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Grizzabella the glamor mare (Need a stallion. Open to all)

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Grizzabella the glamor mare (Need a stallion. Open to all) Empty Grizzabella the glamor mare (Need a stallion. Open to all)

Post by Dark**Light Tue Jul 26, 2011 7:24 am

Name: Grizzabella
Age: 3 years old
Gender: Female
Breed: White Arabian
Pic: (the link isn't working so go to the bottom of the page, sorry about all the stuff on it I wasn't expecting it either, and it's the one with the frame and faded outside aruond the horse. Second to the left and fourth to the right.)

I galloped through the forest then I ran into the meadow. I let out a loud whinny and reared up. My white coat glistened in the sun and my mane flowed with the wind. All the horses looked at me in question except for a few. I trotted up to my friend and said "How was that?" She simply answered back "Movie quality." She had said a little more than I'd hoped too. She asked if I could take her foals off her hands for a little bit. I nodded my head and waited for the foals to come. I Trotted off into the woods again and started to play with the foals. I saw a dark shadow moving in the woods and was soon very alert. I pushed the foals and said "Run!" They sprinted off and ran to their mother. I stood my ground and stood up tall then called "Who are you!?" I knew he was a horse and an Arabian...I just didn't know who it was.
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Grizzabella the glamor mare (Need a stallion. Open to all) Empty Re: Grizzabella the glamor mare (Need a stallion. Open to all)

Post by Man O' War Lover Tue Jul 26, 2011 10:22 am

Staning in the shadows I watche dhte new horse. She had not let herself be known with me the leader of Arabian Meadow. Latley more horses where coming onto my land and I wanted to make it clear I was still in charge but when she asked me who was there and who I was I stepped from the shadows into the sunlight. "I'm Flame leader of Arabian Meadow." I claimed. Looking at her I saw she was a pure Arabian mare with a white coat. The two foals had run off and she stood her ground-

Flame is a firey red chestnut stallion and is really the leader of Arabian Meadow I will have to post his picture later I'm having problems getting them up-

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Grizzabella the glamor mare (Need a stallion. Open to all) Empty Re: Grizzabella the glamor mare (Need a stallion. Open to all)

Post by Dark**Light Tue Jul 26, 2011 11:00 am

I looked him over and said "Well then, since you introduced yourself I gues it's my turn. I'm Grizzabella. I've been hanging around those horses only because when my herd left I couldn't leave. So I hung around these horses." I galloped back to the herd and did what I had done that morning. I told the little foals to come and they followed me in a perky trot. I told him "These are my friend's foals. Both boys." I said hooray in a sarcastic tone and said "Why don't you go back to your mother and wait there." The colts galloped back to their mother and I said "Do you know where there is any place that I can getaway from here? Well more so them?" They were from a herd that is rogue. If you get them mad they will kill you in a heart beat. I am so afriad that I will meet the same fate. Please help me." I had a terorized look in my face and was practically begging on my knees for him to help me. I really really needed it. I was almost killed once until my friend, being pregnant with the foals stopped them.
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Grizzabella the glamor mare (Need a stallion. Open to all) Empty Re: Grizzabella the glamor mare (Need a stallion. Open to all)

Post by Man O' War Lover Tue Jul 26, 2011 11:18 am

I was a proud stallion and one of the most feared I had killed many chalengers before. "That rouge heard. "There a discrace to this Meadow." I said slowly. "If they wont to hurt someone they must face me first." I said. "I can help you, I have a rather large heard over a 100 horses you can blind in with them for now while I get this all sorted out." I said "Just follow me." I said to her-

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Grizzabella the glamor mare (Need a stallion. Open to all) Empty Re: Grizzabella the glamor mare (Need a stallion. Open to all)

Post by Dark**Light Tue Jul 26, 2011 11:48 am

(do you want to start a racing topic?)

