Call of the Wild
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Post by SeteDiSangue Sun Apr 07, 2013 6:43 pm

"No they don't." He said with a chuckle taking off into the forest at a steady jog. It didn't take him long to get to the house it was a nice size, big for one person but nothing massive he wasn't really all that high maintenance. It was in the middle off the forest off by itself with only a small gravel drive way leading off to the main road. He pawed at the door handle until it unlatched and he pushed it open with his nose. Home sweet home. He passed the kitchen for now heading to his bedroom and grabbing a pair of shorts off the floor in his jaws. "Uh you can change in here if you want I'll go get some food started. You can just take whatever you want from the dresser." He said nodding at it. He had a few pairs of sweat pants and just t-shirts that should be fine. "You like pancakes?" He asked raising an eyebrow knowing for sure that was something he had.
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Post by Ren Sun Apr 07, 2013 6:58 pm

Tali followed, not bothering to take in the scenery. She was focused on filling her stomach, and unless the scenery held a deer, she wasn't interested. Tali was slightly surprised when the house came into sight. "Right, we have human forms, don't we?" She muttered, following him inside and glancing around quickly. While eying the kitchen, Tali continued to follow him, examining things closely. "Alright." She agreed, and sighed. The tension that had been building up inside her was gone, and she could relax. For a little while, anyway. "Yeah, those are great. I'm not going to be picky."

When was the last time she had shifted? It had almost been a year. Her pack had really been in touch with its primordial side. They lived like real wolves, never shifting unless they had too. Tali didn't know what her own brother looked like, or his human form, anyway. His wolf was just like hers. Shaking the thoughts away, Tali smiled.
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Post by SeteDiSangue Sun Apr 07, 2013 7:38 pm

Thade padded off to the kitchen shifting and throwing on the pair of shorts he had picked up. He went shirtless just like he usually did his muscled chest and abs exposed as he walked over to the fridge grabbing the orange juice, milk, and of course bacon. What was breakfast for dinner without bacon? Nothing. He chuckled to himself and mixed the pancake mix pouring them onto the griddle along with a few pieces of bacon. He left them for a moment letting them cook as he grabbed two plates, some silverware, and glasses. He set them down at the counter, it was a granite bar type extension of the kitchen counter tops that had two bar stools. He guess he had a dinning room but it was usually just him here and he never really used it. After he was content he had everything out he went back and flipped everything waiting a few more moments before taking them off and setting them on a separate plate.

(his human form looks something like this xD)
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Post by Ren Sun Apr 07, 2013 7:55 pm

Tali watched as he left, and shifted. She quickly found the smallest stuff he had, slipping it on and running her fingers through her curly brown hair. She looked down. Even the smallest was still too big on her tiny frame. Laughing softly, Tali padded out of Thade's room, and stretched her arms above her head. "I almost forgot what my human looks like." She yawned, and leaned against the wall. Tali looked Thade over, and admitted to herself that he cleaned up nicely. Her stomach grumbled at her again. She placed her hand over it, and bit her lower lip.

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Post by SeteDiSangue Sun Apr 07, 2013 8:06 pm

Thade chuckled at that. While he definitely loved being in his wolf form as alpha there were a lot of times that required his human form. They weren't far from the main part of town and he had to interact with regular humans every now and then. He looked her over she looked beautiful but ridiculous at the same time her petite frame drowning in his clothes. He chuckled and put the heaping pile of pancakes and bacon he had finished cooking on the counter and took a seat motioning to the other. "Before you leave remind me to get you a pair of clothes." He said chuckling and placing a few pancakes on his own plate covering them in syrup and butter before grabbing a few pieces of bacon and pouring himself some orange juice. He had a lot of food but hey he was a big man? He leaned his elbows on the counter causing his muscular arms to flex a bit as he started cut into his pancakes.
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Post by Ren Sun Apr 07, 2013 10:18 pm

She looked ridiculous. But Tali wasn't one to be self conscious, so she hurried over to the seat, And hopped up next to him. She smiled softly, looking over the food. Gingerly, Tali transferred one of the pancakes to her plate, and a couple pieces of bacon. After filling her glass half full with orange juice, she considered the syrup for a moment. 'Too sweet' she decided, and pulled her plate a little closer. Even though Tali hadn't eaten for days, the amount of food on her plate would keep her comfortably full. She was tiny, and the benefit of being someone of her size was the small amount of food to keep her going. Tali took a small breath, and turned her head to look at Thade. "Thanks.. You've been really nice, with the clothes and the food and everything."  She peered out at him from behind her thick frame of dark lashes, smiling shyly. A worried expression soon clouded over her face, and Tali glanced behind her. Would they find her here? We're they still looking? Tali was worried. She had never staid in one place for more than a day, and her former pack were fierce fighters. She didn't any of Thade's pack members getting hurt. "Just to get this straight, my punishment isn't the food, right? You aren't trying to poison or drug me?" Tali chuckled, and glanced over her shoulder again. "How many are in your pack?
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Post by SeteDiSangue Mon Apr 08, 2013 5:09 pm

Thade chuckled. "Yeah because I keep poison on hand at all times." He said with a smirk stealing her pancake and stuffing it in his mouth. "See, perfectly fine." He said his cheeks stuffed with pancakes. Thade raised an eyebrow at her question how big was his pack? Well they were a large pack he knew that but counting was never really his thing. They had quite a few families each with their own pups.... so maybe around 50? "I don't know fifty maybe......" He said his tone questioning unsure why she cared. If she was worried about her safety she shouldn't be. They were more then capable and he doubted her old pack would expect her to be here. Not to mention they couldn't cross the borders without his permission unless they wanted a war on their hands.
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Post by Ren Mon Apr 08, 2013 6:02 pm

