Call of the Wild
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Where it all began... ( Wild One, More can join!)

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Where it all began... ( Wild One, More can join!) Empty Where it all began... ( Wild One, More can join!)

Post by lemmy Sun Feb 26, 2012 9:20 am

The air blew across the plains and through his dark bay coat. The stallion stood high, head high, as he walked through the plains. Perched ontop of him was a knight. He didn't wear all that armor, but he did have a sword. And it wasn't it a he- it was a beautiful girl with brunette hair. She was his person and they both protected the castle for the princess and King and Queen. They were bonded from the time she saw him prancing inside the gates as a colt, to the time they had got a job as a protectorates. He was so full of life, so smart, that she named him Dark Knight. Because he was bay dark and a knight.

But Dark Knight was never exactly happy. He'd always dreamed to be outside the gates, to roam with the free as he heard of. He didn't know if it was such a good idea, but he'd always been the adventuorous type, and he didn't know why. He sometimes watched the horses roam at night, curious and sometimes talked to them. But he knew that he'd probably never get his dream to go at least one day with the wild.

"Come on boy!" The girl said excitedly and hit his reins. They were heading towards the forest so they could rein up some new horses. Lesley, her name, always told him that he was born in the small town. But he doubted it. What if he was kidnapped and brought there?
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Where it all began... ( Wild One, More can join!) Empty Re: Where it all began... ( Wild One, More can join!)

Post by Guest Sun Feb 26, 2012 10:00 am

Star Dust
Star stood tall looking down at the grass lands the wind pulling back her black mane, her well muscled body was one of a lead mare. She may be short but in the future according to her dad she'd own all the land she stood before and be the lead mare but all that could change in a blink of a eye, she then turned walking towards the woods but stopped to glance back once more, In time. She told herself and started to trot through the woods looking for her herd which she found rather quickly. The blood bay mare stopped and whinnied, "Father I'm home." Her voice was sweat as a harp. Star barely hurt some one thiscal or mentile she was simply to kind but she could be different. "Ah daughter your back." He said walking through the crowd of mares, foals, and yearlings stopping in front of her with his kind eyes. "Well you should meat you little brother." She gasped and excitement filled her eyes, "It happened while I was gone?!" "Yes" Her fathers voice was deep and wise sounding. Star fallowed her father through the crowd til they reached them and before her stood a odd colt, he was jet black with blue eyes and a saddle like marking for a blanket but instead of white it was palomino colored. "How wearied." She said looking at him he whined up at her and Star felt her heart crumble he was just adorable, "Hey there little guy, whats your name." She asked looking him in the eye with a friendly look, "Well that's just it, we want you to name him." Her mother said and she gave a gasped, "Hmm I think I'll name him him him um mm, Galaxy." "Galaxy, I like it. Beautiful name." Then it was over star stood looking at the burned wood crying all alone exacpt for her little brother. Her mom, dad, every one but Galaxy that she cared about was gone.

12 months latter

IT had basically been a year scene then and Star was far from her old home and led no one but little Galaxy who was now a tall yearling who still held his qunic markings. Galaxy stood by his sister grazing on the grass. It was amazing that he had survived as a 6 weak old with out his mother sure he was a month and old enough to start eating grass but not drinking water. The yearling then reared up and started running yelling, "You can't caught me you can't caught me!" Star imeadently took off running after him, "Oh yea and you me catch you!" Her long legs stretched out not allowing him to get to far off but she didn't go to fast because for one they could trip and get hurt on the fallen trees or something. For two to give him more of a chance, and for three so it'd be more fun. The little colt in front of her then let out a howl of pain and she came to a quick halt. Looking at her little brother laying there squealing in pain just screaming she felt so helpless looking at the trap that held his back hoof which was soaked in blood., Frantically she whinnied loud and clear screaming for help. She laid down and spoke softly, "It's ok it's ok just look to the sun raising, it's beautiful, just watch it. It's OK you'll be fine." But it wasn't OK and she knew his leg might be broke and that always meant the horse would die but hopefully it didn't. She laid by him trying to keep his mind off of the pain by telling stories and jokes but after awhile the colt passed out and she got up neighing as loud as she could ear pricing cries for help. His heart was still beating thankfully but he had fell asleep which was not good.

Dakota laid in the sun grazing on the soft lush grass by a lake no where near Star, Galaxy, or knight. The gentile giant was at peace with nothing to worry about.

(I'm adding Galaxy as a main charrie do you want a bio for him? Oh and ssb.)

Where it all began... ( Wild One, More can join!) 10-black-stallion-for-sale-yearling-04
Here's what the saddle marking shape looks like, just imagin it without spots and in a golden coler-


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Where it all began... ( Wild One, More can join!) Empty Re: Where it all began... ( Wild One, More can join!)

Post by Guest Mon Feb 27, 2012 8:36 pm

(Is it to hard to answer? I can change it up my brain sort of got all these crazy ideas And bam that's how the post turned out.)


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