Call of the Wild
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Afire Chief seeking, looking

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Afire Chief seeking, looking Empty Afire Chief seeking, looking

Post by Guest Wed Apr 01, 2009 1:14 pm

*I trot in head held high and snort tossing my mane* "I'm bored. Is there anyone here?"


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Afire Chief seeking, looking Empty Spica

Post by Guest Mon Nov 30, 2009 10:50 pm

Yes and I am in strong heat are you a stallion?


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Afire Chief seeking, looking Empty Re: Afire Chief seeking, looking

Post by Guest Sun Jan 10, 2010 5:45 pm

(are u a stallion or mare?)


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Afire Chief seeking, looking Empty Re: Afire Chief seeking, looking

Post by Guest Mon Jan 18, 2010 2:40 pm


Afire Chief: *I rear up on my powerful hind legs and thrash out in the air. Coming back down I look around, my feet ready to spring to action. Everything about me was wild and rugged.*


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Afire Chief seeking, looking Empty Re: Afire Chief seeking, looking

Post by Guest Sun Aug 08, 2010 12:23 pm

All of a sudden a beautiful bay arab stallion comes galloping in and says his name is valient he instantly falls in love with the mare he sees


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Afire Chief seeking, looking Empty Re: Afire Chief seeking, looking

Post by Guest Wed Aug 11, 2010 12:23 pm

Afire Chief:

My gold flecked eyes instantly flash to the other stallion, ears flattening instantly. I tuck my head in and flare my nostrils with narrowed eyes. Flicking my long tail I can feel my blood start to boil slightly as my instincts kick in. Another stallion would not do.


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Afire Chief seeking, looking Empty Re: Afire Chief seeking, looking

Post by Guest Wed Aug 11, 2010 1:42 pm

Im not here to fight i want to join your herd


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Afire Chief seeking, looking Empty Re: Afire Chief seeking, looking

Post by Guest Wed Aug 11, 2010 3:52 pm

A white arabian mare is easdropping and bursts in "As am i"


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Afire Chief seeking, looking Empty Re: Afire Chief seeking, looking

Post by Guest Wed Aug 11, 2010 3:53 pm

Afire Chief seeking, looking Moonli10


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Afire Chief seeking, looking Empty Re: Afire Chief seeking, looking

Post by Guest Fri Aug 13, 2010 1:22 pm

Afire Chief:
My ears prick as soon as I hear the stallion's words. Astonished, I shake my head and relax. "Hmm, that is interesting. Usually stallions only come to fight, but are different." I look at the young stallion. I could use him, as help to protect the herd. "You may join." I say as I bow my head, touching it to my chest as a sign of respect and as a way of sealing my words. Raising my head, I turn my attention to the mare. She was very pretty. Flicking my tail I start towards her. Walking around her, inspecting every inch of her. She was perfect, confirmation and everything. Stopping infront of her I look into her eyes. Flicking forelock out of my eyes. "Where have you come from?"


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Afire Chief seeking, looking Empty Re: Afire Chief seeking, looking

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