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snow moon awaits a stallion to clam her

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snow moon awaits a stallion to clam her - Page 3 Empty Re: snow moon awaits a stallion to clam her

Post by Guardian Angel Fri Dec 25, 2009 5:16 pm

Keeping my ears laid I stepped closer to Snow, protecting my prego mare. I glance at her hoping she would understand. "Brother, I have changed. Now I want you to go" I snorted and looked at my mare from the corner of my eye. The grey stallion laughed and stepped closer "you know you have not changed" he smiles " you know you don't really want her for her" I growl "what are you talking about" I didn't want snow to know about my past.
Guardian Angel
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snow moon awaits a stallion to clam her - Page 3 Empty Re: snow moon awaits a stallion to clam her

Post by Guest Fri Dec 25, 2009 8:10 pm

i glare at the stallion and bare my teeth"you will never get me to do anything for you mange stud!"i growl


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snow moon awaits a stallion to clam her - Page 3 Empty Re: snow moon awaits a stallion to clam her

Post by Guardian Angel Fri Dec 25, 2009 8:21 pm

I glare at him and stand closer to my mare. "I swear Rally I have changed." I was shaking violently and i really didnt know if i could control myself. I was a mythical horse and i didnt want Snow to see. "Snow please go..Now!" I say or demand of her. Rally smiles evily, "Now brother, there really is no reason to get all shook up." He saw the confused look on Snow's face and pretended to get all soft, "Awe you mean you havent told her yet?" He made a click click noice.
Guardian Angel
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snow moon awaits a stallion to clam her - Page 3 Empty Re: snow moon awaits a stallion to clam her

Post by Guest Fri Dec 25, 2009 8:27 pm

I stare at him"what is he talking about,my love?"


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snow moon awaits a stallion to clam her - Page 3 Empty Re: snow moon awaits a stallion to clam her

Post by Guardian Angel Fri Dec 25, 2009 8:51 pm

"Nothing!" I say a bit harsher than i ment. Rally snorted and stepped closer, "Oh Snow, if you only knew!" he said. I had had enough. As if i were a new horse, my coat burst into a black ebony color with a long flowing mane. I had a horn the color of gold and two feet long with razor sharp tip. My eues burned flame red as i snorted smoke. Just like as if i just popped out of a story book. I went to lunge for him, but he was quicker. As he jumped to the side, he morphed to and as i missed and slid forward, his horn nipped my shoulder, freezing me in my tracks. He laughed, "silly brother"
Guardian Angel
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snow moon awaits a stallion to clam her - Page 3 Empty Re: snow moon awaits a stallion to clam her

Post by Guest Fri Dec 25, 2009 8:55 pm

my eyes widened as i saw him in his new form and i whine with surprise

(i for get his name what is it?)


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snow moon awaits a stallion to clam her - Page 3 Empty Re: snow moon awaits a stallion to clam her

Post by Guardian Angel Fri Dec 25, 2009 9:02 pm


I watch helplessly as he moves around my mate in slow easy movements. I am able to move my head as he says, "Awe Snow, you wonderful mate here was once a forcer." he snickered. "Dont listen Snow, I changed!" Hr grunted, "Yeah what once a forcer always a forcer. I would take it that maybe he took it down a notch and is leading you on. I know my brother and he wouldnt just stop what he was born to do"
Guardian Angel
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snow moon awaits a stallion to clam her - Page 3 Empty Re: snow moon awaits a stallion to clam her

Post by Guest Fri Dec 25, 2009 9:06 pm

i raise my hoof to strike rally
"If Duende ever did that hes not like that any more!"
I buck at Rally but hes to quick and nips me on my flank making me bleed


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snow moon awaits a stallion to clam her - Page 3 Empty Re: snow moon awaits a stallion to clam her

