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Post by Ren Sun Apr 07, 2013 10:46 am

Tali burst through the wall of leafy green foliage, her eyes heavy with sleep and her labored panting loud in her ears. She had been running for too long; an annoying ache had settled in her chest and legs over an hour ago, but now it was unbearable. She almost collapsed against a trunk overgrown by vines and moss, but managed to make the few steps between her and the sound of the gurgling brook. She had no idea where it came from, but as soon as the fresh coolness touched her lips she threw the thought from her mind, her tongue desperately lapping at the surface of the water.
Once her thirst was satisfied, she raised her head, droplets of water dripping from her chin, and surveyed the surrounding area. There was green everywhere; veins of lichen ran up the side of old drooping evergreen trees and an abundance of grass sprouted in every corner. She could smell traces of other wolves passing through this place, but she knew she would be gone before any became aware of her presence.
Tali stood for a moment, her legs begging her to do otherwise, and shook out her fur, discolored by dirt and sweat. She peered down into the rushing water below her and saw her reflection, not recognizing her once white and grey coat. She watched as the wolf in the water yawned greatly, and her vision slowly became blurred and hazy as her eye lids closed. She figured a short nap wouldn't disturb the other wolves' territory. No one was close enough to find her anyway. She needed the rest if she planned on continuing further through this forest.
As she rested her head on her paws she let out a quiet sigh. In this moment of fatigue, she felt content, even though she knew it wouldn't last long. Her last thoughts before drifting off to sleep was of her home, her real home.

(I wasn't sure what sort of werewolf you preferred, so I left it open.)
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Post by SeteDiSangue Sun Apr 07, 2013 11:12 am

The massive black wolf padded through the soft forest floor the occasional snap of a twig here and there giving away his presence to anything near by. Thade didn't really care though, he wasn't hunting, just patrolling his territory and marking every so often. If a lone wolf caught his presence they would most likely just run off and he had no problem with that at all. Being a muscular brute he looked rather intimidating with his emerald eyes and ebony fur, it helped that he stood taller then most male weres as well. He chuckled to himself and headed for the stream he knew lay towards the outskirts of the territory. He could use a drink or perhaps even a swim?

When he arrived however he found that someone else was already there. A strange fae who appeared to be sleeping? He snorted a bit outraged that she would have such ignorance to lay near his stream! He padded over to her and sniffed her curiously trying to see if he could catch a familiar scent when he didnt he let out a low growl in her ear. "Wake up!" He said loudly. He was no fan of trespassers.

(I prefer the ones that are just like large wolves but I can do either)
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Post by Ren Sun Apr 07, 2013 11:41 am

One of her ears flicked at the sound of approach, but the rest of her weary body refused to acknowledge it. Besides, it was probably just a passing elk or deer. They tended to be a little noisy when they weren't being careful. The possibility of it being a wolf didn't cross her mind. Tali had been run too hard, for too long, and she was only concerned on building up a little more strength before moving on again. A dull ache was all that remained of the fiery burn that had plagued her body earlier. Her throat was sore, raw from the ragged panting and lack of water.

A voice jerked her from her rest, and Tali was on her feet. Her ears were laid flat against her skull, teeth bared as she backed away from the brute. "Happy?" Tali barked, her voice rough. She hadn't spoken in a while. Her bright yellow eyes were wide, and her breathing was rapid. Tali glanced behind her, looking for a possible escape route. With hackles raised, the fae took several more steps back, wincing as a twig snapped beneath her paw. She knew she looked wild, with dirty, unkempt fur and a wary expression permanently branded into her eyes. Tali would have to run, and just the thought made her breathing hiccup for a moment. She didn't want to run, she wanted to rest.
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Post by SeteDiSangue Sun Apr 07, 2013 12:07 pm

Thad's growled loudly as she snarled at him getting closer to her. He wasn't letting her out of his sights.

"Give me a reason why I shouldn't kill you for trespassing..."

