Call of the Wild
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A Protectiveness That Is Rare To See Now...

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A Protectiveness That Is Rare To See Now... Empty A Protectiveness That Is Rare To See Now...

Post by Guest Tue Sep 14, 2010 2:14 pm

Ang, or fully know as Fallen Angel, walked among the forest, my younger brother padding silently alongside me. He always seemed to be so quite that at times I had to glance back just to mack sure he was there... Even now I stopped to glance down. Yup, he was flanking my back hind leg looking up at me with his soft big eyes.

"Ang? Why are we stopping? Is something wrong"
Cocian's young voice spoke up as his eyes had a hint of worry flicker across them. He never really knew why his sister would stop at times before glancing back at him... They had been travelling for a few days now before ending up here.... Cocian didn't even know where here even was at teh moment...

Ang looked down at her brother before turned and rubbing the side of her muzzle agaisnt him in reassurance.
"Your Probably hungry aren't you Co?"

Cocian closed his eyes while his sister rubbed the side of his head in reassurance.
"A bit yes..."

Nodding Ang showed her brother where to stay hidden while she went to go hunt down some food for the both of them...

Cocian heard his sister leave before poking his head out... Curiosity got the better of him and he left the hiding spot... he left, unknowingly, in the opposite direction his sister had gone and soon became lost... His ears went back slightly as he got a bit afraid...
"Ang?... Where are you.... Ang??"
His voice got a bit louder than a whisper... he wasn't used to being alone so everytime he was, he seemed to freak out..


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A Protectiveness That Is Rare To See Now... Empty Re: A Protectiveness That Is Rare To See Now...

Post by Soul Hunter Tue Sep 14, 2010 2:20 pm

i was walking amoung the plants sniffing around i caught another wolf's scent but quiet a young one about a year...i heard a voice and pricked my ears i saw Cocain and went over to him.. my name was Midnight Struck a she-wolf who had left her pack and previously lived with Native americains.... "you lost?" i asked him curiously and sat down "i won't hurt you so don't worry, i'm Midnight Struck, Struck for short" i said introducing myself.. i had a sweet and kind voice...

ooc- pic..

Soul Hunter
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A Protectiveness That Is Rare To See Now... Empty Re: A Protectiveness That Is Rare To See Now...

Post by Guest Tue Sep 14, 2010 2:39 pm

Cocian stopped as he looked up at the she-wolf, taking a few cautious steps backwards..
"I...I can't find Ang.... I don't know where she went..."
Cocian's face showed just the slightest hint of sadness as he looked up at the female wolf with the bright blue eyes...

Ang returned with two rabbits hanging from her mouth, noticing that her brother was no longer in the hiding spot her senses went on high alert as her ears shot into an alert state.
Glancing around she sniffed the air for her brother's scent before taking off in the direction where she caught a bit of it...
Her stride stayed fully extended as she leapt over the terrain, trying to get to him as swiftly and efficiently as possible... just incase he was in any type of danger...


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A Protectiveness That Is Rare To See Now... Empty Re: A Protectiveness That Is Rare To See Now...

Post by Soul Hunter Tue Sep 14, 2010 2:43 pm

i caught his sister's scent "ahh, i think she;s comming your sister must be very quick indeed.. i'm sure she must be nice as well so cheer up" i said and nudged him trying to comfort him a little.. "your sister doesn't want to see a frowning face now does she?" i said in my usual gentle tone... "what is you name?" i said and took a step back and sat down...
Soul Hunter
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A Protectiveness That Is Rare To See Now... Empty Re: A Protectiveness That Is Rare To See Now...

Post by Guest Tue Sep 14, 2010 3:03 pm

Cocian looked up at the female cheering up slightly when she had spoken.
"I...I'm Cocian*"

Ang slowed down when she caught sight of her brother, but seeing the other wolf near him her features turned to a protective one as she slinked forward, a slight growl coming from her.
"What are you doing with my brother"
Her words held a slight visciousness in them. When it came to her brother she took no chances whatsoever. The only way she wouldn't show this viscious side of her, was if her brother told her that the person wouldn't hurt him, but had infact helped him...
"Cocian get behind me, now.."

