he snarled before pouncing onto him, and giving him a good bite on the shoulder. Adam howled loudly, and Darren didn't waste any time jumping off and following Crystal's scent. He ran into the house, seeing it was a mess and the glass in the window was shattered where Crystal had jumped him. he snarled loudly cursing to himself.
They weren't there anymore.

(Okay so what I thought would happen now, is Crystal would beat up Ran pretty badly, but she left her alive and then Darren finds her after Crystal leaves)
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