Tali giggled, quickly snatching another pancake to replace her stolen one. "You'd be surprised. There's a lot of household items that could be easily used as a poison. Ever try drinking bleach?" She took a bite out of the pancake, nodding in approval. "You can cook!" Tali said with mock surprise. "Fifty... That's good." She muttered, noting the questioning voice he used. Deciding to drop it, Tali nibbled on her bacon, swinging her legs gently as she looked around. It was frustrating, not being able to hear or see or smell as well as she could in her wolf form. It made her feel exposed, weak, vulnerable. Tali propped her elbow up on the counter, and rested her chin on her hand.
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Post by SeteDiSangue Mon Apr 08, 2013 6:16 pm

Thade chuckled done with his food by now. "It doesn't take much to make pancakes." He said with a smirk. He noticed her seeming uncomfortable and he raised an eyebrow. "Well, Im guessing your still tired huh?" He asked looking over at the clock it was getting late into the night now. She had been practically passed out when he had found her and so 'rudely' awoken her from her slumber. "Im willing to share my bed...." He said with a cocky suggestive smirk but it faded and he chuckled. "Or I could take the couch." He said more seriously this time.
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Post by Ren Mon Apr 08, 2013 6:40 pm

Tali quickly polished off the rest of the food on her plate, and leaned back to face Thade. "Mm, what was your first clue?" She replied, head tilted slightly. Now that her stomach was full, Tali was reminded of her exhaustion, "But yeah. I'm tired and sore, and sleep seems pretty awesome right now, to be honest." Her eyes widened as he spoke again, and she shook her head. "I believe the couch is mine. I've made special reservations. Besides, it's closer." Tali grinned, and brushed her hair out of her face. "Plus, I've been sleeping in the dirt for almost a week now. I'm not going to be picky with my sleeping spot. So, really, I don't care."
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Post by SeteDiSangue Mon Apr 08, 2013 9:09 pm

Thade rolled his eyes. "You sure you don't want the bed?" He asked raising an eyebrow. He wasn't going to make a big deal out of it but he was more then willing to sleep on the couch. He had the bed everyday she deserved it for atleast tonight didn't she? He liked to think so. He found himself looking her over again liking the fact that she was wearing his clothes even though in this situation it wasn't what that would normally suggest.
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Post by Ren Mon Apr 08, 2013 9:47 pm

"Thade, I appreciate the offer but the couch more than fine for me. And what if I have to sneak out or something?" Tali laughed. "My point is, keep your bed. You've done too much for me already, and I don't know how to pay you back. I'm not adding onto that." She closed her eyes for a minute, and forced them back open, deciding it was very likely for her to fall asleep right there. "And.. And your room is too far awaaay." Tali gave a mock groan of laziness, slouching forward to add onto her little act. Tali was content. She could let her guard down and joke around for once. She would have preferred to ditch her wolf form forever, but apparently things didn't work like that for her, so she was stuck. And if there was a way to fix things, Tali hadn't found it yet.
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Post by SeteDiSangue Tue Apr 09, 2013 7:37 pm

Thade shook his head at her chuckling. "Well someone's lazy." He said standing up and without giving her time to react he picked her up bridal style one hand on her back and the other under her knees as he walked over to the couch and tossed her onto it. "There. No walking for princess." He said with a cocky smirk. So maybe picking her up had been an excuse to touch her so what? He had spared and housed and cooked for her after all.
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Post by Ren Tue Apr 09, 2013 8:02 pm

"I think I have the right." She giggled. Tali squeaked as he picked her up, and started to struggle for a moment. Her eyes were wide when she hit the couch, but her smile betrayed the expression. She leaned back, crossing her legs. "This princess has done her share of running and walking. I was more than capable of walking a couple meters to get to the couch. What would it hurt?" Tali gave him a smug look. "But thanks anyway."
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Post by SeteDiSangue Tue Apr 09, 2013 8:10 pm

Thade chuckled. "Anytime." He said with a smile turning and opening a closet pulling out a pillow and a blanket. He tossed them to her. "If you need anything else just let me now." He said seriously. He didnt want to leave her but she needed her sleep obviously and he had his bed to get to.
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Post by Ren Tue Apr 09, 2013 8:22 pm

Tali arranged the pillow behind her head, and closed her eyes. "I won't bother you anymore until the sun rises. Don't worry." She opened one eye to peek out at him. Tali drew her knees up, and brushed her hair out of her face. "Is it just me, or is this extremely soft?" She shifted around for a moment, testing the couch to make sure.
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Post by SeteDiSangue Tue Apr 09, 2013 8:56 pm

Thade chuckled, it wasn't anything special just a normal old couch. "Well, compared to the ground I would think so." He said with a teasing smile. He looked down at her one last time before he walked back over to the kitchen and started to clean things up. There wasn't much to do and he didnt mind, he just hoped she didn't mind the noise for now.
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Post by Ren Tue Apr 09, 2013 9:14 pm

Tali returned the smile. She felt herself dozing already, and let go once he left. She was still sore, but food and the chance to relax had eased it up a bit. Tali almost didn't want to leave in the morning. Her smile faded slightly as she drifted off to sleep. Thade was one of the only people who had ever been nice to her. She had been suspicscious of him when they first met, but she questioned him no longer. Shifting to a slightly more comfortable position, Tali muttered something, not used to sleeping without being disturbed.
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