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Natajjia's meadow (Need more mares and 1 stallion to make a herd. please join)

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Natajjia's meadow (Need more mares and 1 stallion to make a herd. please join) Empty Natajjia's meadow (Need more mares and 1 stallion to make a herd. please join)

Post by whit0107 Tue Jun 28, 2011 1:45 pm

Natajjia had, had her first foal about 2 months ago Life was great for the small family with the small herd. The summer days go by hot,humid, and stormy. But on that day Natajjia stood in the middle of a rose filled meadow while a stream passed through it. Indigo, Natajjia's new foal was playing in the stream and taking small sips from the sweet water. "Indigo! Be carfull over there." Natajjia whinnied towards her foal. The rest of the small herd was standing closer to the edge of the meadow getting ready to move to a new area, because the sweet small blades of green grass had started to vanish over the days. Natajjia pranced over to her daughter, Indigo who was happily sniffing a dew cover sweet smelling pink rose bud. Sneezing at the strong perfumed scent, Natajjia nickered in a playfull way and said "Bless you darling! We should start to move closer towards the herd. They want to move to a new location for more food." Indigo looked up and perked her ears forward and stared at her mother in disbeliefe that they should leave this beutifull meadow. As the convorsation to perswade Indigo lasted to long and when they were finally ready to move on the herd had long gone disipeared into the country. Natajjia and Indigo decided they would stay in that same rose meadow untill they find another mare or horse to start there own herd and theyre foals could be together. They slept peacfully in the middle of the meadow that night. The night air was warm and comforting to there lonley souls. And in the morning they sleepily woke to the sounds of birds chirping, the stream running, and tree leaves blowing in the very soft wind. They stood on the bank of the small stream and took sip now and then, Indigo now and then suckling on her mother and nuding her mother in the chest playfully wanting to take advantage of the great warm day. Natajjia stood on the bank of the stream while Indigo chased butterflies...Natajjia's pic.,r:18,s:0&biw=1600&bih=607
Indigo's pic...,r:1,s:24&biw=1600&bih=607

Last edited by whit0107 on Thu Jun 30, 2011 5:06 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Natajjia's meadow (Need more mares and 1 stallion to make a herd. please join) Empty Re: Natajjia's meadow (Need more mares and 1 stallion to make a herd. please join)

Post by Guest Tue Jun 28, 2011 2:22 pm


Hello i saw you over there chasing butterflies may i saw your very good at it. May in introduce myself my name is Sabiya and this is my foal Adara she would be a great friend to you she loves to gallop through the meadow and chase those beautiful butterflies. you both are very pretty must i say. Natajjia's meadow (Need more mares and 1 stallion to make a herd. please join) BELGIAN%20HORSE%20WITH%20CHILD%28c%29%20Paul%20Smyres


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Natajjia's meadow (Need more mares and 1 stallion to make a herd. please join) Empty Re: Natajjia's meadow (Need more mares and 1 stallion to make a herd. please join)

Post by whit0107 Tue Jun 28, 2011 5:27 pm

"Well thanks" I say while I step forward and sip a small amount of stream water.. "I'm Natajjia, and thats my daughter, Indigo." I call my foal, Indigo over to my side. Protecting her from these strangers I didn't know anything about them.. Indigo pranced very quickley over to my side.. I turned to my right so she was behind me. I whispered in her ear "Stay by me!" I looked back at Sabiya with willing eyes, but tensed up just in case any thing happened. "The could want to steal our land, the rose meadow, because it is perfect for a foal and her mother.)
Adara walked to my side and licked my rib cage. I shot my head down at her and whinnied harshley and whipped my tail hard and meanly at her. She glanced at me then jumped with fright to her mothers side...
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Natajjia's meadow (Need more mares and 1 stallion to make a herd. please join) Empty Re: Natajjia's meadow (Need more mares and 1 stallion to make a herd. please join)

Post by Guest Wed Jun 29, 2011 5:17 am

As i call my foal "Adara" over to me i hear a slight noise in the trees winding back and forth from the bits of wind. I look at Natajjia and she has a strange look in her eyes i wonder just maybe if we could danger?