He growled glaring at her his eyes fixed on hers but he was paying attention to her paws as well. The second she moved he would be right behind her, her tired and worn appearance told him she wouldn't be hard to catch. He couldn't just allow random wolves to waltz through his territory like they owned the place! She'd pay for trespassing somehow, unless she managed to get on his good side that is which was truly a rare occurrence.
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Post by Ren Sun Apr 07, 2013 12:28 pm

Tali wracked her mind for a reason, her maw opening and closing slightly for a moment as she tried to straighten herself out enough to think. It dawned upon her that she didn't have one, besides the fact that she had been run to the point of collapsing and must've missed the markings that signaled the edge of a territory. "I don't have one." Tali responded after clearing her throat. She set her shoulders, ready in case he attacked. Her aggressive expression melted from her face, replaced with a calm shadow.

"Guess this means you're going to kill me now, right?" Tali asked, sighing softly. She just couldn't get a break, could she? There was no running, and fighting would be difficult, if not a lost cause. Flicking her ears, Tali glanced around, and shifted her weight as she waited for his reaction.
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Post by SeteDiSangue Sun Apr 07, 2013 12:41 pm

Thade weighed is options a bit surprised she didn't beg of come up with some sort of excuse. "Unless you have something else to offer me?" He asked with a slight smirk as. He approached her his massive frame towering over her. He looked down at her studying her closely. Was that white fur underneath all that dirt? How long had she been out here, all alone? Other then her initial growl from being woken up she seemed to be cooperating, maybe he could cut her some slack. He would never hear the end of it though he had to do something to assert his dominance. He was alpha of these lands and if she went free everyone else would think they could do the same but he didnt really want to kill her....
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Post by Ren Sun Apr 07, 2013 12:57 pm

"Unless you're a cannibal, no, there is nothing I can offer. And I don't think I would taste very good." Tali asked, looking up at him. She wanted to tell him to get lost, and be the defiant fae she had always been, but all the odds were against her. Sassing the brute wasn't going to help her case any. "Besides, I always imagined my death to be a little more... noble? You know, fighting to the death to defend my pack or something like that." Tali told him, and tilted her head, feeling the stiff muscles stretch out a bit.
Biting her tongue to stem the flow of joking remarks, Tali took another step back. She felt the plant life brushing against her legs, and looked behind her quickly.
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Post by SeteDiSangue Sun Apr 07, 2013 1:28 pm

Thade rolled his eyes at her sarcastic remarks growling softly to himself not out of anger but more of annoyance. She was a cute little fae though he had to admit and it wasn't like he had a mate or anything. He could think of a few ways to punish her. Thade's cocky smirk suddenly faded. 'Woah there Thade your not a rapist.' He thought to himself shaking his head slightly. He looked her over again taking a step forward and maintaining a close proximity to her as she took a step back. Under all that dirt he bet she was quite beautiful. "First off why don't you start with jumping in that stream.... You smell." He said it as an order although she didnt really smell he just wanted to know what she looked like under all that dirt.
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Post by Ren Sun Apr 07, 2013 1:45 pm

Tali grumbled to herself as he stepped forward again. "Respect the bubble." She muttered, not quite loud enough for him to hear. Backing up again would mean a backside full of thorns, and seeing as she didn't need any more added problems, Tali held still. She looked at the stream as he spoke, and rolled her eyes. "Oh,gee, thanks! Just what I wanted to hear!" Sighing, Tali brushed past him, setting her front paws in the stream and looking down at her reflection. "Yikes.." Even if she had already seen her reflection before, it still surprised her. Without wasting any more time, Tali waded into the deepest part of the stream she could find. Her paws brushed against the bottom, barely supporting her as the weak current did its best to rid her greyish white coat of the dirt it had collected.

She ducked her head under, shaking it for a moment before returning to the surface with a small gasp. "It's cold." Tali said, mostly to herself. And it was, now that she had completely submerged herself. Bounding out of the water, Tali shook her coat out and grinned at him. "There. Better? I smell like wet wolf now."
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Post by SeteDiSangue Sun Apr 07, 2013 1:54 pm

Thade looked her over finding he was right she was hiding a whole lot of beauty under that dirt. "You didn't really smell all that bad." He said with a smirk clearly checking her out now. "I just felt like I was talking to a dust bunny." He said with a chuckle finding himself quite funny. He stood and padded closer to her getting a better view of her coat. It was light in contrast to his dark black pelt her size difference making them seem like perfect opposites. "Now about your punishment..." He said thinking his mind wandering down one path but he refused to comply.
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Post by Ren Sun Apr 07, 2013 2:25 pm

