Call of the Wild
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Conquistador's Ghost Brings His Herd

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Conquistador's Ghost Brings His Herd Empty Conquistador's Ghost Brings His Herd

Post by Guest Fri Feb 19, 2010 12:26 pm

~Conquistador's Ghost~

I dart trhough teh trees, sticking closely to the shadows. My dark, mahogany bay coat blended in perfectly, adn those who could see me only saw a darting figure that soon disappeared. I leapt over logs and weaved between trees, ears half back as I listened, nostrils flared to catch the scents of the forest surrounding me. Finally, I exited the forest, my herd behind me. A canyon rose before me and I slowed my pace, swivelling my ears. I was careful trhought eh deep desert-like sand to not trip and bow a tendon, and soon I was at the exit of the canyon which opened into a big plain. I sli to a stop, looking around for any sign of danger. There was none. I tried the grass and the clear, sparking stream that ran through the valley. Checked for shadows with fangs and claws in the trees and bushes. Nothing. As soon as I heeded it safe, I whinnied loudly and called my herd to me, then waited.


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Conquistador's Ghost Brings His Herd Empty Re: Conquistador's Ghost Brings His Herd

Post by Guest Fri Feb 19, 2010 2:29 pm

Rebel's Daughter~
I whinnied back my white coat a blur as I appeared at his side I tossed my head up and down about 3 times then quit, my mane falling into my face my nostrils flared


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Conquistador's Ghost Brings His Herd Empty Re: Conquistador's Ghost Brings His Herd

Post by Guest Fri Feb 19, 2010 3:13 pm

Yellow Stone~
I walk into the plain,with my my beautiful shining sienna buckskin coat, i blended in with the sheer cliff plateau. I was looking for conqusitador's ghost, and then i hear him whinnie. I ran to where he was standing and tossed my head around and waitede for the rest of the herd


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Conquistador's Ghost Brings His Herd Empty Re: Conquistador's Ghost Brings His Herd

Post by Guest Fri Feb 19, 2010 4:59 pm

~Conquistador's Ghost~

I watch as my herd comes with me, so far only Rebel's Daughter and Yellow Stone. I see Yellow Stone come over to me and hear her whicker, when Distant Memory cantered in behind them, head held high. I whicker kindly to her and toss my head slightly, prancing over to Rebel and snort a soft greeting to her.


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Conquistador's Ghost Brings His Herd Empty Re: Conquistador's Ghost Brings His Herd

Post by Guest Fri Feb 19, 2010 5:01 pm

I smiled at him and nuzzled his neck softly


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Conquistador's Ghost Brings His Herd Empty Re: Conquistador's Ghost Brings His Herd

Post by Guest Fri Feb 19, 2010 5:09 pm

~Conquistador's Ghost~

I smile at her and nuzzle her softly back, laying my head across her back. I let out a soft sigh as I wait for the other members of the herd, then pull my head from her back and lower it to the ground to graze, watching the other members of the herd.


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Conquistador's Ghost Brings His Herd Empty Re: Conquistador's Ghost Brings His Herd

Post by Guest Sat Feb 20, 2010 8:44 am

*i snort and trot away* "im not in your herd anymore! if i cant be your lead mare,then im leving!" *i gallop off the plain and stand on the edge of the cliff*


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Conquistador's Ghost Brings His Herd Empty Re: Conquistador's Ghost Brings His Herd

Post by Guest Sat Feb 20, 2010 9:17 am

I shook and then started to graze swishing my tail


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Conquistador's Ghost Brings His Herd Empty Re: Conquistador's Ghost Brings His Herd

Post by Guest Sat Feb 20, 2010 2:44 pm

Daughter Of The Wind-

I galloped in, tail flagged, i stopped and reared up, softly greeting the lead mare and stallion.I had heard the one mare complain about not being able to be his lead, i laughed softly, rolling my eyes, then grazed next to the lead mare.

(OOOO can i be the lead mare and lead stallion daughter?? I dont have to be, just a thought)


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Conquistador's Ghost Brings His Herd Empty Re: Conquistador's Ghost Brings His Herd

Post by Guest Sat Feb 20, 2010 4:28 pm

Rebel~ I smiled softly at her


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Conquistador's Ghost Brings His Herd Empty Re: Conquistador's Ghost Brings His Herd

Post by Guest Sat Feb 20, 2010 7:18 pm

She smiles back and grazes.


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Conquistador's Ghost Brings His Herd Empty Re: Conquistador's Ghost Brings His Herd

Post by Guest Sat Feb 20, 2010 7:24 pm

[sorry, no, cause then I'd be being really unfair to JBBABY cause she kept asking, too...]

Conquistador's Ghost~
I watch Daughter Of The Wind gallop in and whicker a soft greeting. I toss my mane and trot over to the stream, lowering my head to drink from it.


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Conquistador's Ghost Brings His Herd Empty Re: Conquistador's Ghost Brings His Herd

Post by Guest Sat Feb 20, 2010 7:32 pm

(she asked to be lead though..not a daughter.. but whatever ok)


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Conquistador's Ghost Brings His Herd Empty Re: Conquistador's Ghost Brings His Herd

Post by Guest Sat Feb 20, 2010 7:43 pm

[0.0 Sorry, I thought you asked something esle... and yeah, you can]


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Conquistador's Ghost Brings His Herd Empty Re: Conquistador's Ghost Brings His Herd

Post by Guest Sat Feb 20, 2010 8:07 pm

(Oh, sweet, cool!!)

She slowly makes her way over to her father, the lead and smiles.
"Im bored"
She says out loud, not meaning to, then starts to graze.


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Conquistador's Ghost Brings His Herd Empty Re: Conquistador's Ghost Brings His Herd

Post by Guest Sat Feb 20, 2010 11:53 pm


I smile small at her adn tug gently at her mane.
"Well, find something to do," I say, studying her.
"You could go find a mate, fi you would like, and bring him back here," I say, wondering. She was 6 now, and she hadn't had a life otuside of this herd so far. I smile small at her.


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Conquistador's Ghost Brings His Herd Empty Re: Conquistador's Ghost Brings His Herd

Post by Guest Sat Feb 20, 2010 11:58 pm

I chuckled and laid down with a grunt


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Conquistador's Ghost Brings His Herd Empty Re: Conquistador's Ghost Brings His Herd

Post by Guest Sun Feb 21, 2010 12:02 am

"Well i would like to, but i doubt anyone would want me"
She looked down at her hooves, sighing gently and glanced at her mom.


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Conquistador's Ghost Brings His Herd Empty Re: Conquistador's Ghost Brings His Herd

Post by Daydreamer Tue Feb 23, 2010 7:42 pm

Sliver grazed nearby watching the rest of the herd settle into the new area she raised her head and studied her surrounding
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Conquistador's Ghost Brings His Herd Empty Re: Conquistador's Ghost Brings His Herd

Post by Guest Wed Mar 03, 2010 12:26 pm


I watch the rest of the herd for a few minutes, my gaze lingering slightly on Yellow Stone. THen I return my gaze to my daughter and smile small.
"Of course someone would," I say, nuzzling her softly. "Who wouldn't want a beautiful mare?"


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Conquistador's Ghost Brings His Herd Empty Re: Conquistador's Ghost Brings His Herd

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