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The Product of Rivals [[ Harley, M ]]

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The Product of Rivals [[ Harley, M ]] Empty The Product of Rivals [[ Harley, M ]]

Post by Saviour Sat Aug 04, 2012 10:43 am

The Product of Rivals [[ Harley, M ]] Dave-franco-in-jeans

The scent of over ripe fruit and stale bread made Eric's nose cringe up, and he awoke with a start.
His stomach lurched, and he shoved the tray of hospital food away from him. "Ugh, gross" He grumbled, and yanked the IV out of his arm. It hurt, and he winced. The monitor exploded with beeping as he pulled it off himself, and he tried his best to ignore it. All his muscles were sore, and his skin felt tender to the touch. It was warm, something he hadn't felt in a long time. Eric's brows knit together and he looked down his arm, one of the ached. His left arm held a nasty, deep wound that looked like it came from some sort of canine. Shock fluttered down his spine and landed as a weight in his stomach. Alarmed and confused, the boy stood rapidly and pulled on his jeans. He pulled out of the ridiculous gown and into his shirt. There was blood on the sleeve, and some on his jeans. What the hell happened? He shook his head, and stepped into his shoes. Just then around three nurses barged into his room, and Eric almost jumped out of his skin. Figuratively, of course. He took a deep breath to calm his wild heart before shaking his head and moving to leave the room. The nurses tried to block his way. "Hey, what the hell, let me out!" He growled the words, his jaw tensing in frustration. "Eric!" He heard the shrill cry of his mother and turned to see her half run half skip down the white hallway towards him. He rolled his eyes and stopped pushing against the nurses. The slightly overweight woman dressed in plain colors and bright heels clasped his face in her hands. She was a foot or so shorter than him, but they held similarities in their features. He got his hair and his size from his father, who appeared behind his mother and frowned slightly. It wasn't in disappointment, though. "What happened?" Eric asked, and his mother sighed and bowed her head. His dad, James, gritted his teeth and Eric could see the muscles there roll. This worried him, and he felt the weight in his stomach move violently. "You were attacked, on your way home from the park..." He said, but trailed away, and his sharp blue eyes turned down. Eric's olive green ones looked on in expectancy. "By what?" He snapped, and his mother smiled sheepishly. "We don't know honey, but we're going to find out. Just lay back down so they can make sure you're okay.." She said, and Eric frowned. He shook his head and stepped back, but didn't move to go back to the bed. "No, we're going home. I'm find" He said a little harshly, and his father glared at him. "We need to know" He started and Eric moved past them quickly. He walked briskly towards the doors of the hospital. "We will know!" He said loudly at them, but didn't turn around. His arm ached and he felt a fresh gush of his blood seep from the wound onto his shirt.

-- Later --

"What are you saying?! I'm your son!" He cried out, throwing his hands in exasperation. His voice turned awkwardly in his distress and sorrow. Eric shook his head and faced the floor, a shaky breath expelling from his lungs. "Fine." He managed to say normally, and his glass eyes turned back up to his parents. "I guess I understand." He added, and through the tears in his mother's eyes he saw relief. That was all he could take. Eric turned around quickly and grabbed his keys, then left for his old Chevy Camaro. It was red, with two thick white stripes down the hood and trunk. He turned the key into the ignition and the engine purred in response. A tear sliced down his cheek and he quickly swiped it away angrily. He couldn't believe his own parents would betray him for something he wasn't responsible for. Eric couldn't have known a bite from the wolf would make him this way, he had thought his vampire side would fight off the infection. And besides, just because he was different his parents sent him away. Just because he was different! With that, Eric threw the car into reverse and backed down the driveway. He geared it down and started out of the neighborhood he grew up in.

-- School --

Eric was numb. His heart hurt worse than his arm and his chest felt like someone was sitting on him. Wincing, the boy took out his books and shut his locker silently, the motions were smooth but slow and with remorse. The other kids whirled around him wildly, making him all the more anxious and almost angering him.
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The Product of Rivals [[ Harley, M ]] Empty Re: The Product of Rivals [[ Harley, M ]]

Post by Harley Sat Aug 04, 2012 7:07 pm

(Small question, is Gracyn a werewolf. The one that attacked him or the daughter of what did?)
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The Product of Rivals [[ Harley, M ]] Empty Re: The Product of Rivals [[ Harley, M ]]

