Call of the Wild
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If Heaven Wasn't So Far Away (Reserved for Faye.) [M]

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If Heaven Wasn't So Far Away (Reserved for Faye.) [M] Empty If Heaven Wasn't So Far Away (Reserved for Faye.) [M]

Post by Guest Mon Feb 11, 2013 6:44 pm


Logan was riding in his car, drumming his drum on the steering wheel. It was 8 pm on a Friday. Most of his friends were out and about the clubs, but here was Logan, listening to K-Love, and driving to his mom's house. He stopped at a red light, humming the words on the Third Day song. Finally the light turned green, and he accelerated forward. Then it hit him.


I don't really remember dying. It seemed so long ago. But now, I sit here, looking down on Earth from Heaven. Yeah, that place is real. I see my mom crying. She does that a lot lately. Kind of sucks.

My sister doesn't even know yet. Mom'll call her later. That really sucks.

My car is trashed. My Mustang. Now a piece of junk metal in a scrapyard. That idiot guy didn't even come out with a scratch. And I died. Yippee.

My name is Logan Travis. Or was Logan Travis. And I'm dead. I died last night. Some drunk driver hit me. Yeah, yeah sob story. Whatever.

I guess I'm a grumpy dead person. I'll probably get over it.

There's a bell. Now I'm summoned up to the Big Guy.


Guardian Angel? Woah. Cool. I get to be a live person's babysitter. And save their butt.

Holy crap I have wings. And they're huge. I'm a little overwhelmed.


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If Heaven Wasn't So Far Away (Reserved for Faye.) [M] Empty Re: If Heaven Wasn't So Far Away (Reserved for Faye.) [M]

Post by Faye Mon Feb 11, 2013 8:32 pm

The cars were jammed up for miles, everyone screaming at one another and honking their horns. It was not the best start to the day, I was already running late to a job interview. It was a simple job.. just to make some extra cash on the side. It was for waitressing at a local bar.. but go figure. A dumbass woman behind me.. seemingly retarded from my perspective "accidentally" shoved her car into my ass. I put my car in park and stormed angrily out of my car. It was a piece of shit car, but it was the only thing I had. I threw open the woman's driver door, I grabbed her roughly by her shirt an threw the dazed woman out onto the ground."What the fuck is wrong with you, you dumb slut! " I screamed angrily at her.
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If Heaven Wasn't So Far Away (Reserved for Faye.) [M] Empty Re: If Heaven Wasn't So Far Away (Reserved for Faye.) [M]

Post by Guest Mon Feb 11, 2013 10:45 pm

(This is kind of his thought process, you know? Jut wanted to try a new approach on things. And sorry for the power play down there.)

I bet you think at this point I can be like, "Yo, God, who do I be saving, dawg?" Yeahhhh, but no.

All He had to do was point down. I squinted. Oh gosh.

So I kind of 'fluttered' down to her. Yeah, I fluttered. I'm straight, okay?

She was hot. My girl, the one I'm supposed to be 'guarding.'

And she was a total bitch.

If she could have seen or heard me in that moment I would have been like, "Hey. Chill."

But, you know, I'm dead.

Okay. Okay. I'm thinking, what do I do now? Close her mouth, pin her arms down? No. That's stupid, Logan. Think.

Um, calm her down. Can you do that?

I don't even know what I did.

I was just like "Chill out."

And she did.


This is going to be funner than I thought.


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If Heaven Wasn't So Far Away (Reserved for Faye.) [M] Empty Re: If Heaven Wasn't So Far Away (Reserved for Faye.) [M]

Post by Faye Tue Feb 12, 2013 3:01 pm

(Alright.. that's fine with me. Wink Just curious if he would ever take human form somehow? )

Suddenly I released a large breath of carbon dioxide from my lungs.. instantly feeling a calming sensation take over me. I was still angry but, with my phone I took of picture of the chick's license plate. "Your going to pay for this.. " I spat. I turned to look towards my car and there were no others in front of it. I cursed under my breath before walking over to my car, getting in and slowing turning it ino D- Drive. I accelerated suddenly, the car jumping forward. And in no time I was on my way to my interview..
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If Heaven Wasn't So Far Away (Reserved for Faye.) [M] Empty Re: If Heaven Wasn't So Far Away (Reserved for Faye.) [M]

Post by Guest Tue Feb 12, 2013 9:13 pm

(Yeah gurl. Eventually.)