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Natajjia's meadow (Need more mares and 1 stallion to make a herd. please join) Empty Re: Natajjia's meadow (Need more mares and 1 stallion to make a herd. please join)

Post by whit0107 Thu Jun 30, 2011 3:18 pm

I new this strange mother mare, was overreacting from the looks of these .. horses they were that type always over reacting and thinking attension needs to be on them. I looked over to were they had there ears perked and stood traight up getting ready to bolt Indigo looked over too and snorted. I looked down to her and whispered "No need to get your self worked up baby it's nothing we should get frightened of." I turned away from her and started grazing. I heard another noise from the trees and looked up not knowing why I bother to. And then from the bottom of the forest hops a small robbin, Lokking for her breakfast also. I nicker and prick my ears forward laughing,So does Indigo laughing at such funny strangers before us . We walk away towards the stream to get a refreshing cool drink...
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Natajjia's meadow (Need more mares and 1 stallion to make a herd. please join) Empty Re: Natajjia's meadow (Need more mares and 1 stallion to make a herd. please join)

Post by Guest Thu Jun 30, 2011 3:29 pm

im releaved that we are in no danger i say to my daughter she frolicks through the meadow and eats the wet grass from dew. i say come along adara as i walk along the stream with Natajjia and her daughter indigo...


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Natajjia's meadow (Need more mares and 1 stallion to make a herd. please join) Empty Re: Natajjia's meadow (Need more mares and 1 stallion to make a herd. please join)

Post by whit0107 Thu Jun 30, 2011 4:00 pm

As me and Indigo walk down the stream on the bank, I notice Sabiya and her foal,Adara were following us." I take it they can't take a hint." I whispered to my daughter. I trotted ahead of them trying to leave them alone as I wanted them to us. She trotts whith us. I got really annoyed and stopped suddenly in my tracs she stopped too and I snorted in her face and backed my rump into her and whinnied. I whipped my tail hard this time hoping she would get it that she would have to earn our trust and earn her time in this meadow. Afterall she can't just walk into any meaodw with her foal and live peacfully and just magicly become friends with a protective mother and her foal.. After I whipped her with my tail I told Indigo to follow me as I pranced ahead of the two strangers ending at the end of the stream but not leaving the edge of the meadow. There we started to graze on some long peices of grass that had not been discovered by my last herd....
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Natajjia's meadow (Need more mares and 1 stallion to make a herd. please join) Empty Re: Natajjia's meadow (Need more mares and 1 stallion to make a herd. please join)

Post by Guest Thu Jun 30, 2011 4:14 pm

as i was trotting behind of Natajjia i was a little furious of what she had done... i thought im not taking that! i will fight back so i slowly trotted up to Natajjia and with my head down i walked up to her and barred my teeth into her just to tell her i was mad... then backed away and said come quick Adara and we started to run ahead to the edge of the meadow.. looked back and the look on Natajjia's expression was un defined i didnt know what she would do... i thought she wants me to earn her trust...


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Natajjia's meadow (Need more mares and 1 stallion to make a herd. please join) Empty Re: Natajjia's meadow (Need more mares and 1 stallion to make a herd. please join)

Post by whit0107 Thu Jun 30, 2011 4:45 pm

"This mare wasn't taught and has horrible manners, She should know the herd rules and loner rules and she was a loner, If loners come into another loners or mares territory it's basicly there home they have to be welcomed into it and not treat the mares meanly, and especilly if they have a foal near by it teaches the foal that there mother is weak to be bossed around by a stranger that has broken into there home." I thought to myself. I neighed loudley, frustrated I looked down at Indigo. "Go and play in the meadow somwhere baby, but not by that aregant filly stranger she is bad for you. If she trys to go near you go ahead and boss her or run to me. Dont be afraid of these horses this OUR home and they should be welcomed into it (wich they werent) and should not boss us around.) Indigo galloped with small strides to the far end of the meadow where the strangers werent. I walked closley by Sabiya and her foal seeing if they would pull another move. Sabiya lowered her head and whispered somthing to her foal. "Somthing mean and gossip about me and Indigo!!" I reacted quickly and galloped in a small distance and reared a bit and whinnied. "You have NO RITE to boss me and Indigo around in our own home! Now respect us or go starve yourselvs in the woods!!" I yelled at Sabiya, I tossed my head up fast and reared a little bit toward Indigo. She trotted cautiosley towards me and looked at my now changing exxpresion, it was angry from the moment a bit ago with Sabiya but now turning peacfull towards my foal not wanting her to be worried or frightened by my actions or feelings. She turned HER expression now seeing my comforting face and bent her head down by my belly and started to nurse. "No mare would act violent if a mares foal was busy feeding. And Sabiya should respect us now since I told her a very important rule she should ave known."... I eased my tension as she started to nurse it ment she was comfortable" I went to graze while she fed....
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Natajjia's meadow (Need more mares and 1 stallion to make a herd. please join) Empty Re: Natajjia's meadow (Need more mares and 1 stallion to make a herd. please join)

