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Crimzen's Search

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Crimzen's Search  Empty Crimzen's Search

Post by Crimzen Sat Dec 17, 2011 8:41 pm

Crimzen's Search  Crimze11


Crimzen's bright red eyes watched as the soft wind swayed the bright green grass beneath his black paws, side to side, they moved endlessly until the wind paused his bullying. The area was empty nothing but, the cold winter air surrounded him, his paws shuffled slightly in the slowly raising snows, the blades of grass where dotted with the ice. He sniffed the air in search of a meal, or any 'company'.

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Crimzen's Search  Empty Re: Crimzen's Search

Post by lemmy Sat Dec 17, 2011 8:52 pm

Raya's perfect and slender shape peeked from the woods that circled the meadow. She creeped up on the near-by rabbit, eyes narrowed. She wasn't that good at hunting during winter... it was winter though. Stopping, she pounced on it and killed it on a swift bite then picked it up to see a male. She looked, blue orbs fixed on him. Slowly. She stodded over to him and looked at him. "What are you doing here?" she asked; brisitsh accent able to hear.
Crimzen's Search  Raya_Table_by_xxParadox
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Crimzen's Search  Empty Re: Crimzen's Search

Post by Crimzen Sat Dec 17, 2011 9:02 pm


Crimzen nearly jumped out of his silver pelt, he spun around as the voice had started him and made him more alert than earlier. He fur was standing on ends, as he planted his black paws into the snow, and was nearly muzzled to muzzle, with a white pelted female, with dark blue eyes, his heart fluttered, with a shake of his head he regained his focus. Answering a question, he thought of a clear way to answer it,

"Nothing really." He started as his fur began to fall back into place, "Winters moving in so I'd thought I'd try to find a pack to follow, since I don't know my way around this place." Crimzen grinned sheepishly,

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Crimzen's Search  Empty Re: Crimzen's Search

Post by lemmy Sat Dec 17, 2011 9:06 pm

Raya raised her head and nodded. "Oh I see," she murmured and looked at the ground before turning to him. "I'm no pack but I can show you around. How's that sound?" she asked. Yes; a british wolf. But most males found it very cute and sexy but she was always in the intrest of helping and adventure. She met his eyes before turning. "Come on, can't waist time!" she said. "By the way, Name's Raya."
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Crimzen's Search  Empty Re: Crimzen's Search

Post by Crimzen Sat Dec 17, 2011 9:15 pm


Crimzen's blinked dazed, as she had offered to tour him through the white tundra, he nodded with a small wag of his tail,

"That works too." He smiled, and hoped the female hadn't thought of his as being perverted with that comment, he didn't want to come on to strong, and this would mostly likely be the only loner that would want to socialize with the stranger. But, he also, couldn't lose his developing friend, without hesitation he followed after her keeping pace,

"Crimzen." He introduced, "Oh, and thanks for helping me out."

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Crimzen's Search  Empty Re: Crimzen's Search

Post by Guest Sat Dec 17, 2011 10:04 pm

(Do you guys mind if I join in? I only have 1 topic going.. And ive been in a role play mood for a while lately haha)


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Crimzen's Search  Empty Re: Crimzen's Search

Post by lemmy Sun Dec 18, 2011 7:54 am

Raya lifted her head as he thanked her tail wagging. "No problem." she murmured and started through the soft snowy tundra. She showed him in the forest. "This is where there's plenty of winter prey." she murmured quietly and went on. Crimzen looked back at him; if she was going to be showing him around she wasn't going to be boring. "So, are you planning on staying her because if so, I have a nice and warm underground cave that I can share. It's boring being alone ya know?" she asked.
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Crimzen's Search  Empty Re: Crimzen's Search

Post by Crimzen Sun Dec 18, 2011 8:52 am


Crimzen wondered along with Raya, his paws brushed softly against the ice, his eyes wondered around the area sights, in-case he would get lost again. She paused near a forest, and Crimzen stopped as well, his eyes traced the large trees and the bushes inside, he followed her again once she resumed her tour, she looked back at Crimzen and blood red contacted with a mellow blue,

"So, are you planning on staying her because if so, I have a nice and warm underground cave that I can share. It's boring being alone ya know?"

"Seems like it." He said, and it would be even more lonely with Winter creeping in, he nodded with a small smile on his face,

"Staying sounds like a great idea."

(You can join, Acron) ^^

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Crimzen's Search  Empty Re: Crimzen's Search

Post by Guest Sun Dec 18, 2011 1:11 pm

(thank you Smile )


Crimzen's Search  Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSTI-sV2zhIHnQydbRiet3QeNiSaQ9WkOuxTfWhJl289B_5NHalCA

Szana panted, slowly coming to a stop and looking behind her. She made a fatal mistake of trying
to attack an elk herd alone. She whimpered silently to herself, and started to make her way up the
mountain that lay ahead of her. Gentle snow lay upon the ground, she stepped into it, the snow
crunching underneath her hard pads. She suddenly scented 2 wolves. She narrowed her eyes slightly
and tried to find her way twards the two scents, suddenly seeing the two.


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Crimzen's Search  Empty Re: Crimzen's Search

Post by Crimzen Sun Dec 18, 2011 1:30 pm


Crimzen paused as another scent drifted into his nose, his eyes wondered the snowy area until the landed on watching eyes, his tailed wagged softly to show he didn't mean any harm.

"Hello." He said to the female.