Post by Saviour Sat Aug 04, 2012 7:10 pm

[[ Up to you, I don't think she should be the one that attacked him.. Oh and what breed is she? Vamp, Were, or hybrid like him? ]]
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The Product of Rivals [[ Harley, M ]] Empty Re: The Product of Rivals [[ Harley, M ]]

Post by Harley Sat Aug 04, 2012 7:15 pm

(Werewolf probably. Do you have any plot preferences? He wants revenge or something? I'm not good at that kinda thing. I'll post next.)
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The Product of Rivals [[ Harley, M ]] Empty Re: The Product of Rivals [[ Harley, M ]]

Post by Saviour Sat Aug 04, 2012 7:30 pm

[[ Okay, and that sounds pretty cool. Maybe he meets her and falls in love, but they don't know they are what they are? Until one night he finds out her dad was the one who attacked him so he sets out to kill him, then he finds out she is his daughter? ]]
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The Product of Rivals [[ Harley, M ]] Empty Re: The Product of Rivals [[ Harley, M ]]

Post by Harley Sat Aug 04, 2012 7:50 pm

(Sure. Sorry I didn't post, my aunt whisked me away to dinner)
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The Product of Rivals [[ Harley, M ]] Empty Re: The Product of Rivals [[ Harley, M ]]

Post by Saviour Sat Aug 04, 2012 8:01 pm

[[ Fine by me =) ]]
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The Product of Rivals [[ Harley, M ]] Empty Re: The Product of Rivals [[ Harley, M ]]

Post by Harley Sat Aug 04, 2012 8:15 pm

"School is more important to me than ripping out a deer's throat, dad!" Gracyn yelled, her brown eyes filled with fury. "School won't get you your next meal!" He snarled, grinding his teeth. "If I get an education, it will get me a job that pays and I can buy all the food I want from a store dad!!!" Her anger was unrestrained, and her father shook his head, walking away from her.

Gracyn slung her bag strap onto her shoulder, swinging the door open. She stormed down the sidewalk. "Mother would of understood." After receiving a few strange looks from the locals, Gracyn allowed herself to calm down. The large highschool loomed above her. She brushed her hair out of her face, a new wave of emotion overcoming her.

"The first day is always the worst." Her voice was shaky, but she forced herself inside the building. A teacher instantly guided her to her first class, introducing her to a bored looking group of teens.
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The Product of Rivals [[ Harley, M ]] Empty Re: The Product of Rivals [[ Harley, M ]]

Post by Saviour Sat Aug 04, 2012 8:28 pm

Eric grimaced at a jock that decided to throw him against a locker. The blond haired, blue eyed guy offered an excessive burst of laughter and his steroid pumped friends chortle as well. The Rider boy just rolled his eyes and moved to leave again. The boy glared at him as he left, but Eric said nothing in return. He made it to class just as a new girl was, and almost slammed right into her and the teacher showing her around. Eric swallowed hard and slipped by them, glancing back only once. The girl was beautiful, with locks of dark hair reaching down past her shoulders. The boy slid into his desk and let his bag slide down beside him. The teacher of his first hour offered him a dirty look as the bell chimed loudly, and he smiled apologetically.
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The Product of Rivals [[ Harley, M ]] Empty Re: The Product of Rivals [[ Harley, M ]]

Post by Harley Sat Aug 04, 2012 8:43 pm

A canine like growl escaped her throat as someone nearly walked right into her. Gracyn changed her mind sbout him the moment he sat down, admiring his handsome features. "I think I can handle it from here." She said, cutting the teacher off right in the middle of his sentence.

After casting a dirty look at Gracyn, he pointed to a seat behind the boy that had nearly ran into her. With a sigh, Gracyn focused her sharp brown eyes on the teacher. Eventually her mind wandered to why her father didn't want her going to school. She needed to go to college so she could support her father when he was to old to hunt for himself.

Gracyn snapped back to attention, And tried harder to keep her focus onthe boring lecure the teacher was giving.
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The Product of Rivals [[ Harley, M ]] Empty Re: The Product of Rivals [[ Harley, M ]]

Post by Saviour Sat Aug 04, 2012 9:28 pm

Eric's handsome grey/green eyes trailed the girl as she moved by him. He didn't turn back when she sat down though, instead he paid attention to the teacher. Well, that's what he appeared to be doing. In reality, the kid could care less about what she had to say and more about what he wanted to be doing. He stifled a sigh, though it was heavy with drama, and he leaned back in his chair. His arms folded across his muscular chest and his lips pressed tightly together.

