Call of the Wild
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Flame and Abbas fight, this medow an't big enough for the both of theme! Warning gory!

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Flame and Abbas fight, this medow an't big enough for the both of theme! Warning gory! Empty Flame and Abbas fight, this medow an't big enough for the both of theme! Warning gory!

Post by Man O' War Lover Mon Feb 07, 2011 10:40 am


This stallion had been running free in my medow for a while now, I stood for two day's waiting for a stallion to chalenge me for this land and I claimed it as my own I had my own heard now and this stallion was a threat. Then I saw him on the hill crowned with the large oak. I let out a pearcing whinny and reard to my full hight my forleg's scraping the air. I threw my head and came back to the ground and with a gaint leap went for him not giving hima minute to papar himself...for the worst.


I screamed my chalenge and went to meet him, are body's met in the air. We towerd above the ground our hooves meeting there mark's and bare teeth going for there own. I kicked him hard in the chest sending him falling to the ground.


Swiftly I got back up my eye's never left my aponet, then with out warning I rolled onto my back and gave his back leg's a swift kick sending him falling to the ground like me.


I did not wait instead I went for my my throat met it's mark but he kicked hard sending the wind out of me. I fell back agian but he jumped over me to keep me from getting up again. Quickly I gave him a swift kick in the face. He drew back in disgust but he did not close his eye's like I thought he would. He knew that would give me advantige to take him surprised.


Warm blood trickled down my face but I ignord it and went for him as he rolled over and tried to jump onto his feet. I reached out and closed my teeth down on his back right leg and pulled hard. He squelld and suddenly kicked my again.


My leg was coverd in fresh blood but I looked at him quickly. It was a odd moment. We suddenly stopped. It was as if we both knew no one could be a winner. Sudenly I turned and ran for the oak tree and past it to our heard's.


I went after him and yelld "Cowerd!" He did not turn to face me. He was going for my heard!

Man O' War Lover
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Flame and Abbas fight, this medow an't big enough for the both of theme! Warning gory! Empty Re: Flame and Abbas fight, this medow an't big enough for the both of theme! Warning gory!

Post by Man O' War Lover Mon Feb 07, 2011 11:00 am


I whinneyd when I saw my second hand stallion Amir. "Amir take the othere's to the heard next to us and stay there." He gave me a odd look but with out queston he turned and hearded the othere's away quickly. The red stallion was not far behind. The pain in my back leg was worser I tried not to stumble.

~Flame~ I ran him down and my front hooves cliped his back ones. I screamed in fury. He was going to wish he had never come onto my land. Then sudenly like all hell (soory) had broken loose we turned on each other. Our handsome faces turned into a horible site. Our muzzles wrinkled from baring out teeth, our fine small curved ear's pined back flat, our eye's large and rimed white, our nostrils flared red.


We screamed at each other tearing out coat's and grabing main's and pulling, kicking each othere's rib's and leg's trying to take the othere out.


I galloped alongside lead mare Asha, both of us puzzled. The red stallion's hear looked up quickly they where alarmed. A white Arabian with a wierd half black face hearded the small band over to the trees. Clearly he was second hand stallion. He was small but quick and I new I had no choice but to aproch.

~Masked Mystery~

I gatherd evre one under the trees then looked at Berry Bash. "Your in charge I must go and meet theme." With out waiting to hear what she had to say I turned and ran to meet the othere stallion.


I ran up to him and stopped a short distence away. "My leader has insested that I bring my heard hear. If it is no problem we will stay hear for only a short time." I said.

~Masked Mystery~

"I don not welcome stranger's hear, you must go." I said.


"When my leader return's I will go." I said.

~Masked Mystery~

I wonderd if Flame had run into this stallion's leader. If he had then there was a fight going on out there somewhere.

Man O' War Lover
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Age : 29

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Flame and Abbas fight, this medow an't big enough for the both of theme! Warning gory! Empty Re: Flame and Abbas fight, this medow an't big enough for the both of theme! Warning gory!

Post by Man O' War Lover Mon Feb 07, 2011 11:24 am


We both fell onto the ground kicking and biting each othere. Scard and battle tierd we both drew back from each other. My breathing was labored and so was his. We looked at each other. "You think you can take me down and....I took a shacky breath, and take my heard all in the same day?" I shook my head. "That wont happen beacuse I wont let it happen." I went for him my fury and rage all centerd on him. I let out a percing whinny that could be heard from miles around.


I knew I could not kill this stallion, so I stood ready and waiting. I closed my eye's. But sudenly I heard the thunder of hoof beat's come to a stop dust fell all around me. I opend one eye slowly and looked right into the eye's of my atacker. His strong shoulder's trembled as did the rest of him. "Why did you stop? Finish me!" I yelld at him.


I rememberd what my sire had told me once. "It's your choice to kill another, but it's not the othere's choice to be killed buy you." I backed off slowly. "You must remove your heard from my land or I will finish the job myself." I said flatly. I turned and ran to my heard away from the othere stallion to where I belonged.


I walked hurt and shatterd to my heard. I could heard Amir gathering my heard in the small valley we called our home. I stopped on the hill and watched my heard from a distence. Asha stood next to Amir watching over the heard. Azhar and Asim where playing running around Ananda brood mare of the heard. I played the stallion's word's in my mind. He probably hadint noticed but he had said theme out loud. They ment you have a choice to kill someone who dosent want to die. Did I not want to die? I troted down the hill toured my heard. They all came to great me, they nuzzled me and gasped at my wound's. Ofcourse Ananda took me to the streem to clean my wound's. Amir asked me no queston's, Asim did that untill he was chased off. Amir said he was tacking watch as I rested. I fell asleep suronded by my family.


I stood with the other's looking up at the night sky wondering what lay beyond us. I waited untill all of theme where asleep. I went to the top of the hill and looked out at the small heard of the other stallion. "You where right." I said quietly thinking of my sire.

(The end)

Man O' War Lover
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Age : 29

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Flame and Abbas fight, this medow an't big enough for the both of theme! Warning gory! Empty Re: Flame and Abbas fight, this medow an't big enough for the both of theme! Warning gory!

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