Call of the Wild
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Evil Arrives

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Evil Arrives - Page 5 Empty Re: Evil Arrives

Post by Saviour Thu Dec 09, 2010 6:22 pm

Adam: I chuckle and nod "Alright, lets go" I said with a smirk

Freisha: At his words and dove down, daring Dragon to chase me and then weave through a hidden trail that didn't have dangerous trees in the way. I smirk and blow ice at the sapling on the trail, I usually kept this trail open.
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Evil Arrives - Page 5 Empty Re: Evil Arrives

Post by Guest Tue Dec 14, 2010 12:58 pm

I grin also and grab tight the saddle as Dragon tucks in his feet and folds his wings. Screaming in delight I let go of my hold on the saddle and stand up, pushing off with my feet I spread my arms like I'm diving and sail through the air. Laughing as the wind rips through my hair and whistles in my ears, prepare to grab hold of the saddle bar when Dragon swoops under me, spreading his massive wings. With a wicked playful grin I grab tight again of the saddle bar and pull myself onto his back as he dives yet another time to catch up with Adam and Freisha.
With a smile on my face I look in awe as Dragon levels out flying about 20 feet from the ground now. The tree's here were so beautiful, so magnificent cloaked in their fall colours. Chuckling I reach out and let a few branches smack gently against my hand. Their soft leaves like cotton against my skin sending chills up my spine. Bringing my hand back to the saddle bar I turn my eyes to watch Adam and Freisha. Slipping the goggles that rested on my head over my eyes I give Dragon a slight nudge with my knee and smile with glee at the surge of power it instantly brought when he burst forward. Rocketing over Freisha and Adam I turn my head around, my long black hair whipping back over my face as I smiled and stuck my tongue out.

Feeling my beloved Evil's nudge I instantly respond by rushing forward and over Freisha. Letting out a roar I pound my powerful wings as I see the edge of a cliff not that far ahead. Snaking my head through the air, I lash my tail back and forth a few times and let one of my clawed fingers scrape against the ground as I come back down infront of Freisha.


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Evil Arrives - Page 5 Empty Re: Evil Arrives

Post by Saviour Sat Dec 18, 2010 6:33 am

I smirk and look back, not seeing Evil I get a sudden look of confusion on my face and look infront of me, where she was sticking her tongue out playfully at me. I smirk and nudge Freisha, laughing at the sudden whoosh of wind in my ears. I lean foreward and whisper to Freisha "Harder girl, show him who's boss" I said with a smirk, knowing that Freisha didn't like being the loser.

I smirk at his nudge and surge foreward on powerful wings. I fly directly below them and snort loudly, almost laughing before I raced foreward again. I was low to the ground, so I dug my sharp claws into the wet soil, then pushed foreward powerfully with my wings and legs. I laugh and get ahead, then fly up into the sky at a steep incline, but kept ahead. I saw a cliff up ahead and smirked, looking down at dragon and send him a signal through my head. Hey, wanna surprise our riders with a sudden dive down the cliff?? I asked, my voice filled with excitement and giggles, like a kid that woke up before it was time to open presents on Christmas Day.
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Evil Arrives - Page 5 Empty Re: Evil Arrives

Post by Guest Mon Dec 20, 2010 2:15 pm

"Hey!" I laugh and hang on tighter to Dragon, feeling his power and excitement as Friesha and Adam flies under us. Narrowing my eyes I shake my head and smile playfully at Adam. Watching in awe as him and Friesha do a steep incline before leveling out again. Still smiling I bring my eyes to infront of me, watching dragon and where we were going.

Roaring in destest but holding back from trying to catch them I keep up my steady pace. Hearing Friesha I chuckle, the deep sound rumbling in my throat. Wouldn't that be something. Alright. Giving a toothy grin I snake my head through the air. Our bodies made for flying, cut through the air with such precise that it was amazing. Giving another loud roar I shake my head and spit a little bit of fire at the tip of Friesha's tail.