Post by Guest Thu Jun 30, 2011 4:54 pm

i thought to myself how rude of her to say that!! but i did have to accept the fact if someone came into my home like that i would be pretty angry myself.. maybe i should go talk to Natajjia but what if she hurt me? i had to take that chance so i went over to her telling my foil to stay in the meadow.. i said to Natajjia im sorry i knew i shouldent have done that i mean i didnt realize i just walked into your home.. if i can do anything to make this up i will make it up to you by looking for food for us all.. and i will help you out when you need it... me and my daughter together.. we will help out.. if we may... i thank you for letting us stay here...even though we are such a bother... i looked up at Natajjia and said my last word before she interrupted we are sorry for what we have done to both of you..


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Natajjia's meadow (Need more mares and 1 stallion to make a herd. please join) Empty Re: Natajjia's meadow (Need more mares and 1 stallion to make a herd. please join)

Post by whit0107 Thu Jun 30, 2011 5:01 pm

As I saw Sabiya walking over to me. I tensed up. Indigo stopped nursing and hid behind me and Sabiya approached me. I took a step to the side so we werent as close. She said she was sorry for everything. After she had said her words I flicked my tail and said "Yeah whatever just respect me and Indigo it's our home we were here first." I went to lower my head to graze while Indigo started to nurse again seeing my laid-back attitude. As I lowered my head Sabiya's foal, Adara stared at me. I put my muzzel in her face and snorted air into her tiny face and then continued to graze. I swished my tail and stomped my foot as flys and dirt came and went.....
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Natajjia's meadow (Need more mares and 1 stallion to make a herd. please join) Empty Re: Natajjia's meadow (Need more mares and 1 stallion to make a herd. please join)

Post by Guest Thu Jun 30, 2011 5:05 pm

thank you and i will respect you im just wanting to get along anyways, may i ask is there anything i can do to help right now?


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Natajjia's meadow (Need more mares and 1 stallion to make a herd. please join) Empty Re: Natajjia's meadow (Need more mares and 1 stallion to make a herd. please join)

Post by whit0107 Thu Jun 30, 2011 5:14 pm

I nudged Indigo to stop feeding for a minuete while I talked to Sabiya. I trotted over to the middle of the meadow flicking my tail sighning to Sabiya to follow. While the fillies played in the far corner of the meadow and me and Sabiya were standing in the middle of the meadow I said to her " Sabiya if you want a new herd as bad as I do we need to somhow get other horses to this meadow where they can join like you did. Just keep in mind I am the herds leader unless we get a stallion to join then he will take over. But if a stallion comes here he will be the leader and I am the second leader and his mate he cares about!.." I said to her a bit sternly, "It's late rite now lets go to sleep with our foals and in the morning we need to call for any other lonley horses to come and join." I turned from her and slowley trotted over to where our foals were nudging each other playfully and prancing around. I hinnied to Indigo and she instinctivley trotted rite up next to my side. I walked over to a quite corner in the meadow next to the stream and fell asleep while lulling my baby.....
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Natajjia's meadow (Need more mares and 1 stallion to make a herd. please join) Empty Re: Natajjia's meadow (Need more mares and 1 stallion to make a herd. please join)

Post by Guest Thu Jun 30, 2011 5:18 pm

ok i see as i said to myself i called adara over and we went underneath a tree and my daughter cuddled up next to me and she fell asleep as for me i just kept thinking about what tomorrow would bring...


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Natajjia's meadow (Need more mares and 1 stallion to make a herd. please join) Empty Re: Natajjia's meadow (Need more mares and 1 stallion to make a herd. please join)

Post by whit0107 Thu Jun 30, 2011 5:47 pm

I slept well that night with Indigo by my side getting a very well night of sleep.... Morning- I hazily woke up that morning feeling happy about the sunny warm day I woke up to, Birds chirped, the water made a slight calming babble, and frogs lept on the bank of the stream. I heaved my body up trying not to wake Indigo. Indigo woke with a fright stummboling to her feet. I steadied her "Easy baby girl your ok, She stuck by my side like glue.. I walked over to where Sabiya and Adara where sleeping I woke them with a loud whinnie....
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Natajjia's meadow (Need more mares and 1 stallion to make a herd. please join) Empty Re: Natajjia's meadow (Need more mares and 1 stallion to make a herd. please join)

Post by Guest Thu Jun 30, 2011 5:50 pm

i jump up from my deep sleep finding Natajjia and her baby standing right there in front of me well hello i say i get up slowly and help adara up as well now what can we get to today? anything thats important ?