She sped off.

So I hopped into the passenger's seat.

Was there anyway to make myself visible to her? I turned and looked her straight in the eye, concentrated as hard as I could to become visible to her, but to only her.

In the midst of this this car was too small for my wings.

I smiled, thinking it worked.

"Before you freak out, I'm dead."

Oh, how reassuring that is, Logan.


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If Heaven Wasn't So Far Away (Reserved for Faye.) [M] Empty Re: If Heaven Wasn't So Far Away (Reserved for Faye.) [M]

Post by Faye Wed Feb 13, 2013 4:14 pm

I pulled my beat-up old car off towards the curb and turned the key, shutting it off after I put the car in park. I looked in the mirror, just to check if I still was looking hot. Check. Maybe a bit more cleavage? I pulled my strapless shirt down a bit to show off more boob. My boss would be a guy and I could work men from one angle. When I looked back up at the mirror I noticed a man sitting in the seat beside me. I muffled a scream, my eyes wide with terror, mostly surprise though. In a fluid motion I reached down beside my seat and snatched up a small knife.. the blade pointing at him. I heard what he said about being dead.. he was probably high or something I guessed. "What the fuck are you doing in my car." I screamed angrily. "Get out before I kick your ass!" I snapped.
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If Heaven Wasn't So Far Away (Reserved for Faye.) [M] Empty Re: If Heaven Wasn't So Far Away (Reserved for Faye.) [M]

Post by Guest Wed Feb 13, 2013 4:32 pm

I laughed.

"I doubt you can touch me."

I climbed out the car, stretching out my wings. I walked up to the girl, and pushed the knife down with my pointer finger.

"Calm down. I'm not gonna hurt you."

I held up my hands. I'll admit, that was stupid. Oh well.

"I don't have anything on me. So I doubt this is fair."

I smiled, then folded my wings back into the small of my back. Amazing how such huge wings could scrunch up so little. Anyway, I looked down on this girl.


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If Heaven Wasn't So Far Away (Reserved for Faye.) [M] Empty Re: If Heaven Wasn't So Far Away (Reserved for Faye.) [M]

Post by Faye Wed Feb 13, 2013 4:44 pm

I grumbled, setting the knife down. I snatched my application before walking out the car, my long tanned legs stretched before me. "Good Riddance." I said coldly to the man who was obviously wearing a costume. I brushed past him and walked through the double doors beneath the neon signs. I walked into the bar, sitting down next to the boss. "Hello.. I'm here for the waitress job." I said smiling a bit flirtatiously at him,sticking my chest out slightly. He greeted me and then took & looked at my application.
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If Heaven Wasn't So Far Away (Reserved for Faye.) [M] Empty Re: If Heaven Wasn't So Far Away (Reserved for Faye.) [M]

Post by Guest Wed Feb 13, 2013 4:51 pm

She thinks I'm fake. I just know it. So, I followed her inside, passing through what seemed like a resturant. No one seemed to notice me. Good. I followed her over to the bar, watching her. She obviously wanted a job. I rolled my eyes as she stuck out her chest. Women. But, if I had boobs, and if I was alive, I would probably do the same thing. I have a feeling this 'guardian angel' thing was gonna be hard. I turned my attention back on the chick. This didn't look so good. The man she was talking to looked shady, I wouldn't trust him. Maybe it would take me saving her butt for her to realize. Maybe.

"Good tactics, the boobs thing always works."


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If Heaven Wasn't So Far Away (Reserved for Faye.) [M] Empty Re: If Heaven Wasn't So Far Away (Reserved for Faye.) [M]

Post by Faye Wed Feb 13, 2013 5:03 pm

"It looks good, be here tonight at 11 and we'll see how you do for a few hours." With that he was gone. It was simple.. but what did I really expect working at a bar? I brushed a lock of golden hair behind my ear and turned angrily towards the man. I was starting to realize something odd.. no one except for me seemed to notice him. I rose to my feet and walked close to him, "What do you want? Sex,Money,Drugs?" I hissed, my voice contained to a whisper but my eyes visibly were angry.
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If Heaven Wasn't So Far Away (Reserved for Faye.) [M] Empty Re: If Heaven Wasn't So Far Away (Reserved for Faye.) [M]

Post by Guest Wed Feb 13, 2013 5:15 pm

"Sex, no, I don't even know if I can touch you yet. Money, don't need it. Drugs, do I look like a pot head to you? Anyway, you're the person seeing angels."

