Call of the Wild
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Jafar's Call (all horses of the medow please answer)

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Jafar's  Call (all horses of the medow please answer) Empty Jafar's Call (all horses of the medow please answer)

Post by Man O' War Lover Thu Jan 06, 2011 2:16 pm

(As you know if you kept up with my store line, Jafar want's to gain Arabian Medows, now he has a mesage for all Arabian's in the medow. Any one who lives in the medow please answer back )

I stood at the top of the highest hill. I shouted out "Horses of Arabian Medow answer this call, if you would join me and help take the medow so that one group of horses can rule it. All who join will be apart of this group. For those who don't stay out of my way and die!"

(Not veary nice his he, well please answer any one I woul like to contiue my store line. Now look at it this way if Jafar acomplished this then you and your freinds could over throw him and gain the whole medow and it's horses. Or you can join Flame and Shetan in there quest....oops gave away a bit of the store....keep reading and reply please. It get's better.

Man O' War Lover
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Age : 29

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