I had no idea where he was going so I was questionable but I kept them to myself. I knew they would kill my friend for helping me escape. I heard a loud whinny from the leader and a cry from my friend. I perked up my ears waiting for some sound of life from my friend but there was none. I felt a pian in my heart and I couldn't go any further.I hung my head low and waited for one of the colts to come galloping up but they didn't. I walked to the field and saw my friend's body. I saw the foals mourning over their mother's dead body. They were going to die because they hadn't stopped nursing and would starve I saw they were about to be killed when I galloped out into the feild and pushed the stallion out of the way. I looked at the colts and lowered my head and walked away. The colts started to trot after me when they were stopped by two horses. They cried for me but I couldn't help them. I was forced to walk away. The stallion got back up and ran ocer and killed one of them. In the process one of them had escpaed and followed me back to flame. It stuck with me the entire time but I was too sad to say anything. I just walked slowly and hung my head low. The colt did that too since he had lost a brother.
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Grizzabella the glamor mare (Need a stallion. Open to all) Empty Re: Grizzabella the glamor mare (Need a stallion. Open to all)

Post by Man O' War Lover Tue Jul 26, 2011 12:13 pm

(Sure just send me a PM and will get it started)

I felt anger for the stallion that had killed and left the two in the woods to run out and chalenge him. I knew I must run him out with his heard get them a way as far from here as posible. They where a threat! I let out a whinny in chalenge and waited-

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Grizzabella the glamor mare (Need a stallion. Open to all) Empty Re: Grizzabella the glamor mare (Need a stallion. Open to all)

Post by Dark**Light Tue Jul 26, 2011 12:35 pm


The stallion answered back and instead he came galloping toward me and the colt. I told the colt to run and hide. The stallion started to walk closer and I would keep backing up. Soon He was rearing up to kill me.
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Grizzabella the glamor mare (Need a stallion. Open to all) Empty Re: Grizzabella the glamor mare (Need a stallion. Open to all)

Post by Man O' War Lover Tue Jul 26, 2011 12:56 pm

With great force I rose onto my hind legs and struck out at the stallion with my front forlegs. Hitting him squar on the shoulder hopeing the impact would be great-

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Grizzabella the glamor mare (Need a stallion. Open to all) Empty Re: Grizzabella the glamor mare (Need a stallion. Open to all)

Post by Dark**Light Tue Jul 26, 2011 1:19 pm

(I put up the post. It's Dogwood Creek Racehorse Ranch)

The stallion fell to the ground with a bloody hoof print on his shoulder. The blood dripped down his shoulder. He limped away and was heading straight for the colt. I became very angry and ran up behind him. Then I reared up and landed on his side. He started to run for Lupine Falls in the wolf lands. I knew that would be the end of him.
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Grizzabella the glamor mare (Need a stallion. Open to all) Empty Re: Grizzabella the glamor mare (Need a stallion. Open to all)

Post by Man O' War Lover Tue Jul 26, 2011 2:42 pm

Watching him go I say "Let's get out of here." I said turning to go back to my heard-

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Grizzabella the glamor mare (Need a stallion. Open to all) Empty Re: Grizzabella the glamor mare (Need a stallion. Open to all)

Post by Dark**Light Tue Jul 26, 2011 2:48 pm

I called to the colt and we followed flame to his herd. I had heard of Flame but I had never actually met him. Now I'm following him to his herd and he saved me from the stallion of the rouge herd! This was like a dream come true...except for the fact that my friend died and one of the colts died."Flame, The colt is still nursing and I can't produce milk so does there happen to be a mare in your herd that would take him in?" I looked at Flame and trotted up next to him with the colt not far behind us.
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Grizzabella the glamor mare (Need a stallion. Open to all) Empty Re: Grizzabella the glamor mare (Need a stallion. Open to all)

Post by Man O' War Lover Tue Jul 26, 2011 3:10 pm

"es there is a mare who lost her foal at berth, Zaza (Arabic name but not sure what it means) can take him." I said leading her to the gray mare who was grazing under a large tree with the other fillies "Zaza?" I called, the mare looked up at me "Hello Flame." she said then looked at the mare beside me. "Who are they?" she asked-

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Grizzabella the glamor mare (Need a stallion. Open to all) Empty Re: Grizzabella the glamor mare (Need a stallion. Open to all)