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Evil Arrives - Page 5 Empty Re: Evil Arrives

Post by Saviour Thu Dec 23, 2010 11:08 am

I laugh at him and flick my tail in return. I watch the cliff spread over our sight and I knew that Adam was too busy staring at his new crush to notice it. I look back at dragon and slow down slightly, wanting him to catch up so we could dive together. I didn't want to alter speed too much so that adam and evil would look up but I needed to alter it as much as possible.
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Evil Arrives - Page 5 Empty Re: Evil Arrives

Post by Guest Thu Dec 23, 2010 8:09 pm

I chuckle when she flicks her tail and quickly surge forward up next to her. Grinning I roar happily then turn to focus on the cliff ahead.

Seeing Adam staring at me I blush slightly and wave at him then wink.


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Evil Arrives - Page 5 Empty Re: Evil Arrives

Post by Saviour Fri Dec 24, 2010 8:50 am

I chuckle at myself and roll my eyes, then wave back at her jokeingly.

I look at dragon and roar in laughter as well then nod at him, and fold my one wing, acting like I was hurt, and tumble down the cliff, holding back a chuckle or smile.
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Evil Arrives - Page 5 Empty Re: Evil Arrives

Post by Guest Thu Feb 03, 2011 1:53 am

I quickly follow her actions and fold one wing, instantly I could feel Evil shift and turn high alert as we plummeted (sp) over the cliffs edge. Though when we finally pulled up and she started silently cursing and scowling at me, I chuckled. The horrified look on her face had been worth it.


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Evil Arrives - Page 5 Empty Re: Evil Arrives

Post by Saviour Fri Jun 24, 2011 2:10 am

The grin wiped instantly from my face when Freisha began to fall. I glanced helplessly around and tried to see what was wrong with her wing.

I pulled out my wing and allowed the thermals to gently catch and pull me up, laughing as Adam threw a fit at me.

I rolled my eyes "Haha, very funny" I snorted at her and crossed my arms.
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Evil Arrives - Page 5 Empty Re: Evil Arrives

Post by Guest Mon Jun 27, 2011 7:59 pm

The silent rage that burned in my body only let a shadow of its true emotion flicker of my face. Taking a deep breath I shake my head and give Dragon the signal to find a place to land. I had had enough of flying for one day. It was time to hunt now.

With a distasteful growl I tug my large head in response to Evil's gentle heel touch to my neck. Looking around for only a second, I find a spot. Quickly I change my flight path and head for a large open meadow that would be able to accomendate (sp) two dragons.


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Evil Arrives - Page 5 Empty Re: Evil Arrives

Post by Saviour Mon Jun 27, 2011 8:12 pm

I follow Dragon and swoop left towards the large meadow. It was tall, dry yellow grass, but large enough for us. Glancing over at him, I hover before landing, allowing them to pick their spot.

I let Freisha follow Evil and Dragon, resting my eyes trusting he. Even if she had just tricked me, and scared the crap outta me in the process.
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Evil Arrives - Page 5 Empty Re: Evil Arrives

Post by Guest Mon Jun 27, 2011 8:22 pm

Picking a spot close to the end of the meadow next to the trees, I land.. Quite roughly.

"Dragon why must you be so daft today?!" I snarled angrily as dismounted him. Stalking into the trees, I find a small waterfall that had deep waters at the end of its wispy fingers. Sighing I decided I would bathe instead of hunting. Taking my hunting bow off my shoulder, I sling it down to the ground, along with my knife. Lifting my right arm, I slide one arm out of my shirt.


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Evil Arrives - Page 5 Empty Re: Evil Arrives

Post by Saviour Mon Jun 27, 2011 8:27 pm

I land beside dragon, my large body gently dropping into a crouching position. I let Adam slide off my back and the stand and stretch.