[[ Sss and bad 0.o ]]
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The Product of Rivals [[ Harley, M ]] Empty Re: The Product of Rivals [[ Harley, M ]]

Post by Harley Sat Aug 04, 2012 9:43 pm

Gracyn was relieved when the class ended. She picked up her bag, hurrying out of the room. It took her a moment to get her locker open. Her anger hadn't been released, and it frustrated her. It was like pent up energy, sh couldnt do anything right till it was out.

Gracyn followed the small crowd that led to her next class, nearly snarling at the people who kept tripping into her.

(ugh same here)
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The Product of Rivals [[ Harley, M ]] Empty Re: The Product of Rivals [[ Harley, M ]]

Post by Saviour Sat Aug 04, 2012 9:53 pm

Eric stayed a second after the bell rang, letting the room clear out before he gathered his things. His eyes narrowed as he shoved his things into his bag, and he gritted his teeth harshly. He felt the sorrow build behind his throat and he shook his head firmly, then shrugged his bag onto his shoulder. A shaky breath exited his lungs and he left the classroom. Eric glanced over at the new girl as he passed, and he offered her a small welcoming smile. The straightness of his teeth acquired not through braces but from his previous breed. To be honest, he was scared. He was terrified. Eric had no idea what he would be come once the sun went down, and it literally scared him almost to death. There was no solace in the fact that tonight would be the full moon.
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The Product of Rivals [[ Harley, M ]] Empty Re: The Product of Rivals [[ Harley, M ]]

Post by Harley Sun Aug 05, 2012 8:55 am

Gracyn sighed, leaning against the wall. "I see why he didn't want me going..." She said, nodding to the boy who smiled at her. Fear seemed to be radiating off Of him; her canine senses knowing he was frightened of something. In her human form, her senses weren't as sharp, so she had no idea what he was.

Tilting her head, Gracyn followed him. "What's wrong?" She asked, smiling. "Don't bother lying..."

(hope that's ok l?
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The Product of Rivals [[ Harley, M ]] Empty Re: The Product of Rivals [[ Harley, M ]]

Post by Saviour Sun Aug 05, 2012 10:52 am

Eric heard her approach, but thought nothing of it because of the series of others behind him as well. When she spoke, he jumped slightly and whipped his head back to look at her. A frown tilted down on his lips and he fell back to walk in stride with her. "It's kind of a long story. You wouldn't understand" He said, and readjusted his bag on his shoulder. "What's your next class?" He asked her in a friendly manner.

[[ It's fine =) ]]
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The Product of Rivals [[ Harley, M ]] Empty Re: The Product of Rivals [[ Harley, M ]]

Post by Harley Sun Aug 05, 2012 1:23 pm

Gracyn looked up at him, rolling her eyes. "Then make a long story short. It is really quite easy to do." She said. Gracyn wasn't all that tall, and she was shorter than most the people around her. "It would be easier for both of us if you just told me." She brushed her hair out of her face, then settled her hands on her hips. A girl bumped into her, and Gracyn let out a low growl, not accustomed to being social.
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The Product of Rivals [[ Harley, M ]] Empty Re: The Product of Rivals [[ Harley, M ]]

Post by Saviour Sun Aug 05, 2012 1:27 pm

The girl stood at Eric's shoulder, which was unnatural for him. Typically, the girls he met were around his height so he wasn't used to looking down at someone. He opened his mouth to talk, but then the girl growled. He furrowed his brows and looked at her for a moment before shaking his head. "You wouldn't understand, you'd think I was crazy" He told her and looked forward, trying to ignore her abnormal behavior.
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The Product of Rivals [[ Harley, M ]] Empty Re: The Product of Rivals [[ Harley, M ]]

Post by Harley Sun Aug 05, 2012 1:43 pm

Gracyn's temper flared. "Do I seem like a person that would be bothered by crazy??" A small group of people caugh her eye, and she wrinkled her nose at their scent. Without warning, she grabbed his wrist and pulled him to a quieter part of the school. "Now. Don't be shy. Im an expert on crazy." Gracyn had a way of gettin what she wanted.
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The Product of Rivals [[ Harley, M ]] Empty Re: The Product of Rivals [[ Harley, M ]]