Post by Dark**Light Tue Jul 26, 2011 3:22 pm

I looked at her then nudged the colt toward her. I sudenly came up with a name for it. "His name is Fire Heart. He's going to be black when he's full grown. I just know it." It felt wrong giving him up but I knew it was the right thing to do if I wanted to make sure it lived. I looked at the colt and said a faint goodbye. The colt said goodbye back to me and was soon curled up next to Zaza. I walked away before I could even be introduced to her. I galloped to a highpoint, not THE highpoint, and looked at the sky. The wind began to blow and my mane and tail flowed in the wind. I looked beautiful when the sky turned a deep purple from the rain clouds. A small sun ray shone down on me and my coat glistened in the light. I payed no attention to the on comming storm and just let my mind go blank.
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Grizzabella the glamor mare (Need a stallion. Open to all) Empty Re: Grizzabella the glamor mare (Need a stallion. Open to all)

Post by Man O' War Lover Tue Jul 26, 2011 3:33 pm

I knew she did not want to get atached so I thanked Zaza and went to follow her "Hey you want to tell me some more baout you so I can introduce you to my head." I asked as I stopped to stand besdie her-

(sorry so short my brain is not working at the moment- Embarassed )

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Grizzabella the glamor mare (Need a stallion. Open to all) Empty Re: Grizzabella the glamor mare (Need a stallion. Open to all)

Post by Dark**Light Tue Jul 26, 2011 3:49 pm

I ignored him and just stood there and looked off into the distance. I eventually told him "My name is Grizzabella, I'm 3 years old, my herd ditched me and Fire Heart was the only thing I had that was worth living for." I took a step off the high point and went tumbling down the hill. I laid there motionless at the bottom. I heard Fire heart come galloping over to the edge and scream "MOMMY!!!!" I soon was a mess and was no longer a glamor mare. My coat was covered in dirt and there was grass in my hair. I wasn't dead but it sure did look like it.

Fire Heart:,r:4,s:0&tx=-475&ty=59
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Grizzabella the glamor mare (Need a stallion. Open to all) Empty Re: Grizzabella the glamor mare (Need a stallion. Open to all)

Post by Man O' War Lover Tue Jul 26, 2011 3:57 pm

I frown as I watch the colt run after him Zaza comes running up besdie me "Hey you be carfule Fire Heart." She called to the colt. "You ok?" She asked Grizzabella. I went down the hill and stopped looking down at her "I know that you feel like you have a pretty sad life but we are good people and have many horses here thatb will suport you." I said "If you wish to be happy then join us." I said-

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Grizzabella the glamor mare (Need a stallion. Open to all) Empty Re: Grizzabella the glamor mare (Need a stallion. Open to all)

Post by Dark**Light Tue Jul 26, 2011 4:07 pm

I shook off the dirt and shook the grass out of my mane. "You have no idea. I always wanted a son so that's why I spent so much time with the colts. But I had to give up Fire Heart if I wanted him to live. I would've kept him but I couldn't. He would've died. I know that once he's old enough to stop suckling he'll have totally forgoten me. But I need a herd anyways so I guess I'll join." I looked at Fire Heart and he came nudging up to me. He pressed his face into my shoulder and sadly said "Goodbye mommy" I stayed strong and said "Goodbye sweety." I nudged himtoward Zaza and told him "You never forget me. You hear."

(G2G byee)
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Grizzabella the glamor mare (Need a stallion. Open to all) Empty Re: Grizzabella the glamor mare (Need a stallion. Open to all)

Post by Man O' War Lover Tue Jul 26, 2011 4:24 pm

I look at her for a moment "Well then let's get back up this hill so you can meet some of our heard members." I said. I had lost count how many horses where in our heard but I guess I got a new family member-

(ok) Cool

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Grizzabella the glamor mare (Need a stallion. Open to all) Empty Re: Grizzabella the glamor mare (Need a stallion. Open to all)

Post by Dark**Light Wed Aug 17, 2011 5:12 pm

I followed him up the hill and while doing so i continued to shake the dirt off my coat. I absolutely hated dirt on my coat. I eventually got clean and we were soon up the hill.
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Grizzabella the glamor mare (Need a stallion. Open to all) Empty Re: Grizzabella the glamor mare (Need a stallion. Open to all)

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