Cocian looked at his sister as he stood between her and the female behind him.
"Ang... it's okay... she....she helped me, i'm not hurt or anything.... she meant no harm..."
He took a hesitant step towards his sister before bumping his head into her chest lightly, looking up at her.

Ang looked down at her brother, listening to his words, her stance didn't change as she looked back up at the other wolf.
"Is what my brother says, true... Did you truly mean him now harm...."
She nudged Cocian lightly so she could put herself between the two.

Standing slightly underneath his sister, he poked his head out between her front legs. Giving them a small lick, watching the scene infront of him with a worried patience.... Hopefully his sister would calm down. She truly was a very sweet and caring person... but they were all each other had... so it gave her reason to be so protective over him...
(OOC: *= Co-See-in, seems easier to say than how i tried to say it in the profile)


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A Protectiveness That Is Rare To See Now... Empty Re: A Protectiveness That Is Rare To See Now...

Post by Soul Hunter Tue Sep 14, 2010 3:08 pm

"it's true Cocian is neither hurt or in danger.. i only got here a few minutes ago i only heard him and i smelled another wolf.. since i'm a lone wolf or a Kerla in old Wolf i have not seen many others..." i said and bowed my head to her "i am Midnight Struck... a simple wondering loner... i do talk and i have recently left my pack ear the Native Americains" i said to them still keeping fairly calm..."i just asked him who he was and if he was lost.. i was right about one thing though you seem very nice"

ooc- not easily angered or annoyed
Soul Hunter
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A Protectiveness That Is Rare To See Now... Empty Re: A Protectiveness That Is Rare To See Now...

Post by Guest Tue Sep 14, 2010 3:23 pm

Ang's stance relaxed mostly, now she was back to how she always was, standing at her normal height instead of her head being low and her shoulders up slightly in a defensive position... No now Ang was relaxed with just a few of her senses alert for any danger. Nodding her head she bowed it slightly to show that she was apologizing before looking back up at Struck.
"I apologize then, Cocian is all I have left of my family, so you can tell my reasoning for being so protective over him."
Her voice had calmed down and was now light, holding nothing but a caring tone as she looked down at her brother who now stepped out to stand next to her.
"My name is Fallen Angel, or just Ang..."

Cocian wasn't sure if his sister had caught onto it but he was curious as to why Struck had left her old herd...
"Struck... Why did you leave your old herd? Did something happen???...."
He looked up at her with innocent and curious eyes...


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A Protectiveness That Is Rare To See Now... Empty Re: A Protectiveness That Is Rare To See Now...

Post by Soul Hunter Wed Sep 15, 2010 10:54 am

"i turned two this year in my pack you leave when you turn two to find a mate or pack.. i just plan on wondering for my life since the world we all know is full of strange sights and mysteries and i plan to see them all before i die.. that won't be for a while though" i said "and i understand anyone would be like that...Ang"
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A Protectiveness That Is Rare To See Now... Empty Re: A Protectiveness That Is Rare To See Now...

Post by Guest Wed Sep 15, 2010 8:23 pm

Cocian listened intently to what the female said, a bit interested in her idea for travelling and going to see everything, the world basically.
"That sounds really exciting Struck... but don't you believe that it'll get lonely??? Wandering all by yourself like that??"
His eyes were curious as he looked up at Struck.

Ang no longer knew what to say so she silently sat besides her brother and just listened to his enthusiasm as he spoke back to the female wolf. She wasn't completely sure...


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A Protectiveness That Is Rare To See Now... Empty Re: A Protectiveness That Is Rare To See Now...

Post by Soul Hunter Thu Sep 16, 2010 11:49 am

"of course it will eventually.. i still meet up with others so i won't be completely lonely and anyway just because i'm a Kerla doesn't mean i don't see other wolves and talk to them.. there aren't any rules that say that" i said
Soul Hunter
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