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Afire Chief comes to rebuild a herd

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Afire Chief comes to rebuild a herd Empty Afire Chief comes to rebuild a herd

Post by Guest Wed Oct 27, 2010 3:24 pm

Afire Chief~
Trotting in I hold my proud Arabian head high along with my tail. I was here to rebuild a pure Arabian herd, no other types of horses would do for me. Only those of purest Arabian descent would. Flicking my tail I come to a stop and rear up on powerful hind quarters. Stricking the air with stunningly white marked forelegs I let out a shrill whistle to alert local mares. Settling back down I nicker softly. My ink black coat shone with health in the sun as the muscles underneath it twitched with every movement I made. Tossing my head I fling my forelock out of my eyes and scan the area.


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Afire Chief comes to rebuild a herd Empty Re: Afire Chief comes to rebuild a herd

Post by Guest Wed Oct 27, 2010 3:50 pm

Aarna ~ My Palomino coat shone in the sun, my long white mane flowing down my neatly arched neck.. I raised my head hearing a stallion call, I wandered a while before he came in view.. I let a whinny, as I trot happily towards him, my thin legs making near enough no sound as they hit the soft dirt..

Afire Chief comes to rebuild a herd Dsc_2710


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Afire Chief comes to rebuild a herd Empty Re: Afire Chief comes to rebuild a herd

Post by Guest Wed Oct 27, 2010 3:54 pm

Afire Chief~
Hearing the mare's answering neigh I look around to see where it came from. After a few moments I catch sight of her and nicker loudly to her and prick my ears.


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Afire Chief comes to rebuild a herd Empty Re: Afire Chief comes to rebuild a herd

Post by Guest Wed Oct 27, 2010 3:59 pm

Aarna ~ I trot up to him, I smile... as I reach him I slow down to a walk.. I shake my name before saying " Hey, I heard you call..."


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Afire Chief comes to rebuild a herd Empty Re: Afire Chief comes to rebuild a herd

Post by Guest Wed Oct 27, 2010 4:03 pm

Afire Chief~
A small handsome grin crosses my face at her beautiful smile. "My name is Afire Chief" Bowing my head I touch it to my broad chest for a mere second then raise it back up. "What is yours?"


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Afire Chief comes to rebuild a herd Empty Re: Afire Chief comes to rebuild a herd

Post by Guest Wed Oct 27, 2010 4:07 pm

I trotted into a forest, and out i came in a beautiful clearing. I found two other horses. I came up and greeted them. "Hi my name is Lunar Eclispe, err called me Luna" I nibbled on the sweet grass and studied the beautiful arabians.
Afire Chief comes to rebuild a herd 6octjlv


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Afire Chief comes to rebuild a herd Empty Re: Afire Chief comes to rebuild a herd

Post by Guest Wed Oct 27, 2010 4:13 pm

Aarna ~ I bowed my head slightly, before replying " Aarna.. my name is Aarna.. nice to meet you..."


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Afire Chief comes to rebuild a herd Empty Re: Afire Chief comes to rebuild a herd

Post by Guest Wed Oct 27, 2010 4:14 pm

Afire Chief~
Seeing the new mare, Luna, I smile and bow to her also. "Mines Afire Chief." Looking at the both of them I follow up with. "But you two may call me Chief." Studying the both of them I grin. "You both have very beautiful names."


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Afire Chief comes to rebuild a herd Empty Re: Afire Chief comes to rebuild a herd

Post by Guest Wed Oct 27, 2010 4:16 pm

Aarna~ " Thank you, you also have beautiful name..." I looked at him....


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Afire Chief comes to rebuild a herd Empty Re: Afire Chief comes to rebuild a herd

Post by Guest Wed Oct 27, 2010 4:19 pm

"Thanks" I say happily, glad that there was still some pure bred Arabian mares around here. Lowering my muzzle I nibble at the grass curiously, finding out that it was of sweet nature. Raising my head I look around the valley. It had been a few years since I had been here last. Shaking my head, as if that would rid the memories, I turn back my attention to them. "How long have you two been here?"


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Afire Chief comes to rebuild a herd Empty Re: Afire Chief comes to rebuild a herd

Post by Guest Wed Oct 27, 2010 4:26 pm

Aarna ~ " I have only been here for a few weeks..." I nibbled the grass, before looking up again...


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Afire Chief comes to rebuild a herd Empty Re: Afire Chief comes to rebuild a herd

Post by Guest Wed Oct 27, 2010 4:35 pm

I nod, that was usual for one that came here. Then I turn to other mare patiently and wait for her to answer. Lifting a back sharp hoof I kick at my black belly irritably. Stupid flies I think as my ears momentarily pin back as my head whips around and I nip at the underside of my belly.


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Afire Chief comes to rebuild a herd Empty Re: Afire Chief comes to rebuild a herd

Post by Guest Thu Oct 28, 2010 1:54 pm

I was distracted by Chief and how glamorous his coat was. I blinked and looked down as i replied "Oh, i was just set free by my past owners. This is my first time being here, but i like it soo much better then having to to a show jumping horse." I was so happy to be with others exactly like me. For the first time i was happy, and it wasn't because of sweet feed. I nibbled on the grass and looked back up into Chiefs eyes.


