Call of the Wild
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Blinder the Golden Sweetheart

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Blinder the Golden Sweetheart Empty Blinder the Golden Sweetheart

Post by Emoticon Wed Apr 07, 2010 1:33 pm

Breed:NSH(National Show Horse)
Color:gold but face is Sliver with lots of gold spots
Mane/Tail color:grey blueish with a hint of brown
Apearance:Very bright in the sun and could temperaily blind you. very pretty, when in heat she gets a little darker. She does not like to fight, and rarely fights back or gets hurt. She has a hoof mark on her neck.
Personality:Short horse but quick. likes to pay-hard-to-get when in heat. Sweet, high tempered, silly, playful and fancy. Stuned when Shocked,Surprised or Betraded. has a soft side. if you could get to the soft side and hurt her feelings or hit her, she can't forgive you. not a good fighter, in life-or-death sittuations or she is playing hard to get, she will fight. her tail is sharp like a needle. if you get hit, you have severe pain,blood and numbness. Not vey strong or powerful, her weapons are only her tail,blindness and hooves.
Big Star Player
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Age : 24
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