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Natajjia's meadow (Need more mares and 1 stallion to make a herd. please join) Empty Re: Natajjia's meadow (Need more mares and 1 stallion to make a herd. please join)

Post by whit0107 Thu Jun 30, 2011 6:28 pm

I nudged Indigo slighly and then looked up as Sabiya answered with a hello. "You don't have to get up but it would help if through out the day you whinnie loudley so other horses might hear and want to join. remember what I said to you last night too. I'm the leader rite now ok?!" I said to her looking at me, sleepily. I nudged Indigo again flicked my tail and trotted over to the noisy stream to get a drink......
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Natajjia's meadow (Need more mares and 1 stallion to make a herd. please join) Empty Re: Natajjia's meadow (Need more mares and 1 stallion to make a herd. please join)

Post by Guest Thu Jun 30, 2011 6:57 pm

Yes I remember last night ok give me 5 min to let me get my daughter up and ready I will go get a drink and corm back.. 5 min later ok so I will go out in the meadow and whinnie loud so others can hear me adara wht about you go play with indigo? Maybe you could be great friends


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Natajjia's meadow (Need more mares and 1 stallion to make a herd. please join) Empty Re: Natajjia's meadow (Need more mares and 1 stallion to make a herd. please join)

Post by whit0107 Thu Jun 30, 2011 8:13 pm

Yawns... "We don't need to rush take your time.. Most horses arent even up yet anyways. And then I took a long sip of the stream..
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Natajjia's meadow (Need more mares and 1 stallion to make a herd. please join) Empty Re: Natajjia's meadow (Need more mares and 1 stallion to make a herd. please join)

Post by whit0107 Thu Jun 30, 2011 8:50 pm

I trotted to the middle of the meadow and stood there for a minuets letting the hot sun beat down on my gray pelt. I reared slightly and threw my head back in the air whinnying very loudly. I get to my feet and snort. I called Indigo over to my side and told her to let a noise out, she shook her baby mane out and let out her loudest high pitched filly whinnie. I nickered as a laugh hearing her sleepy first neigh of the morning.. We stood in the middle of the meadow as Indigo licked my rib cage repetitively and let the sun beat down on us...
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Natajjia's meadow (Need more mares and 1 stallion to make a herd. please join) Empty Re: Natajjia's meadow (Need more mares and 1 stallion to make a herd. please join)

Post by Saviour Thu Jun 30, 2011 8:59 pm

[Stallion or mare?]
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Natajjia's meadow (Need more mares and 1 stallion to make a herd. please join) Empty Re: Natajjia's meadow (Need more mares and 1 stallion to make a herd. please join)

Post by whit0107 Thu Jun 30, 2011 9:15 pm

Stallions cool....
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Natajjia's meadow (Need more mares and 1 stallion to make a herd. please join) Empty Re: Natajjia's meadow (Need more mares and 1 stallion to make a herd. please join)

Post by Saviour Thu Jun 30, 2011 9:17 pm

[k give me a little to make a bio and such]
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Natajjia's meadow (Need more mares and 1 stallion to make a herd. please join) Empty Re: Natajjia's meadow (Need more mares and 1 stallion to make a herd. please join)

Post by Saviour Thu Jun 30, 2011 9:33 pm


I listen intently to the call of a mare and filly. Soon after the sound reaches my ears, their scent tickles my nostrils. I rear up, striking the dry air with a black hooves. My voice carries towards the two with power, echoing around me. Landing back down, I walk in their direction, awaiting their response before truly finding them.

[holy poopers I can't believe how much this stinks Sad ]
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Natajjia's meadow (Need more mares and 1 stallion to make a herd. please join) Empty Re: Natajjia's meadow (Need more mares and 1 stallion to make a herd. please join)

Post by whit0107 Thu Jun 30, 2011 9:41 pm

(wait haha it stinks?? If it does it's not my fault haha lol)
Indigo hears his powerful whinnie before my was do. She nudges me and then we pin our ears in the direction his voice came from hopeing he would wander our way to meet this very very small not even herd yet but soon to be hopefully "herd". Our eyes pinned on the direction not flinching. I don't know if the voice caught Sabiya's ears but it did ours...
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