I grinned.

"And you probably look really weird talking to no one, because they can't see me."

I pointed to the bartender, the shady man, and all the customers around us. She looked mad. Maybe I should leave her alone. Nah. She was trying to be imtimidating. It was cute. I suppose she can't hurt me much, I'm already dead. I laughed. Just let her try. I didn't want to hurt her ego.

(I'm sorry they're so short.)


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If Heaven Wasn't So Far Away (Reserved for Faye.) [M] Empty Re: If Heaven Wasn't So Far Away (Reserved for Faye.) [M]

Post by Faye Wed Feb 13, 2013 5:33 pm

I rolled my eyes, barely aknowladging (spelling problems..) his words. "I'm leaving. "I said, flashing him a dirty look before getting in my car and driving off. What the fuck? Who was this creep following me? After approximately a twenty minute drive I pulled into the parking lot where I rented an apartment. I got out of my car and walked in and went up to my room. I figured I should take a shower before tonight but I would later. I sat on my bed and pulled my heels off. With a sigh I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a cigarette from the drawer. I lit it and began to puff on it as I sat at the kitchen table.

(It's fine.)
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If Heaven Wasn't So Far Away (Reserved for Faye.) [M] Empty Re: If Heaven Wasn't So Far Away (Reserved for Faye.) [M]

Post by Guest Wed Feb 13, 2013 5:50 pm

[b] I turned and watched her walk out. So much for that. I walked out after her, but decided not to hop in the car again. I spread out my lerge wings, awkwardly flapping them back and forth. Could I fly. I jumped, closing my eyes and waiting for my feet to hit the ground. But they didn't. Cool. I can fly. Seems legit.

I took off, high in the sky, following her little car, wand perched on the roof of her apartment building as she went inside. I waited a bit, contemplated what I should do. Heck, just go inside. What could she do?

I floated down, pulling in my wings. I then turned to knob on the door. Locked. Hm. Key under the mat? Bingo.

I pulled open the door, shutting and locking behind me. I just crashed on the couch. I heard her going up the stairs. I stretched out my legs, layign fully on the couch. Now she was coming down the stairs.

Smoking? Really?

"That could give you lung cancer, you know. And then you'd be dead like me."


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If Heaven Wasn't So Far Away (Reserved for Faye.) [M] Empty Re: If Heaven Wasn't So Far Away (Reserved for Faye.) [M]

Post by Faye Wed Feb 13, 2013 5:55 pm

"What are you doing in here?" I asked him, more awed than anything. From my surprise dropped my cigarette.. then promptly stepped on it to put it out.
"Get out" I warned him, my eyes narrowing angrily. I was furious.. what was his problem.
I was a bit surprised at his words. "Your not dead.. your right here."I exclaimed. He sure was ballsy critisizing me for smoking when it seemed he was taking something alot stronger.
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If Heaven Wasn't So Far Away (Reserved for Faye.) [M] Empty Re: If Heaven Wasn't So Far Away (Reserved for Faye.) [M]

Post by Guest Wed Feb 13, 2013 6:06 pm

[b] "Nope, I'm dead. I've got a grave and everything. Drunk driver hit me. Real sob story, you know?"

I stood back up, popping my fingers.

"And you should hide your key better. Even if I was alive, I could still get in."

I looked around, taking in her apartment. Little space, but, then again, it was only her.

"I could explain myself you know, if you would only go thirty seconds without accusing me of doing drugs."