Post by Guardian Angel Fri Dec 25, 2009 9:09 pm

I was outraged. I used my horn to unfreeze my locked joints. Rally bounded away and i chased after him. He tried to tap me again and missed. I went after him. He stopped spun around adn locked my joints again, but with a stronger force. He went back over to Snow, "You know you deserve better..." he tapped her with his horn, froze her and right before my eyes, he raped my beloved. i screamed out in agonizing pain and hatred. I became unforze and lunged at him, killing him with my horn, a strike to the heart.
Guardian Angel
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snow moon awaits a stallion to clam her - Page 3 Empty Re: snow moon awaits a stallion to clam her

Post by Guest Fri Dec 25, 2009 9:14 pm

I cant move i whine with horror"NO!"i screamed.
He mounted me he grabs my mane and pulled my head back


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snow moon awaits a stallion to clam her - Page 3 Empty Re: snow moon awaits a stallion to clam her

Post by Guardian Angel Fri Dec 25, 2009 11:22 pm

I had tears in my eyes as I ran to my mates side. "Im so sorry!" looked down at the body of my brother who was layng in a pool of his own blood. I was so infurriated that I continued to beat the heck out of his body until I couldn't even reconize him.
Guardian Angel
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snow moon awaits a stallion to clam her - Page 3 Empty Re: snow moon awaits a stallion to clam her

Post by Guest Sat Dec 26, 2009 10:22 am

I rest my head on his back"it all right..."i whisper.
i slowly lay down with exhaustion and close my eyes to sleep"its all right..."


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snow moon awaits a stallion to clam her - Page 3 Empty Re: snow moon awaits a stallion to clam her

Post by Guardian Angel Sat Dec 26, 2009 12:16 pm

I know I look weak standing above my mare that's sleep on the grass carrying my foal and possibly my stupid brothers. Tears slid down my white cheeks leaving grey trails of dirt, as I drug my brothers body to the river. I dumped him into the water and morphed back to my normal state. I walk back to snows side and stand above her and whisper over and over again, "I'm sorry"
Guardian Angel
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snow moon awaits a stallion to clam her - Page 3 Empty Re: snow moon awaits a stallion to clam her

Post by Guest Sun Dec 27, 2009 8:38 am

I open my eyes slowly to see his standing over me"hello"i say gently


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snow moon awaits a stallion to clam her - Page 3 Empty Re: snow moon awaits a stallion to clam her

Post by Guardian Angel Tue Dec 29, 2009 11:59 am

My eyes were still moist as I said a gentle "hello"
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snow moon awaits a stallion to clam her - Page 3 Empty Re: snow moon awaits a stallion to clam her

Post by Guest Tue Dec 29, 2009 12:36 pm

I slowly get to my feet and nuzzle him


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snow moon awaits a stallion to clam her - Page 3 Empty Re: snow moon awaits a stallion to clam her

Post by Guardian Angel Tue Dec 29, 2009 12:39 pm

I smile and nuzzle her back. I look at her belly and all it's swolleness. I sigh hoping and praying my brother didn't plant a seed in her beautiful body. If he did, I will kill it. I mentally kicked myself for being so harsh.
Guardian Angel
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snow moon awaits a stallion to clam her - Page 3 Empty Re: snow moon awaits a stallion to clam her

Post by Guest Tue Dec 29, 2009 12:43 pm

I glance a my belly and look at him as he flinched"what is wrong?"


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snow moon awaits a stallion to clam her - Page 3 Empty Re: snow moon awaits a stallion to clam her

Post by Guardian Angel Tue Dec 29, 2009 12:47 pm

"Nothing nothing" I say
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snow moon awaits a stallion to clam her - Page 3 Empty Re: snow moon awaits a stallion to clam her

Post by Guest Tue Dec 29, 2009 12:54 pm

I feel a sharp pain in my belly "the foal is coming!"i gasp


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snow moon awaits a stallion to clam her - Page 3 Empty Re: snow moon awaits a stallion to clam her

Post by Guardian Angel Tue Dec 29, 2009 7:47 pm

My eyes wide with alarm, "Lie down!" I say hurridly
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