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Afire Chief comes to rebuild a herd Empty Re: Afire Chief comes to rebuild a herd

Post by Guest Thu Oct 28, 2010 3:02 pm

I look at her a bit shocked. I had always been free so the mere thought of being a captured horse was terrifying. "What was it like?" I asj curiously. "Being tamed I mean?" I flick my tail with pricked intent ears.


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Afire Chief comes to rebuild a herd Empty Re: Afire Chief comes to rebuild a herd

Post by Guest Fri Oct 29, 2010 7:51 pm

"Well it started off pretty bad. I was caputured when I was about 2 years old and i was brought to an auction. Then I was sent to a polo playing college. I worked pretty hard there, and it could sometimes be cruel. I would get hit with the mallet and running back and forth was tough, especially when i just wanted to lay down an graze. My mane was always being roached, finally i got sent to an old farmers farm. I was a show jumping horse for this 11 year old. They treated me very nice. So you have to be careful when you are tamed, because you never know if you will get a good owner, or bad." I looked a Chief, and smirked a bit. I thought he was adorable, but in a loveable kind of way.


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Afire Chief comes to rebuild a herd Empty Re: Afire Chief comes to rebuild a herd

Post by Guest Fri Oct 29, 2010 9:24 pm

I flick my tail an raise my head. Flaring my nostrils I take in the scent of the valley for any danger as I scan it. Snorting softly I shake my head then lower it an rub it on my extendend foreleg. "Sounds like an interesting life to me."


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Afire Chief comes to rebuild a herd Empty Re: Afire Chief comes to rebuild a herd

Post by Guest Sat Oct 30, 2010 10:32 am

I nod my head "Sometimes.." then i contine grazing. I made a small area of almost bare ground, it looks like it was just mowed down. I trot a little ways, exploring the new land. I gazed around for water, but i couldn't find any.


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Afire Chief comes to rebuild a herd Empty Re: Afire Chief comes to rebuild a herd

Post by Guest Sat Oct 30, 2010 12:59 pm

Aarna ~ I looked from him to her and bck again, She looked thirsty.. " I saw a river a few days back about fifteen minutes walk to the west...I could take you there if you wish.." I said looking at her.


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Afire Chief comes to rebuild a herd Empty Re: Afire Chief comes to rebuild a herd

Post by Guest Sat Oct 30, 2010 1:46 pm

I smile at Aarna. It was very nice of her to offer to take Luna to our water source. Flagging my tail I pick up my feet delicately and trot in the direction which Aarna had explained. My whole body swayed with ease from the gait which us Arabians had. Stopping before I get to the treeline I swing my head around to look at them. "How about we all go?"


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Afire Chief comes to rebuild a herd Empty Re: Afire Chief comes to rebuild a herd

Post by Guest Sat Oct 30, 2010 1:52 pm

I was very grateful to have such nice horses around me. I said "Thanks. That sounds like a good idea. I really appreciate it." I smiled and trotted towards Chief. I stopped a few feet behind him, and then turn around to face Aarna.


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Afire Chief comes to rebuild a herd Empty Re: Afire Chief comes to rebuild a herd

Post by Guest Sat Oct 30, 2010 1:59 pm

Aarna ~ I smiled as I trotted past them towards the river... swishing my tail around in the air


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Afire Chief comes to rebuild a herd Empty Re: Afire Chief comes to rebuild a herd

Post by Guest Sat Oct 30, 2010 2:05 pm

I smile and bump my nose against Luna's neck and sniff her. It would be good for me to memerize their scents so I would not lose them. Flicking my tail, I turn so that my left side faced Luna and Aarna. I nicker to Aarna curiously. Then I rear up halfway and toss my head in the air before bolting forward and cantering smoothly after Aarna.


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Afire Chief comes to rebuild a herd Empty Re: Afire Chief comes to rebuild a herd

Post by Guest Sat Oct 30, 2010 2:08 pm

Aarna ~ I speed up to a gallop.... I wanted to see how fast they were... I raised my head nieghing to them


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Afire Chief comes to rebuild a herd Empty Re: Afire Chief comes to rebuild a herd

Post by Guest Sat Oct 30, 2010 2:15 pm

My piercing neigh answers hers gleefully as I too sped up. My feet pounding the ground rythmically (sp) I soon catch up to her. Though unlike others I still held my head up high whilst galloping, showing that I could easily run faster. Kicking up my heels I arch my back high into the air with a challenging squeal for any of those that even thought about taking these two lovely mares from me.


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Afire Chief comes to rebuild a herd Empty Re: Afire Chief comes to rebuild a herd

Post by Guest Sat Oct 30, 2010 2:17 pm

Aarna ~ I sped up further, I was a natural born runner like my father..and could run suprisingly fast at the moment I was playing.....


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Afire Chief comes to rebuild a herd Empty Re: Afire Chief comes to rebuild a herd

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