Tali threw him a dull look, and rolled her eyes. She noticed his close examination, and stepped back once again. She had room to, now. Lowering her head a little, Tali sat, and stretched out her legs a bit. "I think waking me from a much needed nap was punishment enough. " She huffed, glaring at him once more. "And making me soak myself." Tali motioned to her still wet fur with her muzzle. She watched him, guessing that he was trying to think of a 'punishment' and sighed. "Don't hurt yourself. Just do what all the others do and give me the quick thrashing. It's nothing new, really." Tali snapped, sucking in sharply to avoid ranting at him anymore.
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Post by SeteDiSangue Sun Apr 07, 2013 2:43 pm

"No begging not to be hurt with you huh?" He said raising an eyebrow. He had expected the usual 'please don't hurt me I'll do anything' but no she was different. Sassy yes but willing to take the consequences. He watched her carefully as she stretched out his expression a bit lustful. "I don't get anything out of hurting pretty little faes so I'll pass on that one." He said with a chuckle. Sure he liked a good fight now and then but he would only pointlessly beat the shit out of another male. He'd fight a female if he had to he supposed but he didnt want to. He stood up and circled around her examining her from all angles, not caring what she thought. She walked onto his land after all.
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Post by Ren Sun Apr 07, 2013 3:34 pm

"It wouldn't help my case." Tali responded, not taking her eyes from him. She was still sore, but the cold water had loosened her muscles up a bit. "I am not little! And what's a punishment without pain?" Tali looked herself over. She wasn't that small, was she? Her self examination was ended as he started, and Tali flattened her ears against her head. "Do you mind?" The fae growled, shifting away from slowly.

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Post by SeteDiSangue Sun Apr 07, 2013 3:45 pm

Thade raised an eyebrow smirking slighlty. "Not at all." He replied with a chuckle. He took a nice long look at her hindquarters before coming back over to face her. He had officially popped her personal bubble. "Why do you?" He asked his tone teasing as he gave her cheek a brief lick. "I mean technically I could have killed you so in a way I saved you from a giant evil beast no?" He said his tone mocking hers as he got just as sassy and sarcastic. She wasn't the only one around here capable of dishing out snide comments.
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Post by Ren Sun Apr 07, 2013 3:59 pm

"Yeah, I do." Tali shied away from him, her eyes hard. She snarled as he licked her, and jumped away. The fae stomped her paw. Tali couldn't think of an answer to give him, so she just kept glaring. "You were on the topic of a punishment. I think I'm being punished enough right now, don't you? I'll just leave, and neither of us will have to deal with each other ever again." Tali's tail was flicking in annoyance. "Plus, I don't even know your name. And I don't know about you, but I usually give names before physical contact."
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Post by SeteDiSangue Sun Apr 07, 2013 4:07 pm

Thade frowned. She was right on that one, what was her name? He would really like to know. He guessed he had gotten a little a head of himself. 'Think with your head Thade...' He thought mentally slapping himself. "Sorry..." He said actually sounding honest a rare thing for him. Hell he hadn't acted like this in a long time, normally he was just crabby and hostile. "Names Thade; Alpha of the Red Moon pack." He said sitting down and this time not scooting closer to her as she backed away. He patiently awaited her name looking her in the eyes.
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Post by Ren Sun Apr 07, 2013 4:30 pm

Tali's ears perked as he told her, and offered a small smile. "Tali. Loner of the... loners?" She replied. "You'd think you would have more scouts patrolling the border, right? Or is that job just completely up to you?" Tali asked, glancing around to avoid the eye contact he was making. She leaned in closer. "Just a tip, you might want to make the boundaries a little more obvious. Not all of us are 100% there when we cross it." Tali told him, and sat back. "Like me, for example. I was ready to pass out, and honestly, I didn't smell anything."
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Post by SeteDiSangue Sun Apr 07, 2013 4:56 pm

