Call of the Wild
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An Unfortunate Color Palette [EXPERIENCED ONLY, LONG POSTS]

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An Unfortunate Color Palette  [EXPERIENCED ONLY, LONG POSTS] Empty An Unfortunate Color Palette [EXPERIENCED ONLY, LONG POSTS]

Post by Saviour Mon Jun 20, 2011 4:31 am


I gently step out into the meadow, my small hooves silently pulling me forward. Of course I was nervous! I was a black unicorn, with a white horn and cyan

eyes, and looking for a GOOD mate. How many stallion unicorns, that aren't evil, would fall for a black mare? I sighed and ignored myself. My mother always

told me that I over-thought things... I reach the meadow and glance around. My long horn shines in the darkness like a star- definately not helping my attempt

to stay unseen. Sighing, I rear up and whinny into the night. My voice was loud, high pitched, but still beautiful and elegant. I fell back onto my hooves,

wondering how in the world I got my mother's beautiful voice when I had the nerves of chicken poop. Another problem I had, stupid made-up words to cover for

cursing. I froze and flicked my ears back when I sense anothers presence behind me.

Oh god, why did I have to call out for a mate?! I should've just waited for one, I should've just stayed here for the night and went looking tomorrow. My nerves

make my mind wander, and I accidently release a heat scent. I pin my hears and clamp my tail against my rump. I then turn quickly around to look him in the

face. I stared at him with electric blue eyes. I didn't care if my scrutiny made him nervous, he shouldn't have snuck up on me like that. I pin my ears and stood

as straight as possible.

"A proper stallion faces a young lady with her knowing" I snorted "You shouldn't creep up on a miss like that" My voice was heavy with a southern twang and it

was yet another thing that was mismatched about me. I didn't care at the moment, however. I didn't care what he thought-surprisingly. "Now why would ya do

that?" I asked him.

Your posts must be AT LEAST 3 sentences long unless instructed otherwise.
You MUST reply with a stallion.
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You MUST be a unicorn/pegasus/alicorn/horse, NOTHING ELSE.

Thank you, hope this turns out well Smile ]
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An Unfortunate Color Palette  [EXPERIENCED ONLY, LONG POSTS] Empty Re: An Unfortunate Color Palette [EXPERIENCED ONLY, LONG POSTS]

Post by Saviour Tue Jun 21, 2011 9:22 pm

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An Unfortunate Color Palette  [EXPERIENCED ONLY, LONG POSTS] Empty Re: An Unfortunate Color Palette [EXPERIENCED ONLY, LONG POSTS]

Post by Guest Sun Jun 26, 2011 8:38 am

I hear a high, but beautiful whinnie and make my way towards the sound. When i saw her black coat i wondered if she was evil. But then again, just cuz shes black doesn't mean she's evil. i mean, she has a white horn and blue eyes. My smoky grey coat gleamed like a puff of smoke after a fire has been put out as i walked towrd her, my jet black mane and tail also shining like the midnight sky, with silver specks in it as well, shining like stars. Oh, and my horn, that was the best feature about me....i thought. It was green, white, silver and gold. all stranded together one by one into a long, strong horn.
"i didnt mean to startle you" i say, my deep green eyes like the sea looking into hers as if saying 'sorry'.


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An Unfortunate Color Palette  [EXPERIENCED ONLY, LONG POSTS] Empty Re: An Unfortunate Color Palette [EXPERIENCED ONLY, LONG POSTS]

Post by Saviour Sun Jun 26, 2011 1:47 pm


"Well ya did" I snorted, and flicked my tail, releasing a scent. I knew what it was, and I knew that he could smell it. I didn't care. The way he had scared me sent adrenaline all across my body and any time that happened, I remained fearless for minutes after. "What is your name?" I asked him, my eyes drizzling across his body and shape. He was strong, yet appeared soft. However, he was dark. Was he evil? Inwardly, I chuckle at myself. Kinda like the pot calling the kettle black. My white horn sparkled momentarily when a cloud allows cascading moonlight to fall across us. A few seconds after, however, another cloud consumes the liquid moonlight and my horn returns to an ominous glow.
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An Unfortunate Color Palette  [EXPERIENCED ONLY, LONG POSTS] Empty Re: An Unfortunate Color Palette [EXPERIENCED ONLY, LONG POSTS]

Post by Guest Sun Jun 26, 2011 2:19 pm

i watch her beautiful horn change shades of white. "My names Trigger, whats yours?" i watch the moon with my dark green eyes shining as i gaze up into the sky. all of a sudden, white dots like stars appear all over my smokey coat. then my horn turns a sparkly silver/white color. my mane and tail stay the same, matching the night sky.