Deciding against following Evil since she wasn't in the best of moods, I lay against Freisha, her cool body felt refreshing as I rested my eyes into a temporary nap.
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Evil Arrives - Page 5 Empty Re: Evil Arrives

Post by Guest Mon Jun 27, 2011 8:33 pm

Once Adam closes his eyes, I roll my own. "Will the boy never learn?" My deep voice whispered into Freisha's mind. "He should have followed her." I gently chided.


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Evil Arrives - Page 5 Empty Re: Evil Arrives

Post by Saviour Mon Jun 27, 2011 8:38 pm

I smiled down at Adam as he spoke in my mind. "He is young, he will learn eventually." I said, then snorted and shook abruptly. When Adam startles, I nonchalantly lower my head and smell the ground.
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Evil Arrives - Page 5 Empty Re: Evil Arrives

Post by Guest Wed Jun 29, 2011 8:41 am

I smile in agreement to Freisha's words. Turning my head away from the boy and female dragon, I look into the woods where my rider had went. Though I did not follow. The soft fall of water droplets and splashing gave way that she was alright. Sighing comfortably I lay down.


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Evil Arrives - Page 5 Empty Re: Evil Arrives

Post by Saviour Thu Jun 30, 2011 6:00 pm

I glare up at Freisha, she wasn't fooling anyone here. Grumbling at her obvious hint, I stand up and reach into my bag, pulling out a small peice of dried elk. I held it out to her.

I smell the flesh and a low growl crawls from my throat. "You are blind" I said and knocked it away with my snout. "Go" I said and layed completely down.

"Sheesh" I mumbled and grabbed the meat, thowing it back into the bag. I didn't know why I should follow, she was bathing. Wouldn't that be embaressing?
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Evil Arrives - Page 5 Empty Re: Evil Arrives

Post by Guest Thu Jun 30, 2011 6:12 pm

Hearing the commotion I lift my head. I hid my smile as I watched him, waiting to see what he would do.

I was in the water now, only my neck and head clearly visible. Sighing I dip my head back into the water and run my fingers through my hair to get it thoroughly wet.


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Evil Arrives - Page 5 Empty Re: Evil Arrives

Post by Saviour Thu Jun 30, 2011 6:19 pm


I felt another set of eyes on me and rolled my eyes. "You two are crazy, just, plain, insane" I snorted and walked into the forest. Once out of their sight, I pause, reluctant to go forth. We were friends, what if she thinks I'm hitting on her? Erg, dragons.

I smirked at his comment and watched as he stormed away. My ice blue eyes met Dragon's and I grinned. "He is going, but I'm not so sure how your child will react" I said, listening to his footfalls before they faded.
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Evil Arrives - Page 5 Empty Re: Evil Arrives

Post by Guest Thu Jun 30, 2011 6:49 pm

My eyes flashed in humor. "Don't worry about my human." I chuckle flicking my tail out and watching the way Adam left.


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Evil Arrives - Page 5 Empty Re: Evil Arrives

Post by Saviour Thu Jun 30, 2011 6:52 pm

"Glad yours won't ruin it" I snort, shaking my head. Adam was such a dork, how would he know how to act?

I shake my head at myself and step slowly. Following the gentle imprints Evil's shoes had left in the clay.
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Evil Arrives - Page 5 Empty Re: Evil Arrives

Post by Guest Thu Jun 30, 2011 7:04 pm

Unaware he was approaching, I hum to myself and wash my hair.

I eye Freisha. "Hey give the boy more credit then that." I laugh.


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Evil Arrives - Page 5 Empty Re: Evil Arrives

Post by Saviour Thu Jun 30, 2011 7:22 pm

I smirked and glanced over at him "You don't know how terrible he is at communicating" I said and then added in a teasing manner "Anyway, give a guy a credit? They don't know anything about us women" I smirked. My voice didn't show any of what I was secretly adding to the statement.

I step out, she was turned away from me and on the other side of the pond. Freezing in confusion, I desperately search for a reason to get in or say something. All I accomplished was staring into the rippling water with a nervous look on my face. What a dork...
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