He smiled Tali, it was a nice name. "Well Tali." He said with a smirk liking the way her name rolled off his tongue. "I guess I just like to patrol myself sometimes? Gives me more time to mess with loners?" He said with a chuckle. Although this was true his usual 'messing with loners' consisted of tearing them to shreds and not socializing and falling for some stranger. He rolled his eyes as she claimed not to have smelt anything but he believed her, that's one of the reasons he was out here. He had to remark the boundaries. "Sure sure. Why were you running around anyway?" He asked raising a brow. It seemed like she had been running for some time judging by her initial stiffness and how dirty she had been.
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Post by Ren Sun Apr 07, 2013 5:08 pm

Tali nodded. "Yeah. I can see how that fits together." She put herself in his place, and sighed. Yeah, she would be pretty hostile too, if she saw a ragged looking loner snoozing in her territory as if she owned it. Tali stiffened as he spoke again. "My pack isn't very happy with me.. someone new recently became the alpha and apparently I'm a disrespectful little..." Her words faded, signaling that it was a word she didn't care to say. "I kinda attacked him, one thing led to another and now I'm here." Tali perked up, happy to have done her speaking part on it, and hoped he would drop it.
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Post by SeteDiSangue Sun Apr 07, 2013 5:16 pm

Thade raised an eyebrow at that she took on an alpha. This girl had some serious guts or her former alpha was a real dick, he assumed both were true. "So you looking for somewhere to stay?" He asked curiously. He'd be more then happy to give her a place to sleep atleast for tonight hell if it made her happy he'd sleep on the floor and give her his bed. He frowned realizing he had officially lost it. He didnt know this girl and he was far from a nice guy so why all of the sudden did he care about what some random loner thought?
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Post by Ren Sun Apr 07, 2013 5:33 pm

Tali shook her head. "No. I plan to keep moving, rest, and just get off the radar for a while." She responded, and stood. "I've been here too long anyway. I'm not out of the woods yet. I really need to keep moving." Tali dipped her head, and looked towards the stream. Besides, if he was offering, she couldn't. Tali had a tendency to snap at wolves, and she probably wouldn't mix well with Thade's pack anyway. Shaking her head, Tali turned, smiling slightly and putting her paw in the stream.
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Post by SeteDiSangue Sun Apr 07, 2013 5:42 pm

Thade frowned and stood sitting down next to her by the stream. He knew he was pushing it getting in her personal bubble but he couldn't help himself. "You'd be safe here I promise. Nobody else even has to know, you can stay at my place...." He said with a smile trying to get her to say yes. "At least for a night or two? You have to be exhausted...." He said looking over at her, hopeful. If she agreed maybe he could convince her to stay longer still? "Some nice food, a warm bed.... sounds good doesn't?" He teased as he sat next to her muscles rippling, he wanted to move, he wanted to touch her but he refrained from doing so knowing now it wouldn't get him on her good side anymore then slapping her would.
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Post by Ren Sun Apr 07, 2013 5:55 pm

Tali considered it for a moment. She looked down, and sighed. "Fine. But don't expect me to interact nicely with anyone. It isn't my specialty." She didn't want to, but he was right. she was exhausted. "One night. One night only and then I'm gone." Tali ignored the fact that he was uncomfortably close for her tastes. She slipped down into a laying position, her head on her paws. the word 'food' lit the hunger that had ebbed away, and she groaned. "Okay, yeah, food. That sounds really good."
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Post by SeteDiSangue Sun Apr 07, 2013 6:04 pm

Thade chuckled. "I'll make sure nobody bothers you then." He said with a smile. She wanted to keep a low profile and he didnt want any fights if what she said was true so why even tell the pack she was here? He had his own private house they could stay at. He looked at her as she seemed to remember just how hungry she was he smiled holding back another laugh as he stood up. "Come on then." He said turning and motioning for her to follow him with his tail.
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Post by Ren Sun Apr 07, 2013 6:29 pm

"Thanks." She told him, and hurried to her paws. Tali stood beside him, tail twitching as if it wanted to wag. A new pain of hunger caused her to wince. "I didn't even think about being hungry.." Tali looked down between her front legs, and then examined her side. The days she went without food showed, but she luckily didn't look starved. Her ribs were more apparent than they should of been. "I guess rabbits and squirrels don't fill very much, do they?"
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