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An Unfortunate Color Palette  [EXPERIENCED ONLY, LONG POSTS] Empty Re: An Unfortunate Color Palette [EXPERIENCED ONLY, LONG POSTS]

Post by Saviour Sun Jun 26, 2011 2:28 pm


I watch his beauty sparkle in the starlight. "Faith" I said, distracted in his horn and coat. I shake my thoughts and look to the sky as well "What is your alliance" My question was short and to the point. If he was evil, I was not about to stay here.
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An Unfortunate Color Palette  [EXPERIENCED ONLY, LONG POSTS] Empty Re: An Unfortunate Color Palette [EXPERIENCED ONLY, LONG POSTS]

Post by Guest Sun Jun 26, 2011 2:32 pm

I look back at her and change back to my original color. "what are you looking at?" i ask, puzzled, not aware of my colors changing. "oh, and im not evil, if thats what you're thinking" i say as i watch her electric blue eyes meet with mine. "whats your alliance?" i ask curiously.


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An Unfortunate Color Palette  [EXPERIENCED ONLY, LONG POSTS] Empty Re: An Unfortunate Color Palette [EXPERIENCED ONLY, LONG POSTS]

Post by Saviour Sun Jun 26, 2011 2:42 pm


I snort lightly "You coat, its amazing" I said honestly, unafraid of admitting my curiousity. I smiled as he said he wasn't evil "Nor am I" I said and bounced lightly on my feet. "What are you doing here?" I asked, now relaxed that he wasn't evil.
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An Unfortunate Color Palette  [EXPERIENCED ONLY, LONG POSTS] Empty Re: An Unfortunate Color Palette [EXPERIENCED ONLY, LONG POSTS]

Post by Guest Sun Jun 26, 2011 2:51 pm

"oh my coat....what did it do? did it change? i havent done that in a long time. it only does that when....." i shake my head, getting rid of the thought. just wait i thought to myself. "oh. your question....ummmm i dont really know why im here. i heard you neigh and came."


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An Unfortunate Color Palette  [EXPERIENCED ONLY, LONG POSTS] Empty Re: An Unfortunate Color Palette [EXPERIENCED ONLY, LONG POSTS]

Post by Saviour Sun Jun 26, 2011 8:52 pm


"Oh, and yea, it sparkled" I said, chuckling. "Like Edward" I giggled.

[errr brain fart hehe]
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An Unfortunate Color Palette  [EXPERIENCED ONLY, LONG POSTS] Empty Re: An Unfortunate Color Palette [EXPERIENCED ONLY, LONG POSTS]

Post by Guest Tue Jun 28, 2011 3:27 pm

"seriously? it only does that when im..." i paused "when im.... when im in love..." i look into your eyes, charming you with mine.
(sorry i had a brainfart too lolz)


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An Unfortunate Color Palette  [EXPERIENCED ONLY, LONG POSTS] Empty Re: An Unfortunate Color Palette [EXPERIENCED ONLY, LONG POSTS]

Post by Saviour Tue Jun 28, 2011 10:17 pm

[hehe Razz]


"Well, maybe you're... in love with the stars?" I said, my face slightly flushed. I giggled at my stupid attempt at changing what we both knew happened.
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An Unfortunate Color Palette  [EXPERIENCED ONLY, LONG POSTS] Empty Re: An Unfortunate Color Palette [EXPERIENCED ONLY, LONG POSTS]

Post by Guest Thu Jul 07, 2011 3:41 pm

"yeah....that's it" i look up at the stars and then lower my head to graze. i had to make a move soon, but i didnt know how she would react.... would she be mad if i did, or happy? i shook my head and snorted at all my thoughts. so confusing i thought to myself.