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If Heaven Wasn't So Far Away (Reserved for Faye.) [M] Empty Re: If Heaven Wasn't So Far Away (Reserved for Faye.) [M]

Post by Faye Wed Feb 13, 2013 6:13 pm

"I don't care." I replied coldly. It was getting late.. six or so already. "Make yourself scarce, I need to shower and then go to work soon." With that I turned and walked back up the stairs to my bedroom. In my bedroom I stripped down, throwing my dirty clothes into my laundry basket. I wrapped a skimpy towel around me before walking out of my bedroom. I rolled my eyes as I had to walk back downstairs to get to the shower. I crossed my arms over my breasts as I walked by.. not even looking to see if he was there or not. I walked into the bathroom and turned the shower on, dropping my towl on the ground I stepped in.
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If Heaven Wasn't So Far Away (Reserved for Faye.) [M] Empty Re: If Heaven Wasn't So Far Away (Reserved for Faye.) [M]

Post by Guest Wed Feb 13, 2013 8:42 pm

"Nah. I think I'd rather stay. I can disappear if you want, but that doesn't mean I'm not here."

She turned away and went up stairs. Whatever. I chilled back on the couch. Then she walked by again, but this time she was naked.

"Is that your uniform?"

(Agggggggggh. It's really short.)


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If Heaven Wasn't So Far Away (Reserved for Faye.) [M] Empty Re: If Heaven Wasn't So Far Away (Reserved for Faye.) [M]

Post by Faye Thu Feb 14, 2013 6:45 pm

I had been out of the room,but still heard his snide remark. I rolled my eyes as I started for the shower. I took a quick shower, shampooing and conditioning my long hair. I hurriedly shaved my underarms and legs before turning off the water and wrapping the towel tightly around my body. I wrung my hair out over the drain but it still remained wet-obviously. I stepped out of the steamy bathroom and stopped in the living room. "And.. no it's not my uniform." I replied coldly and didn't look him in the eyes. I trotted up stairs and went to my bedroom, starting to dry myself moreso.
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If Heaven Wasn't So Far Away (Reserved for Faye.) [M] Empty Re: If Heaven Wasn't So Far Away (Reserved for Faye.) [M]

Post by Guest Fri Feb 15, 2013 2:30 pm

I spread my wings out, which they easily took up the whole couch. Might as well get comfortable. It was a cozy little apartment, about the size of mine when I was in college. I looked up at the ceiling, kind of talking to God in my head.

How am I supposed to do this?

The girl then came back. What was with her in a towel? Was she comfortable being naked in front of strangers? I don't care. I looked at her face, not her body, for mere respect.

"Ah, I see. Well, I'll just sit here until you have clothes on."


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If Heaven Wasn't So Far Away (Reserved for Faye.) [M] Empty Re: If Heaven Wasn't So Far Away (Reserved for Faye.) [M]

Post by Faye Sat Feb 16, 2013 7:39 pm

I walked downstairs wearing a black mini-skirt and a black tank-top along with a pair of black heels. The dress code was black.. but look good doing so. And I sure looked good. "How about you fuck off." I snapped angrily before walking out of the door and to my car.
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If Heaven Wasn't So Far Away (Reserved for Faye.) [M] Empty Re: If Heaven Wasn't So Far Away (Reserved for Faye.) [M]

Post by Guest Sat Feb 23, 2013 4:08 pm

"Oooh. Kitty's got claws."

I smiled, disappearing into thin air. He sat there for a moment, and watched her walk out the door. He pondered if he shoudl follow her or not, bu, then again, this was his job. So, he went through the door and popped into her car, still unseen, and chilled in the backseat with hsi wings sprawled out.


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If Heaven Wasn't So Far Away (Reserved for Faye.) [M] Empty Re: If Heaven Wasn't So Far Away (Reserved for Faye.) [M]

Post by Faye Wed Mar 06, 2013 5:07 pm

I turned the car into drive and took off, going probably a bit faster than I should of, oh well cops usually weren't around anyways. After twenty minutes or so in the car; half focused on driving I finally pulled off to the side of the road and parked my old crappy car. I got out and pulled my skirt down slightly as it had ridden up quite a bit in the car as to have the lower part of my cheeks show. I walked in the bar, flashing the employee card I had been given under a scanned like thing as I did. I clocked in a few minutes early, which was good. I walked to the bar, "Hey.. who needs what?" I asked the shaggy haired tender. He responded with several commands as to what table got what drink. I spun around the room,table to table dropping off some wine at a women's table.. a mixture of drinks at a couple's table and some beer, obviously at a table where three men were sitting. I stuck out my chest especially near them.. perhaps I would get a big tip?
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