Call of the Wild
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Dinos my styile *Please join* "Criedit of the idea goes to Harlley since she gave me the idea to make this!"

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Dinos my styile *Please join* "Criedit of the idea goes to Harlley since she gave me the idea to make this!" Empty Dinos my styile *Please join* "Criedit of the idea goes to Harlley since she gave me the idea to make this!"

Post by Guest Sat Aug 06, 2011 2:08 pm

You may have 4 dinos


Dinos my styile *Please join* "Criedit of the idea goes to Harlley since she gave me the idea to make this!" Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTnIwHeba4RRzNVHZsgVbw8ywVLW7waw5BM9jcnh78tFeIOKvCr
Female stegosaurus
no mate
Name: Kira
Is a: Herd member
Eats:Plant life

Dinos my styile *Please join* "Criedit of the idea goes to Harlley since she gave me the idea to make this!" Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRCYBjBcFhtw-hhYsKt4KXsrgCguLa6ZuQBF31g74SUhe66mWwS
Female something
No mate
Name: Pain
Is a: Loner

The herd~
Dinos my styile *Please join* "Criedit of the idea goes to Harlley since she gave me the idea to make this!" Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRUlr-_Ecz-EYjuC7Y_Ocq5jJJE0OiJhgLU_cR5dC8b1FJdi-tC
Female v raptor leader
Mate: (You can play as him)
Name: Sweat Miserere
Is a: Pack leader
Pack name: V raps

Ok you may join the V raps pack but there will only be a total of 3 males and 3 females in it...every one has a mate in this pack. Oh and all males have those funny looking things on there head is a velocirapter like this one~
Dinos my styile *Please join* "Criedit of the idea goes to Harlley since she gave me the idea to make this!" Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTiot9Jzv-atPRpe1Th2S-Wfe4jrOuiC9WyU0pP6Y5PG5YjLYr0VA

Ok so I have 3 charies but in the end I will look for an uneven number of a breeds male or female and play as one.

There must be the same amount of males as females of every breed.


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Dinos my styile *Please join* "Criedit of the idea goes to Harlley since she gave me the idea to make this!" Empty Re: Dinos my styile *Please join* "Criedit of the idea goes to Harlley since she gave me the idea to make this!"

Post by Guest Sat Aug 06, 2011 2:19 pm

In a unknown galaxy is a huge plaint were Dinosaurs roam. From Jurassic and all the other times live. From the smallest to the biggest.

Place topic will go:
Redwood Forest


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Dinos my styile *Please join* "Criedit of the idea goes to Harlley since she gave me the idea to make this!" Empty Re: Dinos my styile *Please join* "Criedit of the idea goes to Harlley since she gave me the idea to make this!"

Post by Nicoco177 Sun Aug 07, 2011 2:24 am

Male Triceratops
no mate
Is a:Herd member
Eats:Plant life
Dinos my styile *Please join* "Criedit of the idea goes to Harlley since she gave me the idea to make this!" BAGyx

Male Raptor
(Did you say that someone could play as Sweet misere's mate, coz if so ill play her mate)
Is a:Herd member
Dinos my styile *Please join* "Criedit of the idea goes to Harlley since she gave me the idea to make this!" 3x8r6
(Get ready this next one has a long name!)

Female Parasaurolophus(Duck billed dino!)
Is a:Herd Member
Eats:Plant life
Dinos my styile *Please join* "Criedit of the idea goes to Harlley since she gave me the idea to make this!" 7WwAn

Male Parasaurolophus
Is a:Herd member
Eats:Plant life
Dinos my styile *Please join* "Criedit of the idea goes to Harlley since she gave me the idea to make this!" J3lsI
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Age : 24

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Dinos my styile *Please join* "Criedit of the idea goes to Harlley since she gave me the idea to make this!" Empty Re: Dinos my styile *Please join* "Criedit of the idea goes to Harlley since she gave me the idea to make this!"

Post by Guest Sun Aug 07, 2011 10:11 am

Accepted! And yes I did say some one could. Smile


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Dinos my styile *Please join* "Criedit of the idea goes to Harlley since she gave me the idea to make this!" Empty Re: Dinos my styile *Please join* "Criedit of the idea goes to Harlley since she gave me the idea to make this!"

Post by Nicoco177 Sun Aug 07, 2011 1:23 pm

Okiee dokee then!
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Join date : 2011-06-28
Age : 24

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