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An Unfortunate Color Palette  [EXPERIENCED ONLY, LONG POSTS] Empty Re: An Unfortunate Color Palette [EXPERIENCED ONLY, LONG POSTS]

Post by Saviour Thu Jul 07, 2011 3:42 pm


My eyes left his as I lowered my head to graze. "Where are you from?" I asked him, my voice soft in the quiet of the night.
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An Unfortunate Color Palette  [EXPERIENCED ONLY, LONG POSTS] Empty Re: An Unfortunate Color Palette [EXPERIENCED ONLY, LONG POSTS]

Post by Guest Thu Jul 07, 2011 3:47 pm

[idk what to say lol let me think...]


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An Unfortunate Color Palette  [EXPERIENCED ONLY, LONG POSTS] Empty Re: An Unfortunate Color Palette [EXPERIENCED ONLY, LONG POSTS]

Post by Saviour Thu Jul 07, 2011 3:53 pm

[ Lol ok ]
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An Unfortunate Color Palette  [EXPERIENCED ONLY, LONG POSTS] Empty Re: An Unfortunate Color Palette [EXPERIENCED ONLY, LONG POSTS]

Post by Guest Thu Jul 07, 2011 4:02 pm

"i was born in gates of trust, then i moved with my mom and dad to thunder cloud cuz my dad always fought. when his career was over, we moved to eternal twilght and started a herd. i got sick and tired of everybody forcing me to be evil even tho im not, so i left....then found you" i smile


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An Unfortunate Color Palette  [EXPERIENCED ONLY, LONG POSTS] Empty Re: An Unfortunate Color Palette [EXPERIENCED ONLY, LONG POSTS]

Post by Saviour Thu Jul 07, 2011 4:05 pm


I returned his smile self-conciously, knowing to be careful around stallions. "I see" I said simply, lowering my head once more to the grass and ripping at the sweet green blades.
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An Unfortunate Color Palette  [EXPERIENCED ONLY, LONG POSTS] Empty Re: An Unfortunate Color Palette [EXPERIENCED ONLY, LONG POSTS]

Post by Guest Thu Jul 07, 2011 4:17 pm

"well.... ?" i say, wondering why she hasnt made her move, or i havent made mine


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An Unfortunate Color Palette  [EXPERIENCED ONLY, LONG POSTS] Empty Re: An Unfortunate Color Palette [EXPERIENCED ONLY, LONG POSTS]

Post by Saviour Thu Jul 07, 2011 4:26 pm


I give him a question mark look. "Well what?" I asked honestly. How was I supposed to know what he meant? This was my first encounter with a stallion, without my mother anyway.
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An Unfortunate Color Palette  [EXPERIENCED ONLY, LONG POSTS] Empty Re: An Unfortunate Color Palette [EXPERIENCED ONLY, LONG POSTS]

Post by Guest Thu Jul 07, 2011 4:33 pm

"have you ever thought about having a foal....or a few?" i ask
(sorry, brainfart lol)


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An Unfortunate Color Palette  [EXPERIENCED ONLY, LONG POSTS] Empty Re: An Unfortunate Color Palette [EXPERIENCED ONLY, LONG POSTS]

Post by Saviour Thu Jul 07, 2011 6:13 pm


I was taken aback by his question, but answered quickly and without surprise littering the words. "With the right stallion, yes" I said, raising my elegant neck and looking into his eyes.
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An Unfortunate Color Palette  [EXPERIENCED ONLY, LONG POSTS] Empty Re: An Unfortunate Color Palette [EXPERIENCED ONLY, LONG POSTS]

Post by Guest Thu Jul 07, 2011 6:37 pm

i move closer and also look into her eyes. the moon glistened perfectly on my coat, the stars danced in my eyes. muscles rippling with every majestic step i take. i lower my head a little closer, our noses almost touching. "would i be considered.......the right stallion?" i ask


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An Unfortunate Color Palette  [EXPERIENCED ONLY, LONG POSTS] Empty Re: An Unfortunate Color Palette [EXPERIENCED ONLY, LONG POSTS]

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