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Crimzen's Search  Empty Re: Crimzen's Search

Post by Guest Sun Dec 18, 2011 2:15 pm


She glanced at the male, looking at his wagging
tail, surely he wasnt any harm. "Hello" she replied
back to him. She trotted over to him, "What are you doing up here?"
she spoke looking around the area. Quite snowy, and
the biggest prey SHE saw was down below in the valley.


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Crimzen's Search  Empty Re: Crimzen's Search

Post by Crimzen Sun Dec 18, 2011 2:57 pm


"My friend, Raya is touring me around the territory." He said, and nodded his head towards his companion, "She's just showing me around, I'm not sure if we have any specifically mark destination." He scooted back to stand next to Raya. "What about you?"

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Crimzen's Search  Empty Re: Crimzen's Search

Post by Guest Sun Dec 18, 2011 3:01 pm


"Mind if I come along? Ive never wandered into this place before"
she spoke standing a few feet away from the two.


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Crimzen's Search  Empty Re: Crimzen's Search

Post by Crimzen Sun Dec 18, 2011 3:06 pm


Crimzen looked over at Raya, for a few moments, then turned back to the female, he nodded.


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Crimzen's Search  Empty Re: Crimzen's Search

Post by Guest Sun Dec 18, 2011 3:09 pm


She smiled, her orange eyes flickering
as she looked around the snowy area,
scenting small prey surrounding them
and snow drifting upon their pelts.
(Should we wait for Silver to get on? I dont want to go too far without her..)


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Crimzen's Search  Empty Re: Crimzen's Search

Post by Crimzen Sun Dec 18, 2011 3:13 pm


(I was thinking the same, lets wait)

Crimzen sniffed the air, and the snow flakes began to fall alot faster, he yawned softly, and stretched out his front paws. Sliding down onto his chest and stomach, the cold snow made him shiver just a little, but, he grew used to it.

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Crimzen's Search  Empty Re: Crimzen's Search

Post by lemmy Sun Dec 18, 2011 3:39 pm

Raya nodded. "Nice to have someone to come along," she said, tail wagging. She nudged Crimzen softly. "C'mon to the den." she said. Turning she headed towards the underground den. She went inside and curled up.
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Crimzen's Search  Empty Re: Crimzen's Search

Post by Guest Sun Dec 18, 2011 3:43 pm


She blinked gratefully, and watched her go inside
the den. She sat outside, right next to it to guard.
She felt as if she knew them as if they were friends
for years. She growled at everything that came by.
And decided to hunt later on if they were hungry.


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Crimzen's Search  Empty Re: Crimzen's Search

Post by Crimzen Sun Dec 18, 2011 3:57 pm


Crimzen followed Rayan inside the den, his claw clicked against the rock inside, he laid down against the side of the den, giving Rayan her space. He stretched his paws, once more his eyes watching the female outside, and the falling snow.

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Crimzen's Search  Empty Re: Crimzen's Search

Post by lemmy Sun Dec 18, 2011 4:01 pm

Raya watched the female outside. Walking outside her nudged Szana lightly. "You know you come inside? There's no need to guard. I've been here most of my life and trust me, no one tried to cross. Come on Szana your fine." she murmured quietly and went back inside curling inside.
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Crimzen's Search  Empty Re: Crimzen's Search

Post by Crimzen Sun Dec 18, 2011 4:08 pm


Crimzen nodded when she returned into the den,

"Right." He agreed, "You are important to the group as we are." He rested his head on his black tipped paws, curling his black and white tail around his side and back legs.

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Crimzen's Search  Empty Re: Crimzen's Search

Post by Guest Sun Dec 18, 2011 5:18 pm


She peered into the darkness, watching the valley below,
elk slowly roaming the area grazing while some watched
for predators. Her eyes glowed as she stared up at the
pure black sky, the large moon seemed bigger than usual.
She felt a nudge on her shoulder and saw the female.
"Its okay... Where I cam from I was so ... used to having to
look outside and guard, mainly cause lone wolves would
eat our pups." her eyes grew wide, then her lids lowered
as she realised how tired she was. She glanced at them
both and sighed, crawling into the den, mainly close to the
entrance and curled up in a ball, ears alert and one eye open.


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Crimzen's Search  Empty Re: Crimzen's Search

Post by lemmy Sun Dec 18, 2011 5:32 pm

Raya sighed. "Goodnight you two." she sighed and closed her eyes, falling asleep. Her breathings were light and she waited for the sun rays of tomorrow. She stretched out quietly and extended her stomach.
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Crimzen's Search  Empty Re: Crimzen's Search

Post by Guest Sun Dec 18, 2011 5:38 pm


Szana woke up every hour, glancing at the
entrance almost paranoid something would come
inside the den and try to attack. The made her
worry a bit too much and she began breathing
hard. She squinted her eyes shut, listening to..
the nothingness outside the den. She lifted
her head, glancing at the darkness of then den,
the moonlight giving her some light to see
the outline of the 2 wolves. She took a deep
breath and glanced outside; again. She began
to see brighter lights, and the sky turning a pale
pink. She yawned and got up, stretching her long
slender body and took a step outside, hearing
the bits twitter rapidly, some flying right past her
nose. She sighed and rested her back on the side of
the den gently waiting for the others to wake up.


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Crimzen's Search  Empty Re: Crimzen's Search

Post by Crimzen Mon Dec 19, 2011 12:45 pm


Crimzen yawned as he awoke form his slumber, he stretched his black paws forward, and arched his back, with a light shake of his pelt light enough not to stir the sleeping feas, accompanying him. He wondered out the den and the snow had built up, more than last night, his black tipped paws, placed firmly in the snow, and he scanned his surroundings.

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