Post by Saviour Sun Aug 05, 2012 1:47 pm

Eric winced as she wrenched him aside, and he instinctively grabbed her shoulder and shoved her against the wall. He realized what he had done too late, and he backed of quickly. "Sorry" He said, and clenched his teeth. The muscles over his jaw pulsed with the motion. Eric Rider glanced to his right to look out into the hallway, several popular kids walked by, the girls hanging on the jocks. He shook his head and looked back at the new girl.
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The Product of Rivals [[ Harley, M ]] Empty Re: The Product of Rivals [[ Harley, M ]]

Post by Harley Sun Aug 05, 2012 2:03 pm

Gracyn raised her fist when he pushed her against he locker. "it's all right. But you can tell me. I have some pretty messed up things going on to. And I'm Gracyn, by the way." Slowly, she lowered her hand. " I can sense something is wrong. And we have five minutes till class starts." Her mouth formed a small smile, but it vanished quickly.
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The Product of Rivals [[ Harley, M ]] Empty Re: The Product of Rivals [[ Harley, M ]]

Post by Saviour Sun Aug 05, 2012 2:08 pm

Eric sneered at the girl, but he made no move to leave. "Why do you care, anyway? I'm just another kid with a dysfunctional family" He spat the words, anger overcoming the sense of betrayal that had been eating him up. Eric shook his head and let out a heavy sigh. "Look, you wouldn't understand, okay? No one understands" He growled the words and his eyes narrowed. He wasn't angry at her, he didn't know who he was angry at or why. He was just mad, an uncontrollable rage burned inside him. Was it the change? Or the fact that he knew the change would come and when it did, he'd be all alone?
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The Product of Rivals [[ Harley, M ]] Empty Re: The Product of Rivals [[ Harley, M ]]

Post by Harley Sun Aug 05, 2012 2:19 pm

"Why do I care? Oh I don't know, maybe because you smell like a strange mix of dog and something else I really hate." Gracyn tilted her head. "I'll leave you alone, but trust me, I know something happened that is a little bigger than mommy and daddy getting divorced, OK?" With a small growl, she stalked away.

History was slightly more interesting. She found it easier to concentrate on. Looking forward to The nighttime, Gracyn slowly became slightly more bubbly as the day progressed.
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The Product of Rivals [[ Harley, M ]] Empty Re: The Product of Rivals [[ Harley, M ]]

Post by Saviour Sun Aug 05, 2012 2:22 pm

Eric growled at her words, and was relieved when she stormed off. How could she know? His lips curled up in disgust and he left the small room for the hallway. Eric walked briskly to his next class, and was relieved that she wasn't in it. He couldn't focus, though, and could only think about how she knew he smelled of both dog and vampire. He clenched his fists tightly, and they turned white. When they numbed, he released and let the blood pulse back to his fingers.
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The Product of Rivals [[ Harley, M ]] Empty Re: The Product of Rivals [[ Harley, M ]]

Post by Harley Sun Aug 05, 2012 2:32 pm

Gracyn was relieved when the school day was nearly over. She excused herself from the class, saying she wasn't feeli al that great. Her keen ears caught the sound of her fathers truck, and she sighed. "Sorry, I have to go...." Gracyn explained to her teacher. "Gracyn!" The angry voice of her dad echoing through the halls. "Uh.. Sorry."

She rushed to her dad, deciding not to tell him abot Eric. "Come on. You shouldn't even be wasting your time here!" He hissed, grabbing her wrist roughly. "it was well worth it dad."
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The Product of Rivals [[ Harley, M ]] Empty Re: The Product of Rivals [[ Harley, M ]]

Post by Saviour Sun Aug 05, 2012 8:15 pm

When school was finished, Eric found himself sitting outside the school, head bowed and brows knit together. What was he supposed to do now? With no where to go, and especially no where to lock himself up, he was a loose end. Anything could happen. The Rider boy's heart dropped to his stomach, and he suddenly felt nauseous. He had eyes of glass and a face of stone when he looked back up at his car, the vibrant colors almost mocking him now when they used to give him a sense of pride. Anger replaced his sorrow, and Eric stood abruptly. He threw his fist against the hood of the Camaro, denting it. A shake of his hand relieved the pain in his knuckles, but the car was damaged. Typically, Eric would be so angry at the dent he'd go on a rampage of sorts. This time, he could care less. This odd behavior worried him.
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